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(twf A VFFK. Agento wantafl verywhere. Kor P O ontátasc Fbitoh & walkkh, Daytom, otilo. SRo (SOfl per day at nome. Termatree. Addresa f Q P Q C U Oko. Htinson & fío.. Portland. Malne. (Dikpr PKK DA Y Oommlaalon or L30 a week )JÍJ Salary, and expenses. Weoffer it and wlll pny it. Apply now. O. Wfbher dkC.o.,Marion,0 5 cents' worth of SOAP PLANT will Jo a washing of 4 dos. iiieces. Sample sent freo. CORBKTT A 00., 'U and 86 Wet Wash ngton 8t.. nhlcauo. UinMCV made rapidly Yitli Stenill & Key-Chwk flUnCI Outfl 8. Catalogues, eamples & ruil parlcularjree 8. M. gyeucer.ll'H -m..vür-t.,Boito i. úibun Litir Powdiri for sale bv all Drugiíts. Di. Dodoi aajs. wlth regird lo the aboTe nnmed Líver l'owdert, Üimt Üicj utmiti paWnt medlitie, but ufod In hii prWate prulice for twmtj yeara i tlist ILeT aot mor iromp;l j on the lirer tlian oalomel, ae curinp all the pol efieeta of tltia drtig, wiÜMUt iij of Uw vil eSsc-U so ottea reaulting from it um. ííTT ROUM)THKTISVTABIC,"anewsubiV. acrlptiou book, Dy Kev. T. DoWitt T Image, author of "Orumbs Swepí Up," tc. Agenta wauted. JOHN E. MILLEK L 00., Fublishers, Chicago, III. ADVBBTISEB3I Bond 26 eenta to OEO. P. R0WELIj & 00., Park Eow, New York, for thelr Pamp'.úct at 100 panes, contaluíng lisia of S000 newspapers and estimatea showinK coat of advertlslng. íSéCh A MONTH-Agcnt wantod everyK r Fkí where. Business honorable and 7%?J firat-clae. Partionlata seut free. Addresa Woiítu&Co , St. Louis, Mo " u ■'■lout. Usefal.Handsome.Oheap. Sella THE I everywvjioro. Seud for prospeotus to Tn ATT BRIDGMAN, 6 Barclay 8t.,N. T., BUlTi.luri;9 West 4th St., Cincinnati, ühio. nñnK ARFA3TK "et Uc3t c"ok antt Ues' UUUIVHUtli I O TerniXi Send for circuláis L 'Cycloppdln of lliiiígx Worlh Know Iii(!,or!í3.UU(l VVniits Snilleil." TU Kinu of Receipt Ttocks. 16-cilor ('hromo free. COO11 ERAT1VE FUBL1SHINO CO., Muscattuü. Iow Thó American Jíewspaper Union nnmben over 1.600 papers, aeparatod into Heven subdivtalons. For aoptrate lista aud cost of adTertUina. iddreas S. P. BANBORN, 114 Mönroe Bt., Chlcajto. THEGINCINNATÏWEEKLYSTAR Including postage and the flnely-illuatrated Star Almanac,$l per year. Monopoly- the Grnneer'M Palcr- eontaining 8 largo pages c excellent reading matter. The farmer, merchant and mechanlc In any part of the country wlll flnd thi8 the best of the weeklleB, to say nothtng of the low price. Agenta areoffered inducementa superior to anything heretofore attempted. Specimen copies froe. Addreaa " THE 3TAB," Clnclnnati, O Í" K CL tl l'ur 1875, of FEESII- S E E 3J g- P UE E i WBSTEBN GROWN. Sond your name to tho largost SïiHIi FARMERS IN THE WEST. 1 GEO, 8. HASKELL &C0., Eockford, IU. SE E DS. V My ILLU8TRATED BEED CATALOGUE for 1875 It now ready,'and will be matled, PREE OF CHARGE, to all appllcants. English and Germán editlon. Addrees JOHN KERN, L11 Alarket Street, St. Joula. State whereyon saw thlB advertiaement. STEINWAY Grana, Spare aií Upriiht Mos, Superior to all others. Every Piancí Warrantftd for Five Years. IUustrated Catalogues, witli Price List, mailoii free Olí application. STEINWAY 4 SONS, Nos. 107, 109 i, 111 East 14th Btreet. Kew York. