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[ESTABLISHED 1801.] THE EVEÑTnG POST. PÜBLISHED IN NEW YORK. Daily, Semi-Weekly and Weekly. An Independent Journal, Complete in all its Departments of News and Oriticism, The Evening Post is an advocate of the substitution of general laws tor special legislation, oí the ireedoin of trade, of the reetoration and mamtenance of a specie currency, oí the decentralizution of political power, of impartial taxation, of the restraint of monopolies, and of the reform of the civil service of the governinent ; and it is an opponent of every form of dialoyalty, whether manifesting itaelf in rebellion and sedition, in official oppression; extravag-ance and plunuer, or in the attempted repudiation of the public debt. It is theendeavor of. its conductors to render it both a satiafactory vehicle of newa and an impartial organ of opinión ; and to maintain lts reputation for aobriety and purity. With thia intention they will Btrive to render all its deparlments- Financial and Commercial, Literaiy, Artistic, Scientiüc, Agricultural, 8ocial and Politicaï - accurate and fair, as well as enterprising and complete, will fuppleraent their own labors with contributions and correspondence from other parte of the world, and will aim to exclude from ite pages all vulgarity, whether of substance or of expression. ti;khs to iaii, si bscribi:rs. DAILY, Oneyear, 12 oo SEMI-WEKKLY. Single copy.oneyear, tó 00 Five copies one year, 12 5i: Ten copiéis, one year, 22 00 WEEKLT. Single copy, one year, $1 SO Five copies, one year, 7 00 Ten copies, one year, 12 50 Twenty copies, one year, 22 00 POSTAGE. After Jan. 1, 1875, the Publishers will pay the postage. The áb&ve vates are as low as íhose 0 any first-dass newspaper publühed. fíz?" Additiona may be made to a club at any time at club rates. Remittances should be made, if posaible, by dnilt or Postoffice order payable in New York. t:evy iti We wül send the Datly one month for $1 00, the Wekkly for two months for 25 cents, or the SemiWeekly for two n ontha ior 50 cents. SPECIMEN M Mltl ILS SE1VT I Itlli:. POSTMA8TER8 and others desiring to act as agenta will be furnished with Khow liills and further termsby applying to us. The Evening Post and Other Publications. Persons desiring to order other periodicals will flnd, lt to their advantage to send their subsoriptions through this office. Either of the following publications will be supplied, in conncction with the Evening Pobt, on receipt of the sum named in addi Win to the regular rates given above. These periudicals will be sent irom the offices oí the respective publisbers, postage paid. MONTHLIES. Atlantic, ...... 3 25 Harper's '.'_[, 3 25 Bcribner's, 325 Lippincott's, ..." s 00 Galaxy, ._ 3 qo Cid and New " 3 00 Eolectic, 4QQ St. Nicholaii,. 2 50 l'opulnr Science Monthly, 4(10 New York Medical. Journal 3 26 WEEKi.ins. Harper's Weekly ÍS 25 Harper's Bazar, 8 2 Appleton's Journal, 325 Living Age, ;.::....... 6 75 Advance,. #. 2 50 lerlons wishing to order more than one of the above-named papen or magazines, or anj otbers not included iu this list, are iuvited to send tor terms. Address, WlLLIAM C. BrYAJTT & Cov NEW YOHK. W. L. SKTELI-r Colloctor and Real Estáte -A-gent ! Especial attention given to the collection of accounts. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. K3 Office in McMahon's Blook, rear of Court House, Ann Arbor, Mioh. 1498m3 A Representative and CHAMPION Oif AMERICAN ABT TASTE! Prospectus for 1875- Eighth Tear. THE ALDINE THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA, Issued Monthly. "A Magnificent Conception wonderfully carried out." The necessity of a popular medium for the representation of the rroductions of our great artista, haa always been recognized, and muny attempts have been made to meet the want. Te successive failures whioh so invariably foüowed each attempt in this country to establish an art Journal, did not prove the indifference of the people of America to the claims of high art. 80 soon as a proper appreciation of the want and an ability to meet it were shown, the public at once rallied with enthusiasm to its support, and the result was a great artistic and commercial triumph- THE ALDINE. THE ALDINE, while issued with all tha regularity, has noce of the temporary or timely interests characteristic of ordinary penodicals. It is an elegant iniscellany of pure, light, aud graceful literature ; and a eollection ot' pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number aftbrds 11 fresh pleasure to its friends, the real valué and beauty of THE ALDtNE will be most appreciated after it is bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may clfim suyerior chenpness, as compared with rivals of a similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception - alone and