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Estáte of Koeder, Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sb. . At a aeasion of the Probate Oourt for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office iñ the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtieth day of November, in the yeai one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgc of ProbateIn the matter of the estáte oí Anna 51ry ;mh, Oalhcriue Koeder, Caroline Koeder, Entina 8. Koeder, and Godtrey J[. Koeder, minor On rutflinfi and filing the petition, duly veriHed, of John O. G08, uuurdian, prayiiig that he may be Hcensed to aell certain real estato belonging to said 1 minora. Thereupon it isordered. that Tuesday.the flfth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned forthe hearing of said petitiou, and that tlic next of kin of said minors, and all other persons interested in aaid estáte, are required to appear I at a aeaion of said Court, then to le holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the praye I of the petitioner ehould not be granted : An I it is further ordered, that snirï petitioner giv I notice to the persons interested in huid catate 1 of the pendency of said petition, nnd the liearin thereof, by eausing a copy of thifl order to be pub lished in the Michigan Argut, a newspaper printe I and circulated in said County, four ucceaaive week previoTia to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEIÏ, 15_j7 Judïts of Probate. Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS default has been made In the cooditions of a eertain indrnture of niortgage bearIngdate tbe seventh day of January, In the year 171, made by Mary Gore, of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county aml State of Michigan, to John T. Hallock, of the same place, and recorded in the office' of the Register of Deeds of said county of Washtenaw,on the day last mentioned,at 12 o'clock p. M.,ih Liber 43 of Murtgages, on page 345, which said mortgage was duly assigned liy saiu John T. Hallock lu Wïllïam Hulbert, on the 24th day of .Tanuary, A. l. 172, and the instrument of the assignment thereof recorded in said liegister's office, on the twenty-fourth day of August, a. d. 1874, at ten o'clork A. K_ in Líber 4 of assitiiiments of mortgages, on page :!7ii-, and was agaln duly aaalgned by said Hulbert to Chrlstian Eherbach and Emannel Mann, of said city of Ann Arlior, on the twenty-second of August, A. I. I 1874, and the Instrument of a-ssignment thereof recorded in said Registert office, on the twenty-fourth day of August, a. d. 1874, at 4% o'clock p. m., in Uber 50 of niortgiifio, on page 520; and there is due and I unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this notioe tlii! suni i)f flve hundred and ninety-four dollars and I thirty cents, together with thirty dollars in said 1 mortgage stipulated and agreed to te paid as an attorney's or solicitor's or collection fee, in case proceeclings should be taken to foreclose said mortgage. aniounting in all to the sum of six hundred and twenty-four dollars and thirty cents; which is now claimed to bc dm1 tbereon, and no suit or proceeding I at law or in equity has been instituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale in said mortgage containcd, we will foreelose said mortgage by sale at public vrnduf to the highest bidder, on Monday, tlie twenty-fifth day of January, in the year 1873, at ten of the clock in. the forenoon of saitï day, at the south door of the Gourt House in said city of Ann Arbor said Court House beiug the place of holding the Circuit Court witliin said county of Washtenaw, of the premises in said mortgage described, naniely: All of lot numbered seven (7) in block nuniber one (1) in Ormsby & Page's addition to the city of Anu Árbor, agreeable to the recorded plat thereof. Dated, Ann Arbor, Ortober 27th, 1874. CHRrSTlAN EBERBACH, E.M AM EL .MANTN, A. Fblch, Attormy Auisnees. for Assignees. I."u2td Chancery Notico. 11HE CIRCUIT COURT for the County of Washtenaw. Mary Porter, complainant, vs. Oscar Porter, defendant - in Chancery. It safcisfactorily appearing to this Court by affidavitand the return of the otñcer on the subpoena isaued in this cause, that the renidence of the defendant is in the State of New York, and that Raid defendant is not within the juriadictioD of this Court. On motion of Henry Sellerk, solicitor for the coinplainnnt, it is ordered that the defendnnt cause hia appearance to be entered in this cause within three months trom the date of this order, and that in case of his appearing he cause his answer to the complainant's bill to be tiled in this cause and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant, or her soliriior, within twenty days af ter service on him, or his solicitor, of a copy of the bill of complainant filed in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof. that the said complainant's bill be taken as confessed by the aid defendant; anditis iurtherorderod that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a public newspaper printed in said county of W astitenaw, and that the publication continue at least once each week for six successive weeks, or that she cause A copy of thia order to ba personally served on the said defendant according to the rules and practice of thia Court. Dated "November 17, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for WashHenbï Selleck, tenaw County, Michigan. Solicitgr for Complainant. D. Cramer, of Counsel. 