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JÜST RECE VED A URGE I.Ii: OF Laflies' Beaver Saps NICELY TRIMMED. AT THE FARMERS' STORE. Chancery Notice. rpHE (JIRCUIT COUKT for the County of Wanh-1 tenaw. Mary Porter, complainant, vs. Osear I orter, defendant- in Chancery. It satisfactonly appearing to this Court by añida vit and the return of the offleer on the aubpeena issued in this cause, that i-utj Hiueuüe oí me aeienaant is in tñe State of New York, and that said defendant is not within the jutisdiction of this Court. On motion of Henry Selleck, solicitor for the coinplainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause his appearance to be entered in this cause within three montlis trum the date of this order, and that in case of his appearing he cause his answer to the complainant's bilí to be liled in this cause and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant, or her solici'.or, within twenty days after service on him, or his solicitor, of a copy of the bill of complainant filed in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof, that the said oomplainant s bill be taken aa confessed by the said defendant ; and it i f urther orderod that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a public newspaper printea in said county of Wasntenaw, and that the publication continue at least once each week for six auccessive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to ba peraonally served on the said defendant according to the rules and praotice of this Lourt Dated November 17, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for WashHrnet Selleck, tenaw County, Michigan. Solicitor for Complainnnt. D. Cramer, of Counsel. 1505w6 Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sk. The undersigned, having been appointed by th Probate Court for said county, Commissioners to reoeive, examine and adjust all claims and demands ol all persons against the estáte of Martin Gansz, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for oreditorsto present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late reiidence of said deceased, in the township of Bridgewater in said county, on Monday the Hfteenth day February, and on Saturday the flfteenth day of May next, at ten o'clock a. m! of eaoh of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, November 16th, A. D. 1874. AARON FELDKAMP JOHN LAYEE, " Commisaioner. Real Estáte for Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteuaw, ss. O In the matter of the esiate of Bobert McCormick.deeeased. Notice is herrby given, that in pursuance of an order frranted to the underiigned, Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judire of rrouace ior me county or Wnshtenaw, on the eighteenth day of November, A. D. 1874, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of eaid deceased, in the township of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on Wednesday, the sixth'day of January, A. D, 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thatday (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwiee existing at the time of the death of said deceased), the following deBCribed real estáte, to wit: Subdivisión number two, of the aouthwest quarter of section number township number two, south of Range six Kast, in said State, containing tifty-two 90-100 acres, according to a recorded plat thereof in the office of the Register of Deeds in sid county. Also lot number four in block number six in Brown and Fuller'8 addition to tha village now city, of Ann Arbor, in said State. Dated November ISth, A. D. 1874. 15('5 WILLIaM GEER, Administrator de boni non with the will annexed. Ï ICHItíAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. Passenger trains now leave the several follows QOINQ WEST. á Ú a m m M 2 u -fl w STATIONS. W 3 te o & -3 S 1 j g a_ __ m a -3 L A. M. ! A. M. P. M. ! P. M. P. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00,10 20 150 4 00 5 40I10 20 Wayne, 7 56 2 35 4 55 6 40' Vpsilanti, I 8 3111 31 3 05 5 S0 7 10 11 34 AnnArbor, 8 55 11 49 3 25 5 53 7 45 11 63 Dexter, 9 22 p. m. 3 53 6 30 8 10A m. Chelsea, 9 40 4 10 8 30 }ras Lake, 10 07 438 9 00 i Jackson, 10 43 1 15 5 10 9 35 1 20 _ r. M. a. K. Kalamazoo, 3 05 S 45 8 30 12 36 OMoago arrive, 8 05 9 00 6 30 8 90 OOING RAST. A. U. A. M. A. M. A. M. 