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Newspaper Postage

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The following instructiona nave Deen approvod by Poatmaster-Go"eral Jewell ia relation to the payment of poetage on papers and other printed matter on aud af ter Jan. 1, 1875, undorthe act of June 23, 1874. Seo. 5 of said aot divides the matter therein descriDed into two classes, and fixes the rate of pontage on each as follows : On all newspapers and periodicals issued weekly or of tener, 2 cents per pound or a fraction thereof ; and on all thoee iasued leas frequently, 3 cents per pound or a fraction thereof. Under Sec. (, upon the receipt of such matter alrthe mailing office, properly aasorted into tBe two classes, it must be prepaid (after deducting the weight of the sacki by special adheBive stamps, furnished by the deDartment for this purpose. Ordinary postage stampa cannot be uaed for thia purpose, nor oan these stampa be UBed for any otber purpoae. Poetmasters will make the following dbductiona for the weight of sacks, viz : Ño. 1 jute sack, 2J poundu ; No. 2 jute sack, 2 oouuds ; No. 1 cotton aacka, 3} potinds ; No. 2 cotton sack, SJ ponnds. Ou receipt of the postage the Postmaster will give a reoeipt from a book of blank forma furuiahed by the department. The atamps will theu be affixed to the atub of the receipt, and canceled by perforating them with a punch, and the blank spacea in the atub be ülled to correapoud with the receipt. The stub booka are to ba kept permanentiy in the office, to be ready to be produced whneyer emanded by thedepartineut. The Poatmaster will render promptly at the end of each qnarter, in blank forma furniahed for the purpoae, a statement of the poatage collected from each publiaher or news agent during the quarter. These apocial stamps will be charged to Poatmastera, and accouated for in the same manneras ordinary poatage stampa. Newspapers, periodicals and circulara depoeited in a lettere oarriei'd office fordelivery by Lhe office or its carriers are aubject to poatage at the f ollowing ratea : On newapapera, regular or tranaaieut, not exceeding 2 ouncea in weight, 1 cent each ; on periodicala, regular or transient, not exceeding 2 ounces in weight, 1 cent each; on periodicala, regular or trauoient, exceeding 2 ouncea in weight, 2 cents each ; circulara, unaealed, 1 cent ; weekly newspaperB to sient parnés, 1 cent for eacli ounoes or iractiou thoreof. These ratea must be prepaid by poetage etampa affixed. Weeklv newspapers to regalar subecribers will be 5 cents per quarter. Under thie eection county papera paus by mail free to subs. ribera aotually reeiding within the county, but when delivered at letter-carrier offices, or by a Jetter-carrier, they are subject to the ratee of poatage fixed iu the laws and regulatijna, page 67, seo. 158, namely, on publications not exceeding 4 ounces iu weight, issued lesa frequently than once a week, 1 cent for eaoh copy, and when iasued once a weel:, 5 cents additional per quarter, and 5 cents additional per quarter for eacb. issue more frequent than once a week. An additional rate Bhall be charged for each additional 4 ouncos or fraction thereof. Theee rates must be piid quarterly beíore deliyery of such matter, either at the office of mailing or deliverv. When not sopaid, postage must be collectëd on delivery of each copy, at trausient ratee, viz., 1 cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof. Tbe foregoing instruetions are to tako effect the flrst day of January, 1 875, and to continuo in forcé until modiáed or supereeded by the department.


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