unnpproached- absolutely without competition in price and character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplícate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or numbor of volumes fnr ten times its cost ; and tlien, títere is the chrttmo, besides! The national feature of TÍTE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow sense. Trae art is cosmopolitan. While THE ALDINE is a strict American institution, it does not coniine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. ItB mission is to cultívate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will viiumintc uiiij uu ruuuus ui intrinsic ment. Thus, while placing before the patrons of THE ALDINE, as a leuding cbaracteristic, the productions of the most noted American artists, attention will always be given to specimens from foreiga mastere, giving subscriban all the pleasure and inatruction obtainable from home or foreign sources. The artistie illustration of A meriean scenery orifrinal with THE ALDINE, is an important feature, and its maniücent plates are of a size more appropnate to the satisfactory treatment of details than can be afforded by any inferior page. The judicious interspersion of landscape, marine, and animal subjeots, suatain an unabated interest, impossible where the scope of the work coi.ünes the artist too closely to a single style of subject. The liteïature of THE ALDINE is a light and grnceful accompaniment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such technical disquisitione as do not interfere with the popular interest of the work. PREMIUM FOR 1875. Every subscriber for 1875 will receive a benntiful portrait, inoilcolors, of the same noble do whose picture in a former issue attracted so much attention. "Mau's Uuselflsh Frlend" will be welcome in every heme. Everrbodv lovea . aucb a oog, and the portrmt is executed 80 true to life, that ït sccms .the veriti.ble preeence of the animal ltself. The Eev, T. De "Witt Talmaje telU that his own Nëwioundlana dog (the iinest in Brouklyn) barka at ït 1 Although ao uatural, no one who aees thw premium chromo will have the elighteat feai of heilig bitten. Besides the chromo, every advance subsbriber to THh ALDINE for 1 875 ia oonstituted a member, and entitled to all the privileges of THE ALDINE ART UNION. The Union owns the origínala of all THE AI.DINE piotures, which, with other paintings and engravingB, retobe described ainong the members. To every senes of 5,0(10 subscribers, 100 different pieces, valued iu over $2,500 are distnbuted as soon aa the series is uil, and the awards of eaoh seriea as made, are to De published in the next Bucceeding issue of THE ALDINE. This feature only applies to subacribers who pa y for ime year in advanct. Full particulars in circular sent on application encloaing a stamp. TKHJIS. One Subauription, entitled to THE ALDINE one year, the Chromo and the Art Union, $(.00 per annuin, in ad am ■. (No charge for poatage.) Specimen Copies of THE ALDINE, 50 Cents. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by aubscriptuin. There will be no reduced or club ates ; cash for aubscriptions must be sent to the pubisbers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, viithut responsibthty to the publishers, except in cases where he certiflcate is giveu, bearing the iac-simile signaure of James Sutton, Preaident. CANVASSERS WAJITEB. AfiJ peraon wishiiif; to act permanently a a local anvaaser will reoeive full and prompt Information y applying to THE VI,lIl: COiWPANY, 68 MA1DKN LAÑE, NEW YORK. FOR SAI.Ii! Fifty-three aerea of choico land, South of the ity of Ann Abor, and within one mile and a quarer of the Court House. Eight hundred l'each trees n full bearing. Six hundred Apple trees and other ïoice irui'a. A denrable place ; terms 'eaay. For further information intjuire of Ofllee Q, 1'sBlock. J' H" ?L$t. CKGUBE YOUB8ELF A HOME. Valuable City Lots forsale Cheap, and long time (fiven for payment if desired. 1475m3 c. H. MILLEN. ARGUS BULLETIN ! I WAIVTEü 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Arous. GET YOUK BILL-HEAD8, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR BALL CABDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, VI8ITING CAEDS, WEDDING CAEDS, At the Argus Office. GET YOUR LAW BLANKS, LAW BBIEPS, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmen, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! Ór A WOED TO THE WISE. i i lp 'm toe. J. Wbtftefs California Vinf$r Bjtters are a pnroly Vegetable preparntion, made ehiefly from the native lierbg found on thelower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountaius of California, the medicinal proporties of which are extraetccl tlierefrom without the use of Alcohol. The quention ia almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled sueeess of