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM, 23 & 25 BANDOLPH ST., CHICAGt OPTICS MAGAZINE, 1875 Now is the time to Subscribe I The New Volume will contain New Btories by Oltver Optic, Eliiah Kelloffg and others, besides manynew features, all of which are duly set forth in our Prospectus. Terms 3 00 per year, in ud vaneo. Bpecimen nuraber mailed free on applicatlon. L.ISK fc miGI'AKD, Publisheru, Boston. JU8T "WHAT YOÜ "YAÑf!The CINCISNATI WEKKL.Y '1 1MKS freefor oneyear. Also, the Ilouscliold and commercial Map of the Uiiltccl States, to hang up in your house or office. It oxhiblts all the raüroads, the latest territorial surveys, populatlon, etc. : Is beautltully colored and mounted on rollers; size, 4 ft. 8 In. by Sft. 10. I'or the price of the Map alone, S3, the publishera of the Times will oud the Map (by Express), their large 36-column weekly newsjtaper one year, and the "Times IHuatrated Hand-Book" of valuable Information, for 1875 both poitpaió. So much for so littlo was liever btfore offercd. Address TlMKS CO., Clncinnati, O. ffffUllLEJ PER DAY. To sell the HOME SHIITTLKSEWG MACUINK. UHJ ■!;■■. Keader II you.canmake mnney selling the "HOJIIK. SHUTTI,K." whelhor you ara EXPBU1B ■ CKO in the Imsintuornot. Ifyou wish to buy a SEWINO WACIÏÏNE for family use, our circulars will show you how to save money. Address JOH fSUA, C Alili i Co., OHIOAflO, lu.. AGENTS WABTED forthe CENTENNI AL T C3 i A "C1lTlrPik'1C'iíí ju MTKHTATRSIjrilZlJCjX XJSjtSilXi Shows the grand results of tur flrst 1OO yeors. A book for every American. Sells overywhere at sight. Farmers, Teachers, Students, Lawyers, Merrhants, School Directors, Manufacturers, Mechaulcs, ahippers, Salesmen, rnen of learnlng and meu who can only read, old and youog, all want it for evoryday reference and use. "Awhole library."- Boston Olobe. " Not a luxary, but a necessity."- Inter-Ocean. "The most recent, complete, trustworthy."- Nation. The BBST-SEt.LING FOOK Pdbiishko. Send for Circulars to Zlegler & Mc' nrdy, Chicago. 111. FOK NKV III, Y TH1KTÏ IKAK8 TUK RICHMOND PRINTS bave been holii in higH estuem by those vrbo use a Calicó They ere pruduced in aií the novelties of changing f.i-hionB, and in con so: vat i ve styleí Buited tu the wantB oí inany persona. Among the latter are the "Standard Cray Styles," proper for the house or Btreet- boautiful iu deBiguá and pleasin iu culoring. "CHOGOLATE 8TANDARD STYLE8," in ifreat variety, and widelyknown as most serTiceahle prints. Nothlng bettor for daily wear. These goods bear tickets as quoted above. Your retailer should .have them, and your examinatiOD at-i app-roval will coincide. PAT E FRP I72ÏI87 UL.OHK ni'l'"i CO., 510 Broadway, N. Y. SC ISSClíIUK KOVV KOK THE ATLANTIC MONTEY. The Leading Literary Magazine of America. 1S57-1S75. The orps of con tribu tot s for 18 75 includes Ihe n ames of II rj ant, Loiijí íVIIimv, í ,n w c ], Wlkiftler, Dr. llolints, 'MlnrU lv;in," Unjan! Tnylon ifi-wclls, Aldrícli, L'iukniRit, Warner, R. L. Owon, MU Plieli., fllr-". Tlinxtcv, Miss Preston; the best Amtrican tvriters in prose and verse. Able editorial aepaitmeiits of Recent Lttwrature, Art, Music, EJucat on. Ti'nns, $4 00 a year, in advance, postage free. Addicss tho Publishers. H. O. HOUGHTON & CO.. Bostok. 0%-:._J_y TIte fte#t Investtnent $ V-H p-1 for ft J ' MLj CHlttSTMAst Hpy msitwill be enjoyed % Hr PüRINO TUK TVHOLt Y KAB, m t &"' vS. 'R a stIllsr'r'r1iL"in 1o tie } S'Wi Bo YoungFolks' New. J HBtJH' : Specimen Capij to i w Ká per day made by our agenta Belllng X. i OJ staplo artlclea used in eTery faraily. ddroBíH. H.M[UorCo.,lHRaiKlolph-8t.,Ohloago AGKNTS WJNTED-Mün or Women. 