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Estáte of Nathan Wooster. S TATEMO F MICHIGAN, Couxuy of Washtenaw 33. At a session of the Probate Oourt for tlie county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate otfice, in ihe city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the niiifteenlh day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and neventy-fmr. Present, Noah VV. Cheever, Judge of Probate, lu tin; ma'ter of the estáte of nathan Woottter, dece&MKL On rearting and ttling t.lie petition, duly verifled, of Ann Woi)Htr, AaminiiitTfltrix, 'i;i inr tht -, ■. te lioeiiféd to sel] the real etatu whereof auid deoABMd died seised. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tueaday, Ilif twenty-sixth day of Janaary next, at i en u'olock in the forenoon, le acefsnod tor the hearing of Huid petition, and ihat the hetra at law of aa&á deceased, and all othex porsona intereBted in taid eatatfi, are required t Hppear n nension of aaid C art, then to be holden ut tho probate office te the city ot Ann Arbor, and wliow oaUAe, if any there be, why the prayerol tlie petitioner shoiild oot he ffranted ; And it Is further order ofdervd, thatsaip petitioner give notioe to the pnroona in tere bod in s iil estáte, of the pendeocy of iaid petition ;ind the hearing tíicicof, by oaasing a copy (f thia order to be poblished in fche Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and cirrulated in aid county four bnccessive woeka previous to said dny of heariiiK. (A trne copy) NOAH W. (JHKEVEU, 1510 Jndge of Probate, Estáte of Cyrus Bockwith. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehteaaw, i sa. Ata sfission of the Probate Conrt for the i county of Washtenaw, holden it the Probate Hice i in the city of Ann Arbor, im Wedneaday, the ointfa day of December, ia the year one thouwítiiíl oiht hundred and neve:ity tour. Present, Noah W. (heever, Judgeot Probate In the matter of the estáte of Cyrus Beckwith, decea8-d. Amarilla H. Iïeekwith, Kxecuirix of the last will and testament of said decettaed, come i into court ftnci representa that she in now prepwred to render berlina) account as Neb. Kxecutrix. Thereupon it is orde red, that Wednewlay, the thirteenth day of January next, at ton o'clock in the foxenoon, be nasagnecl for examlBing and hIiovvingsueh account, and that the derieeea, légateos aud heirs at law of said deceased and all otbet persons interested in naid estáte, are required to appear at a sesaion of loid court, then to be hulden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cnuse, if any there be, why the aaid account bhould not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said Executvix give notiuo to the persons interested in naid estáte, of the pendency of aid account, and the heannti thereof, by causinf? a copy of this order to be pnblishfid in the Michigan Argus, a newsp=iper printed and circulatinff in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOA.U W. CHEEVKR, 1508 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Richard Flanuery. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Wushtenaw, holden ut the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the lonrteenth day of December, in the year one thousand eiglit hundred and weventy four. Preeent, Noah W. Cheever, Judye of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of llichard Flannery, deceawed. On reading and üling the petition, ïiuly veriHed, of ilary Flannery, praying that au Administrator may be appointed on the estáte of said deceased Thereupon it is ordered, that M HtdnY, the eleventb day of January next, at ten o'ch ck in the forenoon, be assigr'id for the hearing o ik n petition, and that the bwu at law of said doceased, and all other persons interested m said estáte, are required to a ppear at a seswion of said court, tlien to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitiomr should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ot said petition and the hearing thereof, by causing acopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said oouiity, three successive weeks previous to aaid day oi hear"Ta truecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, löO3w3 Judge of Probate Estáte of Koeder, Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, countyof Waahtenaw, ss. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for the countyof Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Orficein the City of Ann Arbor, on Mondiiy, the thirtieth day of November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-i'our. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Anna Mary Goss, üatherine Koeder, Caroline Koeder, Emma 8. Koeder, and Godfrey H. Koeder, minors On reading and flling the petition, duly verirled, of John G. Goss, guardián, prnying that he muy be licensed to sell certain real estáte belonging to said minors. Thereupon it iaordered. that Tuesday, the fifth day of Januaiy next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minors, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if auy there be, why the prayer of' the petitioner should not be sranted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notiee to the persons interested in eaid estafe, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printeri and cireulated in said County, four auccessive weeks previous to stüd day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1507 Jude-s of Probate. SherifTs 8le. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me direeted, wherein John Claney is plaintiff and Patrick Kelly and Kliza Kelly are defendants, and for the want of goods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest of Patrick and Eli.;i Kelly aforesaid, in and to the following deBCribed property, to wit : The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; also the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twentynine, all in township number one south of range six east, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, which above descrfbed property I shall exposé for sale at public auction, as the law directa, to the hiïhest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tifteenth day of February next, A. 1. 1874, at ten o'elock a. m. of said day. Dated, Jannary 1, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1511 By Wm. H. McIntybe, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued ont of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed, and bearing date September twenty-second, 1874, wherein John Claney is plaintiff and Charles Holder is defendant, and for the want of goods and chattels to Ievy upon, I have this day levied upon all the nght, title and interest of the defendant above named, in and to the following real estáte, to wit : Lot number ten (10) in block three (3) north of Huron street, in range two (2), nccording to the recorded plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, whieh I sliall expose for sale to the highest bidder, as the law directa, at the south door of the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the sixth day of February, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, December 16, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. 15)9 By Wm. H. McIntyke, Dep'y Sheriff. TO THE Citizens ofAnii Artor AND TUE STLDENTS OF TIIEÏjMERSITY, I would respectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens for Winter Wear is now complete, and will be constantly replenished with The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishiug Comfort in Dress, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfled by glviüg ua a trial, and are invited to favor as with a cali. H. HINTERJIISTER, Mkkchant Tailor. 209 Jeffersou Ave., between Bates and Randolph Sts. E8TABL1SHED IN 18G0. Y WELLING HOÜSES ï R SALE A large and very well built brick house, with two or more Iota. Two large framed houses. Also a good jized brick house and framed house; anda wm;ill frame house on a good lot. in tended for adding a front, for sale on f air terms and a reasouable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MONÏ3Y W ANTEO.- So many wishing to OfTOW money apply to me that I can readily obtain (or!'.nl?rsgood aatisfactory investments at ten per cent. ntere . E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23. 1873. 1423U TTENTION. All persons indebted to the flrm of Wood & Perrlq or Wood, Perrin & Co., are hereby requested to settle tbe same previoua to January 1, 1875. 2w 1509 WOOD, PEHRIN & CO. Aun Arbor, Dec. 15, 1874. OTICE ! All peraons are hereby cautioned acainstpurchasInga noleofhand for $4,0( 0, glvenby Geo. W. Hays, Buiwrintendent of the Ann Arbor Trading Asaociation, to Mrs. Mary R. Hays, dated Dec. 8th, 1874, payable thirty day after date. ' By order of the Board of Directora. 15UU GBO. SUTTON.Assignee. % 3 Mortgage Kale. WHEBEA8 I na Fannie v I Hahon of the oi ■. .; )OT 'T"' Su, Washtenaw and State of ir] gi.i on the 3S&&. ,i Maroh, in the i I Lord, unt ?l i-ih' hundred and seventy-one . x.ruteri , " I gage to Hnmuel Butchinson, c1 Brnnklyn in ti, "l0"ut Niiw York, tn Becure the iiiii:ut 0 , ' principa] and interatt monej J'nni whioh mortgage was recoideri m Hie olti,,, „W I Register ui i " thi I Weuth diiy of Mnrch, A. 1). , , 'm (,„„. lialt o'cluek I'. v,. of saiil ili.y. gages, un [i i ;,,[ K I made for more thnn thirty d:iys i _ i I installment of interest monuy . tj [ thecililh dayof September, A. l). I 7:: v I wheleoi and pursnant U} ihc terme of aaid mort5301 E aiiid mortKagee hereby electa th ut so much ui principal ae remaina anpnid, with all arreaim! interetifc therron, hliall bcconn? mul pu'vV mediately, and whereafl bhexeia eiaimedto and nnpaid on aaid morti l'tt' of tv tioe Bve tbotuand ■ii.