Vínico b Bitteiis?" Our answer is, that thev remove the cause of disease, and the ptltient recovers his hcalth. They are the '-,T-eat blood pnrifier and a life-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the Kystem. Nevor before in the history f the world has a medicine been nompoüudcd possessing the reinarkable qnálitiesof VrNF.GAiiBiTTEKsinhealingthesick of every disease man is heir to. Tliey fire a gentle Purgativo as wcll as a Tonio, relieving Congestión or luflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs, iu Bilious Diseases. Ifnieii will onjoyírood hoaltli, let them use Vineqar 13itteks as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants In every furm. Xo rcri-fr; c,;! türté !cs( Uilfers ftétforililig lo dii-í-cfioii;;, and remain long nnwéll, proVided Hiéir bonos nro not destróyer! by minnra] rtWs'óí ovother means, and vital oipms wusted bevond repair. (r:lt"fnl 'riíOnsiüMls proclaim Vinfoat! liiTTEns tile most wondei-ful Invigorant that ever gtnêgiflid tite sinláng system. iniions, I?í mittí'iit, and Intorinitt'Ilt ïVrffS, Whíífe are so píetalent in the vallo .s of otir gieat rivers the Mississippi, Ohio, Mtfwuri, Illinois, Tennesseo, Onmberltuid, Arkansaa, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Eio Grande, Pearl, AJabama, Mobile, S.ivaimah, Roanoke. James, and many othirs, with tli ir vast tributañes, througuout orrenürc country during the Slimmer and Aiitnnni, und rü'mirkably so during soasoiïö of unusual lieat and Jryness, iuvariably :rc(;i:)]i,-inieil by í!xtensiva demngempnts f tlio Stoinach and livor, and other ohdoraiual viscera. In thir treatment, a pixrgativc, exertiüg a powerful influoncc uj.on tlicso vaiious organs, b esaentially nccessai. The. o j ; no eathartic for the ntupose equí-J i l)i:.J. Waikbr's Vinegar Bitteks, BS Ibcy wül speedily remove the dark-eoloml vlsoid matter 'with which the bowel.s are loadod, at the same time stimulating the gecTütioBS of the iiver, and goiipraily rewtoriag the hnalthy funciions of C:e igr: -ivi ci-pins. Dysieisia or Indigestión, Heaj aohe.Pam iu tbObJiOHlder8,ConghB,TigIitness of the Chest Diziness, Souï Eructations of tlie Stouiac'n, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious ittaviks, Palpitatíon of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful ayraptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove a better guanintee of its nierits than a lengthy advertisement. scrotum, líing's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelns, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Infliimmations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, cte. In these, as in al] other constitutional Diseases, Waikeb's Vinegab Bitters have shown their gieat carative powers in tho most obstinate and intractable cases. For luflainmatoiy and Chronic liheiiniaiism, Gout, Bilious, Bemittent and Intermittont íevers, Ciscases oí the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are eausi d by Vitiated Blood. Mechailicai Disoasos.- Persona engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they ad vanee in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowojs. T-i fnard against this, take a dose ot' !auíií's Vinegab Bitti es occasion:illv. For Skin Discasos, Emptions.Tetter, Sftlt Rheum, Blotehes, Spots, Pimples, PustiiltM, Boils, Carbunclos, Ring-worms, Scaid Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scui-fs, Discolorations of the Skin, Huinors und Diseases of the Skin of whatevername v nature, are Jiteraily lug up and carned out of the system in a short time by the iise uf these Bilters. Pin, Tupe, iml oüier Wornis,luiking in the s, stem of so inany thousunds, are eflectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no mthelminitics, Wíl] Bree the System froin worms iike tlieso Bitters. For Feinale (Junmlnints, in young or olii, munied or single, at the dawn of wuüiunüood oi the turn of life, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence cuál íinprovemeiit is soon perceptible. JülllKiicc. - In all cases of jaundice, ■est assuied that j'ovu1 liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removiil. i'or this purpose use VlNEOAB BlTrERS. CUüuuse the Vitiatod Blood whonever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptiona, or Bores; cleanse it when you find it obstrueted ana sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foui ; your feelings will teli you when. Keep the blood pure, and the iieulth ui the system will follow. K. tl. IUcUONAI.U ói CO., Drutfk'ists and Genend AgODtB, San l'mueisco, Califov uia, and cur. Washington and Cliarltou Sta., New ïofh siuld Ui all OruciTi1! tiud JUeulers. CLOTHING! CLOTHINgT CLOTHING ! The Spring Campaign OPEID IN EARNEST. BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just arrived and opened the great One-Price STAR