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Jajies Russell Lowell conveya, through Secretary Fiah, hia thanks to the President for the honor of the tender of the position of Minister to' St. Petersburg, bnt declines to accept the appointmut on account of the state of bis health and that of some member of his family. Maïok Havemaïeb, of New York, diod of spoplexy on the 30th uit. His term of oltiee oxpired the day of bis death. Col. Fobney haa revoked his proposition to Bell tho Philadelphia Press. IIev. Georoe D. GuügPIS, of Aim Arbor, Mich., haa been chosen Bishop of the new Episcopal Dioceso of Western Michigan . W. F. Btoreï, of tho Chicago Times, has juBt taken his third wife, the brido beiug Mis. Eureka C. Pearson, of Chicago. A New Oklïans telegram statea that Gov. Kellogg is quietly dispoaing of hia proporty in that city. UKtlKRAL. A WasSHHGION telegram states that tho flrst sumniary made of the estiroatea for the coming year flxed the rednctions over last ygar at about $10,000,000. An estímate of nearly $8,000,000 deliciency in the Postoftiee Department has ehauged thie, and eo far as the eompleted estimates have been received by the committee, they show a reductiou of $7,000,000. Membeus of the House Appropriation Committee, saya a Washington diepatch, Btate that all the regular appropriation billa, eLcept the Sundry Civil, are oompletcd. They hope to have two or more of them paseed before the holidays, and all of them through by the first of February. The Eiver and Harbor bill ia prepared by the House Commeree Committee, and hue not vet rocoived any attention . A man named Walter Strain, of Buffalo, has just retnrned from the Black Hills, where he has been prospecting eiuce August. o prououuces the reported gold diecover iu that región sheer fabrications. Two of bis comradoa were killed by the InAianB, who are Bwarming iu the hiUs. The National Board of Vire Insurauce Compauies, which became alarmed and withdrew írom Chicago immediately after the big July lire, have decided to resume business in that city. The negroea of Central Alabama are making arraugementa for a Wholesale emigration to Statee where the blacks are in the preponderanee. Thk United Grand Lodge of colored Hasons has just held itB annúal session at New York. Sixteen subordínate lodgee were represented. The Natioual Cheap TrauBportation Conventiou, previoua to adjourningat Iüchmnd, adopted a memorial to Congreas. favoring the building of a ehip-yard in the Eaat and a eteamboat-yard in the Weat : aleo a petition to the New Yotk Legislatura to reduce the tolla on tho Erie canal to the lowest possible ratea. The Hennepin canal project wasiudorsed, and metallic currency was declared the resutt, not the cause, of commercial prosperity. The oouvention is hereafter to bo known as the ' ' American Board of Transportation and Commerce," and will hold its next eeasion at Chicago in 3875. Thé full bench of Jusigea in Washington haa decided that the late graud jury which indicted the safe burglars waa illegally choaen, and therefore all ití indictments are void. (.HMK ASO OKIBIIKAIjS. 4 II ia stated that an amnesty bill in behalf of the James and Yonnger boys will be introduced m the Misoouri Legialature at its next eeseion. In support of the measure, it is arguod that if these mou are allowed to return home and go to work, all the lawlessnees now being euacted in their name will cease, nd that, after once coming home, should they agaiu eugage in acts of crime, tUey could more oasily be detected and puniehed. A riEKCE miningriot is reported moreland county, Pa., in which four Italian minere were killed and several soYerely injured. A HOKKIBLB tragedy was recently enacted in Hamilton county, N. Y. A carpenter named Küas Williams, who was erecting a frame house, bired one George Smith to aseiat kim. One day, when druuk, the two men brgan to quarrel. Williams, in the course of the ctruggle, threw Hmith over a wooden sawliorso and sawed off the head ef his antagonist, neveriug it eutirely from the body. Williams eoon afterward out his own throat. 1'ive mahked men, Bupposed to be the Oadshill robbers, went to a country store near Little Koek, Ark., last wek, shot and killed tho proprietor, and robbed the store. The Shoriff of the connty pursued the gang, whon they tepar&ted, but tvro wore captured and taken to Little Koek, after a desperato fight, in which the Sheriff was wounded. Hkmiy Gambs, PiiMic Adrair.ietrator of St l_.oui coinitv, )lo., turns out to be a deïaulter to the amonnt of $45,000, and has lied. EDwifiD EfttïE, Trcasurev of Milwaukce county, Wis., it has been ascertained, is a defaultev to the amonnt of about S15.000. Jackson and Jervis, tho murderers of Hamuel Jones, at South Oynter Bay, Long Ielaud, N. Y., have been eentenced to be hung on the 15th of January. ÖiRiM Smitu waa hung at AVatcrtown, N. Y., on the 4th inet-, for the murder of Charles Wonham. 