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Local Brevities

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- $1 50 in advance will pay for the Akous for the year 1875. - Another new time table for the Central road goes into effect on Sunday next. - The command "Pay your taxes!" greets one's eyes in every direction about town. - Now is the timo to subscribe for the Aeous. 1 50 in advanee will pay for it for one year. Prof. Geo. S. Morris will deliver the next address at University Hall on Sunday anemoon next. - " My taxes," are words that will answer ior a multitude of excuses during the next two months. _ Trof. Watson has discovered another asteroid from his Peking outlook. It is of the llth magnitude. - The Falladium, the organ of the secret societies of the Uuiversity, will make its appearance next week. - Dr. Ed. Watson, of this city, has been visi ing Grand Eapids, and it is said will probably remove to that city. - Chas. H. Manly, whéle out hunting on Saturday, killed a wild hen turkey, which weighed when dressed 15 pounds. - John G. Miller is building fif ty cutters. at his factory, ready for ironing and painting, for Handy, Wurster & McLean. - A fine display of holiday goods are being made by our merchants - each endeavormg to make the most attractive show. - Jas. M. Hill, of Scio, has sold his farm to the Stein Brothers, and aunounces an auction sale of personal property on Friday next. - Frank P. Andrus, a student from the Law Department of the University, was admitted to the bar in the Wayne Circuit Court on Monday. - The presence of a policeman at the postoffice, at the time of distribution and dehvery of the evening eastern mail, would be a good tliiug. - Bogai Matthews on his return to his home, and just after entering his gate, on Saturday eveDiug last, slipped and feil, breaking three ribs on his left side. - Let each of our subscribers immodiately renewtheir subscription to the Argus, and induce their neighbors to subscribe for it. f 1 50 will iay for it for one year. - Prof. Reinsch, of Erlangen, Bavaria, has presented to the university a collection of 300 species of foreign mosses They are here in gooi condition. - Daniel Dougherty will deliver the next lecture before the Btudents' Association,at University Hall, this evening. Subject - Ora" tors and Oratory. - Eev. S. W. Duffield delivered his farewell sermón at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening last, on which occasion the church was nearly filled to overflowing. - The Michigan University graduates of (hand Eapids are proposing to organiza an alumni association for the coming winter, and if possible make it permanent. - We learn that John A. Volz, founder, and for many years proprietor of the Central Brewery of this city, has removed to Saginaw and engaged in the saloon business. - The large safe which has for a number of years ornamented the office of C. H. Millen & Son, has been purchased by Bay City parties, and took its departure on Thanksgiving day. - W. G. Tibbals, of this city, has erected new stave factory at Walz station, on the Flint and Pere Marguette E. E. south of Wayne, and is now engaged in purchasing a stock of stave bolt - The Eev. (leo. D. Gülespie was elected Bishop of the new Diocese of Western Michigan, at the conveution held at Grand Eapids, on Wadnesday. The salary is fixed at three thouand dollars a year. - Ben Cable and F. G. Wa te, with two ladies, were out sleigh-riding on Saturday afternoon last, and while driving on State street the horses became frightened and ran away. Xo serious damage done. - C. A. Leiter came near meeting with a serious accident on Friday last, while on a hunting excursión at Strawberry Lake, a cap on his gun explodiug and entering his face just under his left eye, inflicting quite a wound. - C. W". Riggs, of Sylvan, and student at Olivet College, met with a serious accident wliile out hunting Monday morniDg, at Olivet, lipped and discharged his gun, the shot passing tlirough his thigh, inflicting a dangeroua wound. - Another Bnow storm took place on Friday last, and additions were made to the stock on Saturday and Sunday, making good sleighing. lint thu sun was too much for it on Wedncsday, and yesterday morning the ground was entirely bare again. - Monday afternoon, at Dexter, Michael Conklin feil 40 f eet from a Bcaffolding in the aew Catholie Church, aud was picked up for dead. On examination by a