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LYNCH Al KIM, 1HERCHANT TAILORS. Our stock of ftne Wowlens, for Fall and Winter wear, is nowcomplete.comprisingone of the largest and strictly imported lines ever before laid un the counters of any meiclianttaHoiingestablishment in the State A full line of everything in our line will be found at our house. Gentlemen about to replenish their wardrobe will consult THEIR OWN INTEREST by cxamining Our Stook before buying eUewhere123 JEFFERSOJÍ AVE., 1499m3 Detroit, Mich. TO THK Citizens of Am Arbor ANP THE STLDENTS OF TUE UJÍ1VERSITY, I would respectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens for Winter Wear is now complete, and will be conBtantly replenished with The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishing Comfort in Dress, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfled by glving UB a trial, and are invited to favor as with a cali. H. HINTERMISTEB, Meechant Tailob. 209 Jefferson Ave., betwcen Bates and Bandolph Ste. ESTABL1SHED IN 1860. ■pvWELLING HOUSES ïuR SALE A large and very well built brick house, with two or more lots. Two Urge framed houses. Also a good sized brick house and framed houBe ; and a small frame house on a good lot, in tended for addipg a f ront , for sale on fair terma ind a reaBOnahle credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. MONEÏ WAJITED-Bo many winning to orraw money apply to me that I can readily obtain toilmders good satisfactory investments at ten per cent.ntere. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Auril 23. 187S. M23tf FIRE! FIREü" t - i t i For Insurance against Fire, go to the old ageucy of C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 South Main Stbeet. Agent for Ui HOME INSUR.VNCE CO. of New York, Capital and Surplus nearly #4,000,000, CONTINENTAL FIRE INS. CO., N. T., Capital an.l Surplus $2,600,000, ORIËNT, qf Hartrord, Connecticut, Capital and Surplus $700,000. GIRARD, of Philadolpliia, Capital and Surplus $800,000, C. H. MILLEtf, Asent. 1509m3 $5.00 A YEAR fDirt chenp for a daily newspaper) is the price oi Tiill fiVpG 1WS Tuclurling postage, or it will be sent bíx montbs fcr $2.50,. or three months for $1.25. The EveniüO News is uudoubtedly the CHEAPBÖT AND BEST daily newspaper in the State foi all who want ti.e news in a nut shell, and prefer liveliuesa to dull verboöity. It is INDEPENDENT IN POLITICS, supporting tho beBt men, irrespective of party, and iriviiiK all shades of opinión an impartial hearing. It con taina EE1.IABLE MARKET REPORTS, the cream of the State and general news and items political, personal, humorous, literary, musical, scientiüc, etc, all FRE8H, CRISP AND SPICT. The popularity of The Evening New& has become so great that we are regularly printicg NEARLY 12,000 COPIES A DA Y, or nearly as many copies as all the other Detroit daily papers put together. Addreas, JAME8 8. SCRIPPS, Publisher. 1511 Detroit, Michigan. VICK'S pLORAL QUIDE For 1875. Püblibhed Quabtekly.- Jannary nurnber just ianued, and containa over 1Ü0 pages, 600 Engravinga, descriptions of more thau 50(1 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture. Colored Plates, etc,- The most useful and elegant work of tLe kind in the world.- Only 2& cents for the year. Published both in English and Germán. Addreaa, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. 1512 The PEOPLES' DRUGSTORE OLD STASD OF R. W. Ellis & Go. Drugs and Liquors of choice selection. Dye Stuffs, Puints, Oils and Brushes of all kinds. Large assortment uf Toilet Goode and superior l'erfunieries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS aspecialty, of Tiemann'a, K-olbe's, and Ford's man u facture. Prescriptiona pnt up by men of experienca at all honrs of the day or night. No 2 Main St., Aks Abbor. HALE & TREMAIN. BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN ABBOR, MICH., Xteooltd to the Practical Education of Toung and Middle-Aged Men and Women. Tay Classes throughout the year. Evenin? Classes from September to June. Iiistmction accordipg to the most approved plana, and mostly individuul. Student ean enter at any time and reeeive superior insiaruetion in Business Penmanshïp, Commercial law. Business Currespondence, BusinesH Arithiuetic, Wingle aud Doublé Eutry Bookkeeping, Gr;ih;in'a standard Phonography, and Practical Teleraphy, Mitm line wires pass directly throïigh the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, nffordinff the student Overy advantage of "Actual Office l'ractice." The progresa of the student in BonkkeepinEf is (preatly facilitated by the uae of a new Chart entitled Bookkeepïn at One View," just publiahed by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school honra, or addresa C. E. POND, Ana Arbor, Mich. 1493tf I HARDWOOD & BASSWÖÖD LIJMBEE FOE SALE. THE aubgcriber has on hand a good aBsortracnt of OAK, ASH, KLM, BAS8WOOD, WHITEWOOD.iind uther varieties of Lumber, from ]2 in. to 3. in thickr AL8O, Fenee Posts, Square Tircber, Plank and Oak Studding of all sizes kept on hand tn made to order on short notice. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts planed, Oak Piokets kept on hand and sawed to order. MOULDINGS of different patternB sawed to order FARM GATES keptonhíind and aoldcheap. Particular attention given tq furniahing biils of timber of different lenths and sizes on the most reaaonable terms. 8AW9 UUMMEü ON SHORT NOTICE. LOGS WANTED. I am prepared to pay CASEI for sound Oak, Ash, Basswood tind VVhitewood Logs delivered at my mili, or will buy and measure Loga in the woods within six miles of the mili. BéyAll üertsons indebted to the late firm of Wines & Hallock will please culi and settle their accouuta at the Mili. J. T. riALLOCK. SherifTs Sle BY VIBTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seiilof the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed, wheivin John Olancy is plaintiñ' and Patrick Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defendants, and for fhe want of f?oods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest of Patiick and Klizit Kelly ÉtroieMidj in and to the foUowing described property, to wit : The east half of the southeaat quarter of seetion thirty ; alo the nortlieust quarterof the soutbeuat quarter of seetion twtntynine, all in township number one south of range 8ix east, Washtenuw eounty, State of Michigan, which above describod proporty 1 shall expobe for sale at public auetion, as the law direces, to the hihest bidder, at the south door of the Conrt House in the city of Aun Arbor, on Monday, tlie tiiteenth day of February next, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaid day. Datetl, Jannary 1, 1874. II. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1511 By Wm. H. McIntyre, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff'a ÍSale. BY VIRTUE of one exacution lamed out of and under the aeal of the Circuit Court for the eounty of Washtenuw, tome directed, and bearing date September twenty-aeeond, 1874, wherein John Cbincy is plaintitf and Charles Holder ia defendant, umi tot the want of roodsundehattelstolevy upon, Ihan this day levied upon all the right, title and Interest of the defendant ftbove numpd, in and to the followinp: reul estáte, to wit: Lot number teu (10) in block ihree (') north of Huron wtreet, in range two (2), aceording to the record ed plat of the city of Aun Arbor, Michigan, which I shall exposé for sale to the l.ighest bidder, as the law direefs, at the south door of the Court House in auid city of Ann Arbor, on öaturday, the sixth day of February, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, December lt!, 1874. M. F LEMING, Sheriff. 1509 By Wm. H. McIntvsk, Dep'y Sheriff. SherifFs Sale. BY VTRTUE of one execution ïasued out of and under the seai of the Circuit Court. for tho eounty of Wnshtfnaw, to me directe!, &nd benring date the eighth day of October, 1874, wherein A. H Fillmore is plaintift' and Jetl' Warner and IVter Montgomery are dcfendnnts, and for the want of goods and chuttelh lo Uvy upon. T bare tMs day levied upon all the riht, title und interest of the ; defendant, Jeff War&er, ha in and to tlie j real estáte, towit: All thut pareel of land ] bounded north by aoarter line, west by city, south by U-eddes road and Scott. east by Scctt and-section line, section twenty-eipht, containinp twfinty J eight acres ; also the northwect corner of west onehulf of southwest one-fourth of sectiou twentyseven, contnlninfr twelve cree, more or Icrp, situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Waplirwnaw County, Michigan, which I ahall exposé for sule to the highest bidder, as the Iüw directa, üt the south door of the Court House in the city nf Ann Arbor, ■ on Satnrday. the thirteenth dny of February, A. . D. 1875, at eleven o'clopk in the torenoon. Dated December '29, 1874. i M. FLEMTNG, Sheriff. ö 1511 Thomas J. Hoskinh, Dep'y Sheriff


Old News
Michigan Argus