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WANTKD. W9 dote. Enqutre at Uw tolacco sture of W. A. Lovejoy, Aun Ai lwr tilak. I O SI ! On Friday mornuig, November 27th, betwcen the huusi; ut' E. ('. Seainan, on llunm street. uinl M-, May nard's store, a MINKMUFF, liüed wlth sillín. A suitablíi rt'ward will !e paid for lts return ME8. E. C. SEAMAS, Ann Arbor, Dec. 2d, 1874. ÍS07-WS Estáte of Koeder, Minors. tTATE OF MICHIGAX, countyof Washtennw, sh. O At a aesaion of the Probute Uourt tor the county of Watihteuaw, bolden ttt the Probfite Office in tlif riiy of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtieth dny of 1N0I vember, in the yeur one tlfcutiand eight hundred ;md eventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Anim Mm j Catherine Koeder, Caroline Koeder, Elnmn 15. Koeder, and Godfrey H. Koeder, minorB On reading and tiling the petition, duly verifted, of John ö. (ioss, guardián, praying that lie muy be licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging to suid minora. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the flfth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned forthe hearing of said petitiou, and that the next of kin of Baid minors, and all other persom iuterested in said estáte, are required to appeai at a se8ion oi said Court, then to he holden at th# Probate Office, in the City of' Aim Albor, and show cauae, if any there be, why the praytr of the petitioner should not be erniited : And it is further ordered. that suid petitioner givt notice to the persons interested in Báid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, nn.i the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thin order to be publiahed in tho Michigan Argu, a newspiijier pnnted and circnlated in saidCounty, four suocentiive weeki nrevious to said day of heivrini?. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1507 Judiio of rrobate. The PEOPLES' DRU&STORE OL.D STAND OF R. W. ESllis & Go. DPTJUJE! Drugs and Liquors of choice selection. Dj-e Stuffs, Puint?, (Hls and Brushps of all kinds. Lnrge anortmentroi Toilet Oooda and superior 1 'erfumeries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS a special ty, of Tieraann'H, Kolbc's, ind Ford's man u facturo. Preseriptions pnt up by men of expeiience fit:il hours of the da y or uight. No 2 Main St., Ann Arbor. HALE & TRKMAIN. LYNCH AND KIMll, ME1UHAST TAILORS. Our stock of fin WooJeiis. for Fall and Winter wear, is nowcom píete. coniprisingoiie of the lai-gest and trictlj imported lines ever hefore l"n' on tli e counters of any meichanttailori lig establishment in the State. A l'ull line of everything in our line vriíl be found at our house. Gentlemen about to replenish their wardrdbe will conHult THEIR OWN INTEREST by exftmiaing Our Stock before baying clse-nlure 13 JIÍFFERSON AVE., 1499m3 Dethoxt, Míen. CLOTHING! CL0THINÍ! CLOTHING! The Spring Cainpaign 0PE1D IN EARNEST. BULL, THE CL0TII1ER, Has just arrived and oponed the grent One-Price CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN'S BLOCK. Where you win now'Iind the Lalgest, Finost in most Complete Stock of RBADY-HADB CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, A Gent FurnisñiDg Goods, Every before otfered in A n .Anbor. No trouble to snow Qooa. ttne WSï! InE House, No. 33 ïiouth Mam Bt., East ■ And Arbor, Mich. GEORGE líUTií'l3tf


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