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-Getyour job printing done at the Akous „Tbere will be no discourso at Univcrsity all nest Sunday. „Tbewrangle of the Seniora of the Univer„IT over class photographer still continúes. Senator Coroy, of Manchester, was in mm on Wednesday, attending to Uourt busi_Rev. S. Haskell, of this city, addressed iteTemperauce Union of Dexter, on Sunday nemng last. E. Duffy announces a "nsw departure," particulars of which see a notice in auotheolumn. _ Petitions are being circulated in Ypsi]at, for the removal of the post office to the jewLaible block. -Kittridge's "hauly water works" were ijiVonMonday, filling the reservoirs emptied (iSaturdayevening. t_E. K. Frueauiï has received the appointsentpi agent for this city, of the Inman üjeof ocean steamers. -Cali at the Akous office, and leave your orders for a supply of New-Year's calling ards. New styles and low prices. -Apetition has been sent to Washington torn Manchester, asking that the postoffice at tt&t village be made a money order office. -Theshortest days in the year in this lat:ade are 9 hours and 4 minutes long, ummencing on December 17 and ending Dember 26. -Do not permit the Httle folks to be disappointed on Christmas eve. ïhe happiest rectoleotions of childhood's day's are the yisits of Santa Claus. -Gregory's "street car" has changod its rouw, and now runs froin the Gregory House tomer to Walker'? corner on Broadway, in the fifth ward. -Cards, Bill-Heads, Statements, Letterïsads, Note-Heads, Circulars, &c, printed in ie best atyle, and at the lowest prices, at the Iboüs office. -C. BJiss fc Sons, No. 11 South Main St., tee an elegant asaortment of Ladies Gold Ucbes, together with an abundaut supply of Hiday goods. -Rev. Calvin Stebbins, of Detroit, will fteach in the Unitarian Church next Suuday aoming and evening. Subject ior evening, 'ftarage in Moráis and in Religión." -For a Cliristinas present tor your wife sr cluldren, nothing will please them more tan a pack of risiting cards. You can get iem printed in the best style at the Anous -The Goodyear House at Manchester bas leen sold by Messers. Coon & Burch to Jospli McMahon, and possession to be given la. lst. A grand farewell will be given on Cristinas night. -Chas. H. Manly will, have a grand pigeou-shoot, at his residence in the üf th ward, on Christmas day, commencing at ten oclock He haa a large stock of birdg, and invites all the " shootists " to be present. - The time is at hand when wive9 and imghters are indulging in lively anticipations "stowhatthe patrón saint will do for them fe coming Christmas. J. H. Maynard suggesta in another column something very apopriate. -Some Ann Arbor ladies discard warm md comfortable overshoes because they make li feet look buugling. Good health and mg Ufe are resulta of keeping the feet properlj ciothed ; while thin shoe3 bring cousumpfon and premature death. -Bayard Taylor drew a large house notmtistanding the unfavorable weather. The lectuxe was full of instruction, and was listenltowith close atteution. Af ter the lecture Ut. Taylor was banqueted by the D. K. E. Irateraity, of which he is a meinber. -By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court " "fl county in chancery, the mortgage Uut the Detroit, Hillsdale and Indian Bail"ad company will be foreclosed by a sale of 1 entire property of the icompany, to take Pce in this city ou the 28th of January next. -The seventeenth annual meeting and Stiet of the New England Society will 'te place next Tuesday evening, December ■ at the Gregory House. Tickets may be toined of C. A. Lewis, No. 2, Huron street ' of Clark & Cropsey, and at the hotel on that tvening. -Ust Friday night at the meeting of the Webrter Society of the Law Department, e fbllowing gentlemen were chosen to parflpate in the " Public." Senior debators, "■■laggart and J. Campbell ; Junior detatn E. M. Joslin and R. H. Vickers ; Ora A. W. Kumler ; Select Reader, George Putnam. -We see it stated that Wong Chin Foo, the "Heatheu Chinee" that lectured in thia city 'bout a year since, and who attempted to leave ■i without paying hia billa, in con8equence wich Sheriff Fleming engaged in a " grand Winee" w,th him, on the corner of Main Huron etreets, while attaching his bag8ei has been tendered a professorship in the liïerBity at Newburyport, Mus. "Jeff" Davis ia jubilant again, this time 111 "osequence ol hia victory over a Mainstreet ■"rehant, with whora he had some " truck" a w Wys since, iu renard to damage done by . 8 dog, to goods displayed on a box stand"2 oo the sidewalk. Jefï. making complaint ""i the merchant for violatiug the city 'nauce in relatf on to signa, oompeiling him tke the tanner-sign that was stretcheJ woss the street f rom his atore. -Miaa Carrie Norton, of the postoffice, on rturn to her residence- llclntyre's house, 6 'st Huron street- ou Monday evening about oclocfe, discovered that soTne person or per were unlawfully in possession of tlie 'We, and immediately proceeded to a neighr 8 kouso and gave the alarm. Some gentle paired to the premisea, just in time to ttwo meu leave the house. A chase ensued, 11 the villams escaped. The house was found Me been thoroughly ransackcd, tut - The Manchester Enterprise saya that while unloading a barrel of whisky at the Lake Shore depot on Monday a bystander made the remark, "there comea 135 fights.'" The next to uuload was three burial cases, when another exclaimed "and only three deaths." That must have been genuine old rye." - Whon looking for Christmas presenta for old or young, remember that whatever adds to comfort gives the greatest pleasure. A good suit, a nice Bow Scarf, Muffler, Cardigan Jacket, Undershirt or Drawers, a warm pair of Gloves or Mittens, Hat or Cap, would fill the bill. Joe T. Jacobs fe Co., the one pnce clothiera, No. 24 South Main street, (Bank Block) have a full line ot the above and can supply all demands. - A few nights since, between 11 and 12 o'clock, a lady in the Third ward was awakened by a noise under hor window, she aroused her busband, who arose and gazed below, seeing a man who had the appearance of being engaged in the act of forcing up a cellar door, immediately stepped back and seized his revolver, and returntng commenced to quietly raise the window with the lntention of giving the " burglar" a dose of lead ; at this juncture tho man below straightened up and was recognized as a neighbor, being out gathering swill, so the shot was saved. Swill-gatherera should select a different time for their harvest. Weather-prophets who wih to turn their talents to some account should visit Grand Traverse and enter their uames for a great guessing match. Arrangements are being made for a grand Christmas supper there on this novel plan. Each prospective guest pledges one dollar, and writes on a piece of paper a prediction of what the weather will be at two o'clock p. m. Christmas Day. These prophecies are inclosed in sealed envelopea with the prophet'a name, and left with a treasurer ; at the hour designated the thermometer is to be examined, the envelopes opened, and the best prophet is awarded the proceed of the supper. Everybody ia eligible to mombership except " Old Trobabilities " himself, and if he senda them such a apell of weather Christmaa afternoon aa will disgust them with the whole weather-guessiug business, there will be people unfeeling enough to say, " served them right."


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