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A FARM of 10 íicres. furtcpn miles trom ( rV Detroit upon ihn Or.nnfl Rner Road. AUo.amnnlICllURCIl OIUÍAN. innrle foi (, 'rofesdor VVhiting. ol' Arrn Arfwr, n Hm Iief,.r. )( lis dvuti-rliSiiei for Pa lor uw. hut by Bddtnp n ,o Seraphim ia sufficicnily henvy ■ loi -n ismoil l.urch. SAMUEL CHADWIC.'K. Fanningtoh, Jan. 29 h, 1816, 58-4 tri?.TH! TRETII f r TEETII ! ! !IVTASTICATION and Articulution, warrant LVlcd ly by thcir huina properlv rcplaced. ;,illcon,inuc3l,ü prac.iceof DENTISTRY in ,11 ii5vario3 brnncM;vii ScnHngFilllng, ,nd mierting on gold pfctó. or rnvo.. from one o nn cntire %elt. OUÏ ptaírt, or misfiu remo lied, and innde carnal 10 new. OnkeoverC. B. Thompoeon & Cos hot store. Idit who requrtt .t, cao bc wa.icd on it tlieir dwwHings. N. B. Cimbra omisunüy low, and all kmd Ann Arbor. Jnn. Sötlilfi. 249- tf "Ipröbalc Noticc Stntc of Michigan, g8 AT a tenionol'the Probnio Conrt for s il C.m.ty. held t Ann Arbor. on lio 2UU r i , A n If-V5. Present Samuel L ÏÏL;S3SM GuHey doceaw Onr,od nfi and filing ihc potnion of James Glnw, pruy f, ha, the ndn.miurmor of eni.l c : ie .nny bt aul,ori7c4 convoy to the ,.d James S real ... ribcl in T pMi.o... and wh cl. iS5 decea-,1. in M l.ife "' was unde, contract to convey to the sa.d ;,mc Ol.h n orderrd thnt ilie cons.den.t.wi. ol snid pc „„on c pos.ponüd UO(Ü Mon.lay tl.c tweniythftd day of Fobniary nWl, ,K ion o doek in the forenoortof llwt dny. m the Probate Ofbce ia Ann Arbor, iit-enicl couniy; and ir s turilicr ordercd that unid petnioncr cause a copy oi in.s order u, be pubSrired in nny public ncw.'pnppi1 prinied in Anti Arbor, aforesiiid. once in cach week for threc siicci-bsivc weeks t ihe time above arcrtiined for eaid hearing, nnd to tho end that all ïwererted in pid Eetatc, hvjn{i objcci.orw totbe gra.rin of snid author.ty moy ihen nnd thére appcar nd makc thosamö known (AJJJJWO j-udbeolProbtie niniier of th estme of Lorenzo BnnnisIj E decensod. In pnmuanco of on order J) f y Hon. Hnmuol 1'. Fuller, Judpc of ProYork the couniy of Waahtennw. the lollowuur at)dP(j ed premisos will bo eold at the publ-c icpt hy Mama H. Eggloston, in thcvillnge tier in snid county, on the 'M si (hy ol y next nt 1 1 o'ctock in the forenoon ol " v, for the of pnving debts di'e iJ ud cütnte, to wit : " All that certnin picee 2000 ol oflnixl situateJ in tlie vilhge of Dextflr 1000 ;nunly of Vnnhteiuiw and stntn of Miclii500 ■nowii nnd describid na follows. to wit. 7qq ling nt tlie BOttlh enst cornrr ut lot ihiricen lQrt k mie. ín ho villnge "I Dakar, nd rorJ00 U strect. thenre north aijcty four ilcgrros iiny line feet, thence norih tvventy 9ix d u ;nat ninnty fect, ihcuce s.mth tw.niv five 5l) s eist eighty eicht feet 10 B sireot. tfeonce sixtv five dogroes wcsi to the place of ht? o. exceplinsi n stnnl! piece ot said Innd 150 ( tn ;. W. Gihhs on tlu) ihirticth iny of r,,.,i.