CLOTHING HOUSE . IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. Where you can now 'fiDd the LaiReet, Fincst and most Complete Stock oí RBADY-HADfi CLOTHÍG HATS, CAPS, TRÜNKS, AND Gent Furnisbing Groods, Every before offered m A n Anbor. Notrouble to snow Ooods at the Scar C'lotUnf .Huile', 33 öouth Maia St., East side Lnd Arbor, Hich. 6E0RGE BULL. Mortgage Sale. TniÍV.1"-"', f'TIy """ í" of Mli;h""" ■ ' ■ ■' 1; ';,"ï'! ;Tf A"-K"''A-"-lsí''M '"" ''■'■i"'-k " í-7. i ' nmenlí of mortgage on nuc 8tf; ud ra cal cfiily uslgned by fi I „I "4 Ï , ' hristiafl Eberbacb and Emanuel Usan of sald v rf Aun Arbor on h,, tw,,„v-s,,,„„l „r a,,,, ', i.aii.l the Mr „i füétOgmam tberarfiácorded Invaid Registert oce, o# tb twonty-i'. ,,ti, day oí Ajigust, a. „ isti, a, 4 „..■lock p. m „ i ,. S0ofmongage8,ípagB Sao7aa thera Is düe and unpaid on Id mortgaee al Lhe date of Uils notice thirty oeiUs, togetbw uilh tliirtv dollars , S mortgag, stipulated and agr.,,,1 tp L pa L 5,1 a toraej , or BoUeitofs of collectlon i',-, In case pfí !,huU tak.,-11 ti. f.MWllMÍ S1U.I l.l.„-t.4iL.' ; 'unttjw In aU tg the mm of x hundred twity-l.,„, ■.I.,ll1,r„, thirty efelrt. wl i-I i, „ow Ham„;d to !■ ,1,. , hmvon, and no suit or Pr;,-,, , - 1 1 law er toequlty ha been Instituted to ,v,t the debtMcuredbywld moitpué or any part theïeofi NotlcelstherBfMBjier.h, gi,-,.„, thit ly rtoe of the nmver of sale in .sai.l mortgage contained we wlll forèésaM-moTtga by sale at pubUe vcn.lue thaUgtuwrt bUdr,oii twenty-fltth dav of Januarv, In the raar 1875, al tri, pf tij clock ii theforenobtijtt'Bald l:,y, at the south aoor of the (ourt II, ,„...,„ uM City of Am, Arl.or, sai.l Court House being the place of holding the Irtutc irlthln said connïy of Washtenaw, of the pi mortgage described, namelv: All óf fot n, berud seven (7) in block numjKr oie (1) i„ Ormsby 4 Pam'saddltlonUtoeoity of a„„ ArWr, agrttebi to the recordcd plat thereof. Dated, Ann Arhor, Octobcr 2"th 1871 CHRI8TIAN ÊBERBACH, , ,. EMANUEL JIANN A. FKi.rir, Attornny ÁSfcnee.. tor Asaigncea. Ismi Estáte of Hiram Fiak. UTATK OP MICHIGAN, countyof Waahtennw, 88. O At a easion of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, hoiden at the Probate Office m the City of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the fourth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hnam Fiak deceased . On reiiding and flling the petition, duly verifled of Mana í uk.widow of said deceaeed, praying tliather "y in the estáte of said deceased may be anigntd Thereupon it is orderod, that Tuesday, the flrst day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned forthe hearing of said petition, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceasedi and all other persons iuterested in said estáte are required to appear at a session oi said Oonrt' then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be why the preyer of the potitioner should not bè i-ranted: And it is further ordered. that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of saidpetition, and the ííín# '1íere?f by causing a copy of this order to be pubhshedin the Michigan Argm, a newspaper printed and circulated in said County, threesuccessive weeks iJ'c'iuuB iu ama uay oí neanng. (A true copy.) NOAH W. 0HJ3EVER, 1603 Judfü of Probate. Sheriffs 8le. OY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and -L under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county otWashtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed wherein John Clancy is plaintitf and Patrick Kelly and Khza Kelly are defendants, and for the want of goods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied 'i??n HJ1 Ve nBht titIe and interest of Tatrick and Ehza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the deuoribed property, to wit : The eat half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; also the northeaxt quarter of the southeast quarter of section twentymne, all in township number one south of ranfre six eiist, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan which above descrfbed property I shall expone for sale at public auction, as the law directe, to the hi,'hest bidder, at the south door of the Court House m the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-sixth day of December, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Uated, October 20, 1874. t, M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1501 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Uep'y Sheriff. SherifTs Sale. T Y VIRTUE of one execution isnued out of and ' MJ under the seal of the Circuit Court for the coun' ty of Washtenaw, to me directed, and bearinj date : September twenty-second, 1874, wherein John Clancy ' is plaintitf and Charles Holder is defendant, and for ' the want of goods and chattela to levy upon, I have this ; day levied