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BUSINESS DIRECTORY, CGGORIri ]W. IK, Physlcian and 9úf'gcon. . Office and rtilence Nu. 7 Washington strH, four doors of Main, Ann Arbor, Micli. EUÍJENE K. FRCEAl'FF, Commiasionor of Deeds for the State ol Pennsylvania. Otiice Uill's Opera House, Ana Arbor, .Mich. UOSmX W.TI. I-EIVITT, 31. D., Physician and Surgeou. Ornee over Watts' Jewulry Store, Main Street, Aan Arbor. 1487tt FllAZGB, HARBIÜIAIV & HAMIIrOA Attorneys ut Law. Otñce No. 7 and t louth Main street, Ann Arbor, Mich. EttASTCJS THA'CCHER, Attorney and Counselor at Uw, No. 5 Euat Huron Street, iun Arbor, Jlii-h. 1386 i UN AKBOR WIN ER AL SPRINGS. Morris Hale, SI. 0., Supjri atnndeut. OHice n Imildine, corner Maun and Vet Harou Street. WINES WORDEN, 20 Sonth Main strest, Ana Anor.Mich-, wholesale and retail dealsrsin Dry Qoids, Oarpet and Grocerie. 135Uf 1 ACK Sc SCfïlIID, Dealers In Dry Gnod. Jl Grocerie, Orockery, &c. No. 64 Sontli Main Struot. ir H. JACKSON, Deutlst successorto C. B. fV Porter. OlBce corner Main and riuron ítreet, nver the store of R. W. Kllia & Co , Ann Arbor, Vlich. inestheticsadminiatercd If required. TcTIIEatiANI Sc WHEDOH, Life and .3 firelnsurauce Arent8,aud dcalemu K'-a[ Ktati. JfflceonUuron Street. BACH Sc A II !■:■., Dealers inHryBood Qrocerioe,4c &c.,No 6 South Main Street, Ano Vrbor. WH, WAKKER, Dealer In Ready MadeCloth ing,ilotb8, Caaslmeree, Vestings, frunks Oarpet Baga, &c il r-oulh Main streel. J0AH W. GH EËVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! oace wlth B. W. Morgan, KaMside ofConrt House Sittre. 1331 jiRO C K K K Y GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & L Donnelly? Hsvelnítoroalargestockifnrockerj.Glaspware, Platcd Ware, L'ntlery Grocene, &c, Ac, all tobe uldat ununaally low prices. No. 11 Kast Huron Street, Ann Arbor. H28tf J. Sc P. DOME1LT. rOHH G. GALL, DEALER I1SX FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARfl, 9AUSAGBS, Etc, Orderesolicitedandpromptly Jlled with thebest maats In the market. Cor Huron and Fourth sts. Ann Arbor, Sept. lfith. 1863. DR. C. A. LEITEE Physician and Surgeon, Offlcf over Watls' Jewelry Store, Main Street, Resldonce M Eaat Hnron Street, 1469tf ANN ARBOR, MICH. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, , i Office and Resident No. 88 Ann Street, : ner of Iagall, Ann Arbor, Mich. t3 Office Houra- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 r. M."ïa j FUfmncts- Pnor. Saoer, Paor. Palmee. H98yl , 7 Aotary Public. Colloctor and Real Estáte A-gent ! Especial attention given to tho ccrtlection of accountb. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES NEGOTIATKD. KT Offlce in MeMihon' Block, reai of Court Sowm, Aun Arbor, Mich. 14!)8ra3 FRED. BliOSS, MiUCFAOTCBKH Ot f 11ITÏI VGSS, BICUIES, LIHBEÍI ffUOVS, SPltl WAG0V8, 1 1 TTKUS, SLE1GHS, &.C. All Tork warranted of the beat material. Repairinedone promptly und reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satiífaction. 68 South Main itrect. 1422 JyTEW BAKERY! El. STILiIIff67 Would infoim hia numerous friends and the public iMtenUy, thit he huve ütted up the store lately occupied by J. C. Watson & U.