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The Michigan Argus

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ttn FrMaf morning, ia Ibuthu i he briok IiIook, romer of Min and lluro ■■■ tin Aubor, Míen. Kntrnnoe on Hitron ntroot. oppoiito Uic Htmue. CARIfc & GOULEÏ EDITORS iSD PCBLISUKB!. Teru, 42.O0 a Vear in Ádrame. K4TK3 OF ADVERTISIN : (13 Unes or leas considerad s square.] ïpc1T 1 w.i 2 w. S w. 6 w. in. In. i jrear. t rana f 75 $1 25 tl 50 $2 74 $4 00 6 00 ft 00 j slimre I 50 2 00 2 50 3 50 0 00 8 00 U 00 % i.iUiiroa 1 00 2 iO 3 50 5 00 7 50 10 00 15 00 1-5 column 3 50 4 00 4 50 6OO1OOO;15OO 25 00 ,.( colaran 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 00 12 09 20 00 SO 00 í ! column 5 00 7 00 t 00 10 00 15 00:24 00 38 00 l.J oolumn 7 01) 10 00 12 00 15 00 20 00 80 00 55 00 oslaran 10 no í.í 00 ls 00 22 00 35 00160 00 KM) 00 Curda in Director)-, not to excecd four line, $4.00 h j-fjir. Advertisers to the extent of quarter oolumn mi a irarly contract, will be entitled to havo their onrrta in Directory without extra charge. Local ertitovUl nntices 20 oenta a line. Business .Votices 12 cents a line for the flmt inuwtion, and f ent for each aubsequent innertion. Mnrriatfe and death noticea free; obitiiBrjr noticee ATO cente a line. Vearly advertisers have the piivilefre nf ohnníringluir nilvertiuementJi three times. Adaiuooal cüangin-t w'ill be charKcd for. I iT .V'lvertisaraentíí unaocompanied by written 01 serbal direetions will be pnblishod thiec montha and diarged accordingly. Legal advertiíiemonta, flrst insertion T0 cenU pel folio, 85 cents per folio for each subsequ"nt insertion. When a postpouement is added to au advertiseni'ínt the whole will be oharged the same as the tirst inaerMon. To be paid for when affidavit ia nuwle. JOB PRIKTTIIVG. Pamphlets, Póstera, Hand-Bills, Circuláis, Carda, Buil Tickets, Labela, Blanks, Bill-Heads, and other r;irieties ot' Plain and Fanoy Job Printin oxecutod irith promptnesa, and in the best posaible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus