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A Walking Atlvertiseineiit. LlMESTONF. SPEINOS, S. C. Dr. R. V. PlEROK, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Bib : I am a walking advertisement for your Golden Medical Dieeovery, Purgativo Pelleta and Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Remedy, they having cured me of Catarrh of niño years' standing, which waa bo bad that it disfijjured my nose, and, while euring it, your medicinoe also cured me oí Authma in lts worst and mott aggravated form. Baforo using your medicinea I had becomí reduoad in flaah (rom one hnndred and fifty-ftve to one hnndred and fiíteen pounda, ai.d I now weigh ono hundred j and sixty-two pounds, and ara in bstter health than I have enioyed for twonty yeara. Youra truly, J. L. LUMSDEN. The above ia but a fair sample of hundroda of letters which are recoived by Dr. Pierco, and in the face of such evidence, who can longer doubt that the Doctor'a medicinea cure j the worat casea of Chronic Catarrh ? THE OKEAT FAVOEITE W1TH THE NADIES. Wm. Forayth Bynum & Son, druggiata, of Live Oak, Fia., write, Sopt. 16, 1874, aa followa: "Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Your Golden Medical Diacovery and Purgativo Pellets aell very largoly and give completeaatiafaction, as numbers of i era and friends teetify with pleasufe. Your j Favorito Preacription is, indeed, the groat i favorita with the ladiee, snd numbers can say with joy that it haa saved them froni eking out a miserable life or meeting with premature death, and reatored them to health and happinesa." Thouaands of women bleaa the day on which Dr. Piorco's Favorito Proscription was ; flrat made known vo them. A single bottle i often gives delicate and suffering women more relief than montha of treatment from their f amily phyaician. In all thoso derangementa causing back-ache, dragging down sensatioua, nervoua and general debility, it is a sovereign remedy. lts soothing and healing proporties render it of tho utmost value to ladies suffering from internal fever, congestión, inflammation or ulceration, and its strengthening effects tend to correct displacements of internal parts, the reault of weakne88 of natural supports. It is sold by all druggists. Db. Pieece's pamphlet on Diseaaes peculiar to Women will be sent to any addresa on recsipt of two stamps. Addreaa as above. Seed-House of David Landreth & Son. It is pleaaant to note the fiourishing fall trad doing by this long-establiehed flrm, in the midst of dnll times. In the prevalent stagnation, enterprise has the field almost without eompetitors. 80 determined are the LandrethB to secure, aa usual, a large share of Wieapproachingyear's business, that theyhave now nine of the f ast, sleam presses of Mc Calla & Rtavely, diligently at work, priniing their " Mural Segisttr " for 1876. This has nëverbefore oocurred in the history of their house. The "Sural Register' is furnished without I charge to all who use Landreth'a seeds - and who do not? - Fliiladdphia Commercial List. , __ ■ Whitneï's Musical Guest . -The December j number of this capital musical monthly, ] which will be issued from tho press early the 1 coming week, contains much that will be of unuBUal interest to musical poople throughout the whole country and eepecially in the West. Tbe ö uesl promises several new and j ivo f eatnres for the coming year, and presents a revised premium list which contains extraordinary induoements to agente to extend ite circulation. S end ten cents to W. W. Whitnex, Toledo, O., for a specimen copy. Safe, Pebmanent and Complete ! - Wilhoft's Tonic