'hicago, leave, 6 00 8 30 4 15 9 00 P. M. . M. P. M.l Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23, 4 45 2 35 P. M . P. M. aekson, 2 10 4 00 7 46 12 40 5 101 OraüsLake, 2 48 1 8 15: 1 1 helsea, S 15 8 4o A. M. Dexter, 3 30i 8 55 ' 6 30 AnnArbor, 4 00 5 08 9 26 2 00 6 30! 7 00 Ypsilanti, 4 25 5 25, 9 60 2 20 6 50 7 25 Wayne, 4 55 'lO 13 7 10 7 55 etroit, arrive, 5 45 6 80 11 001 3 30 8 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Expresa run between ackson and Nileo on the Air Line. The Kalamazoo Aocommodation runs ealduil;-; est daily except Saturdiiy. Dated, November 13, 1874. Farmers' Store We offer (o the CITY and COUNTBT Trilde EXTRAORDINARY lïïilïlt - iisr - Lace Shawls, Summer Silks, Black Silks, 3-4 Grenadines, Striped Grenadines, Figured Grenadines, Pongee Dress Goods, Mohair Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Drap L'Etes, Dress Linens, Piques, Cloth Suiticgs, Fancy Linen Suitings, Table Linon3, House Furnishing Goods, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Mulls, Nainsooks, Indiar Lineoe, Beaded Gimps, Fichu Scarfs, Lace Veils, Neck Rucianga, Lace Collarettes, Boiled Silk Parasols, Serge Silk Parasols, Fancy Handle Parasols, Children's Parasols, Ladies' Ties, Sash Kibbons, Japanese Fans, Parisian Fans, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Cambric Waists, Embroidered Waists, Ladies' Corsets, Children's Corsets, Balbriggan Hose, Lisie Thread Hose, Children's Hose. Striped Hose, Superstout Hose, Superfme Hose. CARPET BBPABTMBfllT. Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, OU Cloths, .Maf tins. For CASHÖnly! ' - - - ■ . . .... _... . ... - , An inspection Will amply repay. G. W. HAYS, Supt. 1505 "Unquestionably the beat sustelr,.,, work of the kind in the Woila ' ed Harper's Magazine, lUIJSTRATBD, fíoticet "i ''"' Prut. The i ever-iiiercusing oiréulation of tlns eir„n monthiy pn.,„ lt.ocntlr.ued adaption VSÏÏ?' desirea , and noe,!. Indeed, when we think inMï maar homos it penétrate every month we mï, Hider it as une of the educator as well aBw',?"of the public mind. foi it., vast popnl.rit, ïulï!? turethat ha kept pac with, it jt ha Do{ Si?J" times, should cause it conductora to regard t wk JUBtiÜable complacency. It also entitles the 7 h great claim upon the public gratitud" The V " TERMS : Posiage free to all Snbscribers In the I i SA,2Í'-ER? Maoazine, one year, .4 publ,"hers e" "- üf U" Postage'byl SubBcriptions to Habpf.ii's Maoazink, Wh,,, and Bazah, to one addre for one year, {'0 " o,' two of Hahpeb1 Pebiodicalb, to one addrese' f,1 oue year, $7 CO : postage free "uoress fct An Extra Copy of either the Maoazike, WrESLr otBaza will be supplied (fratis for every Club 'f Five Suhscribers at 4 00 Pch, in one remitanc" Ö, ftee P'eS ' t2"' without extra copy: p"t,S Back Numbers can be supplled at any time DrUinTE,16,860' Harpek'h, now compnsing 49 Volumns, in neat oloth binding will!, sent by expres8, freight at expense of pureh, & II m Ste volumes, by niail, portpa M P0fpaidl0th!a8eB fOTb"ii. .-.Sntsby'S, withoT,ïI?hPer" Rre DOt t0 copy this vertiMineit without the express orders f Harpeb & Beotbem Address, HARPEK & BROTHERS, New Tori,.' " A Complete Pictorial History of the Times."-'. The best, Cheapest nd mem suocessful Family Paper ín the Unioi" Harper's Weekly. II.tIJSTUATEI. liotices of the Pre.ix. The WerMy is the aMest and most powerfu] in,,, trated penodical published in thi country it' J norial are scbolaily and convincing , and carryraud.' weight. lts Ulustratioa of current events are fïu andtresh, and are prepareri by our beet deBifmèr, a circulation ot 150,000, the WeMy i8 rS['y at least half a milhon persons, and its influeoce ,, an orgnn of opinión is simply trernendous. The Wukly maintain a positive position, and a presses decided views on political and eocial craí.' lema.- Lnuisrüle Courier-Journal. P " lts articles are models of high-toned ditoussion wi lts pictorial ïllustraüons are of ten corroborativa T guments of m small forct, -A". T. ExamiJr Z ChranicU. a lts papers upon existent questions and its inimita ble cartoons help to mould the sentiment of tb. country.- PMsburg Ctmmm Ui TEKMS: Postare free to all Substrlbcrs In the II. S. Habper's Weekly, one year, ... 