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This is indeed the age. of perfect 1 otels. The Sherman House, at Chicago, has a fire-alarm connecting every room with. the main office ; has none but brick partition wails ; has Paris floors, with cement between all joists, and in short is absolutely fire-proof. Notwithstanding all these advantages, its rates have recently been largely reduced. Planos aud Urgaji. Ftn6 now rosewood pianos for $300. Fine walnut organs, eix stops, f125. Good BPOond-liand pianos, $150 to $200. Beed's Temple of Music, Chicago. No Uncertain Sound. - When a man discovers a great truth it is his dnty to proclaim it to his fellow-man. The iise of Dr. Walkeb'b Vinegab Bitters cannot be too strongly recommended to the invalid public. To those Yho have tried it, nothing need be said - their experience is their proof, pure and positive as Holy Writ. To those who have not tried it, these truths cannot be too ofien repeated. It is a cortain vegetable spficiöo, which aids faltering nature against the triumphs of dyspepsia, bilious disorders oí every kind, rnalirious f evers, consti.-ation of the bowels, liver complaint, Spring and Fall debility, etc, etc. It costs but little, and can álways be at hand. It is the poor man 's friend. It saves a doctor's bill, and the time lost in riding five, ten or twenty miles afterhim; besides being free i'rom allthepoisonous medicaments of the pharniacopieia. It will not stimulato you to-day to leave you weaker to-morrow. lts benefits are permanent Why is it that Book Agents make rnoney so rapidly, canvaBsing for the Co-operative Pub. Company, Muscatiue, lowa ? Because they publish only first-class books p.nd divide pro&ts ■with agents. The Pbaibib Farmeb.- We have long ben in tbe habit of calling tho attontion of our readers, ouoo or twice a year, to tlie moriteof tiiia entcrpiisiug and reliable farm andflretidi jonroal. We again do 80 witU pleamro, and knowing that we are thuedoiug the faMaers and frait-groner of this rogi)n ■;. favor tliat they will ppreeiate if tliey by tbia weacs are indaoed tr subtcribe for it. Aüit departraents areiiohly filled with ohoioe and entertaining matter that, renders it Ilio abl--st ar.d moet popular paper publiehed for the farmera of the Northwest. The subloription priee is non 32 per year, aml 15 cents extia tor prtpajment of postago. Spsc■mon copies and agenl's outfit freo, and will be gent upen appücation to tho Prairie Farmer Cc?., Chicago, 11!. Ska Foam Bakino Potvdeb. - In anotber column will ba fouiid tho card of Ihe o!d and rcliable house of Geo. F. Gantz & Co., who have wen au en viable and eoiid repuiation aa Ihe iuvrntorB and proprietors of "ihebcBt Bakiug Ponder in the wurld." All tlirough the Easr.eni States it is universally used, and countltas priises are daily received from dealer and cansumer. Those who havo sed it will have no other, and thoee who have not have yet to learn the dulighta to be dtrived from sweet, pure bread - American A'ewspaper Jieporter . Thebe ie, probably, no way in which we cüu bonofit our reader moro than by ricomtr.eiuling to tbem for generrl use Johnson's Anodyrw Liniment. lt iB sdaptcd to nlmotit all the jn;r:o3t-R of a Faroily Mediciuo ; and as a epeoifio for coughs, co'ds, whooping cough, eoivneíH of tho cheet, lame stomach, rheunsaüsm, plttlag of blood, and all lou'g diifioulties, it haa no equal that ever wc eïw or heard of. The Nobthwes-xebn Hobíe-Naií Co.' " Fii-iBhed " is the beet in the world.


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Michigan Argus