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Cheap Hardware Store. npHE Stiliácriber tnkes this method 10 inform JL hia old customcrs nnd the public genernlly that he still cominuPs 10 keep a largeand genera) nssorimcnt of Foreign and Domesiic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also. Spike. Wroiiglu, Cut and Home Shoé Nnils, GIops. Sheei Iron, Hoop Iron, Sheet and Bar Lend. Zync, Bright nnd Anenled Wire, MoInsses Gates nnd Fassettp, Mili Sawa. CroiB Cui Snws. Hand nnd Wood Saws, Back and Kcy Hole Snws, Anvils, Vicrs, Bellows.Adzes.Coop. er's Tool. , Drawing Knives, Spoke Shaves, Tap Borers, Cast Sieel Augurs, Common Auüiirn. Augur Bitts, Hollow Augurs, Siecl and Iron Squares. Ground Piaster. Water Lime. Grind Stonea, Potash,Caldronand Sugar Kettles. Cable, Log. Trace and Halier Ch'nins, Broad, Hand and Narrow Axes, Spirit nnd Plnmb Lévelo, togethcr with n general nssortment of Hollew Ware. which will be sold low for Cash or npproved credit at 123, Jefierson Avfenqe, Eidred'B BlocU. R. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. lCih, 184G. 248-1 y BOOTS AND SHOES, AT WHOLESALE. a. e. mgraw & co., WIIOLRSALR AND RKTÍÍL DRALEUS ÍK BOOTS, SHÓES, LEATHER AND F1N0INGS, Corn.r af Jrfferson and WooüwaJ Aóertues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW & CO. would rcapnct'ully inform the Mcrchunis of Michigan, ihat ihey hnve oponed a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, in the rooms over their Retnil Store, Smart's Corner. Their long acqunintonce with die Shoe busincBs. and the kinds of shoes that ure needüd in this Stntè, will cnable them to furnish mercliaiits vtild siich shoe? is ihcy neod. on beiter terms than ihey can buy m the New York market, os all their goods are bought froni ñái hands, nnd p'artiCtilar attmition is p ml to the Rfleciion oí sifes. Detroit, 1Ö46. 248 Iv Probate IVotice State of Michigan, Wnslrenaw County, S AT a session of the Probate Court for aaid Couniy. held nt Ann Arbor. on the 2fJih day of January. A. D. If43. PreSent Samuel P. Fuller. Judge of Probuic. 1 n the niattor of the Es:ate ol Roynl Gurley deccaBCd. On rendng and filing the petition of James Gtási, praying that the ndminutrntor o( said ed ate may be authorized to convey iq the eaid Jnnics Glnss certain real estnte describcd in said peiilion, nnd which said deceased in his life time wna under contract to cnTe tp the said Jumes Glass. - It is ordered (hat tííe í-onejderation of said pctition be postponed un'il Moncfay tf'o twentyihird dny of Fcbruary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of thnt day, ot the Probate Office ín Ann Arbor, in said county; and it is further ordered ihat said petitiorfer causo a copy of this o'rdèr to be published in tihj public new.pap#r prinied in Ann Arbor aforesaid, once in cacl week fir three succcssivc weeks previous to the time nbovc assigncd for said hearing, and to the end that all persons mcreited in e"nid Estáte, hoving objections to the grnnin of gaid.autliority tnay then and there appcar and ninke theaainc Known if ihey thirrk fit. . (A truc copy.) 8. P. FULLER, 249 ■ Jw Judge oí Probate. Carpctsí Carpetsü CarpctsÜJ BREOHER St ABBOtT,- DETROIT, WOULD respectfully cali tho ottention ol purchasers fron the country, visiting ibil city, toour Btockof CAKPETS. consisting of Kxtra Siipèrfine, Superfine nnd Fine Threcply nrpeting; Fine and Snperfine Lowell nnd Phi adelphia Ingrain ditto; Wool and Cotton íugBfitts; Bruöaoléarid Tufted Rirpga; Priritcd Fioor :ioths, &c. &.C., which the offfcr to flell at priers ci-s than have ever before been