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The sheriff of Genessee county offers a reward of $100 for the deliverance in any jail in Michigan, Dr. W. J. McNamee the Plint gave robber. The doctors of Jackson have banded together and give notice that they wil! refuse to treat any person who is thirty days in arrears for any physician's bill. Martin Wilson and wite, of Kalainazoo, have deeded a farm of 150 acres, anc valued at $15,000 to Olivet College, the trustees of the college executing a life [ease to the donors. The Alden fruit factjry at Palmyra, Lena wee oounty, was burned Monday niornina; last. The buildings were valued at $8,000 to $10,000 and the stook at $20,000. Most of the season's drying was on hand, and the company had soma large contracta to fill. There was an insurance of $8,500 on the buildings and stock. The loss is estimated at $30,000. Doet Chas. J. Hempel, of Graad Rapida, the distinguished homeopathie physician and author, is confined to his room in the St. Denis, and is quite blind. He is one of the men of mark in his profession, and has the ardent sympathy of a host of t'riends in this State in his affliction. Maggie Kaniff, a girl about 15 years old, was run over and killed by a train, near the engine-house of the Flint and Pierre Marquette Railroad Company, yesterday afternoon. She was crossing to et a pail of water as the train caine up, ind was struck by the engine, which threw her into the ditch, breaking her neck and back. A gentleman was walking through the strlets of Adrián the other day with Torn Applegite, the rotound and genial editor oí the Times, when colored citizan jassed them with two barrels of water Irawn by a dilapidated mule. Says the {entleman, " I suppose that is the Adrián water works P" " Yes," says Torn, " we ïave the Haul-ly system." - Jackson Patriot. The trial of Van Allen and Mrs Farr 'or the murder of Ephraim Farr of Cass City, Tuscola county, about elghteen mouths ago, was concluded in the Tuscola County Count on Tuesday last. Van Allen was convicted of murder in ;he second degiee, and Mrs. Parr of mauslaughter. Van Allen was sentenced to ïard labor in the State Prison for ten years and Mrs. Parr to the House of Correction at Detroit for three yeara. A bold swindler, whose name is uncnowu, and who takes a different name nto every town witü him, has for several weeks past been soliciting subscriptions :or the Detroit Free Press, claiming to be a traveling agent for that paper, and the noney paid over to him is kept in his Docket He has been exposed several imes, but he is still woiking at his swindling game. The Vree Press again cautions the public to look out for him. A doath under pecular circumstances s reported as oceurring a short time since n Jamestown. While two men named Vandebunte and Troost were outting down treea, the latter met his death. A ;ree which they wore both working on unexpectediy feil upou Troost while he was removing his vest which was near the tree. He is reported as a promÍBÍng i'oung man, the death casting a gloom over the entire community. The Western Union 'ïelegraph Line las been oompleted to Charlevoix villago, and will be continued no further for the jresent. The last post was set next the jostoffice, where the office will be located. Dhe superintendent and an operator areexpected with the instrumont soon. and within a week our citizens will be able to converse with their friends a thousand niles away. Stations have been eatabished at Torch Lake, Elk Eapids and Acmé. A railroad next. - Charlevoix Seninel. August Dollinger farms ït near Bootack Point, Houghton county. Among ;he important items of produce raised by ïiiu the past season, were 3,000 bushols of jotatoes from twenty-three acres of land, wbich brought $3,000, and seventy tons of hay that sold for about $1,000. Farmng up here is a decidsdly neglected remunerativa industry. The Grand Rápida Eagle says the tax ;o pay the judgment on the Grand Rapds and Indiana Railroad bonds, to be cijllected in a special roll the coming "tax ime," pursuant to the mandamus of the Jnited States Court, seenis to provoke he ire of some of our prominent tax-payrs, as they declare that they will not pay he tax, There is a probability of " f un ahead," and, perhaps, a chance for some nore " contempt of court" cases. The Houghton Qitzctte says : A gentleman of wide experience in mining, who is very familiar with the mines of Europe, especially those of Kngland and Germany, reeen tly mado a trip through this district His conclusión a with regard to the way our industries are operated and carried forward are complimentary in the extreme. He gave it as his opinión that better mining is done on Lake Superior than any where elflo in the civilized world. " Why, Rir," said he, " if California, Nevada, and other sections I know of, had the game class of men to guide thom that are directing affairs up here, they would not be sufforing in reputation as they are to-day."


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