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The Miller and Millwright. A monthly journal of 16 pages. Every Miller and Millwright should take it. Add'a Simpsoh & Gault, Cincinnatt, O. $1 per annuro. Bendfor sample copy. JUS TlMO5EY IN IT SURKI Jait -„„T. out. üaeful, Bandeóme, Cheap. Belli i JUK. l every where. Send for prospectus to T f ÍTT I - BRIDOMAN, 6 Barclay St-, N. T., JjUUJXlorn West 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio! I jftltllS Afl HABir CURKD at Home. No I BUI l'ubücity. TeriDBraodeiate. Time I IbI Pliwt. Four years of unparalV I IwSll klcdsuccoss. Descree case. 400 ,-als, AdlreBBDr.F.E.Mar6h,Quincy,Micb. AÍIUU Liaoiks' MKDioAii guid::, Uy th eminent Ir.PA?rcoA5T,ILJ.TJ;JTBATED. It ïb high-toned and vonitlete, upon delicate subjects, and heneo íb iramenepiy popular. Por particular and terras, address HUBBARD BROS., Publiahert, cii úit Philadelphia, Boston, or Cincinnati. The American Ñewspaper Union mimbrre over 1.600 papora, separated tuto seven aubdivigIoiib. For ep-rate líata and coat of adYcrtiBinu. ■'Id; ns S. P. 8ANB0RN, 114 Mdnroe St., Ch'-cai?o. " BEST HOLIBAlf GIFT, fOR PASEHT, CHILE, TEACHEfi, PASTOR. FRiESD. Wetster'sUnaLriflirea Dictionary. 3000 ENGRAViNGS ; 1840 PAGES 4to. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK Offers to and will glve to every Subscribir whether singlo or iu a club, v. lio pays in Advancí for 187ñ, and remita dírectly to thiB office, A opy or " TUK IIESCUK," The Haud8omest Cüromo ever offered. For eiren i lar conlaining terms, etc, addresa L. A. G0DKY I H. E. Cor. Bixth S. Chestnut-ts., Philadelphia, P jfíj. nOCÍ BI1VCER. AVjírfl k . 16,000,000 Ring. &&%} VsT0,OO0 Klnzcr., jtyfMk Xv! 8.&00 Tona 8olL ▼ ySg A nnrdtvaT-oDealflrtBellTh'm. EU&ei3Lz$M&&é&ïE$i Tonp$l,-5, poitmid] TiïïTiïïrr'fc ,--yH.W.HmCo. Dccjtar, I!l, lASTHMA 1 CATARRH. B BttlËO deatb witli AbTHMA, I expeiímeiited hy oora HHBy pnnndlDK roota and her and lnhallu tho ir-M. IffiK W tciiio. I fortuoatcly dlacovered wonlrfui I JSm iBtïsB ronn'ib' 'H"l "ure curf for Astlimaand Catarrh. - Warraated to i-cileve severeft paroxysm !n■vH ntaatly, ko the prttient ran Ho dowTi to roRtand S' JHBflH sleop roinfortAbly. Drtiffgiiite aro Hupplled wlth H nunpla puckuj;eri for frke dtxtributioa. Bold J " lhl""" drupRista. Pitckftge by mail #1.25. Adn-BS X LA,GELL, Apple Creelt O UU. Caiei Mis i VeptaWes Of the Choicest Kinds Within Reach of AH. Case of 24 canB assorted Table Pruita, $5 50. Case of 24 cans aasorted Vegetables, $4 tú. Th-ï country has been flooded with inferior goods. Purchasers wtll find our assortment the best and cheapest. Bent on receipt of prlce. F. A. WAIDKKB, 45 River 8t., Chicago. S EE DS. MylLLUSTRATBDSEED CATALOGUE for 1875 Is nnw ready, and will be mailod, KREE OF CHAROE, to all applicants. Engliah and Geriuan edition. Addresa JOHN KERN, till IHnrket Street, St. Lonli. State whoi'6 yon saw thia advertisement. AGENTS WAITTED forthe CENTENNI AL UmtkStatesG-AíííITTEEII Shows the grand resulta of our first 100 years. A bookfor overy American. Bells everywhere'at fliijht. Farmers, Teachers Students, Lawyers, Merthanta, School Directors, Manufacturera, Mechanica, Bhippors, 8alefimen, men of learning and noen who eau only read, old and young, aA want it for everyday reference and use. ' A whols library. "-Boston Globe. " Kot a lnxury, but a necesbity."- Ocean. "The most recent, complete, trustworthy."