upon all the nght, title and interest of the detendaut above named, in and to the following rea! ' estáte, to wit : Lot number ten (10) in block three ; fS) north of Huron street, in range two (2), accord' ing to the recorded plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, which I shall expose for sale to the high' ast bidder, as the law directs, at the south door of c bhe Court House in said citv nf Ann , riu. Tuegday, December the twenty-sixth, A. D 1874 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, Octobcr 20, 1874. „ M. FLEMING, Sheriff. loOl By Wm. H. McIntïbe, Dep'y Sheriff. Chancery Order. STATE Oï MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit O in Uhancery. Daniel Hand, eomplainant, vs. George D. Hül, Francés A. HUÍ, James C. Allen Francés E. Alien.'Elisha 8. Fassett. Lucy C Fassett Amblóse V. Robison, Charles Baxter, Lewis C. Eisdou, William M. White, George Jerome, Hanson Sessions, and Timothy Eiley, Defendants Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw. in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on the nfth dayof November, 1874, upon prooi' afüdavit on lile, that the said EJislia S. Fassett, one of said defendants, is continually absent from his place of residence, towit: the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and that said Wüliam M. White, one of said defendants, is not a resident of the State of Michigan, but that he resides in the State of New York, it is on motion of George E. Hand, the solicitor for said eomplainant ordered that the said defendants Elisha SS Fassett and William M. White, appear in said suit and answer the bill of eomplaint therein within three months from this date ; alao that this order be publishod once in each week for six weeks in succession in the Michigan Ariius, a newspaper printed and published in said county, the flrst publication to be within twfenty days from this date. Dated, November 5, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner, Waahtenaw Geoiioe E. Hand, County, Michigan. Solicitor for (Jomp. 1505 Chanoery Notie. 'IIUECIKCUIT COURT for the county of WashA tenaw, Maria Grama, complairant, vs. Frcilerïck R. (irams, defendant, in chancery. It satislactonly appearing to tlns Oourt by atüdavit, and the return ol the othcer on the aubpoena isued in this cause, that the residence of the defendant is unknown, and that said defendant ia not within the jurisdiction of thiaCourt; on molion of Densmore Cramer, solieitor for the complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause his appearanceto beentered in this cause within three months froin the date of thia order, and that in case oí bis appearing he oause his answel to the complainant'n bilí to be filed in this cause and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant or her solicitor within twenty days after service on him or his solicitor, of a copy of the the bili of eomplainant filed in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said oomplainant's bilí be taken as confessed by the said defendaut: And it is further ordered that ' within twenty days the aaid complainant cause a ' Jopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a public newspaper printed in said county of ' 'Vashtenaw, and that the publication continue at ' least once eacu week for six aucconsivc weeks, or that ' ihe cause a copy of this order to be personally served )n the said defc ndant, according to the rules and ' prictice of this Court. f Dated November 9, 1874. ■ JOHN P. LAWEENCE, ' Circuit Court Commissioner, in and for r }. Ciiamer, Washtenuw County, Michigan, l iolicitor for Complainant. . 1004 Chancery Notice. THE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of WaahÍ tenaw, Francis Kmyon, complainant, vs. Orin Kinyon, defendant, in chancery. It satisfactorily appearing to thia Court by amdavit, and the return of the officer on the subpoena issued in this cause, tliat the residence of the defendant is unknown, and that suid defendant ie not within the juriadiotion of this Court ; on motion of D. Cramer, solicitor for eomplainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause his appe nrunce to be entered in this cause withm three months from the date of this order, and that in case of bis appeai anee be cause his auswer to th e complainant's bil] to be flled in this cause and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant or her solici toi within twenty days after service on him or his solicitor, of h copy of the bill of complaint tiled in this cause, anda ootice of this order, and in default thereof that the said complninants bill be taken as coufessed by the said defendaut ; And it is further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy ol this order to be published in the Michigan Argus a public newspaper printed ín said county of Wiishtenaw, and that the publication continue at least once each week for six sucoessive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant according to the rules and praetice of this Court. Dated November 9, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENOE, Circuit Court Commissioner in and D. Chamer, for Waahtenaw county, Michig;in. Solicitor for Complainant. 