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The Common Council of Grand Rápida ie now debating the queatiou whether they will have the Legislatura make that city a oounty by itself. Tdere havo been upwarda of 100 dweïlingbouses erectad in Mt. ClemenB the past year, besides several fine business blooks. The amount of Michigan salt inspected in 187a, by 8. 8. Garrigues, was 1,026,977 barrel. Durino ihe past season 16,000,000 of bricks were manufaetured at Grand Rápida. Gband RAriDS has 128 plate-glasa store fronts. A correspondent of the Chicago Times, writing from Menominoe, Mich., reports the diacovery there, ia swamp hitherto believed to be valnlesa, of an immense deposit of iron, believed to be one of tha most valuable in the upper peninsuU of Michigan. The iron is of the hematito variety, a kind highly valued by the furnace men. CASÜAI.XIKS. David Williamson's house at Albion, Calhoun county, waa burned on llonday last, and hia danghter, 5 years old, perished ia the flames. A boï named John Regan met hia death in a horrible manner at Pigeon Creek on Sionday of last week. He was driving on a load of tiea down grade to tho doek, when the forward part of the load elipped off. throwing him nnc'er the wagon, the wheels passing over head and shoulders, crushing them into a shapeleaa mass. James Conuell owner of the team, while attempting to stop the horBes was thrown down, rocoiving interna! injuries that will probably prove fatal. Daniel O'Neil, of Bay City, whose feet were frozan in the woods near Alpena a short time since, was obligad to have both lega amputated at the ankle?. Watson Abbott waa taking up an old wel! in Lanawee, when it caved ia upon him. He had the presence of mind to put his hands up to hia face, and thus was enablei to respire until he was relieved something like an hour afterward. The body of William Echenbroad of Sturgis, was found on the railroad track three miles from that place, Siturday week, the head nearly severed from it. It is not known whether ha was walking on the track or feil from a train while in motion. He wae 14 years old. At Newaygo, on New Tear's Day, a fooi camed Adam Egolf, from Columbia City, Indiana, attempted to show how a man in the Hoo3ier State shot himself. Adam plaoed the palm of one hand over the other on the muzzle of his gun, resting his head on his hands and tonched the hammer. The gnn went off, the charge passing through Doth hands, teariDg them to atoms, and part lodging in his face. His recovery is doubtful . DKA.THS. Mus. Phceïse MoOali,, one of the early pionoers of Kalamazoo county, died at Galesburg receatly, aged 76 years. Jacob W. Winsob, an old pioneer, died at Grand ÏUpids on Monday last, aged 60 years. Josei-h Taunohk-y, a famous Iudian, died last week at Ludington, of braiti fever. Tannchey was widely known in the State as an interpreter. and smong his own people he was a preaeher, doctor and lawyer, and eminently the business man of the tribe. He reachod the hisrh-water mark of Indiau virtue, never having been known to beg or get drnnk. Samdel GEirFM, au old pioneer of Yorkville. Kalamazoo county, ia dead. Ho waa 71 yeara old. Joiih Bates, an old pioneer oí Mackiiiac Island, died laat week. Chables Tücker, who was born near Mt. Clemens, Macomb county, in 1788, died recently. Beecheb Skinmer, a well-known pri iter of Detroit, and a former membsr of the Daily Union flrm, died last week, aged 30 year. At Detroit, Jan. 2, Capt.EberB. WarJ, the Western Iron King, feil dead iu the atreet from apoplexy, aged 64 yeara. He was a man of uuaurpa3aed buaineaa abilitie?, and his death is univeraally regretted. Gapt. Ward waa born in 1811, while hia párente were making a short aojourn in Canada. Shortly afterwird thoy retnrned to Wells, Vt., thtir home, and niue years af terward oame to Michigan. Hia father waa a light-house keeper on Lake Huron, and the boy'a firat apeculation waa as a partner in bis father' s fisbiDg operatione . When ]3 years oíd he commeuced aB cabin oy on a lake schooner, and soon after went uto the employ of bis unole, Samuel Ward, at