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Il is stated that Detroit will petition to the next Legislatura to have that oity set oft' into a couuty by i titelt'. D. J. Arnold, of Allegan, has beun appointed Judjje of the Tweutioth Judicial Circuit, vico Judgo Stone resigned. Ooorge Cooper, a boy 14 years old, Sun of Hainiitun Cooper, in Battle Cioiik, waa killed on the fith inst., by the firing of a cannou. In the Circuit Court of Iugham couuty a judgment of $"),ÜO0 was reiuiorud ugainst Kichard Elliott, tor assault with intent to ooimnit rape. Kalamazoo has 10 churchos, with sittings for half the inhabitants, and expends $20,000 anually for the mainte nance of public worship. Conductor Dybol, whose wife lost a leg by being knocked down by an engine on the Grand Bapids & Indiana Eailroad several months ago, has sucd the company for $10,000 damages. Calkins, Johnson & Co. 's stave mili at Coldwater, was burued on the night of the 4ta, with a large amouut of htading, valucd at $600. No insurance. The Rev. J. P. Tustin, D. D., late rector of the Episcopal Church at Grand Rapids, is mentioned as a candidate tor Bishop of the new diocese about to be created in Western Michigan. Mrs. Clara L. Quigly, of Coldwater, committed suicide at the Berridgo House in Sturgia, Wednesday, by shooting her self through the head witli a revolver. No cause is assigned for the act. David Church, sent to State Prison two years ago from Calhoun county, has beon pardoned by Gov. Bagley. The pardon was issued on account of his being altnost dead with consumption. William Schroder, alias Egglesht, has just been convicted of forgery at Davenport, Iowa. He is the man who victimized the Grand Rapids banks out of a large amount of money last winter. Judgement was rendered in the United States Court at Grand Rapids, on the 9th inst, against eight dentists and in favor of the Goodyear Vulcantine Company for violation of the company's patent. The Patriot claims Jackson as the banner county of the State in the late election. It gave Chaniberlain the largest majority, elected the whole legislativo delegation and county ticket, from sheriff to coroner. H. A. Ballentine & Co. offer a reward of l,000 for any information that will lead to the conviction of the person or persons who set fire to their premises, in Carollton, October 22, or Tuesday night, November 3. A little boy in Corunna chopped off a finger and went to a doctor to get it mended, leaving the severod part at home. The doctor sent back for the missing finger and se wed it on again, and now it is good as new. So says the American. Kent county haB claimed the champion corn-husker of the State this fall, in the person of one Williara Warner, who, it is statort, huskud 1U5 bushels in ten hours. Now comes Frank EL Lee, of Lenawee, who claims to have husked 115 bushels in nine hours. Charles Loshbaugh, of Charlottoville, Berrien County, is without doubt the champion bee hunter of Michigan, having discovered the present fall a number of trees, from six of whioh he has already secured six hundred and forty pounds of honey. A debt of $2,500 having for some years troubled the Methodists of Quincy, their church was about to be sold upon a mortgage when Hiram Bennett, a young citizen and an unbeliever, took the matter in hand, raised sufficient funds and redeemed the meeting house. Tbe Baptist Church at Battle Creek is advertised to be sold at üheriff's sale on the 3d of December. It is the finest church in the city, end has been built only about ten years. The society went beyond their means in building it, and are now forced to let it be sold by the sheriff. The Saginaw Courier of Saturday says : " Extensive fires are again raging on the lake shore, the smoke being so thick as to impede navigation. The eteamer John Sherman arrived yesterday from Alpena. Capt. Stewart reports that he was compelled to lay to one day at Alpena. on account of the dense smoke." Mrs, C. M. Burgess, a boarding-house keeper in East Saginaw, shct one of her boardera, a traveling doctor named Withey, on Monday night last. On examination, his wound proved not to be fatal. The reason Mrs. B. assigns for the act is that Withey insulted her and attempted to outrage her person. Mr. William Burt announces through the Marquette Journal the discovery on the Upper Península of peculiar sand, which, for the purpose of polishing brass , ór silver ware, is superior to Fuller's earth. It is said to exist in great quantity, and measures are soon to be taken to bring it into the market. Two sona of John Evans, of Victory township, were together in a room at home on Wednesday, oneof them holding a revolver which he snapped 20 or 30 times, and supposing it would not go off, snapped it at his brother and shot him in the hip. The ball remains in the wound. They entertain hopes of his reoovery. The forests and marshes in the vioinity jl uiujjBuu were au uu ure uuring tüe early part of this week, and fears were entertained that should the dry weather continue mucb longer, serious damage will be done. Fires are also raging in many sections of Lenawee county, and the people are fighting them day and night. Considerable damage has already been done. Saturday, a Germán resident of Chicago, in pursuit of an enloping wonwn who had lived with him as his wife, stopped at Marshall for dinner. There, to his overwbelming surprise, he found the wife whom he had deserted in Germany eight years before. She was en route to Chicago with the intention of discovering his whereabouts. A reconciliation, reunión and joy ensued, and the couple departod at once for the husband's home in Chicago. J. A. Delmay, of Montreal, a guest of the Eussel House Detroit, was fouud in his room on bunday alternoon last nearly dead from asphyxia. On Saturday night he had been out late, and returned te the hotel not far from midnight. He failed to appear at breakfast or dinnet on Sunday. On going to his room to arouse him a streng smell of gas was detected. The door of his room was imme diately forced opan when Delmay was found lying on the floor noar the door, and at first believed to bo dead. By the aid of a physician, howover, he recovered. Tuesday, he was doing wull and considered out of danger. On Monday quite a oommotion was oreated by the arrival of a large number of Indians in town. By noon the number had swelled to between 200 and 300, and various oonjectures were rife ae to what they were here for. Some of the timid of our inhabitants beean to fear that they contemplated an uprising, but in time it was ascertained that they came to obtain the assistance of Prosecuting Attorney Cutler to give two of their nuinber the power of attorney to go to Washington and obtain baok anuities, etc, claimed to be due them from the Government. - Northville Tribune. We learn that Charles Cornell, a son of C. M. Cornell, a farmer of this township, residing three or foup miles miles northeast of town, was accidentally shot on Saturday. Two young men were coming toward hiui, one of whom carried a gun under his arm, wrapped to keep off the rain, and as they neared each other the man attempted to draw out the gun to show it to Cornell, when the hammer caughn and it was discharged, the charge going directly through Cornell's body, and killing him instantly. Deceased was a young man about 13 years old, of good charaoter, and generally wel] liked. -


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