physician it was found that no bonos were broken, and he will qo about again in a few days. - A heavy transaction in property took place in this city on Friday last. The city disposing of the old Fiitli ward engiue house to J. M. Swift & Co., for the sum of $18. "What will the city do with the money ?" It will probably spend it. - As cold weather advances the number of beggars, paupers, tramps, &c., daily increases, and our city is now nearly cverrun with the above class of persons. It would seem that our city was an asylum for the destitute of tho whole country. - Dr. Ford commenced his lectures on physiology last Weduesday to the members of the Junior class, and to such others as may be disfosed to attond them. These lectures are gran in the lower lecturo room of tlie Medical building, promptly at 2 o'clock on Wednesdays and Fiidays. - ï. F. Leonard and Chas. J. Gardinsr returued from their hunting expedition near the mouth of tlie Huron, whero they had spent about a week, on Friday evening last. They claim that they went too late in the season for the " game had flown." They however brought home about 60 ducks. - The '75 Glee Club having been disbanded, another organization ha been effected oalled the University Glee Club. The following are the raembors; B. C. Burt, '75, Director; C. S. Burch, '70 ; W. W. Burt, '76 ; G. E. Pantlind, 75; J. W. Parker, '75; H. H. Hawn, '75; Delos Fall, '75; J.D. Wells, '75 ; C. L. VauPett, '70 ; E. H. llaimey, '70 ; A. A. Beunett, '77, aud A. C. Pearson, '76, Pianist. It will be noticed that the club includes the old '75 Glee Club, (W. W. Burt belonging f ormerly to '75) with an addition oí four frora the other classes. Some good music inay be expected from thom. - Tlie sermón oi Ruv. C. H. Brigham on " Lessons from Recent Elections," delivered on Sunday moraing last, at the Unitarian Church, was listoucd to by qmte a large audience. At tho close of the service it was ordered published by an unanimous vote of the audience. It will be fouiid in to-dny's Aegus. - Mr. L. V. Fletcher, a member of the Senior class, luis presentad to the University some ludían relies dug from a mound on his farm in Genessoe county. They consist of a skull, a peculiarly-sliaped piece of pottery, and a stone hatchot. The hatchet was found imbeded in the skull, leading to the supposition that it caused the deatn of the possessor of the skull. - Last week L. Davis, of Anu Arbor, and Dr. 1'. Davis, of Ypsilanti, went to visit their father, Rev. J. E. Davis, of Macomb county. The old gentleman has attained the ripe agc of 87, aud is still as lively as a cricket, a fact which Dr. D. had a chanco to establish beyond all doubt. His father happening to remark incidentally during the visit that he believed he could, old as he was floor any of his sous, was challenged by the Doctor to a trial. They went at it, and it soou becamc evident that the son's couñdence in his ability to haudle his father was misplaced ; for before many minutes they found thetnselves on the floor with paternal uppermost. old man naurally boasted some over his triumph, but was silenced by an older son's saying, " Oh, well, you ought to throw him ; you are thirty years older." The Doctor, however, was simply astonished, and the laugh went around at his expense. - "A place is not always to be taken for what it may appear," was fully demonstrated on Sunday last. About noon, just af ter the morning cliurch exercises, some eight or ten young men - on their return from vanous churches - aesembled at the store of G. A. Gilbert, and engaged in the discusaion of the various subjects of discourses to which they had listened. A stranger passing noticed the crowd on the inside and its appearance, and also that a screen was stretched across the store noar the rear, concludod that this was the place which he had been anxiously lookiug for, entered and proceeded in a zig-zag line to the " store behind the screen," but on his arrival at the end of the route was doomed to disappointment- only finding tailor benches, sewing machines, &c. He started on the back track ; but it would not do to depart without saymg somethmg so he inquired the probable price of a pair of pants, and on being iuformed by the proprietor, stated that he would cali the next day, and went on his way perfectly satisiioil, haviug obtained the information for which he entered. "A clear caso," only mistaken ideutity.


Old News
Michigan Argus