15fi5w6 Chancery Notice. rpHE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of WashJL tenaw, liaría Grams, eomplaipant, vs. Frederick R. Grams, defendant, in chancery. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court by afndavit, and the return of the officer on the subpoena isaued in this cause, that the residence of the defendant ia unknown, and that said defendant is not within the jurisdiction of this Court; on motion of Densmore Cramer, solicitor for the complainant, it ia ordered that the defendant eau se his appearance to be entered in this cause within three months from the date of this order, and that in oase of hls appearing he cause his answei to the oomplainant's bill to be filed in this cause and a copy thereof to be Berved on the complainant or her solicitor within twenty days after service on him or his solicitor, of a copy of the the bill of complainant filed in this cause and a notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said complainant's bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant: And it is further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a public newspaper printed in said county of Washtenaw, and that the publication continue at least once each week for six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant, according to the rules and practice of this Court. Dated November 9, 1S74. JOHN P. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner, in and for D. Ceamer, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Solicitor for Complainant. 1504 Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw- in Chancery. At a session of said Court, held at the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-third day of November, A. D. 1874. Present Hon. Alexander D. Craue, Circuit Judge. In the case between James L. Mitchell, complainant, and Lucy E. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Catharine P. Hudeon, John A Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitchell, John P. Marble, George E. Southwick, and Frank G. Russell, Assignee in Bankruptcy of said Southwick, defendants. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court. by the affidavit of James L. Mitchell, that the defendants, Lucy E. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Catharine P. Hudson, Chauncey E. Mitchell, and John P. Marble reside out of this State, and that the said Lucy E . Mitohell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Catharine P. Hudson, and Chauncey E. Mitchell, reside in the State of Kansas, and that the said John P. Marble resides in the State of Massachusetts. On motion of Hiram J. Beakes, solicitor for said complainant, it is ordered Dy this Court that the said Lucy E. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Catharine P. Hudson, Chauncey E. Mitchell ani John P, Marble do appear and answer the bill of complaint, üled in this cause by the nineteenth day of December, A. D. 18T4, and in default thereof that such bill of complaint be taken as confessed. The premisses whereof partition is soiight by said bill are destribed therein as follows : The north west quarter of section 26, and the west half of the north east quarter of section twenty-six, and the south flfty acres of the west half of the south west quarter of seetiou twenty-three, all in township two south, and range four east, in the State of (Michigan. And it is further ordered that within one week from the date of this order the complainant cause a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed at Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, and that such p"ublication be continued in such newspaper once in each week for each week successively after such flrst publication thereof un til said nineteenth day of December next. 1506 A.D CRANE, (A truc copy). Circuit Judge. Chancery Notice. rpHE CIRCUIT COURT for tbe county of Wash-L tonaw, Francis Kmyon, complainant, vs. Orin Kinyon, defendant, in ohancery. It satisfactorily appearing to this Court by afildavit, and the return of the orticer on the subpoena isaued in this cause, that the reBidence of the defendant is unknown, and that