884 a week or $100 forfelted. Theaecretfree. Write at once to OOWEN A 00., 8th Bt., HewYorlt. iiiuii) A cents Wanteii for THE l))J I,.tIKS' MEDICAL. OIJ1DK, By the eminent Dr. Pahco ast, ILLU8TBATED. It ia high-toned and complete upon delicate lubjects, anJ henee is lmmenBely popular. For particular and terms, addresa HUBBAKD BROB., PublUhen, eitber Phlladelphia, Boston, or Clncbraatl. TheMlllerandMülwrlgllt. A monthly Journal of 16 pages. Every Miller and Millwright ibould take it. Add's Bm pson AGattlt, Oincinnatl,O. $1 per annum. Bend for sample copy. 81,000 FKH, WEEK CAN BB MADE by any smart man who can koep bil business to bimself. Andrés D. F. HERMANN, Hoboken, New Jersey. OUDIOTMAQ A-I1(ï Nbw Yiar's wlll aoon be UnnlOlfTlHO here. If you need FineGoia and Silvor Jewelry, elegant solld silver and plated ware. table and pocket cutlory, &c, ftc, doitt pay doublé prlces, but ouy of the N. K. Dollar Sale, at ONLT ONU DOLLAR. nnnvo Hundreds of superb Gift Books.HlstoDUUiVO ríes, Poema and miscellaneous books, worth$l 50, $2 and $3. Make your frlendB happy and buy theao superb voluroos at orlt oiïe dolI.All EACÏÏ. Valuable and uscfnl articles. Dry Goods, I U U I Fanoy Ooods, Gloves, Hosiery ,itc.,Ao., "-orít $2 to $3, but are all goine witb a rush at only une HOLLAR. NOW IB YOUR TIME. TUTS ÍS tlot & 'Vceilt swíndle. Our circular gives ñames of iiundroda oí gratijied and satis fied patroos. S'J.COO patrons in 1874, and our business doublea every month. We are iudorsed by the very best papers in Boston, as vrell as by every patrón who ever gave us an order. DCI I ADI C Our house is flrmly established and flCLIHDL!. grows in favor every day. Sattsfaction guaranteed to every pation. Goods sent by I malí or expresa. Free outflts for agonts and ful! particulai sent free. Now is the time : fail not to address OKMISTOK & CO., Uauagc.-s, 33 BromÜeld street, Bostou, Masa. THE POPULAR JARM JOURNAL, - THB - AMERICAN PATRÓN Is acknowledged by all who have examinad it to be the very beat paper published In the interest of the Order ot Patrons of Husbandry, And furnished at the low rate of $1,25 2P33XI "Y"15 A XI. , Wlth liberal reducUona to Clubs and GrangeB,and handsome Premiums to eanvaasere. Scnd for free sample copy and be coïivinced. AddresB AMERICAN PATRÓN, PlWDliAY, Osn. ThTTÏÏNWAÏP Cabinet Organ. Patented December, 1874. A new and beautiful musical Instrument- or lm. provement upon the Cabinet Organ- being a com. binatlon of tho pianoforte and organ. To a complete Flve-Octave Double-Beed Organ 1 added a Piano-Harp, the tone ot -which are between thos oí the pianoforte and harp. It has a pianoforte action, is played by the lams keya with the organ, and may be used separately or with ene or all the stopB of the organ. It is not liable to get out of order, and does not requlre tuninff. Having thor oughly tested th:s beaatlfal lmprovement, we offe lt with great confidence to the public. Prlce o PIANOHABP CABINET OBGAN, being a Fivi-Oo ÜYI DOCBLK-BïZD OBOAK, SlX BlOPS; With VOX Humana, Automatic Bweli, Knii Swell an Piano-Habf, three and a half octaves ; in Elegan Upright EeBonant Case, 8200. Circulars free. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 25 Union Square, New York ; 154 Tremont Street, Boston ; 80 and 82 Adams Street, Chicago. Musical Gifts FOR THE HOLIDAYS I'Ine Oilt Kdltlons (Prive S) ot theae Elegant Collectlons of Bonnd Jtlusic, enUtled i OKMS OF STBAU8B. Instrumental. OEMS OP BCOTT18II 8OKO. Vocal. 0EM8 OF SACBED BONO. " SEMB OP GEBMAN SONO. " WREATH OF OEMS. " PIANOFOBTK OEMB. " OPEEATIC PEARLB. " SHOWEB OF PEABLS. " Duetl. MUSICAL TBEA8UBE. Vocal and Instrumental FIANO AT HOME. Four-Hand Pieces. OBOAN AT HOME. Beed Organ Music. PIANIST'S ALBUM. Instrumental. PIANOFORTE OEMS. " Price per Volume, In Boards, 82.50; Cloth, $3.00 FullGilt,$4C0. AIso, handsomely-bound "Llves" of the Orea Muslc Masters : MendelaBohn, Mozart, Chopin, &c OGBting 1.75 to 82.00 per book. Sold everywhere. Sent promptly by mail, pos free, for retail price. Order soon. OLIVER DITSON & CO., CHAS. H. DITSON & CO Boston. 