1504 HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOR SALE. THE subecriber has on hand a good assortment of OAK, A8H, KLM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD, and other varieties of Lumber, from U in, to 3 ia. tbick. ALSO, Pence PoBts, Square Tiicber, Plank and Oak Studdinii 8f all sizes kept on hand 01 made to order on short notice. Particular attention giyen to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and aawed to order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and soldoheap. ('articular attantion giren to furnishing bilis of timber of different lengths and sizes on the moat reasonable terms. SAWS UUMJIED ON SHORT NOTK'B. LOGS WANTED. I am prepared to pay CASH for sound Oak, Aah, liasawood and Whitewood Loifs delivered at my mili, or will buy and raeaaure Loga in tho woods within six miles of the mili. RrffAll persona indebted to the late flrm of Wlnes & Halloek will please cali and settle their accounts at the Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. F IVE ÖEESE FEATHKKS PIBST QUALITY 'jnatsntly on hand andforaaleby BACfffr ABEL. Mortgage Salo. WHEEEA9 Jamos MoMahon anrl p. , Mahon „f th, clty of Ann Ar bor ,n'e Washtenaw and Btate oí icl te, , ,„ , iï cou"ty 1 '■i"),i hnndred and seventy-one .- ,,, ,tr""lsr,í tolfMI 1 II. r,!,,,,-,,,,;,,, Hro-.í vTnftí! Olí Principal and bíteres! monej theiL m! íerti" wtnri, nuutgatse was recotdod ni H,. , ' ""H U.-Kisi,r,,i Deed in raid connty, onlüf f-.,th.i,,y „r March.A. 1). 1871, at tv",r T"naU oVI,,,-k ... m of Mid day, ,n lii,, !,. " T, y ""'■ gage , on paga 4M2. and whewa. iefanlt kí "ü" nade for more Ihnn thirty days in ti,,. ,„„L"? S tattalment of interen monev which b,,n$of theeighth dayof September; A. 1) i"" aI?edeo wheleof and pursunnt to the termí of said m !ea" .i.,l mortBagwriHWbT electa that 'o mM principáis remaim nnpaid, with all arr,.„ ' "1 mtererttliercoD, sball beoome due an, p .."W "f mliately ; nrt wjierea therei. olaim,,í tJ'Sf andnnpaiíbnsaia montage at the date of t? tieeflTethOTJMUia right hnndred and ,ixtv h's"iar9 and flfty.oight cent for principal aíd"' also an attorney Ice of thirty ñv(! doí. "íre". ay prooeedmgB bc tak,-., to tmtclog, the "ld addition to all other costa; and no snit orS e'' mgs havmg been inrtituted ëither in law aï M r..ov,-r the same or any part thereS: %%&. thereforo her.),, gtvefl, thal on the twentv-tl, :' of January Mxt, al two tfolock in tli' -tJZ "U'r saidday, al thTtront loor of the Court Hou00"0' Jjtyrf Ann Aroor, fthat belng the pla-"öï I 'í'1 the Circuit Court for Kaid countv), and hl irt the power of sale owtained in sa'id mortp Z, l"t sell at ptíblie aúbhon,to the hieliet ?,lIsha11 premaeBdescribedlii Mid moriré to s ,' tbe amount of principal and interest ibove ch"L'h! ne, wlth the oharge of sucn ■md -.ti med ofthirty-Hve dollar A.l ,ho'é cortaS" pateéis of land situuted in the townshin of 1„ ,m bor, connty of Washtenaw and State a"A' known , bounded, and described as follow„ "f !, cinsr the wet fracüon of tbe no,th-we,t fr,5Wlt: quarterofsection numlicr aeventeén flJitoSf1 ber two(2j south of ranjre nnmbermx 6) pII""0' taming acrecí land Cexeept L sold to Jonn I,. Tappan) alm the east h,w J? southeast fractional quartèr of section eventL"' '( townshtp number two south of range numfi " east, containini „bout aeventy acres , 1 ? acres , sold to Fralick and ten acres sold to pS all that part of the south half of seciion „"' " M seventeen (17) townsbip number two somh of Í1" S ofTand" Ín M ne hlmdred d S Bated, Uctober 30, 18?4. J-OBKN.Gorr. BAMI:EL 1", Atfy for Mortgagee. 1502 gBeeMortgage Sale. ■ -JEFAULT haring been made in the condujo.., }J a ceitam mortgage (wberebythe power K m said mortgage has becomeoperativej, eïeculii " Allen II. Jitóuou, 'liu.stee, tor the benefit of 1 childrea " ot Wushtenaw county, Btate of Micb ,' v 1ZH Y■ ,KelT' of K""10. 