- Nation. The ilEST-SEijliING Book Publishku. Send for Circulara to Ziegler Si Mei iirity, Chicago, 111. OPTIC'S MAGAZINE, 1875 Now is the time to Subscribe t The Kew Volume will contain New Storiea by Oliver Optie, Klijah Kelloyg and OtherB. besides manynew features, all of which are duly set forth in our Prospectus. Terms 3 00per year, in advance. Specimen numbor mailed free on application. LKK t SüKPAKü. Pnblisherg, Boston. For ONE DOLLAR we wlll send, postage païd, THE WEEKLY WORLD, ONE YEAR. All the newB of the past seven days ís giren in the weekly edition of The World (Wedneadays), which contains, iu addition to the newa, inany special features prepared expressly for it. The Orange department giveB cach week the latest newa of tilt; order and of the I'atrons. The Agricultural departmeat presenta the lateat experimenta and ezperieuces of practical culturists.full reporta of the Farmers' Club of the American Instituto, letters from practical farmers, and interesting discuasions of profitable farm! ug. The page for the family furaishes interest and amusement for the ftresiue during the long winter evemngs. Pull and truBtworthy live stock, couutry promoe and general produce marküt reporta show the state of trade. For TWO DOLLARS we will send, postage paid, The SEMI-TVEEKLY TVORLD, One Year. The Semi Weekly contains (Tuesday and Triday) all the contente of the Woekly, one or two ftrstrate Nevels during the year, aud all the cream of the Daily World. The World, in point of ability, enterprise and lnfluence, stands at the head of the Democratie presa in this country." Address "THE WORLD,' b5 Park Eow, New York. TinrnriTHip Cabinet Organ. Patented December, 1874. A ncw and beautlful musical inetroment - or im. provoment upon the Cabinet Organ- belng a com. binatlon of the pianoforte and organ. To a com pleto Five-Octave Donble-Reed Organ is added a Piano-Harp, the tone of which are between thoe of the pianoforte and harp. It has a pianoforte action, 1 played by the same key wlth the organ, and may be used aeparately or with one or all the stops of the organ. Itlsnot Hable to getontof order, and does not require tnntng. Having thoroaghly tested this beaatifal improveraent, we offer it with great confldenee to the public. Trico of P1AN0-HABP CABIKET 0K0AN, belng a Pivï-OcTAVB DOUBLI-EIÏD OEOAH, SlX BtOPS; With V0X Humaka, Automatic Swelij, Khkk Swell and Piaho-Haep, throe and a half octaves ; in Elegant XJpright Resonant Case, 8200. Circulars free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 25 Union Square, New York ; 154 Tremont Street, Boston ; 80 and 82 Adams Street, Chicago. AN XTKAOKniNARII-Y 1ÏAPPÏ BOY. Here is "Laughing Joe," as the neíghbors cali kim. He ltves in the country, uear a postofflee, and every week, on mail day, he waits with joyous expectatioiïB for its arrivsJ. If the woather is pleaaant, you may seo him astrideof two crofsfiUkes, Bhaped llke an X, watchlng the road. The neighbors always know, when they see on his face a broader grin than uaual, that the stage ia ia eight. Then he runs to secure the flrst place at the postofflee window, but he is never kept waiting long, aa the Fostmaster, aeeing his eager face, and knowtna why he íb tbere, searches at once for the copy of the YOUNU FObKS'NËWSwithJoe's name upon it. Other boya are there,and girls too, as eager as Joe to obtain their copies of the Vount; Folk.' New, aud the neighbors say that all who take the paper seem better and happier than before. Subscribe, then, for the VOUNU FOlK-S' WK VVS by aending $l.'5and you will obtain also a beautiful Chromo for a preaent; or for S1.5U the Chromo will be aent muunted. MountTd Chrtunos are ready for framing. Or, if you prefer '( tryon the boots jíraí," you may send a threecent atanïp for a Specimen Copy, ALFKKD SIARTIKSi, PublUher, '41 Soutli Swt ntïi Street, PlillactrlpUln. Sinker, Davis & Co., IXÜUNAPOLIS, IMJ-, Manufacturera of atrlctly flrit-clMt Portable Engines, Stationary Engines, Tubular and Flue Boilers, Lard Tanks, Water Tanks, CIRCU1.AK SAW-M1I.L.S, K1 KlnKTnlle9,L.e ver Head Bloclts, PlouiSllïSacl Inery, stav Macfcinery, siliinllniiKi"' Pulley ana Slmfliiis. Bellll Patent Uovcrnors, &.■. Send for " lüustrattd Catalcgut" JBt BEFORE BDTINO ELSEWHEBB. CÜSHING'S MANUAL Of Parliamentary Practice. wemher ufa deliberativo boda, aud the aulhority in TheSmao'et1'autlioritatiy expounderof Amerlean narl amentarv law."