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The order of JnJge MoOue, of JNew ïoru, requiring Thcodoro Tilton to givo a bilí of particulara in bis snit agaiust Heiiry Ward BeecUer has bccn revereed by tho Appellate Couvt. Mr. Fbench, GImirman of the Legislativo Commitfeo on Reservoir?, vmited Haydenville, Maes., last week, to aecertsiu the caneo oí the late dieatter there. His verdict was faulty engineering, faulty material, and fsulty building, and that the dam was not wide encngl), the etone not euitable, and the groutlng not good euough. The West. John Goodman, the murderer of the Ilaywood famÜ7, eeveral montlj ago, was hanged at Ottawa, Ohio, on the 30th nlt., aftor confesting his crime ' on the Bcaffold John Murphy was oxecuted at Carson, Nevada, on the same day. forthe murder of J. B. McCollum A party of Indiana, belouging to Spottsd Tail's band report a gang of twentyone minere encarapod In the Black Hills. They were not molested, bnt their intrusión reported to Indian Agent Howard Two ïiotorious horee thieves and murdereri!, nasied Fox and George Alexander, wero killed last week near Ocmulgce, ludían Territory, by Detective York, of Springfield, and nncthcr notorious outlaw, namod Kinch West, was moitally wonnded The Danota Legislatnre has paseed a law forbidding the levying or collection of taxes in aid of railroads or corporationa . CcKSiDfCRABLE excitoment ha9 been causetl in San Francisco by the fact that tlie proprietore of the Cornell watch f aotory have determined to emplojr Chineso in all departmente. Seventy operativos from Chicago have protested, and eeveral have besn ciiclarged An explosión in a coal mine, near Evaneton, Wyoming, recently reeulted in the death of eigit persons.. .. A dispatch frora Tucaon, Arizona, eays that very rich gold minea havo been diseovered ia Sonora, on tho San Miguel river.. . .The olcl (end betweon the Rosa and Downing factions bas broken out afreeh, and serions diatr.rbancea aro reporied arnong our semi-civiliied ueighbore. A bloody fight has already taken place near Choutoau, Cherokee iation, reBulting in the killing and wounding of some dozen or so on both t-ides. A dialatch from Vinita, dated Jan. 1, states 100 armed men were threateniug an att&ck on that town, and blocdy times were expected. Capt. E. B. Wai d, of Detroit, one of the eading capitalista of the West, died of apoplexy on the 2d inat. He was largely inerested in the irou manufacturing interests of the Wett, and lus probably contributed more to fheir devoloprnent than any other individual in the entire country. He waa 04 years old. Hia eatate is valued at 10,000,000 A letter from the Eed Cloud Agoncy atalea that Col. Henry, wiih a cornpany of the 3d cavalry, left that pose on the 26th of December, for the ea-:tern alopea of the Black Hilla, to drive out invading miunra. Chicaoo Wholesale giocera are somewhat agitated over the audden disappearance of the flrin of Roe Brothers, extensivo dealers ia ;roceries. Tho raembers of the firm, consietïng of two brothers, bave gane to Canai.a, carrying with tho in about $100.000. Thtir debts amount to dauble that aum E. K. Roberts tBlegraphs from the Indian Territory tuat the Associated Press reporta of the tronbles in that rogion havo been greatly exagge-ration. The only affray, he eay, waa cauaed by an attempt to introduce) whisky by Indiana, near Pricc's Creek, and their aUempted arrest by the Cherokee Sheriff and his poase. Two were killed and two wounded. No thieats or move wero made to molest parties or trains at aay station on the railroad. The South. E. L. Jewew,, the editor of the New Oreans Bulletin, was, on the 29th uit., charged with being about to fight a duel and commit a breach of the peace. He was baüed in 85.000. This will not prevent a meeting in Alabama, if Warmoth ia relessod. Ex-Gov. Waumoth, has nndergone an examination at New Orleans for the killing of Byerly, of the Bulletin, aud been dischaiged on the grounl that hi act was juetifiable homicida. .Mesara. Foater, Potter aud Fñelpe, tbe Coogreaeional eub-coinmittee appointed to investígate tho affairs of Louisiana, are now in New Orleans tHkins testimony The pólice cf Eew Orleans refuse to do mütia duty to the oxtent of cirryirift muskets to defend the State House gaini-t the White Leaguers. llie Congreasional committee to investígate the Vickeburg troublea are on the ground taking testimony. The Warmoth-Jewell duel is off by agreement of friends of the partiea. A whole family, consisting of Kiihard Borum, Lis wife, two children, and a negro boy, were murdered a few days ago in Lee county, Mies , and their bodies oonsumed witU the building. Washington. William A. Potter, a aon of Bishop Potter, and a brothor of Hon. Olarkson N. Potter, of New York, has accepted the office of PupervUiug Architect of tho Treasury, viee Mullett, roBigned The condition of Lonisiana a'ffdirs was the subject of a Cabinet meeting on the evening of the 29th uit., at which Attornoy-Goneral W.lliams ia reported by the Associated Press disptchea as urging the neceesity of sxstaining at all hazards the Election Returuing BoarJ io ita recent decisión as right in law and in faot. Havino completed ite labors at New York, the Pacific Mail Congressional In veeitigatin g Committee haa returned to Washington and resumed ita inquirios in that city. . ..Rumora of the resignation of Gen. Spinner and other oöicors of tho Treasury Department, in