-'ii hmiiluMl iiid thiny eifiht." Tbc 5Q nemiaefl will bc ..ff red f.r nalc in pnrcels Ann Arbor, Dcc. , 1845 -, 3Q 4w4$ (,KO MILES, Admimlrator orsnul estnie. y" Thn nlwivn a-le is piiip-n-d uniil the 0 h ú F February next, nt the aniñe lime oí duy Inre. jQ lcllJ-ry3USJGF.O. MILES, 100 Jdmiitistrutor. 5C c nbovc rnWtlorVed r is p.ponod 10 the 5( rlay of Pebhiary nexi, nt the snn.e place mie of d"FO MILKS, Administrntor. 1OO( t,-i. FoK ! 18 16. toee - - - Pin: rrinnhnltnii Si ore. hmcrof Jfffcrson Azamt aud liatcs strte', nBaor Detroit. 1 ; .uní nn.l visit l,o Muiilmtinn Store when St. v aromnkiniipnrchns. Tl.e ?ods wliich DE vill fiml ih'en re excellent m qualuy nnd nnblo in price. We have IIIe:ivy Shcetings, Alupncns, I1L,B Men no, nJ8' Musito Dolaines, ( ,.,g ' Cashmcres, and white Flannels, C'nlic.s. iMtS Lni-ceil, G&i, (; !''■" "roSe. i.neies, V"VeB' X ,ldoihs GingWnmii, " I, EUblipn, Lincn Canü.ric Hdkis. Lncos. Jtc &c ■i' Rt-ing: Cot.nn Yn.n. Wcin-. Whjie CarWnrp. Colore'. -. do., Simw 1 icking, ichcd Coitorh ol all nunlii.ts, fine unblcnchlon. Uirred Muslins. Ac. -tt ,Iro. FKATHKHR ifnii TAl'KIl IIA.NC JS, Hor.lorinL'. Win.lyw pi.pi-r. Fircbounl we era, TravrlniR Bnaketa Wu 'irs' ra.c TEA nml COKFF.K, &c. &c. aU( Vm othcr nrti:!c- too iimnorous io mrntion. je( rinors cnnn.t Tnil of finJing iie Manhonni re o ili'wrnble pUco tn ilo tlioir tra(Ving. o eR na will .: piwred in eñhtng on cuMomei n nre iuviied to .all nna examine our gooö bc re makmg their purchnsi NMnlo r lo, nfulent ilmt all wlio e.xnminc onr siocUw nri iv, vet wo will taUc no ifToncc. if n ter Q g our goods, pcople chooBo jlso.l.cre. Detroit, Dec. 2', 8ï. 244"C'"_ h NEW COOKI1VO STOVE, -,1,I mp dv'H JrK. micl Ir ' And Stovés cf all liitodg. Thfi suUscriber would cali ihc alteinion ot the blic to -1 7oolson's Hot Air Cooking J STOVEb 'liich he cnu oontidenily (coainirnd as bemg d.iedly superior to nny Cuokmg ín use e, n simpliciiy ín oporniion- reonmuy ín luel. d lor OlieqlwlWcl Bvkinc. and Ho ASTUTO quali q ;. u ís nnrivalled, . . The new and inporinnt mprovomeni iniduced ín ís cnnstructimí beug such ns to c' ,re grt-ni Bdvnntagei ovor nll other kuids ol JOkt"!;Sl0"CWHJI.IAMllOY.:S,Jr. t ?r WoodwarJ Avcnuu, De roir. y. Dcc. 12, 1H45. Sl b _ n"MIK Sutmcnlicr takea ilus met bod u inform Bt( his olil cusiomers nnd the pnhltc ccncrnlly it he siill cominuea 10 krop n larst and general p] turtfnerrt of Fotvlfen onrt Qomeaiic fi HARDWARE, CÜTLERY, &c. O Also. Spike. Wroughi. Cm nnd HorhO Sho g ails. Gli.i-s. Sheei Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and a( ir Lmd, Zyoc, Bright nnd Anenlod Wire, p ssea Gotland Fnxsniis, Mili Sa Cross Cut g uvs. Hnnd mid Wood Swf Bnck nmlKp) g Ie Saw8, Anviln, Vicos. Uo! 