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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CGEORGi M. D., Physioian and Surgeun. Orine nul n'sidence No. 7 Washington wtreet, four doors east of Main, Ann Arbor, Micli. EUGENE K. FKUEAITFF, Commissioner of Dt-eds for the State of Pennsylvania. Office Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1503tn3 WM. LEWITT, Ttt. O., Physieian and Surgeon. Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Aun Arbor. I487tf 1It ■ r.ll. HARKMIAN HAOTIITO1V C Attorneya at Law. Oftice Nos. 7 and 9 South Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ERASTDS THATCHGR, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 5 Kaas Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mieh. 1386 lüH AUHOR MINERAL SPRINGS. A Morris Hile, .. i)., Superi atendent. Office in building, corner Mann and Weet Huron Streeta. W1ES ik WORUEJÍ, 20 South Main streat, Anu Ar;or, ïich-, Wholesale aud retail dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta and Groceriee. 135Hf VI ACK Sc SCHMIO, Dealers in Dry Good, l Groceries, Orockery,&c. No. 54 South MaiD ■Struct. IT H. JACK.SON, Deutlst.succeseortoC. B. fV Porter. OfflcQ corner Main and Huron streets, over the store of R. W. Kille & Co , Ann Arbor, Mich. vnestheticsadministercd if reqaired. IJTHERL.AND & WHEDOJÍ, Life and ■5 Fire Insurance Aents, and dealersm Real Estáte. Jiuceon Huron Street BACH ABEL, Dealers in Hry Goods Groceries, ie &c. , No 26 South Main Street, Ann irhor. Wíl. W Al.. Dit, Dealer n Rcady MadeCloth ing.'Ilotbs, Cassimere. Vestlugs, frunks Carpet BagB, &c 21 :-outh Mainstreet. JÜAR Y. CHEEVEK," 'aítornet at law i OMce with E. W. Morgan, East side of Coart House Sqtnre. 1331 Y V. C A R R , Dentist, - . Successor to C. C. il_ JenkinB. Jgíí!WSSBeS' Nitrous Oxid mr -S. Q"s administered . when necessary. J Office over "Bsch & A bel'B HHVI r 8tore ■' ' WlPTPT' No. 26 South vwJ__J5J(_iJlLA' Main 8t. pSOCKKEY GLASSAVARE & GROCERIES, J. & J? Donnelly? HaveinstorealargestockofCrockerjiGlaiBware, Plated Ware.lntlery Grocenes, &c, 4c, all tobe bjldíit unusually Iow prices. No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. ll-8tf J. & P. lllhMIIV. [OHN G. GALL, DEALEB IIT FÍIESH AND SALT MEATS, I r.n, S MS ACES, Etc, Orderssolicitedandpromptly llled with thebeet meats in the market. Cor Huron and Fourth sts. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th. 1869. DR C. A. LEITER, Physieian and Surgeon, Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Residence 08 East Huron Street, 14B9tf ANN ARBOR, MICH. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., Physieian and Surgeon, Office and Residente Nq. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingallt, Ann Arbor, Mich. var Office Hours- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 r. m."O1 Referencet- Pbof. Saoer, Pbof. Palmek. H93yl W. A. LOVEJOYT TOBACCONIST 1 Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Smiff, Pipes, fee, AT NO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office, A1VN ARBOR, MICR. W45tf T FRED. BKOSS, MANÜFACTUBEB OF i '.win ;i:s. ni ;n;s, i.i tikkií wuíoxs, sritn; w .u;ovs, n ttkks, SLEIGHS, &e. All -vork warranted of the best material. Repairinu' done promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satul'action. 68 South Main strect. 1422 BUSINESS COLLEGEl ANN ARBOR, MICH., Devotvd to tJie Practical Education of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Women. T)fiy Classes throughout the year. Evening Classes from September to Juue. Instruction accordipg to the most approved plans, and mostly individual. Studente can enter at any time and receive superior iuMtruetioa in Business Fenmanship, Commercial Law, Business Corresponde nee, Business Arithmetic, Single iiiid Doublé Entry Bookkeepinj, Graham'B Mtaüdard Phonography, and Practical Telegraphy. Main line wires pass directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, afPordin(f the student every advantage of " Practice." The procreas of the student in Bookkeeping is greatly facilitated by the use of ft new Chart entitlod B Bookkeepine at One View," juut published by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or address, C E. POND, Ann Arbor, Micb. 1493tf A FULL LINE - OF - i all kinds of Sewing Machine Needlts AT WINES & WORDEN'S. 1601tf


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