( 28 East Huron Bt., asa Bakery and Confectionery Store, ftnd hope by a strfet attontion to business to merit and receive a share of patronage. Particular attention will be paid to the lee-Cram Department, ■Wedding Cakes, Pyramids, all kinds of Fruit Cakes, and loe-Oream furnished families or partiea on hort notice. Freh Prmta and Confectionery alwnys on hand. (Joods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. üeinember the place, No. 28 East Huron Street. Aon Arbor, May 57, 1874. E. STILING. A NNUAL MEETING. Tho annuol meetinc of the Germán FarmerB' Fire Insurance Company of Wnshtenaw Uo. Mich., will oe held at the School House in Lodi, opposite the 'irm:in Church in Scio, on Monday, December 7th, 1J74, at 10 o'clock a. M., for the purpoao ot electing omcers and lor the tranaaction of such other bunintee that raay leually come before the meeting. A general attenáunce is requeated. Dated. November 5, 1874 1503td VCM. F. BU88, Secy, A FULL LINE - OF- all kinds of Sewlng Machtne Reedita WINES & WORDEN'S. UOUf "TTnquesticnably the best sustalned work of the kind in the World." Harper's Magazine, IIXrSTRATElN Ifoiiccs of Uie Press. The erer-increasiníí circulaticn oí thu excöllfti monthly proves its ecntuined adaptton to populi desiren umi neils. Indeed, wben we think into lmw muuv homes it penétrate every montli, we mnM KM sider it as on e of the educa tors a3 well as entertain?] of Mie public mind, tor its vast populurity ïiaï 1 ei won by ïio nppenl tn sfcupid prejucueiei or déprarH tasten, - Dos on Globe. The character which thin Magazine posaeeséa t'i:r va riety, enterpme, nrtMic. wealth, and Literal y cu ttiretimt has kept pace with, ifit luis not led tl timen, slionld cause its OODductora to roard it wit fuatlüu'ble complaccney. It also entítleB thcm to rf-al. claim upon the public trratitude. The Maga zin has done good and r.ot evil nll the daysoi j + ifo - fí'oklyv F.ny'fi. Postage frec (o all Subscribas fu (be t'. S Harpeh's MaGAZINK, one year, $4 00 Í4 00 moludes prepayment oí' U. S. postare by th publifehers. cíubscriptions to Harpeb's Magazine, Weekxa and Bazak, to one íicidresa for one yeur, $J0 o ; or t wo of Harper's Peuiodicals, to one uddrcss í'o; oup year. $7 iO : post ge free Au Extra Copy oí' either the Magaztkk, Websli orBiZAH will bo Hiipplied grtitis for every Club o Five Subhciiboia Jit. $4 0' rtich, in one lemitanc1 ; oí Six Copies for Í2y 1 0t without extra copy ; p. etno-e Prée. Back Niimbrra onn be Riippjícd at any time. A complete set oí Hakiki'b Magazine, now comprising 49 Vol u moa, i;i noat cloth binding, will be pent bv expreas, írt'itiht t expense oi' purchuper, íor í"2 28 per volume, teintde volumes, by mail, postpuiid $3 00 Cloth c;idt'g, fur binding, öS cents, Ly mail, postpnid. Newfp;ipera aro not to copy thís advertií! mrnt without the exjuess orders of Iíaüpfb & Hkothehb. Address, __nAEPEK & BKOTHEttd, New York. " A. Complete Pictorial History of the Times."- The best, Cheapest and most successful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. Solices of ihe Prci. The WcellyiñXhe ableet and most poweefdj illustrated pöriodiciil published in this country. IU editorials are pclolnrly and convinc-inti.ftnd cotry much weight. It ülustratioa of curren t events are f 11 and lïeah, and are prepared by our beet designer With a ctrculatibn ot 15T,000, the WeeMy is read by at least half a raillion perron?, and ira inflwence as an orguu of opinión is siniply tremendous. The WeeJtly main taina a poailive position, and expresaes decided views on pofitical and social probleniM. - Louisriltz Jour nal . lia articlea are modo1 sof lii[íh-toned dúcusBÍon, and its pictorial illüétí&tions are off en corroboiative ar punients oí' no emll forcé - N. 1'. Examiner and Chronicfe. Itapapern upon oxistentquestionB and its iniroitnble cartoons help to mould the Bentimente of tÜfl country.