'd 7oot. , Dniwinc ïnives, Spoke Shaves. c] np Borer-, Cn Sieol Augurs. Commrvn Auirs Ai'fur Hitrs. RölloW AtfgftT. Stel nnd g on Squnres. Groun.l Piaster, Water Lfme, rind Stonea, PolnsL.Caldron nncl SffgM Kf-ttlw. able, lx. Tfncc and Huiler Chuma, Brond, [nncl nnd Nnrrow Axcs. Spiríf nnd Pliinili „ 9 to"cthcr wiih a ccnrr:il n.ortmont ol 'w Wnre. wltich will hr Bold low ior Cnïli or f, pprovrd credit all 3, JclTer-oon Avnr . UDe.roit.Jan. IGih, 1846. 8-lH-ly ,1 "BOOTS AIilTíSIIOES, AT WHpLE&ALBf. :i A. C. M'GKAW & CO., WJIOT.r.SAl.K A.M) RKTAII. DKAI.KRfi fN v I00TS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, 3bl r (ƒ Jfjfcrson nml Woodtcuid Avenues, ' Detroit. ' AC M'GRAW & CU. woH.rrrípecCully . inform the McrchnniH of tfichignn, (hut hey hnvc oponed n WHOLeSALÊ BOOT . iD SHOK STORE. ir ih rinns over tlieir icKiil Storo. Smart' Comer. Thir long ociiininiiinrc With tbc Shoe bnsinr os. nnd the kind 'f shofatlurt re ircudfd in tliit 8i0, ll '"" ,lc thètü tn furnish mcrchnnis willi litpn .hoes s tho1 nrud. on betior lerms ihnn Iwy enn n ihe'flew Vrk mnrkcl. a nll their nods nrr i.iiilu frm Jl t Itnnda, nml pruculuf utirniioii pur! i. i)t' ciccfion ol siztii. Ddroi., IH4G. ilLCarpctsr Earpcls!! Carpctsü! BKECIIER S ABBOTT,- DETROIT, WOULD respécÜfuHy 11 t1e at'cniion ol putchaSLTs from the cuntry, Tisiimg Jhi ,;11, LoW stock of CAIU'KTS. co,,8'8nng o, r.xVraSnverllne, nnd f]J" Gnrpéling': fine and Éfiwerfino f "" '" hdclíh n" dirto; Wool and Couort Dugm?r firamUnd Tufwd Roög.; Pr.ntcd Hoor KIS. Af ,Ví, WhicTi thcy olFcr 10 wil at pnces CllCarpef Koom irV chamar ovrr Store. Nol3V Ipfiereotr Aven,, -ne door beloW the Midugnn State Bnk, Detroit. Jnir. V:?, IH-lf. 248-9mo WA Ke8 of Éastérn Ñails, j:st received OV;li aru for Enlp by , ... . WILL1AM R. EÍOÍES, Jr. 7fi, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. J3ec. Í2, 13 U. CHER te ABUOT OFFER tor mie . y csh the followinjr good at New holcsalcs prices, transportaron only nies Brown Slieetings and Shirting, oseri Blcitchrd do do inW Brown I)ril)mytv lares Ulfiiclicd do )8 llntling,. Colton Wnrp. Nus. 5-to ao' CnmMe VVickingT Cnrpet Wnrp. icce? Shreps Gmy Cloth Snumelt? " Cassifnero. 11 Blue, BInpk, Browr, Crpon, Sieel Mixed, and Cudet Mixed Brond Clotlis. " Blnck, Colored, Figured and Ploin Alpnrcns, ' White, Red, Green nnd Yellow rinnnels, Super Meal Bojrfrinp, Plnin nnd Figured Kentncky Jeane H t Linseys, Cnnton Flnnnplfs pairs Mnckinnw BlnnkclPT pieces M. DoLuine and Cashmorea,. Blanket Siiawla, pieces 7 8 and 6-4 BedTicking, ' Slripo Shirting, " Blue Drillen 11 Pms?ian D'raper, ' English and Americnn Prinl, hrr wilh a penornl assorlmrnt orThrenHif Button, Combs,Glove8, Ribbons, Lnce, s, Êic. c, mukinjr the largcRt nnd beet tment of goods to be found inthi4? stnir. 