cures Chille and Fever, Dumb Chills and BUious Fevers- thoae Titans tbat kill their thonsands where this remedy is unI known. It cnres Enlarffnmont of the Spleen. It cures Hypertrophy of the Liver. It hurta no one. It cnres all types of Halarial Fevers and is perfectly proteetive in all ita effectB. l'ry Wilhofi's Tonic. tlio great infallib'e Chili Cure. WHKEI.OCK, Fislay & Co., Proprietors, New OrleanB. Kor sale by all druggiats. Mr. Aechey McKissick, of Kockdale, Ea., ia writiBg to Dr. Yishart, says : ' Jly son ; was pronounced incurable wit.l; coneumption, bnt hearing of your Fine Tree i'ar Cordial, we purchased three bottles, and be comraenced nsing it, and fromthat day tothie ho has been gettiug well." Now is the time to buy presents for Christmas. Combine beauty and utility, and give yonr gontleman fríend a cartón contaiaing ono huudred Elmwood Collars. They will last him eome time, and lie will tüink oí jou with pleaeure every time ho puts on one. CoTjUmdus dieoovered America, but it has been fouud that the oniy economical ShoeB for children are the celebrated íJltiVEBTIPPED. Never wear out at the toe. and are j worth two pairs without Tips. All dealers i soll them. The Northwestekn Hokse-Nael Co. 's I " Finished " is the best ín the worid . CMcap Bisiiess Director}, j AGRICULTURA!. IMPLEMENTS. CHICAGO SCRAPER & DITCHBR CO., 5C LaSalle. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. DR. HIATT 4 LE BOT, 125 South Clark. AWNINGS, TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. OILBEIIT, HUBBARD & CO., 226 to 230 South Wat er. BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. TR PRICE'S.Stcelo APriceMfrB.,'201&203S.W8ter, , Chicago, 204 N. 'M, St. Louis, 214 Main, Ciiui.mali. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. W. B. KEEN, COOKE 4 CO., 113 to 115 State. BOOTS AND SHOES-WHOLESALE. DOGGETT, BASSETT HILLS, 29 Z Lake. OREENSFELDER, BOSENTHALCO 34: Lake. l'HELPS. BODGE A PALMER, 48 and 60 Wabaen-aT. O. S. BICHARDSON 4 CO., 128 to 130 Franklin. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE P1CKLES. F. A. WAIDNER, ib and 47 River. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, ROCKING HORSES, SLEIGHS, Etc. JAMES B. THOMAS, Mauufacturer, 114 N. Pcoria. CHINA. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. BOWEN & KENT, 202 to 264 Waljash-av. WHOLESALE. E. BURNHAM 4 SON, S2 and 54 Lake. ENGRAVER. SEALS, PRESSES, BURNING-BRANDS. SOAP STAMPS, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS. L. BOCHE, 171 E. Randolph. ENGRAVERS. S. D. CHILDS, JR., & CO., 115 Franklin. ENGRAVERS' STENCILS AND STOCK. C. H. HANSON, 38 South Clark. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SFÉCIALTY. j DALY, IIENROT1N & CO., 144 and HC WabaBh-av. j FURNITURE. A. L. HALE 4 URO., 200, 202, 204 and 20G Randolph. GLASS SKOW-CARD PAINTER. ! J. J. O. BURGHOFFER, 199,201 and 203 E. Randolph GUNS, CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE. [ AddressW. E. SPENCER4C0., 56Statc. Est. 18W. i HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN HUNT & SONS, 58 and 60 Lake. HEAVY hARDWARE-WHOLESALE. KIMBARK BROS. & CO., 80 to 84 Michigan-aT. HOTELS. NETLAD.Y HOTEL, WabaBli-av., bot. Martifcon nd j Moiiroe. Central, convenient. $2.00 per day. IMPERIAL AXLE GREASE. OEO. B. SWIFT & CO., Mfra., 142 to 146 Fnlton. LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCIIFORD & CO., 70 North Clinton. LINSEED OIL AND OIL CAKE MANUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., 70 North Clinton. i.OCKSMITHS' AND BELL-HANGERS' MATERIALS. J. F. WOLLENSAK, 228 LaSallc. LUMBER. THE PESHTlflO CO- Green Bay Lumber. North Pier. W. E. StrOMK, Pree. G. C. Hoinpstea3,Sec. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS. THE GOWEN MARBLE CO., 11 North Clark. MUSIC SHEET AND BOOK. AMO DEALERS IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. THE ROOT 4 SONS MUSIC CO., 109 State. PIANOS AND ORGANS. W. W. KIMBALL, 205 to 209 State. PUMPS, WOOD AND PORCELAINCYLINDER PIPE, Etc. J. F. TEMPLE SONS, Mnfrs., cor. Polk and Canal. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 73Dearborn. SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. AMERICANS. M. CO.,242WabaBh-av. " DOMESTIC" S. M. CO., 74 State. Agenta wanted. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO.. 130 State. HOMES M CO.,.Iohnson, Clarki Co., 141 State. VÍCTOR S. M. CO., 381 West Madison. SHOT. CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO., 70 Noilh ClintOH. SHOW-CASE MANUFACTURERS. SAMUEL B. MARTIN, 57 State. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. JAS. S. KIRK 4 CO.'S STANDARD SOAPS, sold by Wholesale Trade every where,358 to 362 N.Water. STEAMSHIP LINES. WHITE STAR MAIL LINE, 97 Clark, A. Lagotu""WASHIfJG MACHINES. For Circulara, etc., address CALKINS CHAMPION Washer Co., 207 Clark. A({t8 wanted evory whore. WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLORS MANUFACTURERS. CHICAGO WHITE LEAD &OIL Co., Green & Fulton. WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS. CLINTON WIRE CLOTH CO., 175Randolph. Tue American Bícwspaper Union numbers over l,(i00 papera, separated into seven suDtlivisions For separate lista ana cost of advertisirp, address 8. P. SANBORN, 114 Monroe St., ChicaKO. MHHIIBA MORPHINE HABIT peedUy ËVJ8 curod l.y Di-. IkTH soiily I 11 I BMI known A' suio líemeiiy. l# I lUBvl NO CIIAKGE for treatment until cured. t'all on or addnM% TJR. J. C. BECK, Cincinnati, O. pf#fp!iï%. Thls PATENT CABINETor tfhrr '" '-'- -jfr I FTTC FILEiBusefultoevery Se I buBinesa man, to keep BILLS, LET,ri!Lí;;; ' 1 ag TEK3 or PAPEK8 alwaya clean RJtfPj: ! P jfjv and in alphabetical order ; holds rS;íí i 1 Ñ5&, 4,000 Letters, can be used on a deak IssJSjlt I cffl r hung to the -wall. We prepay M(! I MBa Express charges. Send for circular =sSB=!== and price list with 1,000 references. AddrcsB C. A. COOK & CO,, Chicago, IU. THE G1NGINNATI WEEKLY STAR Including postale and the flnely-illustrated Star Almanuc, $1 per year. Aiiti-Monojioly-tlie Uraiigei-'s Paper- containing 8 large pages of excellent reading matter. The farmer, merchant and meohauie in any part of the country will flnd this the best of the weeklies, to say nothing of the low price Agents are offered inducemeute superior to anytning heretofore attynpted. Specimen copies free. Address ' THE STAR," Cincinnati, O. nnii'T vnu vunuun thf chat mimcm DUN I I UU KNUW V MONTHLT.-The popular people'e paper of Amorica, The Star Spangled Banhek, enters upon its 13th year with 1875. This year it wishes Ton to subscribo. You have üelayed quite long enough. It will save you nwney, and make your home and family better and happier. 81 00 only. VnlID UilCC Wants to read the ctiarmlng stolUUlf ïYlrC ríes, poema, talos, Bketches and inva uable recipes for cook nu, Ac, Ac. Make her, make your h me and all in it happy. Take ihb Bannbh. VnilD fU!l nDCM Want to road our "ChllTUUn UnlLUKCN mis Department;" Enticing Rebuses, Riddles, Enigmas, Charades, PuzzleB and Conuudrums, with an immense quantity of delightful reading. Our Medical Department glves information on ALL medical matters. We answer all kinds of questions free in our "Ans wers to Correspondente." fll fl Young, Rich, Poor, ALL want the Banker. ULUi