4 00 publisher:11"169 11ilrment of 8' P8taVe' by the SubBcnptions to Habper'ü Magazine, Weükit ana Bazab, toone address for one year, 10 or 1WO of Harper1 Periodicala to one address for 'we year, $7 00 : postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Wf.ekli or Bazar will be supplied gratis tor every Club of Five Subscribers at H uo each, in one rernittance; or free 'eS ü' without extra opy : Pos'We Back numbers can be supplied at any time. Ihe Annual Volume of Habpkb's Weekly, in neatcloth binding, will besent by expresa, free of expense, for $7 0 each. A complete Set, compmiiw üighteen olumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $fi 25 per vol., f reight at expense of purchawr Newspapers are not to copy this advertisemeot without the express orders of Hakper & Beothees. Address HAR PER & liROTHEKS, New York. " A Repcsitory cf Fashicn, Pieasure.acd Instruction." Harper's Bazar. ILLlSTBATtD. Notices of the Press. The Buzar is edited with a contribution of tact and rülúnt #■ li ii 4. r . . . 1 ■ 1 ■ MM ..„u „,,„„ „c ncniuiu iiuu in any and tne iournal itself U the organ of the great world of faehion - Boston Traveller, The Bazar commends itself to every member of the household-to the children by droll and prittypictures, to the young ladies by its fashion-plates id endless vanety, to the provident matron by its patteras for the children's clothes, to pateramilias br by lts tasteful designa f,-r embroidered Blippers nnd iuxunous dressing-gowns. But the readine-matter of the Bazar is uniformly of great excellence. The paper has acquired a wide popularity for the flrefide enjoyment it aflords.- A'. Y. Enning Post, TEJEUwTS r Postuge tree to all Subscribers In tne l . Habper's Bazar, one year, $4 00 $4 ('0 inoludes prepayment of U. S. poatagê by the publishers. ra HuDsoriptions to Haeper's Magazine, Weeklt, and Bazab, to one address for onc year, $10 or two of Harper'a Penodicals, to one address for ooe year, 7 00: postage tree. An extra copy of either the Mac.azine, Vnm, or Bazar will be snpplied gratis lor every Club of i ive Subscribers at $i 00 ench, in one rmittonce ; or Su Copies íor Í20 00, without extra copy : postage Back Numbers can be supplied st any time. The seven yolumes of Hareh's Bazar for the fears 1868, '69, '70, '71, '72, 'ï. -, '74, ele?antly bound in green morocco cloth, will be sent by expresa Freight prepaid, for $ (10 each. Newspapera are not to copy this advertisement without the expresa orderB of Üarper & Brothers. Address HAKPEH te BROTHEBS, New York. ROOFifyC! THI8 ROOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATEB PEOOF ; VEEY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKH AROUND CHIMNEY8 AND CONNECTIONS BETWEEN WOOD and BHICK. This Rooflng has been in use five years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indeftoite period, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roofs. It is flre and water proof ! This paint will be pnt on by the Compnny 01 sold by the gallon, with instructions how to apply the same. Bf?" No Coal Tar is uscil in eitber. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be wananted. All Communications should be addressed to the HUÏCHINS ROOFING CO., P. O. Boi 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Residence 43 Soulh Thayer Street. 1478tf JEW BAKEEY! E. STILIBTG, Would infoim hia numerous friends and the publio generally, that he have fitted up the store lately occupied by J. G. Watson & Co-, 28 East iluron St, as a Bakery and Confectionery Store, and hope by a strlct attention to business to merit and receive a Bhare of patronage. Particular atteation will be paid to the Ice-Cream Department, "Wedding Cakes. Pyramids, all kinds of Fruit Cake, and Ioe-Cream furnished families or partios on short notice. Frefih Pruita and Confectionery always on hand. Goods delivered free of charge to any pa" of the city. Remember the place, No. 28 East Hiiron Street. Ann Arbor, May 27, 1874. E. STILING. HTAKE NOTICE T Wool time and " after Harvest" both passed. I have had many promisea of payment at these timeI am dow ready, if you are not. I ask you to ro Íoureelf ready on short notice . if you are nol reany, will take right hold and help you. The pay I mum have. My creditors demand it. Putting it off on account of low prices of produce, don't pay "7 debta. Tours. „a 1493m3. M. ROOEBS.


Old News
Michigan Argus