'H the State wK; York, whtch morteage is dated the tweBrViS day of March, A. D. 1872, and reeorded in the ters oiface of the county of Washtenaw onT twenty-smh day of March, 1812, at 1:20 p. „ ?Jy 44 ot mortgages, on page 780. and th, re brimcl, Z to be due and unpaid on said mortgM and the Z accompanying tbe si.rae the eum oi h've hundri,í twenty-ftne dollars and sixty-six cents f$521 66J ,ïï the sum oi thiee hundred doUai-s with intói5 the„rat10t te" P" CCIlt fl0m the twenty-MitT j„ t March, A. D. 1874, wbichha become duebyieJS of said default, and the election of said morta making whole sum due on caid mortBa!S note at the date of tliis notice to be eioht hïïïï and thirty-four dollar and sixty six cents ífí attorneys fee of thirty dollars as providedïïï said murtgaae, and do proceedii gs at law orinL ceryhavinu been instituted to recover the mm any part tuerepf : Notice is therefore herrtv ZI that on Saturday, the twcuty-iighth day of M bernext, at eleven o'olock ia tbe forenoon of li day, at the BOUth door of the Courl House ii 7Í city of Ann Arbor (that being the place for'boldn. the Circuit Ckmrt for said. county ot Washknaw, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder ie premtses described in said montage or so m.i thereof ab shail be necesbary to satisfy said amoom with interest, costs and expemes, which premuá are desenbeo as follows. to wit: All oí lot nomte seven in section four of Allen H. Ki-don' dditm to the TiTJage of Saline, in the county of Waste naw and State of Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1874 „ _ MIZA M. KEUR D. Ckameh, Mort..i Atfy for jtfortgagoo. J494 Monglee Mortgage Sale. lAEFArrThaving been made in the conditiom of IJ a oertain mortgage, dated the twenty-ÜM dn of August A. I). 187Í, made and executed bv Timi tby Kenedy and Johanna Kenedy, his wife of tbe city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw dJ State of Michigan, to Thomas J. Hoskins óftbt same place, and reeorded in the office of the Bar ter ot Ueeds, for the county of "Washtenm and Htate of Michigan, on the twenty-seoond dar of August A. D. 1872, at uine o'clock and tweitt minutes, a . m.. in liber 45 of mortgages, on pui 20, wbich said mortgage was on the tweDty-ninth day of August, A. U, 1874. duly aseigned byThooii J. Hoskins, to Richard Beahan, which assiiDmrat was reeorded in the Kegister's office of siiid county of Washtenaw, on tbe twentyninth day of August A. D. 1874, at ten o'cïock a. m., in lib'er 4, assien' menis oí mongages, 011 pi(rre 377, and whereaa there is now due and unpaid at the date of this notice tfae sum of sixty-one dolíais fffii.OUj, and no auit or proceeding at law or in equity has been inatitoted torecover the same or auy part thereof: NoiiceU hereby given üiat on Saturday, the fifi h linv of December, A. D. 1S74, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ot that day, at the front door (aouth sidej of e Oom-t House, in the city of Ann Arbor, countv of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, by virtue et the power of sale contained in said mortgaee, I mll sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises described in snid montage, or so much thereof as may be neeessary to satiefy tfae amount due on said mortgage at tlic date of this notice, mth interest and costs and expendes allowfd bj la, md alo an attorney fee of twenty dollars m provided in said mortgage ; the is a desróUOT, ot the premises as given in said mortg-aire an& to x sold pursuant to the above notice towit: jHltlist Parcel oí land known and described as the north tour rodb m width off the south twelve rod in length of block f our north, in range two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, nd State of Michigan, said land bting bounded bv Allen's creek. anü easterly by iáecond street. Dated, September 3, 1874 KIOHAED BEAHAST, 1494 As.siüBee of JVlortgagce and AU). Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of acertain mortgiige Cwhereby the power of aale became operative in said mortgage), executed br Samuel Bortle and Marión Borile his wife, of Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, to Allen H. Ei don, of the county and State aforesaid, and dated theeighth day of August, A D 1S7Ü, and recorded in the Registers oftice, of the county of WaBbteDaw on the tenth day of AuguBt, 18(0. at 1 ' o'clock p, M., in líber 44 and page 331, and duly aüugned bf mi Allen H. itisdon to Norman B. Covert, of thetownflhip ot Ann Arbor, the second day of Jacuary, 18T3, which fisaiynment was recorded July tweníy-íirst, 1873, in liber 4 of asaignment oí morteragPB, on 'page 78, and there being claimed to be due on saidmortgage and the note accompanying the same íorty-one dolWsanil sixty-eight cents, and also four hundied and ten dollttrs, with interest at the rate of ten per cent. per annuni, from the date of August eiïhth, !74. which has becouie due by reason oí said default an3 the electionjof said niortifagee miikine the whole aura due on said mortgage and note íour hundred and flftynine dollars and twenty-one eents at the date of Üw notice, also an attorney f e of tliirty dollars as provided forin aaid mortgage, and no proeeedings at luw or in chancery ha ving been instituted to recover the earue or any part thereof : Notice is therefort hereby given, that on Monday, the eigïiteenth Jaj of January, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of