711 Broadway. N. Y. Wisharfs Pine Tree Tar Cordial ! Natu re's Great Remedy FOR ALL Throat Lung Diseases. For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers. THE GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL, CHICAGO. The only EMINENT Hotel in the country, meeting the conservative views of the public, by REDÜCING RATES to $3.50 Per Day. GEO. W. 6A6E & JOHN A. RICE, Proprietors. HLtfflWAmiiAMM3MEBBi r M'Allister's Patent Artopticon. The most powerful Magical Lantern jdB. ever made, with a brilliant Oil Lampi CfjrrfllESmi fr Home, Sunday School and Lecture. KFf.f"5l .Stereopticons, c. Slides at reduced "■Ti JwB Mlit%tg A profitabli busines ■ for a man uitn aiimii capital. Bend tamo for Catalogue. WH. V. M'ALLISLEB. 1314 C hestuut-at., Philadelpht. Dr. J. Walker's (lalifbrniiTfg I e&r Bitters aro a puxely Vegeta ' pieparatlon, made chiefly from tho tive herbs found on the lower ranges % I the Sierra Nevada mountainsW Cafe. nia, the medicinal proporties of ul;(. are extracted therefrom without the I of Alcohol. The (juestlon is alm I daily asked, '' What is the cause of ti, I unpa,ralleled success of Vinegae Brt. I TEKSf" Our anewer íb, that they removí the cause of disease, and the patiënt re.overa his health. They are the grea blood purifler and a life-giving principia periect Renovator and Invigoratci f the system. Never before in u, liatory of the world has a medicine i omponnded possesaing the remarkikii aahties of Vinkoae Bitters in healiign, ■iKk of every diseaao man is heir to. Thu are a gentle Purf[ative as well aa a Ton reüeving Congestión or Inflammatioii the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilim, Oiíieases. The properties cf Db. Walkj VinkgabBitter8 are A.periont, Diaphoreti Carminativa, Nutntious, Laxative, linret Sedative, Connter-Irritant, Sudorific. Alten. Uve. and Anti..Bi!ions. Grateíul Thousands proclaimTu. egar Bittees the most wonderful k vigorant that ever sustained the sin, I ■ij'stem. 'o Person can take these Bitten i according to directions, aud remainloj! unwul, provided their txraes aro noté stroyed by mineral poison or otts moans, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent and Int. mittont Fevers, which aro so prevaleut in the valloys of our great tim throughout the Uuited States, especial; those of tho Hississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumborland,ArkaaBas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, anoko, Jamos, and many others, wiii tbeir vast tribtjtaries, throug'uout ot entire country during the Stimmer ani Auturnn, and reinarkably so during Beasons of unusua! heat and dryness, w invariahly accompanied by extensive J rangements of tho stomach and lira, j and othor abdominal viscera. In thé; ireatment, a purgativo, exerting a poworful influence upon these various ot' ?ans, is essentially necessary. Ttat y is no cathartio fo; the purpose equal u Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Dittess, as tüey will speedily remove the darkcolorea viscid matter witk which the bowels are loaded, at the 6ame tlmt 3timulating the secretions of the lira, and generally restoring the health; functions of the digestivo organs. Fortify tho body againstdiseasí by purifyiug all its fluida with Vdíegü Bitteks. No epidemie can take boU of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Head ache, Pain in the Sboulders, Cougla, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Soui I Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad Tas in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, tation of the Heart, Inflammationoftte j Lungs, Pain in the región of the I neys, and a hundred other painful ; toma, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. j One bottlewill prove a better guaraní J of its menta than a lengthy I ment. Scrofiila, or King's Eyü, Wie