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1 17 kï Eacll Week. Agents wanted. Particti3 i Allursfree. WORTU 4 CO., St. Louis, Mo. d R o D Q 11 Pr day at Terms freo. AddrcKS Ö 3 ' 0 t U Geo. Stikson & Oo., Portland, MatJie. fiijr. PEK DA Y Commisston or 30 9 fcJ Salary ana expenses. We offer it and v.iil pnylt. Applynow. G.WebljcriSi.Co.,Mariou,0 AGHSNTS WANTED- Men or Women. $84 a week or $100 forfeited. The secret (ree. Write at onoe to COWEN & CO., 8th St., New York. 11 PZ.i Pei' day made by our agenta BClling ( ,MF staple articlcs used in every family. AttdrcssII H.Miller&Co.,164Radolph-st.,Chicgo ADVERTISBBS1 Send 26 centB to BEO. P. ÏUnyELli & CO., 41 Park Row, New York, f r their PampMet of 108 puse, containiug H "lts o( 3000 newipapers and eBtimateB ahowini; O8t of advertiaimf. CONSTANT KÏIPLOYMRKT- At home, Male or Female. $30awrekinsiired. No capital requued. Particulars snd valuable sairtple froe. AOdreBa, with6c return stamp, C. Robb, Villiamsburgn,N.y. ii 4 ROlJJVITHK'rKA.TABIK,"anwsnb A. scription bonk, by Bev. T. DeWitt Talmage anthorof ('ni)iihn Swept íi," 0. Agenta wanted JOHN E. MILLE1Í .t CO., Pnblis&ers, Chicago, 111 KTiTEMB-fT.-It ia itstcd Ly Dr. N. 8. Pond. of 158 South nolstcd St., CWago, llüuuitf, tli&t he Las no prtnr ur (rBlniR geat. lliote wisLing to ,-oiiiult liitn muat iu so jiorsunullj, or j letter, au bLoï. Preícription to tíiv tM.or free. ilis engravini of aelf my b ordred, prti;e20cU. lli Course uf SU-dic! Locturra ojious on JnnuJ &th, 18:5. MudanU iboum atteud earlj. T TT ! T ■ MOVEY IN ÏT SlIRB! Jmt ü u o Alont. uïeful, Handsome, Chcap. Sell THE I everywhere. 8end for prospectus to TI A f V I U. C. BRIDQMAN, 5 Barclay St., N. Y., ij U U IV I or 113 West 4th St, Cincinnati, Oblo. O NB agent snld tn ono month 501 copie 0[ the LIPE'OH' LIVINtiSTOXK, which unfold the thrilling e.rjifi'iciicfj of a veritable Hero and tho.t-H.iosiiie of a tranderu! country More agents wanted. Addreas LtlVIÏGSTONE PUBL1SHEE3, either at Cincinnati, Detroit, Chicago, Davenport, or St. Louis. fBITl l)i;C'l' TUK CHKAfusr, 1 rlbj OllitVl, llie Largelt l'ai (n the World ia lbo TOLEDO WEEKLY BLÁDE (Nasby's Paper). Enlarged to 72 column-same prico as before. Sicilicn Copies Free to any


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