aaid defendant is not within the jurisdiction of this Court ; on motion of D. Cramer, solicitor for complainant, it is ordared that the defendant cause his appearance to be entered in this cause within three months from the date of this order, and that in case of bis appeaiance he cause his answei to the complainant's bill to be flled in this cnuse and a copy thereof to be served on the complainant or her solicitoi within twenty days after service on him or his solicitor, of a copy of the bill of complaint tiled in this cause, anda notice of this order, and in default thereof that the said complainants bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant ; Andit is further ordered that within twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be published m the Michigan Argus, a public newspaper printed in said county of Washtenaw, and that tne publication continue at least once each week for six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant ticcording to the mies and practice of this Court. Dated November 0, 174. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Cotrrt Commissioner in and D. Ckameb, for Washtenaw county, Michignn. Solicitor for l'omplainant. 1 -04 HARDWÖÖD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOK SALE. THE subscriber has on hand a good aesortment of ■OAK, ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWO0D,and other varieties of Lumber, from V in. to 3-int"ick' ALSO. Fence1 Posts, Square Tircber, Plank aud Oak 8tudding of all sizes kept on hand oi made to order on ahort notice. Particular attention glven ta CITSTOM SAWINTÖ. Fenco Fosts planed, Oak Pickets kept on hand and .wed io order. MOULDINGS of different patternswedorde kept on hand and soldcheap. Particular attention jiven tq furnishin billa of timber of different lengths and aizes on the most reaSOnRbSAvrSGUMM;ED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOOS WANTED. I ftin prepwod to pay CASH for sound, Oak, Ash, Basawood and Wbitewood Lot6 deJivered at iny mili, or will uy &n nietuiure Logs iu the wooda within six miles of the mili. BrF"AU persons indebted to the late firm QÍ Wines & Ihillock will please cali and Bettle their accounta at theMiUJ. T. HALLOCK. Mortgnge Salí:. WHKEEAS Jame itoMahon aud hmni u Mahon of the city „i Ana Albo counh f. Washtenaw and State of icl-igncon the eighth ri March, in the year of our Lord, one thouia ght lrandred and seventy-one., neeaiii a ï, ige lo Bnmuel Hulchmson, of Brooklyii; in the , Ni'W York, tci secure the pavment ol oerttíj innipfii umi intereti money thercin ïQ'-ntifnitj1 hich uuwtgoge warecoidl in the mh-e oí a' egister o Dëed aiö eouDty, cm the iwnth ny cif Mnicth, A. i). IS71, at tuur and cm mlf o'dock f. m. of yniii l)i'. in tiber 4:i of ages, on page 432. ftnd vbenaa deiault has U mtule for more thun thirtv d:ijs in the payment oí D natallment of interest Inoney which bt'camedubn he eighth day of September, A. D. 1871 by rsaT wheleof and pursnant to the termtíof said niortea11 aid mort flagee hereby electa that so much otSl nincipnl as remains unpaid, with all arrearneea f inttjreat thereon , khall become due aud payableit! mcdiately, and wbereiu tlu-re is claixoed .to bed? and unpaid on said mortgagest tïjf diiteof thisn tit:e flve thousand eightnundred and ixtjjj lars and fifty eight eenti for pxiucipa] and intfreg'" also an attornoy'ö fee of thirty Bye dolían, b1iohi' any proceedings be taken to foreeUwe the same i! addition to all otht'r costs; and no Buit or proct-pri ingB having been mHtituted either in lawr equitv t recover the ntne or any part thereof: HoHbl therefore hereby givtn, that on the twenty-thirt] j, of January next, at two o'clock in the aiternoo said day, at the front door of the Court House int) city of Ann Aroor, tthat being the place of hole,,! the Circuit Court for aid county), and by virtue of tne power ui sniu uunicuiieu tu huiu muí 'gtiíie, i gjj.ii sell ut public auction, to the hibeat biJder, th premiaes described in suid mortguge, to satisfythe amount of principal and interest above claimeihi due, with the ch urgen of iuoh sale and attorney'sfo of thirty-five dol 1 ars : All those certain pieteg r paicels of land situated in the township of Annir bor, county of Wauhtenaw and State aiomitó known, bounded, and de?cribed as follows, toirjt' Being the west fraction of the nortb-west fractionai quarter of section nnmber seventeeu (17) towi] nua. ber two (2) Honth of range mimber six (C east, eob'. taining eixty-nice ugjesof lund f?xcept nine'ncres Bold to John T-. Tappan] nlso the east half of tb southeast fraotional quarter of section se venteen , townaliip number two south of range numl f east, containing a bout seventy acres, exo acres sold to Fralick and ten acres roM to Rose; afeo all that part of the south huif of section numU seventeen (17) township number two south of lau number bíx (6) eaBt, lyinar between the raihoad river, north of the line, eoataining about m- acres, containing in all one himditd and fiixty-seTfs' acres of land. Dated, üctober 30, 174. SAMUEL IIVÏCHINgON, John N. Gott, Mortgngee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1 S ■ Chancery Order. CJTATB OF MICHIGAN, Fourtli Judidal I 3 in Chancery. Daniel Iíand, coinpkinant. -j' George Tí. Hill, Francés A. Hill, Jamn C. L Frauces Fj. Alien, Klii-lia S. Faseseit. Lucy C FassetL Ambrose V. Robison, Charles Baxter, Levj dou, William M. White, Qeorge Jeroma, H%n Hesaions, and Timothy Riley, Defendani , pending in the Circuit Oourt for the County o[ Washtenaw. in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on tb Hfth day of November, 1S74, upon prooi' feij i on iilft, that the said Elislia S. Faasett, oneofsaii defendants, is continually absent írom bis place residence, to wit: thu city of Ann Arbor, MicligM and that said Wi liam M. White, one of Eaidfefet! danta, íb not a resident of the State of Ifiohj that he resides Ín the State of New Yoik, it uoe motion of George E. Hand, the solicitor for saidconi. plainant ordered that the naid defendanta Elisha ;. Fassett and William BC. White, appear iq and answer the bill of compliiint tliertin witi months from this date; also thut thia order bepublished once in each week for uix weoks in succesaon in the Michigan Aryus, a newspuprrpnnted and put liBhed in aaid county, tho first publfcatíoa tot within twenty daya from this date. Dated, November 6, 1874. JOHN F. LAWEENCE, J Circuit Court Commissioner, Waühtenaï ÖKorir.E E. Hand, f'umily, Michigan. Solicitar forComp. 15i Moitgago Sale. DEFAUIT having been made in the conditionstli ; certain mortgage fwliereby the power naid mortgage ha bccome operative] executidl evan E. Doane and Fannie I.. Doane, of tLf i Ann Arbor, county oí Wnshteni.w nná bl Michigan, to S:uah G. Winner of Penningtoi . eer county, New Jersey, which mortgage ia date: the twentieth day of April, A. D. 1871, andrecra in the office of the Register of Deeds for said ecunli of Washtenaw, on the twenty-fourth day of Apri A. D. 1871, at 4:45 p. m., in liber 46 of mortgajree, ra page 90, and there being claimed to be due and unpii; on said mortgage and the note accomparn h same at the date of thistiotice the gum of one '- aaud cight hundred and nineteeu dollars and fil H cents ($1.819 50), also an attorney's fee of Ij five doflara as provided for in Baid mortgage, analto I proceedings at law or in equity having been I tuted to recover the name or any part thereof: y tice is therefore hereby given, thnt on Saturduy, t!.; I aixteenth day of January, A. I). 1875, at eletet I o'clock in the forenoon of s.iid day, at the mi I door of the Court House , in the city oí Ann Art!, I tthat being the place for holding the Circuit Con I for said county of Washtenaw), I sball eell at pntlic auction to the highest bidder, the premies & scribed in said mortgage, or ao'much thereof asshiil be necessary to satisfy said amount, with interen, costa, and expenses allowed by law, whicli saidpremisea are described in said mortgage as follows: Ali of the following deacribed piece of land: Comme ing at a point in the south line of Huron etittt twelve rods west of the east line of section tbirty. in town number two south, and range numter sii east, in the county of Washtenaw and State of Ui igan, running thence west on Huron stieet font rods, thence south eight rods, thence ent foffl thence north eight rods to the place of beginmui.'. Dated, October 15, 1874. SARAH O. WIKXKi:, D. Cbamer, MortpsceAtt'y for Mortgagee. lfiOO Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the coïlition of a certain mortgage (whereby the povetol nk became operative in suid ïnortgage}, executed b Samuel Bortle and Marión Bortlo his wife, of Wadtenaw county, State of Michigan, to Allen H. Bidon, of the county and State aforesaid, and dated the eighth day of August, A. D 1870, and recorded in the Registers office, of the couuty of Washtensi on the tenth day of August, 1SI0, at ( o'clock ?,, in liber 44 and page 331, and duly assigned byaui Allen H. Risdon to Norman B. Covert, of the lomship of Ann Arbor, the second day of January, Wit which assignment was recorded July twenty-üfi!, 1873, in liber 4 of assignment of morttjagea, on ptt 73, and there being claimed to be due on saidmortgage and the note accompanying the same forty-OK dollars and sixty-eight cents, and also fourbundw and ten dollars, with interest at the rale o: cent. per annum, from the date of August eighth, IHJ which has become due by reason ot said deiaur electionof said morteagee making the whole som dn on said mortgage and note tour hundred and BBf nine dollars and twenty-one cents at the dnteoflM notice, also an attorney fi-e of thirly dollnivided for in said mortgage, and no ptoceediiis" law or in chancery havinff been instituted tormw the same or any part thereof : Notice is ( hereby given, that on Monday, the eifrhtetntn ■:: of January, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forfl I of said day, at the south door of the Court House.thecity of Ann Arbor (that being the place of h" ing the Circuit Court for said county of V asi 1 will sell at public auction to the bigbed the premises described E said mortgage, orsonc: thereof aa shall be necessary to s.-itísf y said nnw-: with interest, costa and expenses, wlneh prem are described as follows. to wit : AH of lol sixteen, in section number five, in Allen H.Kaa addition to the villaje of Saline, eonrty of V : naw.and State of Michigan, according to thejecoi plat thereof. Dated, Ann Arbor, October 14, 1874. NüKMAN B. COVERT, 1600 ■ As8ignee_of_Movti. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of ounder the seal of the Circuit Court for thee ty of Washtenaw, to me directed, and befu I September twenty-eecond, 1874, wberein Joha tw is plaintiff and Charles Holder is defendant, andi the want of goods and chattels to levy upon, Ihafyi: day levied upon all the nght, title and interestoiw defendant above named, in and to the fullomiif "■ estáte, to wit : Lot number ten (10) in block ltrv (S) north of Huron street, in range two (2), accow ing to th recorded plat af the city of Aun .'■ Michigan, which I shall expose for sale to t' est bidder, as tho law directs, at the south dooi the Court House iif aaid city of Ann Artoi.1' Tuesday, December the twenty-sixth, d. D. 11 ■ eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, October 20, 1874. M. FIJiMING, Shfni. 1501 By Wm. H. MoIntybe, Dep'y wgg. Sheriff's Sle. B Y VIRTUE of one execution i?sued outofr-; under the seal of the Circuit ( 'ourt for tie of Waahtenaw, State of Michigan, to me mre; wherein John Clancy is plaintitf and Patria and Kliza Kelly are defendants, and for tl goods and chattels, I have this day seked ai: upon all the right, title and interest of Pat! Eliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the folio' scribed property, to wit : The east lralf of the -. east quarter of sectiou thirty ; also the m quarterof the southeast quarter of section teE!. nine, all in township number one south of six east, Washtenaw county, Btute of 3 which above deserfbed propeity 1 shall exps" '■' sale at public auctiao, as the law directs, highest bidder, at the south duor of tl" House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twen day of December, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock . - aaid day. Dated, Ootober 20, 1874. ., M. FLEMING, ShenS. 1501 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'yjjhggEeal Estáte for. Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteu:;In the matter of the estáte of Robert W miok, deeeaaed. Notice is hereby given, that in r suance of an order granted to the underwgneo, ministrator de. bonis non with the will annexw the estáte of aaid deceased, by the Hon. '""".u Probate for the county of Wnshtenaw, on r eighteenth day of November, A. D. 1874, there be sold at publio vendue, to the tighest bidder the late residence of said deceasaB, in the t"' , t of Ann Arbor, in the eounty of WasMenaw, m % State, on Wednesday, thesixthday of Junuary, ■ , 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenajm of tlmt ■: ject to all encumbranoes by moitgage or otM r exieting at the tiifle of the duath of said d the following described real eslate; to wit : f" o! viston number two, of the southweBt i)i' seotion number sixteen, in township man! aouth of Bange six East, in raid State, conl flfty-two 90-100 acres, according to a rero.' la plat thereof in the office of the Register of DeVr aaid county. Alao lot number four in bloi n' six in Brown and Fuller's addition to tho vu now city, of Ann Arbor, in said State. Dated November 13th, A. ï). 1874. 1506 WII.LI.-iM GEER, Adminiatrator de bonis non with the will :iunf Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteiia.. The undersigned, having been appointea u) Probate Court for said county, CommÍBUonW" ceive, examine and idjust allolauus aiul l" all persons against the estáte of Martin vi late of said county, deceased, hereby give ' o( that six mouths from date are allowed, by o" ■„„ said Probate Court, forcreditora to present then" against the estáte óf said deceiwod, and t"' ' ' meet at the late residence of said oeowMOi ' JW. township of Bridgewater in said ooonWi oj,j, day the fliteenth day February, and ou ' ,,. the flfteenthday of May next, at U-n o j'uJ. pf eaoh of said days, to receive, exnrnin ' just said claims. Dated November 16th, A. D. 1874. AARON FELDKAM1 , JOHN LAYER, . 1505 commis""11


Old News
Michigan Argus