2 JerTorson nvenne, one door below tlio Inir Bank Building, (troit, Oct. 7, Z4S, Cmo., HOLMES & CO., ,E9ALK AND RETATL DEALERS IN STAPLB AND FAX Y RY GOODS, f Groccrir.s, Carpeling ,nd paper ÊUÜigiÊiqs, 68 Woodward Avenue Lamed"1 Block; Detroit. 3 HO1.MKS. NdO 1'ptJc. Í 8 M. HOLMKS, Dttroít. E tnke this meiliod of informing our frienrirf and customcri throughout the State, that re stil! pursuing the oven tonor of our cndoMvorinK 'o do our business upon Kir onornble principies. We would also tenur acknowli'dcments for the pntronnfic exI to U8 by OUT ciihiomors, imtl would botf lo cali lbo nucntion of the public to o ety elccte(i nP80vtrnent rf scasonnblc Gobrtsv h nro offoretl nt wholcsnle or romil nt vcry piicrs. Ourlncilitice lor pvrchnsini Good unRurpnsyed by nny concern in p Sime - i ofthofirm, Mr. J. Holmes resides in tho of New Yurk, nnd from bis long experienca ric Jobbing trnde in ihnt CÍ13'. nnd froni liia oiigh knowledpe or iho mnrket. he is rnn[ To nvnil itiriiffH of tlie niictiona nnd Bivjl line in prices. We nlso purchaee from Fio lorlers. Manufnctutcr's Afm. nnd ftnnt tlm lions, hy the packngo, the unn-e ns N. Y. hers pnrehofie, ihus nvirif iheir profita. - th thfse fncilitifB we enn salefy pny fhat our ode are Roid uikap for the evidence of whicli invite fhe ntiention of the public to out stock. . hold to the irient cnrdiria! principie ol V.n atsst trood to Uit uhuU numher. ' bo if jou nito biiy Gooda clieap, and buy a tinge fimn' for a lUtié vionaj givo us n Irinl. Our sfuck. ie exiensivc as any in the city, and wo are tstantly recciving new and fresh Goods froni w Yoik. 50,000 lbs. ITooi. Wanled, ihenbovc qunntity ol'good in?rr:linnf' e VV00Í for which the highest tnarket priöa 11 be naid. J. HOLMES & CO. irnir, 1P4. 214-1 fX Per r y 's Book Store. ■l door East of the JV. York Cheap iSlore. HE subscriber lina juut opencd mul is n' rently to eell the most extensivo assorimeiu 01 OKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATIONKl r oflered in Ann Atbor. ïüs elock consists of SCHOOL BOOKS nenrly every vnrieiy in nse in tliis Btnte- ■ Knies, Bioprirphics, Tr.tvels, Mctnoira, MtIqhcoiip. KeligioUb and ClWieal Booka. B1BLES and TESTAMKNTS, . ry varieiy of sizt?, style and binding. Boüiè Miilidly iinifihcd. kvvn nnnir POEMS & ANNUALS 'imtuly hound Ar ïïolydny gifls. Pnrént I others wishinp to ninkc splen(fid holydsy scntH at siimü cost, ill do wel1 to cali ut ry's mui ini'ke thcir eelection frum n full c. üon't dclny. Also, on ham) tlio liirgcst nsnortment of ?A-R evcroUbröd west of Detroit; o:wh ns Cap, nt Coj), i,i:tier, French Letter.,' Bunkers Post,))yin?, 'vu:, Cgrd Baèk, HnveK-po, and lü nd nV note pnper, wiih n full OEüwAment "f èel t'oiis. Quille, Wnfers; Black, Biue, Red, id G opving Ink; Sand, InUsinnds, Foldor, L'iV ïiulh'ts, Sinnips, M"Uo Séals, Gold nnd Iver Wafcra. India Rubber, Pencilsand PoiáV, h. 