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TrtsDAY, Dec. 16.- Stnate.- Scott presentad a memorial setting forth the allegad unjutit dificriminatioQ ag&inst periodioald' in tbe new Pobtage )aw, and asking for a changa Billa were introdnood : By fratt, limitiug the timo In whieb applications for bounty land hall be rccoived ; by Conkliug, to consolídate the debt of the District of Oolumbia, and to issue bouds of tho United States in exchange for bonds of the District Wright mbmitted a joint resolution proposiug certaui amendmeuts to the Constitnliou, providing, amotiR others, for the tlection of President and Vice-Prenident by direct vote of the poople, and each to hold oftico for six years. ... A resolmion was adopted inBtrucfing the Judiciary Committee to inqnire into the intent. and meaning of the socaüedPrtB-Gaglaw ]aHHod at thfc laat Hession. Tho Mi'itary (3i;mmittoe ruporttd faTnrably on the bill for tha relief of tito grasshoppor eufferera. It appropriatcis $100,000. TToufe. - Bills introdneed : By McCrary, for a narrow-gauge road from Lake I Erie to the Missouri liver ; by Poland, Uiting tbo proeeoutlon of libel in the Distri ".t of Colnmbia. . . . Iho Speakjr am-ouncod the appcintraent of the following eeloct commiltoa : To viait Vicksbnrg- l'onger, Hoxlbut. S'illiamo (Wie.). Speer and O'Brion. On Lmn-iana and otlier Sontliern. Statea - O. F. rioar, Wneelor (N. Y), Frye, Fontor (O.), Phelp8(N. J.), Robineon (111.), and Potter. Wednesday, Dee. 1G.- renatc- The Finance Coramitteo "was insiructed to inquire into tho expediency of providiug for the redemption of mutilated cuirency by postiuaster1;. . . .That portion of tho Presideufa message relating to Chinese immigratinn was reforred to the Foreigu Belationa Committce. with instruotioi.s tn report a bilí for remedyiiif; the evil. . . Johnston introduoed a hill to aid the construetion of a narro w-RRUge railway from water to Chicago and St. Louím. Eouse. The Civil KightB bil), as amended by the Judici&ry Coinmittee (tho prinripal obangeabeing the strikiug out of the clausea relating to eclioola and cemeteriee), was reported by Butler and ordered printed An adverse report waö made on the bill increaying tho tax on the circulation of nationul banks. The House deïoted the whole of the afternoon, in of the whole, to the nideration of the Legislativo Appropriation bUl. ïhoksday, Deo. n.-tknate. - Iugalls introduced a bilí to orgauizotho judicial district of Oklahama (Indian Territory) and Mtabltat couits of tho Unitod Statee therein. . .A hill n paeaed t.ithorizing the Commisaioner cf Agriculture to mako a special distiibution of tetdrf for the benefit of tho eufferers by the grasöhopper plague. . . .The remainder of the day was conpumed in diecuPHing the lull to reorganizo the District of Columbia government. House.- Lowo introduced a bill to establiah the jnriical district of Oklahama, in the In dian Territory.... Tbc House, in comruitteo 01 the wholo on the Legislativo Appropriatioi bill, ref niei to vote au increased apropriatioa to the Bureau Qf Edvication. . . .Dawen intro dneed a bill providing for the piyment of tho aiiiking fund. Feidat, Dec. 17. - Senate. - The Senato transaeted do busineBS to-day other than making a number of connrmations. At 12:15 the Senatora proceedod in a body to tbe President's mom, where they wero presented to King Kalakaua. House. - In the House there was an immense orowd of spectators to witness the formal reception of King Kalakaua. After the formal reception of hia Royal Highness the House proceeded to the conaideration of the Legislativa Appropriation bill, which was fioally completed and passet). The paragraph relating to mileage of United States Marshals led to a long and bitter partisan diacussion, in which Bock made aflsrce attack upon theAttorney-General. Monday, Dec. 21.- Senate.- Sherman, from the Tinance Gommittee, repoitod a bill to provide for the resnmption of specie paj ment. .. .Morton give notiee that immediately after the hohday recesa he wouM cali np his proposed Couetitntional amoudment relating to the election of Preddent by the people. . . .The Senate i-pent somo time in discusiing tho District of Oolutabiabill. . . .Fratt introduoed a bill amendiug the act granting (.enBions to certaiu soldier of the war of 1812. House. - Bi Is weie iutroduced asfollows: By Whitely. to prevent frands in Congreasional elections; by Woodworth, to prevent the reniovsl of oausea fioin State to the United States courta, after the appearance of parties in the State courte, exoept iu certain cases ; by Wells, for the improvement of the Missiasippi river between the montbs of the Misüouri and Ohio rivera; by Hubbell, for light-houees on Lake Superior; siso, to divide Michigan into three judicial district ; by Bradlny, for the improvenaent of the Saginaw, Pme, and Sheboygan rivera, Michigan ; by Loughridge, to restore the iucome tax. Th Houbo refupd - 149 to 75-. fco suspend tbe rules and adopt Holman'ö res' - lution declarmg ït the eevui of the House that no moro subsidies should be granted by Congress. . . .Dawes made a report of the refusal of llichard B. Irwin to ai-Bwer ctrtain questious reipecting hia d stribution of the $750,000 l'acific Mail subsidy futid. A long ditcufsion followed aa to the power of the Houao to punish for contempt. It was finally ordered that the Speaker iaBue his warrant for the arreBt of Irwin.


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