11A1JLK.UAU Ï.MDLLIUKM'E. offorts of ome of the Western railroad managers to stop the isBue of free passes has again fallen through on account of the refusal of the Illinois Central railroad to enter into the oompact. KÍKKS A.X CASt'JVLTIKÜ. The stoamer La l'lata, which was chartered by the cablè company to repair the ocean cables, faundered off the coast of France on the 29th of November, and uixty livee were loüt. Fouk men were killed near Fall II ver, Jlaae., the other day, whilo oonBtructing a railroad bridge, by the buruüng of a pn6Umatic cyhndor wbidh was beicg Bunk. KINAACIAJL, ANO 1NOUSTUIAL. A Financial, agent of the Tressury Departa ment has just roturned from Europe, and reportö that the uyndioato will ühortly take all ihat romaias of tbo no'.v five per cent, loan, a himilred raiUiona or t'ueroabout. This will complete the fuuding of the 5-20 loan of 1862. It ifi the opinión of many well-poeted financiers that the whole of the indebteduests of fie oouutry can be funded in bonds beariug live per cont. Interact, but there is little sale for iour or four and a-half per cent. bonds. It is generally conceded at Washington thxt there will be no financial legislation accomplished by Congross Uiíh winter. None of the members, it is thought, have changed thoir views on the question since the laet eeseion. The ereditors of Jay Cooke & Co , are becoming very much discouraged. Tney held a, meeting in l'hiladolphia, on the lat inst., to cliseuBS the situation, which is anythiup; but flattering It íh more than probable that proferred claims will eat up the whole estáte. Hekby CX.IWH t Co., the well-known New York banker, who nspended a few weeks tiince, have been adjudged bankrupt. The Concord (N. H ) Savings Bank han suspended. Neaklï all the iron milla in the Fittsburgk región have decided to coaee work. This aolion ou the part of the manufacturera will throwaboat forty-five thouaand men out of omployment, and will be a severe blow to tho proeperity of the región. Ir seeniB now very probable that the claims of government against Jay Cooke & Co. will prevent any dividend being paid to private creditors. l'OUTIOAL. Mr. SENF.n. of Virginia, will offer á bilí in Ppuproíe, rogBlating the piiniing of eleotiOQ ballot in the South. It will próvido tlmt tho tickotB of all partiea ahall be alike, (he object being to prevent iutiraidation at the polls. K'lHlKICiM. A letter from St. Pierre Miqualou giveB au occonnt of a terrible tragedy which took place at the settloment of Indian Tickle, Labrador, on the nigïit of Ts'ov. 15. The victima wore two families named Morriaon, numboring nino persons, only one of whom, a gul, oscaped Itseomathat of late gangs of Esquimaux Indiana have been committhig robbories at tho hnts and Btores, and that af te the capture of several of the Indiana they were publicly chaatieed by whipping. The Indiana sought rsvenge, and on the night of the 15th vieited the dwolling of the Hoiriaons, and shot and etabbed to deatli eight of the nine persona reaiding there. One Indian was alao shot. It i-i eaid that tho Sjsanish army now uumbera 200,000 men, fully armed. and thero are 400,000 men waiting for arma ordered from the United States. A tïpeoon at Yezoo, Japaa, Oct. 1. caused great injury to ma,ny villages, and one was entirely destroyed ; 200 livea were lost. The Formosan diffioulty betwcen China aui Japan has been amieably settled by a complete surrender of China to Japan. The diepatehes say that the Chinese have agreed t everything required by Japan, Emilio has been appointed to represent Spain at the American Centennial. A serious revolution has broken in Uruguay, South AmerioR. The suppoaed Nana Sahib lately arrested in India turns out to be not the Sepoy chieftain. A Ha vana diepatch aunounces the siuking of the coasting steamer Thomas Brooks, acid the loss of thirty livea. The affairs of the notorious Enima mine are nndergoing thorough inveBtigation in Englaud . Dn. Livingstone's journals have reaclied Zanzíbar in eafe hands. The trial of David A. Gage, thedofanlüng ex-City Treasurer of Chicago, has resulted in a Terdict of acquittal. In the course of an exöiting debate in the Germán Parliament, the other day, Biemarck declared vehemontly that he knew from the very best sources that Napoleon was dragged into the war very much agaiust bis wjll by Jesuitieal influenoe. He strove hard to resiet these influences. At the elevonth bour he detormined on peaoe, and kept his resolution half an hour. Ultimately ho was overpowered by persons representing the Vatican.


Old News
Michigan Argus