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"shoot Them On The Spot."

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The New York Herdld publishes tlie following opinión oí Charles O'Oonor in regard to the propriety of shooting burrlarsat sight. Mr. O'Conor very justly asBumes that burglars havo no rights good citizens are bound to respect : Oerlain practical questions coneerning the dutios and imrnunities of citizens in protecting life and property from the depredations of professional crimináis have been discuased, in connection with the prompt and admirable adininistration of justice upon the two bnrglars wliose livea paid the forfeit of their crime when discoverod plunderirjg Judge Van Brnnt's house at Bay Eidge. In oonnection therewith a letter of inquiry was addressed to Mr. Charles O'Conor, which, with that eminent lawyer's reply, indicating what honest men may and should do on encovtntering a burglar or a Lighwayman, ia copied below : Hou. Charles O'Conor : l)EAit Sik : Will you kindly give me your opinión Ou the following qneötiüiis, kuowing you to be tho hlg'ieet anthority : First - Is there a law on the statute books in regard to tho " challenging " of a burglar by Lia inteiided victim before fiiing on him, eveu whea in tho act of plundering hia goods ? Beoond - Wou'd the law justify a person in fliing on and killiDg a burglar timply on eeeing him eudeavonug to effect au entrance iuto liid houso at nigbt ? Hoping Boon to from you on the eubject, I am, dear eir, yours truly, Thomas II. Eeillt. Mr. O'Corjor replied as follows : Mr. ThomaB H. Eeilly : Deab Sik - I aeo no present occiwion for considering the teohnioal questions scate. Men who devote tlieir lives to house-broaking and theft as an oacupation ea,n hirdly be aaid to have auy righta wbich othera are bound to renpect. Their habitual purauit juetly condemns thom to outlawry. At loant suoh is their oonditiou while prowling in the night time within or around the dwellings of their intended viot ms. When iu tho attemut to execnte a felonious enterprise they happen to be slain by tho family whom they "are seeking to plunder, public justice will instituto uo faetidicms Bcrntiny. No One will inquiro whother all tho forma or ceremonies were obeervecl, which eome ancient law-giver or modern enactment for " tliat caso made and provided " may have discreetly BuggeBteó1, whatevermay be the strict law apphcable to ths caeo ; and whatever exnt dtity might eujoin, no magistrate will oommit the pHyer to prison, no grand jury will indict them, ñor will any district attoriioy prosecute or petit jnry couvict. If, indeed, auy one in thiu line of official authority could bo found to act adversely, the next in auccesfion wonld be apt to repudíate his doings, or if a concurreaceof the whole could be imagined, ending in aconviction, it is very certain that no Governor would hesitato an iustant iu awarding to the accuaed a Bife deliveranoe by his dispeneiug power. The Van Brunta were juatified in point of moráis. Their race - the Holland Dutch of New York- rarely fail to meet with appropriate action auy ëmergency appealiug to honor and bravery. Let us not enter into any nic criticismo upon the manter of their achievenient ; it was just and beneñcial ; applauee is their due. All honest mea will accord it, frarikly and in unstinted meaeure. I &m, dear sir, yours truly.


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