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Michigan News

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Georqe H. Jirome, State Fièh Conimissiouer, has just lat looae in the Aa Sable rivor ■18 000 salmón, which ho received from Ca'.ifornia. TUo flali were sixty d&ya old, and were carried in cana filled with water. Duriiïg the long journey, notwithstanding the largo quautity of ilsih, ouly three diod. CASUAITIIiS. A boiler in tlie factory of Bodine fc Hovard, atVermontville,Eatonoounty,exploded on Ihuraúay of last week, aeverely, if not fatally, Lnj uring both the propriotors. An old man of 93, named Josoph Builing, was thrown from his wagon, near Grand Eapids, on Saturday last, aad instantly Uilled. , DEATHS. Charles Noble, an old and wealthy citizon of Detroit, disd on Sunday last, aged 77 He had reeided in Detroit ever tince 1818. CRIME. Paul Pomerot, a prominent Luimess mm of LudiDgton, together with his family, went to Manieteo to epend the Christmas holidaya. Upon returning home they were somewhat aatoniehed to flnd that the family renidonce had been robbei cf everythiug it containcd, even to the f urniture, and the potatoee, apples, and other stores in the cellar. Mr. Pomeroy and family will probably spend their future holidays at home. MISCEIXANEOUS. A Grand Eapids physician eays that cvor seventy-flve caea of para'.yeis have ocourrcd in that city in the past flfteen monthe, coming under his notice. Moet of these, in the opinión of the gentleman aforeaid, had thoir origin in the over-use of tobáceo. The dog-fanciers have fiually decided to amalgámate with the Michigan Toultry Aaeociation, and a ipecial schedulo of entry feea and premiums will ahortly be iaeued for tho department of the next animal exhibition to be devoted to blooded ca. niuei. Tek following associationa are annoimced to meet on the daya natned: Michigan State Ponltry As-sociatioi?, Jan. 14; Michigan Agricultural Society Extcuiiva Committoe, Pontiac, Jan. 12 ; Michigan State Grangs, Grand Rapid?, Jan 21. Thb folio iog postal changes in thia State are acnounced : Kstablished- Alverdon, ham couuty, Philip De Barry, Postmaster ; Good Hart, ETumett county, Silas W. McNei!, Poatmaster ; Grout, Gladwin couuty, William Grant, Postmaster . Postmasters Appointed - Arenac, Bay couuty, Mrs. Martha Stark ; Bowen Sta'iOD, Kent county, Christopher A. McKea ; Champion, Marquetíe eounty, Marcas W. Cirr ;. Dennison, Ottawa connty, Harvey D. Curtís; Edgewood, Gratiot county, ïloses A. Dyor ; I" arria, Montcslm county, Addibou Armstrong ; Grand Blanc, Genosoe county, James F. Brady ; Greenland, Ontonagon county, George D. Palmer ; Hazsl Grove, Shiawassee county, Stephen 8. Bateo : Mattawau, Yau Baren couaty, A. W. Mathews; Richfield, Geneeee county, Lewis C. Wing ; Saddle, Van Buren county, Ira C. Horton ; Wales, St. Clair county, William Grifflth. THE STATE LANDS. The report of the State Land Conimiasioners showing the work of the Department during 1874, states that the total number of acres of land dispoeed of during the year wes 188,026 52. Of this amount 6,177.29 acres wero primary school land?, 2,079.95 Agricultural College, 1G0 asylum, 40 internal improvemeut, 40 Balt springs, 170,139.78 swan:p land, and 7,389.50 acres were pateutedunder HomeBtead acts. The amount received for Ibeso lands waa $28,549.64. The amount of !and soid during thn fiscal year 1871 was 357,412.09 acres; in 1872, 352,635,47; in 1873, 364,762.03. The followiiig table shows the number of acres of land owned by the Stato at üio close of September, 1874 : Kalt SprinR 1,315.(53 Salt SpriDi', foi'feüed 280 Asvlum 680 Asylum, forleited 8dO igriCH'.tural College 183,153.66 Aiit-uUural Collefte, forfeited 640 hittrnal improvemeut 380.31 Uiiivernity 200 ASFct Jands 4,560 9 l'riuiary School 380,809 Primary School, forfeited 20,647.46 Iwamp lande patented to Slate, not advertised 2 667.04 Swmp 2.460.850.45 ïwimp, Í orleiled 4,117.72 Swamp iudemnily 18,823 93 Total Yncant lands 3,065,956.90 The primary school lauds, excepti ig such as are reserved as miaeral locations, are all held at $4 per acre. During the year the eelection of indenmity lands due the State from the Uüited States, on account of adefleiency iu the Piimary Bshool rant, has been completed. The selactions have been maiewith f;reat care from the eeveral Unittd States lsd detricts in vhioh the deficiencies occurred, making a total of 49,239.22 acres. Of this amount, 5,299 53 acreu ware seleoted in the Dötroit district ; 5,160 in the Sdginaw district ; 8 427.26 in the Grand Traverse district, and 25;225 22 in the Upper Pciiinxula district. The list of selections has been forwarded to the Commiseioner of the General Land Office, for appropal. After the approval the lardi willbo placed in market l.y a public offernj at a minimum price of $4 per acre, unlets special legislation ba had to reduce the price. The Agrieultnral Collega land.i origiually compriyed a grant of 235,673,37 acres, and cousisted mainly cf valuable farmicg lands. The selection waa corapleted in 1S67, and since tbat time 66,478.53 acres have been aold for 8214,875.49. These lands are held at $3 and 55 por acre. Under the Congrensional grant of 1850, the State received pateuts for 5,833,filfi acres of swamp lando, but large quantities of these lanía proved valuable for lumbering and agricultural vurposes. There remains yet to be patented to tho State several tb.ou.3and acres. Diuing the pastflscal year the approval cf 19,863 acres bas boen occured, which will be carried into patente duriDg the ensuing year. These lands are mainly feo'd at $1.25 per acre ; but such es have been patented to the State tiinco faaeago of act 97, laws of 1869, are placed in the market at a minimum of $S er acre, from wliich prico they gradúate eventually to $2 per acre. unlcsis Bolddnring the period of graduation. Ui. dor the Homostead act of 1859, and tho acts amendatory thereof, 7,539 locations, embracing 370,392 acres, have been made. Of the licenses, 1,661 have furnished full proof of a five yearh' residence, improYLmeitt and drainage, and have received ptileiits for 1,020.50 acrep. During 1867 tho Lar.d Office paid into tko State Treasury for ñeld notes, plats and other office work, #338.65 ; in 1868, $1,080.92 ; in 1869, $1,038.81 ; in 1870, $2,776; ia 1871, $2,183.55 : in 1872, $3,096 49 ; in 1873, 3,350.75; and in' 187, 2,370.52.


Old News
Michigan Argus