oflered in thie Carpeí Room irt drpmber oVcr' Storó. íío. I3V Tefferson Avenue, one door bólo thö Michigan State Bank, ÍTftroif. _ . Jan. 2:j, J84fi. 248-3mo tZfifi Keg of ÉastGrn Naife, j!8t received O and" for sal by VVILLIAM R. NOYES, jfr. 78, Voodvvarcï Avenue, Detroit. Dec. re, 1844. Í42 ÑQTÍCÉ. r#lHE Copartnírehip heretoforé éxiáiing undcr X the name of BECKLEt, FOSTER A. Co víih this day diesolved by nmtüal coneént. All jnsr ttlfid Rccnjin's of (be said firm will be acljusid by O. & L. BcckFey nt thó old ëtund. G. becklf;y, J. FÖSTKR. L BECKLEt. Anrt Árbo%Jan. ,1846. 250- èwDry loods at Wholcsalo BEECHER & ABBOT OFFER for dale .for cneh the following goods at New tork wholèsales pricce, transportaron onlv lüded: 40 fíales Brottfn Sheétings and Shirting 10 Casen Blecheí do do 10. Bales BrWn DriUings, tf Coeea Bleached do 000 los . 000" Cotton VVarp, Ños. 0 tn 20: 500 ' Candle Wicking, 700 Carpct W&fp, 100 pieces Sheeps Cloth, 100 m Saltmette, 60 " Ca8sinieref, 5 M Blue, Block, fifowr, Groen, Stéól mixed, nñd Cndct Alixed1 Hroud Cloths, 150 Blnck, Colored,' Figúféd and Plairí A}pnccaè,' 0 " White, ftcd, Greeñ añd Vello w Fiannels, 30 Super Mcal Bnrrpinp, 50 " Plain and Figured Kriitucky Jeans.' &0 " " .. ?. , Linsey, 50 Caoton Flannela, 50 pairs Mackitiaxv Blankcis, 50 pieces M. DeLaine and Cnshmerés.' 100 Blanket SJiawls, 50 pieces,7 8and 6-4 BedTickin, 50 " Stripe Shirtinrr, 50 Blue Drill's, 100' " Pnissian Diaper, 000 " EygÜsh and American Prinic, , Jgrether with a rrcnernl assortment orThrendt, 'ins,But(ons, Combs.Gloves, Ribbons, Lnces, Idkr8, Sic. &c, makinjr the largest and best Rsortment of goods to be found in this stole. ISfcJeffèrson avenue, óne door below the t. Clair Bonk Building. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1845, Gmo.J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLE90ÏLE AND RETAïL DEALERS ííf STAPLR AKD FANtY DRY GOÖDS, Dry Groccries, Cnrpethig: and paper Ifangings, Vb. 03 Tl ooditürd Avenue, Larncd'É Biock, Detroit. jr Holmks, liciq Yorie. Í C Mi HOLMES, Detroit. IXTE lake thiamethod of our frienda YY nnd cu8iomers througliout tlie State, ihnt vo are siill pureuing the even tenor oftfur ■vuyg, endenvotirtg to do ou; biibióess íipoñ Lït md honornblé principlcd. Wc wonld nli?o tcnJer our acknowlcdgiiionts fór the patronage extended to us by our cusloincrs, nfid would lejr' leave to cali tlie ntteniion of the public to n very wcll telected ns&ortment of aeasonablo Goode wluch nro offered nt wliolcsnle or retnil ot vcry loiv prïces. Our iaciliiies for purchasinc Gooda ore unsurpnased by.ony. concern in tlm Stnte - One ofthcfirjn. Mr. J. Holmeq resides n tlic pity of New York, and from lus long experience in the Jobbfng trnde in ihat cny, und Ironi Jiis ihorough knnwlcdae of tne ninrkét. fie i'a cnobled to avail himeelf of tho aüciioné p.HJ nny decline in prices. Wc nlao purchose from tho Importer8. Manufacturéis Agente, nnd hom tbe nuctions, by tlie ackogo, the snme ns N. Y: Jobbert purchnae, thiiB eaving tlieir profits. Wiih these fncilities we enn snfely sny thnt otir Goode nre eoid chkap for the eyidónce óf vhich we invite the ntlcniion of the public to out fttock. We hold to' the grént cardihnf principié of "fV greuiest good to the ïrftcle nuniler," ëo íf yoii want to bny Gooda cheóp, and buy o taygt quantity for a llttle money give ub n trinl. Our stock is oa extenaive an ony in the city, and we aro conatantly recciving ncw and fresli Goodd frotti New York. 50,000 Ils Wooï. Wanted, the above qtinnliiy.ol good nisrchantïble Wooï for which the bighest mafkef prióó wil] be paid. J. HOLMES CO. Dntroif; 1Fi.". 