eaid day, at the sou tb door of the Ccuri House, in the city of Ann Arbor (that bing the place of holding- the Circuit Court for said county of Washtepaw), 1 will eell at public auction to the highest bidder, the prerüises described ie said mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisiy said amount, with interest, cottts and expenses, which premi are described as follows, to wit : All of lot number sixteen, in section number five, in Allen H. Risdon's addition to the villagc of Baline, county of 'Wasiilenaw, and State of Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereof. Uated, Ann Arbor, October 14, 1874. NORMAN B. COVERT, 1500 Assignee of Mortgflfre. Mortgage ñale. DEFAULT having been made in the eonditionsofa certain mortgage Cwhereby the power of sale ia said mortgage has become operative} executed by Delevan K. Doane and Fannie I,. Doane, of the city o' Ann Arbor, county of Washten.iw and State oí Michigan, to Sarah G. Winner of Pennington, Mercercounty, New Jersey, which mortgage is dated the twentiet h day of April, A. ü. 1871, and recorded in the otiice of the Uegister of Deeds for said coun'ï of AViishtenaw, on the twenty-fourtn day of April. A. D. 1871. at 4Af p. mm in liber 45 of mortgngea. od page 90, and there being claimed to be due and unpaw on said mortgage and the note accompanying tU same at the date of this notice the 6iim of one thousand cight hundred and nineteeu dolíais and fifty cents fI,8iy 50), also an attorney's fee of twenly five dollars as prorided lor in eaid mortgage, and n proeeedingsi at law or in equity having been iarf1 tuted to recover the same or any part thereof : N tice is therefore horeby given, that on Saturday. tte sixteenth day of Januiiry, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of a.nid day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. fthat being the place for holding the Circuit Court for sflid county m Washtenawj, 1 shall fell at Vn" lic auction to the highest bidder, the premieesdescribed in said mortgage, or go much thereof as shiul be necessary to satis ty aaid amount, with interest, costa, and expenses allowed by law, whicli snid prem' Eses are deseribed in said mortgage as folio ws: -AU of the following desoribed piece of land: Commen in at a point in tho south line of Huron etreet twelve rods west of the cast line of section llurt)in town nurnber twosouth, and range number s east, in the eounty of Washtenaw and State of Micbigan, running thenee west on Huron streef for roda, thenee south eiiïht rods, thence eaat four rods, thence north eight rods to the place of bqgiaaiiur Dated, October 16, 1874. SAKAH G. WINNER, D. Cbamer, MortgageeAtt'y for Mortgagee. lñOO Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having been made in the conditiom o' a certain mortgage (whereby the power con" tained therein to seU has beeome opentivêj, eee"te by " Allen H. Kisuon, Trustee for the benefit of w children," of Saline, Washtenaw county, Micl"S8111 to ComBtock F. Hill, of said oounty, and dated toe first day of April, one thousand eisht hundred V}a ecventy-one, nnd recorded in the office of the KelP8' tor oí' Deeds of aid Wabhtenaw county, on the seTel' teenth day of April 1S71, at 11:80 a. m., in li of mortages, on paire 140, upon which mortL'ftf'1: and the note accompanying the same there ia clsin1 to be due at the date of this notice the suin ' seventy-three dollars and ten cents ($73.10), alsoj attorney fee oí thirty dollars provided for in mortgage, also there is to becorae due n said raT' gage and 8aid note the t;um of one thousand dolinr with inlirest at toe rate of ten per cent. per m' from and after April flrsrt 1S74, and no suit or proceediugs at law or in chancery having been instituí to recover the sanie or any part thereof, Notice therefore hereby given : that onSatuiday the tw eji ', " eighth day of November next, at eleven o.docü i the forenoon, at the sonth door of the Oourt Don.' in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county Ithat btms the place for holding the Circuit Court tor t' county), I shall Bell at public auction to the tiisu" bidder the prtmif-es described in said mortiffli?e. ao much thereof as will be nc ccssury to satisly d.'maiuls of said mortgage, together with ten 1 cent. interest and all legal oosts and expenses, "' ,- said premises are described as follow, to wit: A'' lots three, four, flve, six, seven, eight, and seveni msectioD flve of Allen H. Bisdon's nddition to w village of Saline, in said county of Washtenaw " State of Michigan, contaiuing four ncres and nnw ) nine hundredths of an acre of land more or lesa, Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1B74. COMSTOCK F. HILL, D. Crameb, ilortsag Att'y for MortLagee. 14S4


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Michigan Argus