Swellings, TJlcere, Erysipelas, Swelled Sed Goitre, Sorofulous Inflammations, Inflammations, Mercurial Aífections, OU I Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc In these, aa in all other constitutional Dt eases, Walker'b Vineqar Bittebs lun shown their great curative powers in tl most obstinate and infcractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Kemittent andlntermittent Fevers, Diseasesoi the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and BWto, these Bitters have no equal. Such Disc are cauaed by Titiated Blood. Mechanica! Diseases.- Personsengaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beatere, w Miners, as they advanoe in Ufe, are subW to paralysis of the Bowels. To gow against this, take a dose of Walkïe's Tí eqar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt-Kheum, Blotehes, Spots, Pinpw Putules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-mrB, Soald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itffl Scurfs, liscolorations of the Skin, Hun and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever nffli or nature, are literally dug up aad ean out of the By stern in a short time by toen of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking m the system of so many thous are effectually destroyed and removed, m syetetn of medioine, no vermifuges, na f thelmiuitioa wiil free the systeni from wna like these Bitters. For Female Coinplalnts,iny or old, married or single, at the dawn ol manhood, or the tnm of life, these M Bitten display o deoide'd an inflnonce tl j improvemeut L soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood ever youlin'l lts impuritioBburstingttff' the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or w eleanse it when you find it obstrncted W sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when ' foul;your feelings will teil yon when. W the blood pure, and tho health of the syi" will follow. R. H. McDOWALD & CO., DrogRists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, CaU-'r and cur. of Washington and Cliarlton Sis., ' Solil by all iVruttiúla and Il_ #HWr!%ï_ Thls PATENT CABINETJJ Ik __"; 3 1. F T T F FILE lsuBefultS'S SjhUII @p and In alphabetioal ordCT. ' SsSfllI' SS 4.000 letters, can boanedc"1'; SPI Ui HÏS Eipmecliaii. Bendtor" . ?wi;Tinnr1gg' aa prloe jViui 1,000 "" Addxeaa O. A. 00OK te CO, CüoM0- VMIeX ' 'T'i1 8,600 Tont' " V -y H w. Hnx Co. Pw"J' ÍEÍÍE Süiilil (lioso wlio are marrlèl or contémplale n'?,, .„bPrloeiOcts. bymafl. Addrcss lr. Bntts l'-l ary. 12-iortíi EUhth Street, 6t. Loul. Ji"-, DR. WHITTIEB No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Lonl. contiaufB io troat all eaees of obatacle to marrlsft' lmpuritla, everj allmcat or slokDesa ■whíob Lsi. lidlscretlon or imprudence, with unparalleieo Dr. W.ê eBUbllshment ís chartered by the Rtt ,urt eourt, w&a fbanded and bas bwn etttabtlibed w é safo, etUio and reliabla reüeT. Belng a P, % ;-fi everal medloal colleges, ñüi baving ihe rerl"r((,ni Ion und succeasful lífe ín hls epcclahles he has pw (]1 remedies that are eCfectual in all theêeeaaea. "' , vt re belag treated by mail r expres er-fW"lt'pj mattrr wbo failed, oaü or wrltfl. From the !) ■ .tDit of applUatíona ho Is enabled to kep n' low. 36 pages, ffi ving ftill Bymptom, fcri" ■ MARRIAGE CUIOr r 260 pages, a. popular book wtich rtould b-i r bodj. Ko married ?r, or persons crn'f'ra: -l '.. ,4 cUie. oanafford to to wj,thont It. Itaontnt wji. v;i im--iioal lHeratare on t&l sabject. thn ' loog expertpqc; alio the best ihntiv-hf' fr ia Kurope amFAmerloa. SeDiS(!le2r2Ípr % jilease say y tu av ilr. fl ■ In thls pap?r. LOMicu eo. m


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