2N-tfAt Pcrrys ilook Store. JVext door East of the JV. York Chcap Store; THE subscriber has j-.iét opéhèd and is Ao# rcady to scll the mostcitensiveaSBOrtnicnt'of BOOKS, BLANK B00K8 and STATIONÉRY, ever oflered in Arin Arbor. His stock consista of SCHOOL BOOKS of iienrly every vorieiy in use in tliia State- Histories, Biogrnpliics, Tr.ivclu. Memoir, Aliaccllaneous, Religiou nnd Classicnl Bnoke. BfBL-ES nnd TKSTAAiENTS, evtry Vnrïéty oí se; st)Mó and binding. SoOie plendidly ñnisnecf. IMIAYEH BOOKS, POEMS & ANNÜAL9 benutifully boiuul for IJolydoy gíftá. Tárents nnd others wisliing to mnke Bplendfd fiolyday prescnt8 öt email cost, Will do wèll to c:ill at Perry's nnd . mnke therr Sdoètion's fróm a full sirt. Doh't dclny. Aleo, on hand the largest nsáóflmcnt of PAPER eVer oflbrcd west of fJèlroii; such a Cap', Flat Cap, Letter, French Letter, Bankers Post,Copyihg, Tissue, Cnrd IM-k, Enveiope, and 1(J kinds of note paper; wiih a full aeáurtmen't of Sreel Pens. QuiHs, Wafcrs; Black, Bine, Bed," and Copyinif i"k; Sand, Inkatandrf, Folders,: Pen HoMers, Stamps, Motto Seal$, 6old and Silver Wafere, Inilin Rubber. Péncjfsond Poinie, Envclopi s. aicl mnnv vnrieues of Visiting Carde. Also, GOLD PLiS, an anide cbíbining elegmcè jth cconomy. Ue hap on hnnd af good 8olection of Bonká súitablo for Family,' School District nnd Tnwnship LÍBRARIES. It will not be poi-sible to name nfl the artíclco" in his Üne: Suilice it to 8ay, thnt Jifs assurimcnt is genèrul nnd ciiènpór than ?nö ever bcforo offercd in tnia vi finge. Me haá made n:rnng6nfchts ín Nèw York which vviíl eiinble hitn at all times to obtaiñ ahything in his line direct froin New York at shnr notie, y ExprtKs. It #jl be eeen that his (a cilitics for accornodntin}? his cidtomero' with nrticlfs not on hnnd is heyond preèèdont. and he ê rendy and wí?!?ig Í6 do óvery thiiig rèasonnblo to makè hiá cátabliáhmént éürh an onè 'as' an cnlightèned aid discerning ctfnitnunity rehuiré, and he Imp'-s to merit a éhnrè ófi)aironnye. Perecna wishing nny nrtièlè ín hiá fino Mil do well to cali betore puichnsing élsèwhèré. If.yoii forget tho place, enquire for Perry's BobUator., Aun Arbor, Upper Villape- 2d dooí Loát of Maii street, on Hurón sti eet. , WM. ñ. PERRY. Docember, 1 9 I.r.Important fe Farmers. THE ubscrüier híis now ertètecj a Mili for miaüfacttTJttrg JjnáutD Otr.. The locntiorr j( (he Mili ' 5 niie8 Durifi of Fóntonville, Gcnöec Mídfc Tb i 6 loéaiion wiíl accommoiatethc farmers n Genesec, Lapéer fjhiawasíce ind n part of Liv'ngsion nnd Oaklnííd ounliei. I'he Mili íb cnpablc of "iimlinn 10,000 buahcln' i( ri. A n. i 1 hopo (o dé .ajilé tó ger ihnt uoniiiv nnother yenr. Tho Ffax Crop is beieveJ to bo the bekt íhat tíic fof mer caii' raisc. - n t lie Smto of New York, n 8Jme scctiors vhich a6kno%Vlecíí?er) to be erjunl toany other nr r.nMii " whnat. thc fnrmers hnVc proven by orí xperiCnce of 3 or A ycans. ihey enn mako noro inoncy al raítíng íln.x bècd at fne dollar per iiislicl thon tliry enn nt iméing whéat at tho priefiit oriniarilv brings. Í tlial) hnvé aqunntitity of Meed ready tlcaned or powihg to furnial) tdoée who cunnot procuré' ílsewhere. l will contrncf secd nt one doí'ar per hiisheh o b6 dèliyéréd nt the MilJ nrx fall or winter. A good oieortméTit 1 Dry öoods, Groterie, ockcry, nnd linrdwnre. und all he. fnateriolrf jrparritinj kept consinnity pn hnnd. Caeh paid at u!l titure for Flnx SeedD. L. La TOURKTTF Lona I.nko. Dnc. 22. 845. Í4.V- 3m :: K DISSECTF.D MAPS - An instruemé' nd amupinR arrirle for the younc. (pi alo at PKRRV5 BOOKSTORF. De. 03'. 241t