Kemember it is the PmopiK's Papiíh, popular, and alrearty read by 160,0f0 delichted people. We need agenta, but we want your dollar nd your name. Buperb premiums to all. Bend 6 ets. for specimen to BANNKE FUBLISHING CO., Hinsdale.N.H. MUSICAL GIFT BOOKS Avery accevtable cuid permanenüy usefid present to a musical frieud rill (e one of the following mluaMe Wnrksfor sale at all ilusic Stores, or m oe sent by mail, postpaid, for retaü price. arXTSI" PTTBLISHED ! PIAKO AT HOaiK! K0 large pages, fllled wlth toe best Piano Duets (i-hand pieces), furniehing au u..failing fund of home cnterta.ument. OUUAI AT HOME. Por Reed Organ. ÜOO yery popular easy pieces. Gems of Germán Song, Vocal; Gem.t of Scottish Song. Vocal; Uems of Sacred Song, Vocal; bems of Stráuss, instrumental. These books aro truly caskets of " Genie" of the kind indicatea. The " Gems of Strauss" constttute the most fcrilliant mutic ever published in oue volume. Wreatltof Gems, Vocal; ilüvtr Chord. Vocal; Operatic Pearls, Vocal ; 'noteer ot Pearls, Vocal Duels. Admirable oollectlon of sonss and Ducts. Musical Treasurc. Vocal and Instrumental. Pianist') Album. Instrumental. Pianoforte tíems. " All the aboye splpndtd collections are uniform in Btyle and bindinff. have üuu to ïM large pages each ure nlled with the most popular muslc, and coat In Boards ea a !$2.öi. In Clotn, ipa.OO. ïull Oilt, $4 00. Eletrantly bound and moat intereatinff books are alsotho Live of Handel, Muzart, We Der, Ueethoven. Mendelssonn, etc, etc. i'rioe irom 1.Ï5 to $2.00 per volume. 0L1VER DITSON & CO., CHAS. H. DITSÜN 4 CO., Boston. 711 Droadway, N. Y. TRYING ON THE BOOTSl TliiB fellow Sr.on uflorwardcamo another leUer'??(!li""'V I Dcar Sir-JIy little l.oy bas examtned the sreci meu nuMbcrs whloh yuu sent him.has tried, (.e boM on, and likestheflt. f o picase sond the YonBO, rouf Kiwa for ono year. Fbspdik's Fítiies. SciMiath ee-cent stamp fora Specimen Copy. il! on foe boots fint. They are snre to fit. Pnco pnly SI. 5, and warranteJ to last for one year, with a Kn."me Chromn giren "t, boot." The paper for one year. p jstane puid, and the choiceoffour Chrointis %1 !45 Or tho j,aper, with either chromo ynoukted altsO) nrwithtu Chromos mounted, I 75ior with uur Chromo miunted, J4.-ÍJ. Moüiited Chromo are ready for framlng. Sena" a Hiree-cent ttampfor a 8pcimtn Copy. ALFBBO MiWlïS, 1'ul.lisher, Hl Suutl) Seventh St.( rhiladelphi, Wn Al I CU Cl nDICT i4i statest., ■ Ui ALLlN, r LUnlo 1 1 chicaO; BOUtiUETS, WreathB.CroBSCB and Floral Designs furniBhodto order. Catalogues of Planta Bentfree. J? 11 oí; 'riucíer. jfPjÍA . V j 10,000,000 Rlnico, VVSBW 1 Xw TO.00O Klnccm, .'VJSSW -V, Y A8,500 Tonca Bold. V,-. , v --y "■ T. 1IIH.ACO. Decitur, 111, TUR VUCCIf I V QIIM Alarge, oight-page, Ín I nC YYfctftLi depeuiient, bonest and foarlt:fs íiewflpaper, i 56 bread cdi.nins, especftlly úesigiicd for the farmer, the mechauic, themerchftnt and the prr fCBSional man. and their wivet and children. We aim to make theWeekly Sun tho best family nowspaper in the world. It iB full of instructive rcading of every sort, but prints notbing to offend tho most scrupulous and delicate taste. I'ricc S Pcr 7"iT, postagc prepaid. Tho chcapest paper publiBhod. Tryit. Addrcss The Buk, New York City. Prof. D. lláeeker's PAINLESS OPIUM GURE! The Only Succcsslul Remedy of the Present Day. Sendfor raper on Opium Eating, its ConsequenceB and Cure. P. O. Eox4ï5, - - lport, Ind. WAÑTED ffnlllLU per ML Tosell the MOIN SliriTI.ESKWItG MA. lilliNK. KIC - Hk'Ah. Hcader ! ! you can makP money selling Uie "IK1H SHITTLE." whether you aie EXPBK1E CKU ui the Imsi ■ ncfs nr