-ht imiiiin mrs and flfty-eight rmi fol principul and , ulsii an i) t'irm-y's fee of thirty Bve dollare d any procecdinga be taken in foieclose the J,rP addition to al] other coütu; anií no wnit orurr 6!1 iiins liHvinK been instituted eithei in law ottom! recover the same r any pari tl therefore hereby given, that on the twt-'iity-tlii.'1 ut Januarj next, at l,wo o'cloct n the attenni aaid luy, at the tro 1 1 1 door of the ('umi Honi rityof Ann Arour, filmt being the plaoe oifkS the Circuit Courl tor sai'l county), and by Vw ■ the power of Kale contuined in sid mor sell !lt ])ul)lie miction, to the hi'h-: premiBes descrihed in sn'.l mortp ge alnoilllf Of ] tT il. 1 ijtal and : due.witn the chai'geu of "u wtl and a1'llneT!;.i! ufthirly-Hvn dollars: All thone r-iTUiin pien paioek of land sit'iaN l in tile township of n? Z1 hor, oounty of Washtenaw nd state atmui knuwn, bonnded, and described aa fo Heing tbe wet fractton oi thenoith-wi iiiattr of section numbei seventeen f17; townnn her tvo(2J aonthof range nnml tiiining Bixty-nine acreHOf lam ■oldto Jonn L. TappanJ als- the easi balf rfnü 8outheast fractional quartor of si townsliip nuraber two nunth of ram 1 eat, containing about Be-venty nere, extwi I acres sold to Fralick anti ton aci all that part of the soiith liaJt oí sociion niimii!0 I seventeen (17) township number two southof number six (lij east, lyinv between tlie ruihoadn river, north 01 tho line, coiilainin ibont sixti acres, containing in all one hundred and sutvw acres of land. Duted, October SO, 1K74. BAMl'EL HUTCHINSOJ John N. Gott, Morlageg' ' Att'y for Mortgagee. 1502 Chancery Order. CJTATB Oí MICHIGAN, Fourth Ju.!, 0 in Chaneery. Daniel Hand, compbunant .t George I). HUI, Francés A. Uil], Jam Francea E. ALen, Elitha s. Fassett.Lucy C Faan ', Ambrose V. Robiaon, Charles Baxter, Ltwfec ix don, William M. White, ieorere Jcrome, Hm Sessions, aud Timothy Kiley, Defen panding in the Circuit Court lor the Counijñ wachtenaw. Chancery, at Ann Arbor, m& tifth day of November, 1874, uporj prooi' foy aldit-, on filo, tliat the Baid ElishaS. Fassett one of defendants, is oontinually absent from his piase (í residence, to wit : the city oí Ann Ai Lor, and thatuiiid Wi liani M. White, one t danta, is not a resident of the Sta that he resides in the SI ate ui' New V motion oí' Üeorge E. Hand. the BOlicilor torsaidsga. plainant ordered that thesaid dt Fassett and Williain M White, appear i and answer the bill of complaint thereifl . raoiiths from this'laie; alno that this on lished once in each week for six weeks in bucokm in the Michigan Argus, a newspapcrprinted&ndnt lished in Baid county, the til st publication tot; within twfelity days irimi this date. Dfttedi November .r, 174. JOHN F. LA WEE Circuit Tuurt CummiHsioner, Waafatinn Geoboe E TIani, County, Michigan. Solicitor for Comp. ui Mortgage Sale. DEFAUFr having been made in thecondi certain mortgage fwhereby tlie puwc waid mortwage has become operative) exoui evan IS. Doane and Fannie L. Duane, ! Ann Arbor, county ut Washtenaw 1 1 Michigun. feo Sarab . Winner of PeDnii eer county, New Jersfcy which mortgflg the twentieih day oi April, A. D. 1871, andrewrèi in the oriiee of the Uegiater of Deeds for of Washienaw, on tiie twenty-fourih da] A. D. 1871. at i-Ar, p. m., in liber 45 of morl page iio, and there being claimed to be due and nopi: on said mortgage and the note accon,: same at the date of this notice the sum of one tiltsand eight hundred and nineteeu dollai cents C$1.81!) 50), hIbo an attorney's fee oftweDtftive dollars as provided for in fiaid mortgage, mck proceedings at law or in eqmty havinfl tuted to recover the same or an} purt thereof: St tice is therefore hereby given, that on Saturday, :l? sixteenth day of January, A. D. 1875, o'clock iu the forenoon of snid day, at tbe m in the city o! .' fthatbeing the place for holding the Circuitte for sflid county of Washteiiawj, I shall feil at piillic auction to the highest bidder, the prinm ■- scribed in said mortgage, or so much thereuf aiahi be neecsuary to satify Baid amount, with inte] costa, and expenses allowed by law, v Í3es are described in baid mor' of the f ollowing described piece of land: ini; at a poin! in the south line of EnroD simt 1 twelve roda wet of the eaut line of sec io town number two south, and range nunibera I east, in the county of Washlon.iw ;u igan, running thence west on Huron sMeet icaï I rods, thence south eia-ht rods, thence east foiirrM, I thence north eight rods to the plnee of beginom. Dated, October 15, 1S74. .SARAH G. WIXXIÜ. D. Cramei, I Att'y for Hortgagee. 15nO Mortgagu Sale. WHEREAS default has been made in tl tiuHs ol' a certain indenture ol ing date the sevcnth day of Janiiary, 1871, made by Mary Gore, of the city : Washtenaw county and State i T. Halloek, of the same place, and recordad in office of the Register ui I Washtenaw, on the day last mentioned, al p, m., in Liber 43 of Mortga said mortgage was dtdy assigned by Baid John I loek to William Hulbert, m the 24th daj a. d. 1872, and the instrument of the thereof rccordcil iu said Register's office, on thett ty-fourth day of August, f.. l. 1S7-1, ut i' n i m „ in líber 4 of asaignments ei' .. 