Marine City. ae clerk in bis extensivo wareïouse, and subsequently was admitted partner -nith him, and in 1850 oame to Dstroit and went into the marine business, which prospered uuder bis capabla management to a surprising degreo, and he grew wealthy rapidly. He eatablished a carryiug trade on a small scale between Chicago and Detroit, and wbon the Michigan Central railroad was conipleted he started a line of eteamers between 8t. Joseph and Chicago. Capt. Goodrich, now one of the proprietors ot the Goodrich Line, was a eteamboat clerk in the employ of Capt, Ward, iu 1855. Hi3 chief occupation of late was iron manufacture, he being largely interested in milis at Chicago, Milwaukèe, Wyandotte, Toledo, and other placo. He also turned his attention to Uio lumber trde, and '.owuei vast tracts and large milis on the western shore. Ekv. Amos H. Cobb, one of the oldest eettlors of Kalamazoo county, died on the 31st nlt., aged 87 yeara. He preached the flrst eermou ever delivered in Kalamazoo oounty, forty years ago. CK1ME. Geokok Woolseï, of Pontiac, uhuffled off bis mortal ooil, the other day, by raoans of Pari gceeu. Reason- tired of life. A son of Dr. Dayton, of Borün, lms oonfeBsel to the murder of the man who was found in Sand Creek about odo year ago. When the body was found there was nothiug ia the pocket exoept a printer'8 rule and a handkerehief, and it has been snpposed tliat the daad man was a traveling priuter. His name haa nover been discovered. Kev. J. S. Smakt, of Port Hnron, reoently tnarried a couple who called upon him from „ i ...i AV.A Kmiift .i- r1 frrnm had UilïlUllfl. lllJd J1OU I"IU u" - Ddeparled Mr. Smart discovered that his overooat had beeu exchanged for an inferior one of Canadian make. Ho puretied the newiy wedded pair and intirrupted their blissful converse while croseiag Black Biver EiJge, and rccovered his overcoat. Ktartiug homeward Mr. Smart iniased his gloves, and again turned and overhauled the bridegroom, who, having mafie restitution, was suffered to depart in pcace. I'KRSONAL. Fikk, tke firand Eapids clergyman, who owned up to i criminal intimacy with the female organis of his church and resignad liié psetorate, lias turnod up in California, whern he is practickig law. Hou. Wm. A. Howakd, who is uowin Wanhinpto.), ia rapidly improving in hoalth. . Youua Hollander named Derk Van Zantwiok, reeiding with hie pareutB and two brothere in Grand Haven, aged about twenty years, and deponding on manual labor for his laily bread, reeeivod notioe on Christmas Day of tbc doath of a bacbelor uncle in Holland, or wliom he had been named, and tbat bis unclo bad devised to lam the aura of 100,000 uilders. A. Detroit fathcr purchased a tool-cbest for lis son, a lud cf eight, who feemed to havo conbiilerable nieehanical gemas. Up to lateet accounts the boy ba3 eawed oiï but two tableegs, eis noba froin tho bureau, bored even holes through tho doorn and three througU the pianc-caBO, and by the aid of tha glue-pot stnck the family tupply of napkins firmly to the parlor carpet. The Rev. Dr. A. Eddy, of the Presbyterian cbnreh of Nilea, bas put a yeto on the fiirther dancing of membera of his ohurch. The Sanilac Jejfersonian lells of a pioneer of that county who was married November 13th last, and December 15th applied for a divorce, "claiming that ho had caught a Tartar." The day of the wedding he went a mile and a half to obtain tho attendance of the bride, and when the nuptial ceremony had been performed remarkod to her: "They teil ome pretty hard stories about yon, but if you won't ask any questions, I won't." Gov. Baoley eent a quantity of toya and oonfeetionary to the children at the State Public School as a Christmas gift. Amos James with bis brother, J. James, and his eon W. D., of Sanilac, weigh 750 pounds and make up an aggregate length of eighteen fcet seven iuches. At Stanton, ,Wednesdy, a young man from ,he country inquired for a &Eethodist minister. Opportuuoly the pastor of the Cougregational church happened along and ivas introduced, and the young man save expreesion to his desire to be married. The pastor engaged a horse and buggy. and, facing a driving ötorm, drove out two miles into the country and soon tied the young man and his bride into a.hyineneal knot. Then quoth tbo radiant bridegroom to tha clergyman : " I'm much 'bliged to ye, bosa ; sorry I can't pay you eom'then', but I bain't got a red ; do som'theu' for yoa somo time when I get round to it, though." A Homer minister hai maiTied 22 couplos during the past two months. I I.KGAL. Some monthg ago Benjamin Luce and others, of Grand Bapids, obtair.od a qnit claim deed covering nearly the outire bueiueBS portion of the village of Tentwater, valued ut over $1,000,000. Lat week suit was commenced ia the United States Court bv Henry Reetor, for the purposa of setting a&ide Luce's deed, claiming tiiat tbe same was illegally obtained. KAILBOADS. Bï estimates it i.i ehown in the case of the Grand Bapide, Greenville and Alpena railroad that 236 miles of road, if built on the i feet 8 inch gauge. will cost $5,847,344, d on the plan cf the 3-foot gauge it would cost only 3, 505, 032. The completion of the Fiint and Pere Marquotte railroad will open up a rica agricultura! r-'gioii for eettlement in tli-i counties of Isabella, CSufö, Osceola, Lake, and Jlason. POLITICA!-. The rrohibitioniet Lave called a State Convention at Laneing, Janusry 27, to nomínate Regenta of the Uuivereity and a candidato for JaaticB of the Supreme Court. Thoy will also petition the Lí-giilature to establieh a State constabulary, whose special duty it Bhall ba to enforc3 the Prohibitory law. MISCEIXANEOt'S. The Kalamazoo Oazette saya that last March 10,000 yonng whiteftsh were put into Gull lakc. One of these young fiA was speared last week, and waa eight inchea lonp. Dr Wit. Joiixsos, of Vastar, rècently had twelve fine aheep killsd by doge. Tus Grand Rápida Times saya the compulaory school la'.ï ia impracticïble, and cannot be enforced. A ookeesponbknt of vhe Detroit Post, writing from Lansing, givea an acooant of the death of feur membera of one faoiily from typhoid cf the most malignant type, cauaed by defectivo ch-ainnga; and the liead of the faniily is a prominent physician. A care ful examination of the pramisea discovered the f act that the wfete from the water-closeta, kitchen and lanndry were confined under the bouse, and that the fonl atmoephere from iu;a waotn nT-ndiipöti t.liñ tnrrililfi diGflee which had caueed the death of four pareone- two daughters, a son and a mother. TwoYfSilan ti Germana, Ott and Klein, attempted to eettle au cld feud, the other day, by a reeort to flrearms. Klein ia iu a precnrious condition from the effects of a pistol shot. The annual report of the Secretary oí State for the year ending September 30, 1874, ebows that Oounty Superintendenta of the Foor report 4,541 paupers in the State, with an average coat per week of SI. 97 for oach pereon. Total amonnt expon cd, $444,790.49; amount paid for tempovary relief, $158,203 63. One poor-honso was built in Huvon county, making fiftythree in the State. Gratiot, Uccosta, Clare, Ioeco, and Isabella reut the poor-honee and farm to the keeper, paying a stipulated gum for tho kseping of tha paupers. Tn annual reporta of the Sheriffs to tha Secretary of State ehow that thero wero 274 nrisoners in the Michigan jaiïs October 1, 1873. Duriug the year 8,972 have been received, makiug the total number of priaoners 9 245, 'at a oost of 4.72 ier week for board and 'keeping-amounting to $60,698.91 for the year. A fine large deer reoeutly took a turn in the Htreets of Bay City, and aeemingly for the fun of tue thing, kept ahcad of a street-car. Th i following ia the State Treaeury statement for 1874 : Balance iu Trea.ury Dec. 1, 1873 $ 632,068 9 Eeceipts dnring 1874 182,811 88 $2,784.89U 07 Expenditnre rtnring 1874 1-891'' 51 Balauce Dec. 31. Wj 893-086 56 Sault oaual bonfli, oTdue j"y'l, 1879.$ CO lienewed loau buudi, 63, due July 1, mo Twomon' -loan-oüd; flV ii fcn. ' m IJÍ ■1"kn' '.On'dS'.6:'. ,dU0. ": 690,003 00 W'r bonnty loan bonds, 7j, due May 1, 1890 j Tn.i $1528000 NonTntcrcst barin ebt l,5S8,085 64