-Chas. Sumner. Prfre U Snt Set hy mail on receipt of price. Addreli Th5mP8ONBKOWM 00., Boston, Hul. Dtj í. Wsílker's California Vin ear Bitters are a purely ' pieparatioD, made chiefly from tt;o na. tive berb&,found on the Itnvcr rangeeoj tht' SierraTNevadamwiutamBo] nia, íbe medicinal pröpertios of '.vbic-. are' extraetod theiet'rom lttiont the us of Alcohol Tbe ]iicstion is almnt daily ?.sked,' ' What is the causo of ! unparalleled euecees of Vikegar Dn raaaf' Our answer is, that they rere the cause of diseasc, and the patienl eovera hia health. They are the greai blood purifier and a lilb-givin:? princi a perfect fienovator and Invigor of the system. Ncver before in hÍ8tory of the world ba:? a medicino componuded poswssing the remar,-. quahties of' VnrBOAB Ritters in healing th aiik of every disea.-e man id beir tu are a gentle Purgativa as ■well as a Tonic reli'jviug Ccngcebon or inflammation i the Liver and VLseorat Organs, in üilioc U .;eaeos. The of Dr. Walk VitGAR BITTKM ore Aporient; DiapUoretk Carnimative, ÍTutfJtiüUS, L&xative, Dimati. fedativi', Counter-Irritant, Sudorific. Alten ive. and A nti BÜionfl It. 11 [erOiVALD & CO.. BrQtífñ 13 and Gon. Aitfs.. San Francisco, Caüforjift, and cor. of Wiishinirton aml Charlton Sts.. N. Y, Soll by all Druggists and Dcali-rs. Cm. I. Nath&okl S. Dodge of Chloaso. ni-, certlÍT Ihat I htr, „,, parfDtr or&geat. iboM mikin; guch oiums trr tnpostorn. Mt . r. tmr. LLr mt tiladb iuii. I haT retirad froio eonmoo prcetlec and .IfM ktp opta offií. Thrnt wáhtiií to eonsult tne must do so pcrsonaüj er j ltter. Precri[rtJone to the poor frw. (Penonal engraving Kcu.) Iium il pintona ftgáltiit 'iMng m j DMno profMaionallj'. u mcb persoga cuac n KUU ;ii Ljt prornited to the fullcic extcDt of tne law. Yyu obwlicnt rrant, NATUANIEL IC1E, mTilCrPAÏTWIEEKLY STl Including poetagH and the finoly-illustrated Star A Imanar, $1 por year. Antl-Itlonopnly- th (xranfger's Paper- íontainii.g 8 large paHeo' excellent roading matter. The farmer, merchsut and mechanic in any part of the country wtn flnd thiB the beat of the weeklieB, to say nothing of the low price. Agenta are offered inducementa Buperiorto anything beretofore attempted. Bpecimen copies free. Address " THE STAR,11 Cim:iimati,0 TUP UF Pk I V QIIU Alarge,eight-page,inI Hu IfCCIVLl ÖUII. dependent, honeat ind fearteRB ncwipaper, of 66 broad columns, espeoally designed for the farmer, the mechanic, the meic han t and the profesBioual man, and wives and childron. We aim to make tbc 'eekly in the best famity newgpaper In the world. It isfnll of entertaining and instructivo reading of every sort, bat prints nothing to offand the most scnipnIoub and delicate taste. Pricc $1O per yesr, postage prepaid. The cheapöBt paper puLlished. Tiyit. Address Thb Sun, New York City. KANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 & 25 BANDOLPH ST..CHICACK STEINWAT Grand, Sanare and Upilt Pianos, Superior to all others. Every Piano Warranted for Five Years. IlluBtrated Catalogues, with Price Ligt, malled free on application. BTEINWAY SONS, Noa. 107, 109 111 East 14th Street, New York. The Noethwestebn Hobse-Nail Co.'a " Fiuished " Nail ia the beet m the world. FOR. NEARLY THIRTV YEARS THE RICHMOMD PRINTS have been held la liigb esteom by tlmae wbo nse ft Calicó They re pruduced in aii the noveltiea of changing faehions, and in comervative atylei suited to the wants of many persons. Amoug the latter are the "Standard Cray Styles," preper for the house or street- beautiful lufliffiia and pleasing in ooloring. "CHOCOLATE STANDARD STYLE%; In gr e at variety, and widely known as moat ser Ticeable prints. Nothin better for daily wear. These goods bear tickets as quoted above. Your retailer sfaould .have them, and your oxaminatioB aa-1 appíoval will coincide. WISHART'S PIE TREE TÁR CORDIAL It la now fifteen yeara aiuce the attentlon of the public ni Brst called by Dr. L Q C. Wisliart to this