370; and was again duly assigm .1 Chrlatian Eberbach auü Emanuel of Ann Arbor, on tin1 twenty-second of 1874 aud the instrument ui' assignmeni corded in said Register's office, on the tu day of August, a. d. 1S74, at 1% o'clock i 50 "of mortgages, on page 520; and therfi unpaid on said mortgage at the date of this nwj suin of fivc hundred and ninety-foui thirty cent,s, together with i'nii - mortgage stipulated and agreed i torney's or Bolicitor's or collertiou fei ceedlngs should be takc-n i fon cl amounting in all to the suin "i six 1 twenty-four dollars and thirty cents, ', clsimèa to be doe thereon, ami im -uiat law r in eqnity bas heen instiluted debí íecured ty said mortgage or any wirt to Notice is therelbre hercliy giveD, that tnfl power of sale in said mortgage containov foreclose said mortgage by sale at public the highest bidder, on Monday, the twenty-flfttw of January, iu the year 187S, at ten of tl the forenoon of said day, al the South Court House in said city of Ann A 1 1 ' . House being the place of holding the within said county of Washtenaw, ui' the pre; in said mortgage described, namely : h I bered seven (7) in block number one 1 1 Paae'i addition to Uw city of Aun Arbor, agre to the racorded plat thereof. üated, Anu Arbor, Ootober 27tb, 1874. CHRISTIAN i:i'.i:kbaiH, EMANUEL MANN, A.Fklch, Attorney for Assignees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the coi'!J a certain mortgage Cwhercby the powerol sj becanie operative m said mortgage), exec Samuel Bortle and Marión 1) orí le bis wife, oí tenaw county, State of Michigan, to Alien & don, of the county and State aforesaid, añil , the eighth day of August. A. D 1870, "uj.rf" in the Registers office, of the eounty of asflie11 on the tenth day of August, 1870, at 1 J{. o'clf'oi in liber 44 and paye 331, and duly assignea ai Allen H. Risdon to Norman B. Covert, of tt ship of Ann Arbor, the eeeond day of Jamiai which assignment was recorded July tu 183, in liber 4 of assignment of mor:. 73, and there being clnimed to be due on s1"" , gage and the note aceoinpanying the name ton) , dollars and sixty-eight cents, and also fourll"7„ and ten dollars, with interest at the rati cent. per annum, from the date of August eiï'which has become due by reason of said detaultac' ". electionjof said mortgugee making the wliole sum on said mortgage and note four hundred M nine dollars and twenty-one cents at the ia" notice, also an attorney fee of thirty dollar. vided for in said mortgage, and no procee law or in chancery having been instituteo to the same or any part thereof : Notice is ''"'"■ hereby given, that on Monday, the riL'M"' ; of January, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the f ' of said day, at the south door of the Court ü' the oity of Ann Arbor (that beinft the rla:c. „' '.,', ing the Circuit Court for said county of W sllt'"ííl 1 will sell at public auction to the higbest J w(, the premiaea described ie said mortgage, or' thereof as shall be necessary to satisty s.uil s with interest, costs and expenses, wlnct pr" ([ are described as iollows, to wit : All ot tol ' sixteen, in section number five, in Allen a. i; addition to the village of Saline, county ol Jv naw, and State of Michigan, according to tne rn plat thereof. JJated, Ann Arbor, October 14, 1874. NORMAN 1!. COVEBJ, 1600 Assignee of Mortp Real Estato for Salo. w; TATE OF MKJHIOAN, county of tf'asht, O In the matter of the estáte oi' Robert ' mick.deeeased. Notice is hen by given, thatu i suance of an order grante d to tlie uii!trsieD' 0; ministrator ,le l.oiüs non with the wlll "B?l. ol the estáte of said rieceased, by .he Hon. J'Probate for the county of Wi shtenaw, eighteenth day of November, A. D. 1874. triere rf be sold at public vendue, to the lngliest tathe late residence of said deceased, in the i' of Ann Arbor, in tho county of Washtenaw, j. State, on Wednesday, thesixth day of Jiinua' ■ 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that m ject to all encumbrances by mortgage or ow existing at tho time of the death of said the following described eslate, to 0 visión number two, of the Southwest u ' sect.ion number sixteen. in township num "■-.„. sonth of Range six East, in Baid State, co m tlfty-two 90-100 acres, according to o , t plot thereof in the office of the Heester oti said county. Also lot number four in blocK. i sixinBrown and Fuller'a ddition to tha now city, of Ann Arbor, in said State, nated November 18th, A. p. IK74. Administrator de bnnitnon with the win T IVE ÖEESE FEATHJííkS PIB8T GiXTwA.X.IT'X' 3un(tntlyon aand and for saleby BACBSf ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus