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Local Brevities

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- Thanksgiving - next Thursday. - Milbuni, the "Blind Preacher," at University Hall, thia evening. The November term of the Circuit Courj cotnraences next Monday. A sinall installment oí rain carne on Monday afternoon and evening. The corrected tiine-card of the Central road will be found in auother column. _ The hack drivers of this city held a ball at the old armory last Friday evening. The discourse at University Hall next day aíternoon will be given by Dr. Angelí. - The fattemng of poultry for Thanksgiving Day occupieB the entire attention of the rural residents. f Dr. Drake, who waa killed at Ypsüanti on Tuesday, was an uncle of Mra. Milo Pulcipher, of this city. Piles of dry goods have been unloaded in front of C. H. Stillen & Son's store during the past day or two. H. Teats has invented another " boss" article, a powiler for cleamng glass. We have seen it work ; it filia the bill. Q, Woodruff, of Ypailanti, has associated his second son, Marcus T., with hiin in the publication of the Setttinel. - Already housewives begin to watch with tender care tho planta which would be daraaged by a visitation of Jack Frost. - J. D. Williams of this city, is engaged in collecting information for an early history of the towuship of Webster. ■- The " Grand Rapids Chimney sweep" senda word that he will viait this city professionaüy in a few days. - The ladies of the Fitth Wari Monument Association netted over $50 at their ball, given „r, ThurBdav eveniiiK of laít week. - The f all term of the city schools closes on Wednesday next, and the winter term commences on the Monday following. B- Phil. Bach lef t for New York on Friday last for the purpose of purchasing a new stock of goods, which wül soou commence to arrive. - The musical sodality of the University will make its first appearance in public in the Alpha Nu society at the first meeting after Thanksgiving. - Wm. O'Hara, an old resident, and f ormerly one of our most prominent business men, died at his residence iu this city, on Friday morning last. - Sleep is necessiiry for young men who are developing into manhood. " Early to bed and early to nse" is a maxim which should be obeyed by every Ann Arbor youth. - Prof. J. Estabrook, of Ypsilanti, has resigned his position as acting pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Manchester, which position he has hela for the past two years. - On Saturday afteruoon last, as the engine Defiance with the mail train was entering the station of this city, a spring was brokeii, which delayed the train about half an hour. The fair and bazar of the ladies of St. Thomas' Church opendd last evening, at the Armory, and will continue one week. The exhibition of articles is large and attractive. - Thanksgiving draweth nigh, and if the turkey family could reason together, it would he in as great suspense as the numerous politicians were before election wondering whose head would come off. O. C. Spafford returned from hls trip through Wisconsin on Sunday morning last. While absent he was engaged in marketing apples for D. Henning, and met with good succe8s. . _ From a private letter, we learn that Prof. Watson and party arrived at their destmation on Sept. 16th, all well and in good spirits. We shall publish a communication from them next week. - At the recent election in Manistee county, A. J. Dovel and A. V. McAlvay, former Ann Arbor "boys," were the rival candidatos for Brosecuting Attorney. Dovel was elected by 264 majority. - The public exercises of the Philomathian Literary Society, of the High School, will take place next Wednesday evening in the hall of the Central building. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. - Hays, of the Farmers' Store, proposes to givö the people a benefit, and offers everythiug in store at extraordinary bargains to cash buyers, in order to dispose of their summer and fall stock and to make room for winter goods. - Alva T. HUI, a former resident of this city, who has resided in Pontiac for the past six years, has removed to Detroit and engaged per manently with M. S. Smith & Co., the wel known and popular jewelers of the latter city. - Now the prophets come out with a plentitude of predictions oí an open winter- the muskrats have been interviewed - the squirrels have given in their testimony - the corn husks also bear witness- and all the slgns conspire to forecast a mild winter. - A large audience assembled at TJniversity Hall on Sunday afternoon to listen to Prof. Olney on the " Enemies of Scientific Progress.' The Professor held that these enemies were found more of ten in the ranks of scientiats themelves than in the Church. - A new time-table went into operation on the Flint & Pere Marquette Eailroad, on Monday, and close connections are now made at Wayne, north and south, with the morning trains east on the Central road. We will give corrected card next week. - At the meeting of the Common Council of YpBilanti, held last week, a resolution was adopted, directiug the City Attorney not to put in a defence in the suit now pending against the City of Ypsilanti for the collection of interest on Detroit, Hillsdale & Indiana Eailroad Bonds. - On Tuesday Gen. Edward Clark, senior Vice Prssident of the County Pioneer Society, was presented with a cañe made from the only retnaining log of the first school house erected in this county, which was located near Mallett's creek in Pittsfield, and built in 1825. The cane was presented by Chas. Almandinger. - We learn that J. D. Schermerhorn, who last spring removed from this city to Grand Kapids, met with a terrible accident a few days eince, while engaged at work with a buzz-saw, the saw striking a knot which was driven into and destroying one of his eyes. This happened while engaged on the first hnur's work after a severe fit of sicknsss. - Long winter evenings will soon come, and parents should provide such games and amuse - ments as will make home inviting and cheerful. Many a boy finds his way into the saloons beeiiuse the sunshiue in his own home is obscured hy clouds and seltishness. Labor to make home happy, is a safe aud profitable rule, and if well carried out will return fruit a hundred f old. - The Senior class of the University is discussing the memorial which it shall leave with alma mater. A proposition which meets with quite general favor is this : the class to raise, at their first reunión after graduation, a fund of at least 15,000, the interest of which shall be expended in sending through college some worthy young man who is unable to complete the course for want of means. This sum shall be in the hands of a competent committee, who shall expend it in their discretion. Other members of the class propose to erect a gynnasium, which, with a competent instructor, would undoubtedly he a good thing. Üther plans are proposed, and there is certainly a fair prospect that something will be done to the advantage of the XJniWsity. - The geographical editor of the Tolec Blade familiarly discourses upon events ooou ring at Ann Arbor, Lenawee County, Michigan The shade of old Waslitenaw should return fron the happy hunting ground and tomaliawk hin - The Students' Lecture Asaociation hav added to their list of lecturers Daniel Dougher ty, of New York, on Dee. 4 ; Subject : " Orators and Oratory." Also for Dec. 7, Charles Brad laujih, of London ; Subject : " Eugland in 1874. - On Friday morning last, about two o'clock the pólice diacovered smoke issuing from th store of Wm. Allaby, on Main street. An ex amination disclosed uo fire. Mr. Allaby wa sent for, and quickly appeared at the scène, an on opening the door the room was found fillei with smoke ; a wooden spittoon filled with saw dust was discovered lull of fire, having burnec down and thfough the flnor ; the box was throw into the stove and the fire put out, and the cit saved from a sweeping fire.