Hot. Ifyou wish to buy a SEWINO MACHINE finily use, our cireulars wiil show yini huw to save monoy. AddresB JOU S. C Al.fC t Co , Chic Ano. III. Caii Fris i TintiUe Oi the Choicest Kinds Wtthin Reach of All. rase of 24 cana assorted Table Frui s. $5 60, Case of '24 cans aasorted Vegetables, $4.rc. The country has been flooded with inferior goode. Purchasers will find our aaBOrtment tüe beat and cheapes-. Hent on reoei.t of price. P, A. WAIDHBR, 45 Rtver 8t., Chicago. STEINWAY Graai, Spare aiJ üpriflt Pianos, Superior to all othen. Every Piano Warranted for Five YearB. IllnBtrated Catalogues, with Prlc Lit, mailedfreeonapplication. 8TF.1NWAY SONS, Noa. 107, 109 4 111 East Mth Btreet, New York. OPTIC'S MAGAZINE, 1875 Now is tlic time to Subscribe I The New Volume will contain Now Storiee by OILver Optie, Elijan Kellogg and ethers, beeides many now features, all of wMch are duly set forth In cur ProBpectua. TermB $3.00 per year, in adyance. Specimen mimber mailed free on application. LBK & SIIKI'AHI), Pu hlislif i s, Boston. DONHAM Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Warerooms, 18 East Ulh Street, [Establiíhedl83í.] ME.W YORK. Smdfor lllutlrated drtul-r oitd Priet tttl. Clarkes NewMethod 4 e Piano-Forte. Endorsed by the Musical, Edueational and jeneral Press, and by Good Teachers, to be Beyond all Comparison the Best (o be had at Book and Music stores. Sent by Mail, Price, $3.75. LEt & WALNCK. ' 1-JIILADELPniA. EVERY HOVSKIIOLU CAN BE SUPPLIED W1TR A BEAUTIFUL ILLUMINATINB O AS BYTHH KEYSTONE SAFETYOAS MACHINE. IT IS SIMPLE IX COySTfiUCTlOX, SAFE IN OPERATION, AND CERTA1N IN RESULTS. FOR VILLAJES, CIIUMCHES, R VRAL HOMES, INSTITUTIONS, ETC., THE KEYSTONE APPARATUS AFÍ ORI)S THE MOST PERFECT MEA.NS OF ILLUMIXATION YET DISCOVERED. PA31PULETS AND FULL INFORMATION ON A l'PLICA TION. KEYSTONE SAFETT GAS SACÍJINE CO. ; .7. B. WILSON, PRES , C. H. BAKER, SEC. ; 7Í7 SANSOA ST., FHILADELPIIIA; 110 LIBES TY ST. NEW YORK. Tl CVUSI H a 3CHEAPBR AND BETTER THAN EVER. The Wïekli Thibtjnï. f ordered now, will be sent until Jan 1, 1670 (neflWj thirteen monthn), potaio paid.for 2; or, in clubs, at the yeaiiy club Tates. Any one may order it between do-w and the lst oi February next.for one, two or threemnnths, at therate of TKN CK-IV-TS FEU MOTO! j and ii .■ a f ter the lst of January, pnstage yata. KO BÏÏRA CHA BOK i made íor addreesin papers to ench memier of a club- practically a redwtion of thivty cents a year from the proviouB loweBt rates. . . After Jan. 1 postaoï on THE Tribcüi u'ili be paid butheofficc WITHUCT CHAKGK to ihk subecribkb. Tbe Weeklt Teibunb thu becomoB to subscribets ín club THE (HEAPEST, as it has long been the best, paper puhhshed. Agenta wanted in every town. Address, for specimen copies, posters and rates of commission, THE TRIBUNE, New York. A Beautiful Grift FOE YOUR OHILDREN. THE LITTLE CORPORAL For 1875. Einlly Huntlngton ,11111er, Editor. Each number of the magazine containa matter Buitable to the Llltle Folkg, the YmingPolki and the Oíd Folks who have y ung hearts. All new subscrinera for next year, whoso ñames are received before January lst, mil rcceíve the rcmaining numkers of thi year free. BeatUifíil Premiums for We want rent everywhere to raiBO clubs. Now is the time to heqtn. Send stamp for Premium LiBt. Terina for 1875 are: Single copies, SI .50 a year; flve copies for 5, and a premium to the person sending the club. Specimen Bumbers, 10 cents. Welxiter's Prlinary Dlcí Illus(rated EUtion; 362 pages, '.00 engraviníts ; cloth and leather binding. Price,postpaid. 5c; or Llttle Corporal one year and Dictionary, postago paid on both, for ouly $1.60. Vel8ter'8 Oomiiion School IJlcdoiiary-, with Synonyras, usctul Tables, List of Fortuin Words and-Phrases; 400 pages, 250 engravliigs ; cloth and leather binding. Pnce, pestpaid, íl ; or the Corporal one year and Dictiouary, both postpald.íor $1.S). You are invited to subscribe. Address JOHN E. MILLER, Publisher, 16 Bandolph Street, Chicago, 111. Wísharfs Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Natu re's Great Remedy FOR ALL ThroatfcLung Diseases. For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers. Dr. 1. AValker's California ! egar Bitters ave a purely Vegetable I prcparation, raado chiefly lrom the na ] tive lierbs found on tho lowcr ranges of I the Sierra Nevada inountains of Califor nia, the medicinal proporties of whict are extracted therefrom without the ifo of Alcohol. The questimi is almos daily asked, ' What is tho cause of the unparallelcd eucoess of Vlnküají Bhters?:' Our answer is, tb at they rerao{ the cause of diaease, and the patiënt recovers his healtli. They are the gre; blood pnrifler and a Mfe-glvtng principfe a perfect Kenovatnr aud InvigoratoT 'X the system. Ne ver before in tb. aistory of tho world lias a medicine bees compouiiJed poMMsing tlie remarkablt qnalities oí' Vixboab Bitters in healing th sick of every disease man is heir to. Thiiy ave a gentío Purgative ft veil as a Tonic relieving Coneeti-m lnllammatinn L the Liver aní A'i.scerai vrgans, in Büioq DLscasca. The properties of Dk. WalkhA V isKi ar Bitters are A perient, Diajibdrrtíc, I Oarminative, Nntritimií, Laxativa. Ji:irot, Sedative, Co-uuter-Irritant, Sudorilic. Alten tive, aud Anti-Bilious. (irateful Thousands proclaim ? egae Bittïks the most won?jvful In j vigorant that ever sustained tbe sinkinj I nystem. Uo Person can.lake these Bittw according to directions, and roraain long unwell, provided their bones are stroyed by mineral poison or otliet means, and vital órgans wasted beyoiw repair. Bilious, Remittent. aad ínter mittent levers, wblch are sopreva. lent in the raJleya of our great rivera throughout the United States, especMj those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cutnberland, Arkar,sas, Red. Colorado, Brazos, Bia Grande, Peari, Alabaina, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and mauy others, with tlieir vast tributarles, througliout om entire country during ihe Suimner and Autuinn, r.nd remarkably so duringíea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are inv.iriably accompnnipd by extensivede rangeraents of the stomatj and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative. exertinga pmr. erful inñuenco upon these various orgaus, is essentially necessary. -Tliere is no cathartic for the purpose equal I De. J. Walker's Vixeíiak Brí it.i,-. as they will speedily rcinove the darkcolored viscid nitter with which the bowela are loadcd, at the same time stimulating the secrettons of tlie livet and generaüy restoring the healthj functions of the digestivo organs. Fortiiy the body agalnst diseasf by purifying all ita tluids with VnnsGAi Bitters. No epidemie can take hold of a system tlms forc-ármed. Dyspepsia. or IndiKOstioi), lieadaciie'. Pain in tlie Sboulders, C Tifihtness o!' the CUost, Dizzinei Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilione Attacks, Palpitatation of the Heait, lülliinnnation of the LuLgs, Pain in the re.uion of the Kiá neys, and a humired oflicr painful 8jmp toras, are tlie otïsjirins ui üyspepsia One bottlewill prove a bcttcrguannM of its merïts thar. a lengtliy advertíment. Scrofula, or Kine's Evil, Whta Swellins, Bloè, Erystpelf:, Swelled Keel Goitrt-. Scrofuloaa lnfiaiimatiraB, Indolal Inflamraations, Mercurial Aüéetions, OM Soks, ErupUdiiö of the SXin, Sun; Eyt,ete In these, as in all other eoDgtitutional Dit liases, "Walker's VlNKCAit BlTTBBS 1W shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and Lntracta'jle csses. For Iiiflainniiilory and Chronit Rheumatism, Gout, Bilimis, Be teot andlntermittent Kevers, Diseasesa the BIooq, Liver, Kiilner.s and Bkultla these Bitters have no equal. Sueh DÍ8CHI are caused by Titiated Blood. MechanicalBiscascs.