wondenul remedy, and so well has ít Btooü the te of time that to-day it not oiiljr has the cmfidenceot the entire cominunity, but is moro ! quently preacribed by physlciana in thetr practica tban any other proptietary preparation in tbe country. It i the vita: principie of the PmeTree, obtained by a peculiar procesa in tbe diatillatiou of the Tar, by wuich ií higittst medicinal propertiea are retatned. ïor thü füllowing comp'aiotl, Inflammation of the I,unj,'6, Cuughs, Sore Tnrual and Breiiet, Broncaitis, Coi;suraption, Liver Com&laint, Véale Stoma, h, Disease oí the Kidner', rlnary Osmplainta, Korvous Bebillty, Dyepepli'; anddiaeasea arlaing from an impure conaitiot 101 ttie blood, there 18 110 reraedy in the world that mb been tiied 8O auuceesfully or can ahow Buch a urn"1" ter of marveloua curC3. The followlng will asrre to ahowthe eatimatiua invlücli thia soverelga reraedy is held by those fti iüavü used it. Consumption for'Teu Years Cnrt il. Db. L. ö. C. Wishart : Dear Sir- I am grateftilto youfrom the fact that you have made a medicine that will cure the diseaae of the Lunga. My wue has had theOonaumptioufur ten years. PhyBician had told me that they could only patch her up tor the time being. Bhe was conflued to her bed ano had been for some time. I heard of your Pine are Tar Cordial aud securedoue bottle; it rehevedner coHgh. 8he haa now nuished fhe fourth bottle,ana ieable todo the work for her family; andmayOo apeed you on with your great discovery and cure you haTe made for C Jacksou Coutre, Slielby Co., OtóO' From St JLiOuiSt Mo. D. Wishaht, PHiLADii-rniA: Dear Slr-During a vieit toPhiladelphia, aonie throeyearsago, I auffering from a severo cold, and waa tnduced w Uke a bottle of your Pii.e Treu Tar Cordial, wlncn had the effect of curing me in a few days. I fl' used it ia my family ever since, and am of tne opinión that it sared the life of my daughter, wo was Buffering from a severe and paioful cougn. i the publication of tbis will lte of any Bervice, you I are at libetty to uae it. Yours roBpectfully, JOHN HOMETT, St. Louis, Mo. ! Kor sale byaH Druggista and Storekeepers and at DR, L. Q. C. WISHART'S OFFICE, No. 232 N. Second St, Phüadelphia. Pa CISTCnoMAIBCT, or Soul Cliarmtng;'' .n.,-.i,.„,.f„„.v..,„ll1O,l ,luuallr, Tl.i-.rl .l'-' ' .,.uv- Ir.-, r. „1..1I,;.. ent; ■ ..:. I .. r -lik Mrnf ' "' kin.ll.11 Orirfe, lPrn.,, Hint M 111' ..(-. 1..H10.C0 ■ .1. V,iU l,u..t. .li.lraT. i ' O., Pllb'B, Poito im&EPEÉIitl i litóse wlio are inarrietl or coTiteinjiíatt; marnae' l HrluoOIrts. byniatl. Addreasí)r. Butts' DUpe" ary. 13-ííortU Elpkth Street. St. Louis. JIoDR. WHÏTTIEB, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Ma.. continiteB to trea 11 casea of obstaclea to marrie, lt01 Impurltie., ever allment or sinkneaa wWch resul J" iuitlacretlon or imprudeuce. with uDparallcled buc-V.' Br. W.' tablüit.mciit is cbartcred by th State of ■! ■ouri ! founied nd-haa been eatablUncd lo ser" ■ afe certiin nd reHabla relief. Being a gradual 0. .everal medical college, and havlng Ihe experience o' loog nd lucíemful lile in hi Bpecinlties he hal P"'?' remedleí that are eflectunl in all thrse caics. Hi patiei are being troatod by mail or exprés everjuerc. matlrr bo fallcd, oall or write. Krom Íbe treat oumter of applloatloaa ha is enablod to keep hi clrarK" low. 36pagei,lvioefi.llími.l..i,, lor iwo lempa. MARR1ACE CUIDE, J60 rages, a popular book whi.h sbouM he r-ad by ei'ry bodj. No married pal, or panona -,.r,iplang : " J ri.,e, can afford to do wjthont It. It eontaio tbe orem medical lirerature on thl. 6ubject, tbf. resultsor Dr. ■ loar eiperlerjjeial the bost tbfliisnti rra J1'. Sf ia iurope andlimerloa. Seawjleipostiidfjj c. i7üT No-51 ATHKS1 WillTl.MÍ TO AIJVKRTISKK TT jilease Hay yon i-aw the adïeirtl' $1460 SHOT-GM ppüifpSi pTn.oTu,. to BCDOLPH 4 CO., Gn aJS&FfÖft & PM Street, Bt.Lg.1 Mo.


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