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Of courpe eveiybody knows that the 3htrman Houso is the best hotel in Chicago. Bat we desire them also to know that its ratea have been materially reduced. This will stili further increase its already deserved popularity. Pianos anti Orfjuns. Fine dow rosewood pianos for 300. Fino walnui organp, SiX top, 125. Oood see.ond-hand piano, $150 to $200. Tïeod'ö Templo of iluïe, Chicago It Rünb Liiuj a Pbairib Pire ! - De. Waiker's Vlnegab Bittbbs runs like a prairie fire. The fame of the Temperanoe Tonio is, however, but poorly exemplified by this figure of speech ; for a prairie flre runs only in one direotion, whereas the reputation of the bitters spreads toward all points of the comEass. Thero is not a square mile of inabitod territory in the United States where this meritorious preparation is not approciated. If any theoretical gentleman tMnks he is prepared to show that there is " nothing in it," we advise him to go to the Prairie States, in tho Mississippi Valley, to the deltas of the Southern rivers, to New England, in fact, anywhere within the limita of " Únele Sam's real estáte," and ventílate his views. By so doing he can raise a heartier and more general laugti than has ever yet shaken the sides of an intelligent peoplc. Persons who have been cured can 't help laughing at other people who tall them that tho medicine which saved their lives is a failnre. 14. The hnge, draatic, gripyig, siokouing pille, conetvuctod of orude, coarso and bulky Ingrediente are fast being tuperseded by Dr. I Pierce'e Pleaeant Purgativo Pelleta, or Coated, Ooncentrated Boot and Herbal Juiee, Auti-Bihous Granules- the " Little Giant" Cathartio or .ïfuüumró Parro Physio. Moflern chemioal eoienee enables Dr. Pieree to extract f rom the joioes of the most valuable rcota and herbs tneir active medioüial principios, whioh, when workod into little Pellets or Granules, scarcely larger tan muslard seed, renders each little Pellet as active and poworful as a large pil), while they are mucb, more palatable and pleasant in effect. l)r. Ira A. Thayer, of Baoonsburg, Oliio, writes : "I regard your Pellets as the beat remedy for the oonditions for whioh you preecribe them of anything I have ever usod, so mild and cortaiu in effect, ar.d leaving the bowels in an excellent condition. It seemB to me they mnst take the place of all other cathartic pilla and medicines." Lyon & Macomber, druggists, VermUlion, D. T., eay: "We think they are going to Bell like hot cakes as soon as peoplo get acquainted with them and will spoil the pill trad.-, as those that have nsed them like them muoh better than large pilla." Safe, Permanent and Complete ! - Wilhoft's Tonic cures Chille and Fever, Dnmb Chilla and Büionn Fevers- those Titans that kill their thonsands whero this remedy is uiiknown . It cures Enlargeraent of the Spleen, It cures Hvpertrophy oi the Liver. It hurts no one . It cures aU types of Malarial Fo vers and is perfeotly protective in all ita eftoct . Try 'Wilhoft'ii Tonic. the great nfallible Chili Cure. Wh(5lock, Finlay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleans. For ealo by aU druggiats. This notice is addresaed to ladies only. If you want to inako yoiir husband, father or brother a handsomo Christmas present, give him a cartón of Elmwood collar. Yon can get thom at aay gnnts' f urniehing store. Be sure to get tbo Elmwood, bocause it looks and fits better thin any other. PmrLES, blotches and other unsightly ernptions of the Bkin should be gotten rid of as quickly as poaeible. Dr. Wiehait' Pine Tree Tar Cordial will remsve all euch things by purifying the blood. A pkotruding toe is not a Bightly thing, to say nothing abont liealth and comfort. 8ILVEK-TIPPED Shoes never wear out at the toe. For sale by all dealers. VEGETABLE PULMONAR Y IIAI.SAM! Most approved, reliable and well-kiiown remedy for Couglis.ColdB and Consamption. Get the gettuine. Fli.ce $1; amallöOc. CUTLER J3EO3.Í CO., Boston.


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