- Personsen gaged in Paints and Minoráis, suchas Fluinbers, Type-setters, Gold-beatera, " Miners, as they ulvauc-c in Ufe, are sulijrc! to paralysis of the liuveis. "■ agaiust tliis, ttike a dosu of T.u.k::ks Y11 eoar Bitters occsaioiwlly. For Skin Disensos. Krupt ion ter, SaH-Hhcum, Blotcfio.. Sp I , Puétulw, Boils, Carlmnr!.--. Kir Scald-head, Snre Bye. Ei-yii ia. H Scurfs. Discolorations i f the and Diseases of the Bhiu ■'' haW or nature, are literally ilng up and 8n out of the Bjstenl in a sliert time 1 of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other worw lurking in the system of d roany tl.. are eflectually destroyud sud nano system af medicine, r.o vcnuiin."' thelminities wUlfwf Üie ejBiow Irun like these Bitter?. For Femak Complaints, In or okl, married or single, ftl Uu' duwn (■ manhood. or the tnrn of life, thcíe WJ Bitters display so decided m nfinenfl " improvement is Boon perceptilile. ClcanscthoYiíai!(irloi) ever yon find ita impuriües liúrÁing throoí the skin in Kmple Ernptiims, r "" eleanpe it when you lind It obstt sluggish in tho TOat; i leatuiB il when foulj'your feelings will teUïouvhen. w the blood pure, and the hcalth of ;; will follow. Bi II. McBOSAI. A CO.. X)mgRistsniidGon.A) I'YCÍB" and cor. of Washington and C'nr)toii St N Sold ly 11 lïrugsist "' FOR NKARI.Ï THIIITV 1KAK jf Oatiet They are pruduced in all the nove1" changiiig fitluom, S1 in conae vative m 8uited to tho ant of many portons. AmoiH latteraiethe ( "Standard Cray Styles, proper for the house or Btrcct- beautifui i sigTis and pleastnti in oclnring. "CHOCOLATE STANDARD STYLER ingroatvariety, and wldoly knowa " ffH'lZ viceatU prints. Noihing better dailv J Thoo goods ftear ticket! as quotel abnve. "",_, tailershould have them, and vuur exsmm" and approval will coincide. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 Sc 25 RANDOLPH ST., CHICA1" lÉB SülilpÜ Hm.c wild in:irrIeU or oonteniplaie ■J'fjupe PriceSOcts. hymall. Addrcse iUr. Butts liw DR. WHITTIEE Ko. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, lfa ontlaoei to trflát all eaiei of obsUcli to mrrlai ■ ImporiUet, ewj allmeat or alcknesi which resol i" lndiierUon er lmprudenc, with unpar!li!l ',.■,- Dr. W.'t eiUblUhnwnl Is chftrtered by the PUW ' ouri, w. fonnded ad hu breo estibiWusl " '" (! tfe, ertalD od relisbls relief. Being a gdu '., rcral ntedicftl collemi, nd haviag Ihe eipcricaea iDniud iaccsrunfrelQfcla0pecUltlei he ba rer rmdlei tbat are eS'ectu&l ia il these cases. H" Patk y# ars belng treatrd br mail or exprett Ter7wtier?'„ninMattrr who falted, cali r write. From tbc frcV.rfil Ur of applloaUoos ba Is eoabled to keep bis ri. Ut. 36 pags. ÍtJoí fo'l ;mpwm, for to l MARRIAGE CUIDE, KO re, popnltr book whicb lioold be red T '" body. o mrrlcd plr, or penoni oonlimrl"" ,f rtue, cn afford (o do without t. It CODtolBS tbe crrff ( mediaal litntnr on tbli lubject, the reiults or fc long tiprtenoe ; alio Ihê beat tb.oo.ihu from l" J. u. Ui .!! mJ iIL.rlo4. e!! JTN- IS W piense say you mv he ll"ru" In tlils pnpvri


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