- ' tttfwg Commercial, Postare1 fice to all Stibscrihm in tbe 1.8. Habperh "WKiíKr.T, one yonr, f 4 00 4 0ii includuB iMyment'ol' U. S. postage by the publiahers. tSubscnptions lo Habpetí's Magazine, Wfeklt. and Iïazau, toone addrnss for onc year, $1i 00; or two of Harper'a Feriüdicals to one addreus for one year, $7 0: poatnge free. An extra copy of either the Macazine, Wf.ekly, or Razar will be euppïiE'd gratis for every Clubot Five 8ubscribers at ?" 00 ench, iu one reraittance; or Hx Copies for ?20 00, without extra copy : postare Back numbors can be supplied at any time. The A anual Volume of Harpeb's Weeklt, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, f ree of expense, for $7 0 i eacli. A complete Set, eompnsinf? Richteen Voluniñs, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchaeer. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the expresa orders of Harprb & Bhothehs. Address HARPER & lïRüTHEIiS, New York. "A Repcsitory cf Fashion, Leisure, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. ILMSTRATb. Sfitictt of the Prest. The Bazar is edited with a contribution of tart and talent that we Keldom fiud in any journul; and the jouriuil itself íb the organ of the great woild of faahïon. - Boston TravflUr. The Bazar commonde itself to every member of the hcuüeholü- to tüechildien by droll and pretty pic tures, to the young ladica by ite fashion-plates in endleas variety, to the provident matron by ita patterns for the clüldren'sclo'hes, to paterf vmil as by by its tastef ui deeignB f ■ r embroidered slippers nnd luxurioiiH dressing-gowns. But the reHding-matter of the Bazar is uniforraly oí great txcellence. The paper has acquii ed a wide popularity for the iireside eujoyinent it affurda.- V. T. Evening Po$U TERMSJ: Postale frec to all Subscribcrs in the I S. Habpek's Bazab, one year, $4 00 $4 i 0 iiicludea prepayment uf U. S. postage by the publishers. tíuoscriptions to Hauper's Mamama, "Weelt, ind Bazau, toone addiesslor out; year. $10 dO; or, .wo of Harper's Feriodicals, to one addrese íor one f ear, $7 00 : postage i'ree. An extra copy oí either the Magazine, Weeklt, r Bazab will be Hupplied gratía ííir every Club of Five Öubscribere at $4 00 eaeh, in one ïmittance ; or six Copies lor $20 00, without extra copy : postnge ree. Back Numbere can bc supplied at any time. The seveu volumes of Harpeiï'h Bazab, for the rears 1868, '(9, '70, '71, '72, V,, '7-i, eJeantly boimd n green morocco cloth, will bo sent by expresa, freight prepaid, for 7 00 each. NewspHpers are not to copy this advertisement without the exprese orders o) Kaepee & Brothekk. Address UAIU'EK & BHÜTHKKiS, New Vork. DON'T READ THIS! Thiit ovor rcüable dealer, WM. WAGNER has in store a full Btock of Keady-Mndfl FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which mübt and will be sold at PRICES T0 SUIT THE TIMlfi Also fill stock of Clotha, to ba CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to uit. Also a Full Line of Furrusïiing Goods. OALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Maiis St. Ann Arbok. 1496 FurnaceS RANGES & STOVES, For Wood, Hard and Soft Coal. lili tlie lateat ltaproTemeuii. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, &c. Eititnttte lor neutins and Vcntilatinjj Promptly lurnibhed. Bliss & Walls, 82 Lake Si., Chicago, III. (Send fot Circulara.) 14ï)mS


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