'mil manv vnrictitB of YVning Carda. Al.-o, GO LD PENS, bu nicle combininií egonco vith oconomy. He h.rts on linnd ipd1 Beleclioh of Bfooki suitable for Fvmtft chool District and Tnwnln[ tlBRARZES' It wilt not be poi-siMe to name nll the orticle i his line: Suflke il to say, tiiut Itis ussormiint gencrel nnd chenper ilmn n'Ot ever bolof ofrcd in this viüngf. Ho hfiR made a ranpemtnts in New xort hiefa will ennble bini at H timea to obmin nnyimg in his line direct from New York nt ehoit oticc. by Exprert. It will bc aeen ihnt lus inlii'ns för atwinodting bis riiclomera wilh nrtiCs nut on hnnd is bryond precedent, nnd ho in ■ndy nnd willinir 10 do every ihing reiiuannble tu mkc h8 cítíiblishineiil such nnortí nn enyliienpd nnd dif=cerning community rcqmr'e, onil e hopfB to mcrit a Mmro of pntronntre. Pcwm 'ishin? nny article in his line will do well t uil beforo puitiiH8itH{elfwliere. If.yoii forgei ie pl;io, ènqaira for Verry's liookttoiQ, Ann krbor, Up7T Viilnp- 2d door Eust of Mnm ,reci, on Huron re... mï R pERRY. Decembfír, Í84S. . Importniit o Farmers. TDK bubscriber lmn nw cr.cK.I Mili for m.-iiii.fnetiiriiiSLisrr.ii On.. The locatum if thn Mili is" nid'-s nonh of FrmmiviUe. Oen-see Co., bfich. Tbis lortniion will BCCommoJateflie fnrmerff in Gencsco, f-npeer, Siiiawaiaco lijd ' Mrt1 of Livingston oud Onklnnd Couniies. Tbe MilíÍB lüipabtb. of griiiding IO.iiOO bushei of Sced. And I hope to liu ublo to pet thatrjnnniíiy nnother yenr. The Fl-tx Crop ia b[ievcd to bo the best thnt tho fnrmer enn raiso.- In the Stntc of New York, in me nectiomi which nre acknowledjred to-boeqnal tonnyoiher for rnimig wh-ni, the farm era li.ivn provt-n by nn expertence of 3 or 4 years. thnt they ?nn mnko more inoney n raisnnK flnx pe-d ut ont dollar per nushel thfln they énri ai raifing wjfièat at tho priCC8 il O'dinarily brings. [ ïhüli have a qnan'dlilf ol socd réndy clcanod or sbwing furnisli thofec ho cunnot procur elpewherc. , . l will eontmci 5ccd nt ove dolar pör bushelto bt delivired nt the MiH next fall or wintor. A Kod nisortincnt oi' Dry GooiIp. Círnierif, Crockery, nnd Hardware, nd nll the matöriol for piintinj; kept consiantly on hnnd Cash paid at nil tmicB for Flnx Reod. I) L. La TOURF.TTE. Lon Lnkc, Den. W. !S45. 2tf- $m DISSKCTLD MAFS - An ritriítív and aimieing nir1 for ihf vonn;. for pale nt " rE-R-Rt'S BOÖKSTORE. Deo 20. S4VU