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"a Pistol That Was A Pistol."

"a Pistol That Was A Pistol." image
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Gapt. Isaao S. .B.iurne, of the Brook]yu poiice, was shot aad instautlv kiüed at uoon yesterday bv John Crawford Pollook; a reporter employed npon tbe Brooktyn Ar;ux. Pollock had beau to tho Cliurch oí the Afesinnptioa, and on hie ■wny iorao. had ttopped i.t he ti:eond Preciuct Station to seo the Captain, wiio was hls friead. lu t-lio oourap of conversation, PoPock took iroai his pookef, a cartriilg, whicli ho s::id was similar to the öue takt u from tho body of Mosier, or:e of tho By Btdge burgiars. The Oaptaia took tho oartridge and loOked at it a few minute-', aiil theu puttitíg his hand in his pooket drew a revolver, which lie showed to Pollock, eayicg it a préseiix given to him lomo time previona. Pollock returned it to Lim, and theu the Captain wint Info his private room, tayicg tnat ho hnd anotlu r o-ie. which ho feit prou 1 of. Pollock fóilótfecl Iiílc. The Captain went t'.- bis ilcsk, and opni)g a binftll drawer, took otlt auother pistol. Pollook asked if it wan loaded, afld the O;if"aiii replied, "No." Tbe former oockt'd and nnappod it. "Non," caid Captain Bóufiie, ':I11 show yoti a pistol that is a pisto?,'1 and he bronght forth a fineuichel-platüd navy revolver, made by Smith & Wessou and hauded it to Pollook. The latter took it in kis hand, and snpposing it to be unloaded snapped it as be had the otaer pistol. To lus ustonisbment the revolver was iired arid tha ball struek tho Captain about half an inch below the nipple on the left side of the breast. Immediately on seeing wbafc he had done Pollook ru.süed to the door leading to the raain room, and said, " Mf God, I have killed hiin I" Sergeant Carrougher, wlio was at the desk, heard the report, and ran, with Oincer Bedell, to the inner room, where tliey found the Captain dead upon the iloor, between bis chair and desk. Pollock was immediatoly airested, and in convrrsation afterward -with Inspector Waddy said tbat he supposed tho pistol was unloaded. At the time of the sliooting Capt. Bourne and Pollock were admiring the pistols, the Captain sitting in front of Pollock near bis desk. Tbeir conversation, Pollock tays, was of tho liesfc


Old News
Michigan Argus