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The Paper To Take

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Aside from the material -wealtli of her terri tory, Michigan has many things to be proud of. The energy and the industry of her people, their intelligence, their schools and colleges and benevolent institutious are famed abroad. Coextensive with that fame, perhaps surpassing it, is the repute of The Deteoit Feee Pbess. In all the elementa that go to make up the really superior newspaper The Feee Peess abouuds. This fact is acknowledged day by day in the appreciative quotations from its columns with which the newspapers in every sestion of this Union, even also in foreign lands, are replete. Without dweiling upon this source of State pride, which may be supposed to gratify peculiarly Michigan men, the publishers desire to announce to those unacquainted with The Feee Pbess save by the extracta which they see credited to it, that it is, as a family uewspaper, unsurpassed. It devotes much space to Financial and Commercial Intelligence ; it gives all the news of the day, Personal, Political, Legislative, Legal, Cougressional, Social ; and it pays most particular attention to that which can most in" terest or infonn Michigan readers especially' As a literary paper it claims to be without a riyal. It has always the best Stories, Sketches of Adventure and Travel, Auecdotes, Biography, History and Poetry. lts Household Department is eagerly sought af ter by every lady reader, and the wit, humor and pathos for which its original articles are so celebrated have made the Deteoit Feee Peess a household word throughout the United States. The publishers desire to cali the attention of the farmers of Michigan to the Tbi-Weekly Fbee Pbess. It is a large thirty-six column newspaper, full to overflowing with City, State, Domestic, Foreign, Telegraphic, Legal News and Literary Miscellany- features that will secure the interest and merit the approval of every reader in the family. There are hardly any advertisements at all, and The Tei-Weekly Fbeb Pbess is absolutely one of the very best and cheapest newspapers ever published. The price is but five dollars a year, being at the rate of loss than ten cents a week. Every farmer in the State who has the privilege of mail at lesa intervals than a week should subscribe for The Tbi-Weekly FbeePbess. Try a copy for three months this Winter, which will give you fully and completely the domgs of the Legislature. The publishers will strive to render all the departments of The Weekly Feee Peess, Financial, Commercial, Literary, Agricultural Social and Political accurate and complete. It will contain besides the Choicest Literaturei and the General News of the Day, dence from Abroad. The Weekly Free Peesb is carefully edited. It ie peculiarly a iamily newspaper, and as such claims a superior rank. There is nothing about it dull or commonplace, but every number from the first to the last, contains matter of an iuteresting and instructive character. calculated to please all classes of readers. It is scarcely neceïSary to add that The WEEKly Feee Pkess beyond any other newspaper will especially comiuend itself to Michigan people. SUBSOBIPTION BATES- PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Daily, by mail, post-paid, per yoar, $10 60 Tri-Weekly, by mail, post-paid, per year 5 30 Weeekly, post-paid, per year 2 00 Liberal discount to clubs. Send postoffice orders or drafts when practicable. Write plaiuly name and postoffice, also the edition, whether Daily, Tri-Weekly or Weekly. We will send, post-paid, the Daily for one month for 90 cents, or the Weekly for three months for 50 cents, or the Tbi-weekly for three months for f 1.35. Specimen numbers sent f re. DETROIT FREE PREE CO. The nent annual meeting of the Michigan State Teachers' Association will be held at Kalamazoo, commeucing on Monday evening, December 28, 1874, and continuing through Tuesday and Wednesday followiug. All the railroads running to Kalamazoo give free return tickets to members of the Associatiou, and the hotels of that city will entertain members at reduced rates. The programme of exercisea is designed to be of the most iuteresting ana practical character. Addresses and papers will be giveu by some of the ablest men in the State. Teachers and all f rieuds of education are cordially and earnestly invited to attend. Teachers in all grades of schools will be amply repaid for their attendancs, both in plèasure and profit. Germán TTnivebsities : a narrative of personal experiences, by Jame3 Morgan Hart. New York : G. P. Putnan's Sons. Mr. Hart in descnbing his experiences aa a student in the Germán Uuiversities, especially the University of Gottengen, has given us a book of especial interest to studente and those contemplating a course of study in Germany - a book very interesting and instructive even to the general reader. He describes the organization of the Germán University, its methods of iustruction, its discipline, and that terrific ordeal for students, the final examination for a degree. He portrays the hfe of the Student, his habits, his trials, his amusements. The Mensur and the Kneipe dueling and drinking- recreations not rare in the life of the Germán student- receive special attention in the volume. It seems to ua that the dueling whbh is so common among the students of the Germán Universities is far more honorable and not more dangerous than the "hazing" - the miserable "rushing," "pumping," "smoking out" - which obtains in tho American college. On the whole this is one of ,the most interesting books published duriug the year; clearly written, without pretention, but full of meat. For sale by John Moore. We clip the fóllowing items frora the Manchester Enterprise of last week : As the Toledo and Jackson Freight was coming north, between Tecumseh and Clinton, on Tuesday night, several sliots were fired into tho caboose, by some person or persons. G. R. Palmer, of this village, was aboard, and although he was considerably frightened, we do not think any one iuteuded to shoot him. The suspicion is that the shooting was done by a couple of drunken fellows from Tecumieh. There's a lady living near Prospect Hill, in Sharon, 73 years of age, who has, during the past two mouths, dried and marketed over 700 pouuds of dried apples and 150 pounds of peaches; has knit over 30 pairs of men's woolen stockiugs, besides doing the housework. She gives no one an opportunity of saying, " Who will care for mother now ?" During the three and a half years the S. W Insurance Co. has been doing business, they have met with only $1,660 in loases, and their entire expenses have never reached $200 a year. The annual meeting of the Yonng Men's Literary Association, of Dexter, was held Monday evening of last week, and the fóllowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : President- C. S. Gregory, Vice President- L. W. Briggs. Secretary- C. C. Tuomy. Financial Secretary - N. E. Allen. Treasurer- E. E. Appleton. Trustees- E. P. Copeland, M. S. Cook, W. I. Keal, G. C. Arms, A. McMillan. The ladies of the SolSlers' Monument Association desire thus publicly to thank Marshal Loveland and oflicers Seabolt and Porter, for their kind assistance at the late " Hop," to whom they are largely indebted for their success and their pleasant time; alao to Company B for the free use of their pleasant Hall ; also the Minnis Brothers for their very moderate charge for mudo. These brothers have a well earned reputation for good music, having practiccd for years and deserve a liberal patronage among lovers of


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