cirulation lately, are deuie 1 .... A Washington diepatch of theSd Inat. Baya: "The subject of the recognition of tho new govornment has not ai yet been formally coniidered by the President or cabinet, but, from the talk in diplomatic circlea, it is evident that the United States will not basten to reoognizo .1jo government of Ieabella'd non." Political. The Ohio L'giBlature will probably change the State elections from October to November G,jv. Bevoridge, of Illinois, has called an election for Saturday, Jan. 23, to fill the vacancy in Congreas caueed by the death of Hon. John B. Rioe. The Republicana of Coniiectient will hoïd a State Conveution on the 20th of Januiry Tbe old quirrel as to whether the River and Harbor Appropriation bill properly belonga to the Committee on Oommeioe or the Committeo on Appropriations has been revived, and io waging vifeorously. It ia of aome conaequence this year, aa it ia said the first-named committoe would ppropriate a ranch Iarger amount tban tlie lattar for thoee purposes. General. Lepijte, who is under eentence of death for murder in the Red River rebellion, has been elected to tho local Legislatura in Manitoba, ....Sir John A. MacDonald, ex-premier of the Dominion of Canada, has been re-eleoted to Parliament in the Kingston district by a majority of 18 New postal arrangementa have been made with the Canadian government, by the torms of waioh letters will be exchaDged between Canada and the United States on the payment of domeatio poetage only. The Engliah shareholdere of the f amone Emma mine swindle do not seorn to know how to enjoy the loss of $5,000,000 by the operations of speculators, as Americans do, they having eued Senator Stewart, of Nevada, and Trenor W. Park, of Vermont, for that amount It ia estimated that the Gov. ernment is defrauded Out of $1,000,000 annually by the washing and second nse of oaucoled poatage ttampe. The Bureau of Indian Affairs has ieaued a ciroular letter to tbe Buperinteudents and Agenta of the Indian Departmeut iiitftracting (hem to otify tho sevoml bands or tribes of Indians uuder their supervisión that they must confino themeelves wholly within thö imits of their respective reeervations ; that tinder no pretext must they leate them without % special permit ia writing, from the Agent or Superinteudent, Forelgn. Ebpabtebo, Dake do la Viotoria, Marshal, and at one time liegent of Spain, died at Biyonne, Dec. 21, sged Si years The föllowing additioual particulars of the burning of the emigrant Bhip gospatrick are telegraphed from London : The fire broke out at midnight on tho 17th f November, and within half au hour euveloped the vessel nearly its eutiro length. The toene was one of the wildeet confusión. Bat two bo&ts eucceedod in getting away, each of which contained thirty persone. These remained alongside the ehip until noon of November 19, when the huil was completely burned, and thé veseel aunk. The two boata then started for the land. They kept together for two days, whon a gale Beparated them. One of them haa not sinco been heard of, but the other waa fallen in with by the British ship Scepter. At that time it contained fivo peraons, two of whom died bef ore the Soepter reached St. Helena. Sevebe fighting is reporled in Foru bctween the government troops and insurgente, in which tho latter were b'adly worsted.... Dcsertions from the Republican army in Spain to the ranki of the Carlista we occurring by wholeeale. The news from Spain is the most imprtant that bas been tranBmitted across tbe waters for some time. It is to the effect that the Repubiicans and Carlists have both been set aside, and the kingdom given to the son of ex-Queon Isabolla, Don Alphonso. He has been recognized by the army and navy of Spain. The command of the army has been quietly transferred from Marehal Serrano to Gen. Laeerna. It is also aunouuced that Gen. Dorregary and other Carlists leaders have given in their adhesión to Alphonoo. The King's new minietr; ia composed as follows : Castro, Minister of Foreign Affairs ; Cárdenas, Juatiee ; Jovellar, War; öalverra, Finanoo; Molines, Marine; Rabledo, Interior; Orovio, Commeroe; Ayala, Colonies ; It is repoi-ted that one of tbe flret acts of tho new Ministry will be to telegraph to the Captaiu-General of Cuba to exercise a conciliatory spirit, and to pacify tho Cubans by roestablishing, as far as possible, a cordial understanding betwen the home and prsTincial governments and Creóles . . . Foreign mails bring newa of the death of Mrs. J. Lothrop Hotley, wife of the American Historian, and former Minister to tho Court of St. James; Ledra Kollin, the Commurjist leader, and the Duke of Montrose Sixty thousand colliers in Bouth Wales have strtick work in consequonc of reduction of wagos. The King of the Belgiaus has formally recognized the new King of Spain, and bas telegraphed the congratulationa customarily accorded to a new goyernment. Tho bloaaiug of the Pope has been conferred npon the new King. The European powers will, it is thought, hasten to recognize him A great famiue ia decimating the population of Asia Minor European governments have taken measnrea to prevent the iraportatiou of American potatoes infeoted with tho Colorado beetle Tho latest dispatches f rom Spain dony tho report of the death of Espartero The loss of Ufe in the buruing of the ehip Cospatrick eums up over 500 souls.


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