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Moral Courage

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The followinír froin C. M. Clny's True Americnn sounds right. "Bul what is the courage of tho bnttle field :omparcd with mora] courage of every dny life' Stand alone; seo friends scowl; liear , Jislrusl speek is fuul suspicion; watch enenies taking udvüutügc oí' the occn6Oi),laburiiiL; ;o destroy; wlio would not rather encourcleri ] thö shock of au Imntlrei! ba'tle fielils, undtad i forlom liope in each, thar. bare and brave Lhese lliings? Why one is as the sumtner breezo on the ocean 10 winter' s stormiest btast. Any common spirit may 8unimun ouinge to p]ay the foMict well; use quickly fits him for t. Uut il requiios a ma.n to speak out his thcuglits as lic thinks them - to do - when like thut stormy blast in winter on olJ-'ocf ai, peace, honor, eecurity, and life ore threu'.ened to be swept away. Vet wiio, Iookiii5 back npon the pige of histury, or forvvard to the hope of the future, would hesitate which ofthetwo to choose. - The martyrs- whcre are they? Chroniclcd namee in all hearts. The pattiots who diod for libcriy, ignominiously aml on Ihe scafibld; liow (ares it with thein! Cherished U6 carth' honored sons. Tlic gooi] - wlio spoke the irtilh nnd suffered for its sake - here nre ihey ? Like men thsy epoke the truth thai v. us in them. This wae their courage. - If Ihey had been silent, if, trembüng before tymiits or mobs, they had feaied to tol] what they knew, to speak what they feit, they would have üve1 and died as olher men. Bnt they had the moral courage to do all thit?, and though ihey perished, man was blessed throngh their sufïrage, and trutli lighted up with new glory and power. Givo us moral courage before cvery thing else! h is the only bravery on which hiimanilv may count for any real blessinw. Give us courage first and last. For whüe it nerves a man for duty, it roots out of Ii ie hcarl (me and revenge, and all passion, tnakiisg hún wiso umid danger, calm amid excitement, just amid lawlesenees, ond pure amid corruption. Il is the crowning beauty of manhood."