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Finance And Trade

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The monoy market w8 without any quotale cbange. The anrply of loanable fanda s iu exceae of the demand, and inteiest ratea rein bc rrowero' favor. Bates 10 por ceiit., íth 8 per cent, aa tbe ruling rate for cali oans. Governineut bondn were quiet, but 8 ihere waa no apecial deairo to Bell, and ie offeriuga were light, a firm feoling preailed and prices were ateafly. We quote 20'h oí 'C at 116-i to 116 '65 at 117 to 118 ; urrency Ö'a at 117J to 117} aud interest. jnt'-'ttt gold quotations : Chicago, 112 to iaj-1 New York, 112J, the mrket ruling irnier at New York, nuiier local iufluencea. BREADSTDFFS. The visible aupply of gram, inoluding the tocks iu granary, ai the priucipal points of accumulation. at lake and eeaboard porta, and in transit by rail, Deo. 26, 1874, and iho comparativo stooliR at the undermeutioned periodü, were as f oIIowb : 1874. 1874. 1873. 1S72. Dcc. 26. Dec. 19. Dec. 27. Dec. 28. Wlieat . ..11,793,277 12,449,495 9 259,204 6,248,673 Orn 3,993,038 4,I'24,U34 5,814,134 6,591,898 Oats 2,(147.146 2,9B3,22í) 2,173.181 3,414,044 Barley .... 2,350,006 2,447,778 1,929,1)16 2,803,865 llj-e 222.413 203,441 236,860 ."?.■ Total bu 20,90f,540 21,707,977 19,412.395 22,122,020 The following are the receipts and snip-1 meuta for the week, aa compared with tho same time laet year : licceived. Sliipped. Articles. 1875. 1874. 1875. 1874. Flour, brlB 62,697 66.407 49,011 60,943 Wheat, bu 43Ü.163 979,170 166,729 171,411 Corn, bu 322,053 l9,460 155.897 23,909 Oats, bu 130,015 194,038 33.255 91,368 Kye, bu 11,007 16,992 3 680 7,901 Barle', bu 55,840 83,360 24,413 53,220 D. Hfg, No.... 13,219 11,566 14,469 10 8S3 L. Hogs, No.... 63,322 92,6H7 22,970 24,246 Cattle, No 11,112 9,579 8,560 (,906 Tne movement in the grain marketa was rather light, and at the samo time a ateady feeling prevails, and aa a general ru'e pricea were more in eellera' favor. Tho iuquiry waa mainly on local apeculative account, thBre beiDg comparatively few outaide orders, and but little shippiog demand. Tho receipts for tli9 week were larger all round than dming the preceding week, and continue in cxctsa of the ahipmente, the atock in atore rapidly ' aeeumulatiug. During the past week tho -toek shows au inerease of 270,600 bu wheat, 167,000 bucorn, and 1QO.O0O bu oats. The shipments of whe&t show a moderate increase, hete bfcing öome orders for export. Holders were generally quito flrm in . ;heir views, and were not dispoáed to 'orce salea at the expansie of lower piïces. The " corner " in corn culminated oc Thursday - the last day of the month - the combination t rciug pricee to 85c per bu, at which figure " shorts" were obliged to Bettle. The ring have now nearly 57,000 Du old corn on hand, and they will be obliged to carry it uutil the opening of navieation, for export, as thoy caunot afford to Bell at ita .legitímate value - about 70c. The trading in the corn market is now wholly in new curu, and at better prices. Oats were weak and lower, although closing a shade firmor. Kye and barley were isteady, but with comparatively little business. Operators generally look for a better trade during the cnrrent moath. The folio wing tablo Bhows the curreut quotations at the opening and close of the week : Opening. Closinrj. No. 2 spring wheat... 90 90M Beller February .... 91 % 92 New No. 2 corn 6S 66JÍ Beller ït bruary.... 65,%' 66', SellcrMny 71 @ 71.' 71i New rejeoled 60H@ 61 61H No. 2 oats 6iX E3 Scller February. .. B23L 53' No. 2 ryc 99 O 99 98 No.2bfricy $1.22!2@1.23 " $1.23 O1.23'4 No. 3 barley 1.05 O110 1.05 @1.10 SelUr February.... 1.24 1.25,V Th) domand for oattlo waa active and the matket ruled steady and firm, with a higher range of prices. Recaipts moderate and qiiaíity very good, ahowing a roarked i proveiueut all round. Eastern adviccs were favorable and shippers wcre inore ai xtous to purckase, entariug into lively ccmpetition; closing at $5.00 to $6.23 for fair to dioico, and $6 5) to $7.C0 for extra ateers ; $2.50 t o $4.60 for botellera' Oïttle H 'ga were quiet but eteady, altbough wiíh tha li.aited receipts the market coiüJ not have been. veiy active; cIobiug at $6.25 (o 6. DO for poor to cholee light weight?, and $6.75 to $7.25 for the same deBcription of heavy ; bulk of sales at $6.75 to $7.10. öheep were steady and firm, with a good demand and well-maintainal prices ; closing at $3.00 to $5.60 for poorto chotee. PBOVISIOK. Only a fair degree of activity was Bhown, trading bc iug mainly on local Bpeculative account and for futuro deüvery. Stocks of meas pork largo, and of lard moderate. Market cloaed at $18.95 1 1 L19 for caah and $13.40 for February pork, $13.40 for cash and $13.60 for March lard. DREPSKD HOGfl AND SEED8. Dreased hogs oponed dull, but cloaed fltm at 30c to 50c higher, ths advance being relatively largor en light ihau on heavy weishts, owing to corapetitiOQ between New Yoik buyers. closing at $8 to $8 20 for light and $8.20 to $8 30 íov heavy. Beeda were quiet all rouni, cloaing at $2 to $2 60 for poor to prime timoíhy ; $5.60 to $5.70 for clover ; $2 for fUx ; 753 to 80c for Haugarim; and 70o to 75; for millet. PBODUCK. Butter remains very quiet; atock large aud tendeney of values to a lowor rauge ; packed 22o to 35c for fair shippiug to extra faney dairv and f actorv : rolla 22 to 21o. Beans dull'at $1.25 to $1.75 for Western and $2 to $2.25 for navy. Broom com firm. Cheese íetuly and firm at 15}c for prime factory ; 14c to líc for good, aud 7c to 13c for poor to oommon. Cider firm at $6 to $6 50 per brl for ohoice aireet. Ega were dull and iales slow. Freah quotable at 21c to 24c. Foathera were qniet but firm at 6 i to 7c for chicleen and 453 to 60o for prime ivo geoee. Applea tslow at 75c to $2 for coinmon to dioica. Game elow. Honey waa ateady at 20c to 25o for comb. Hops were quiet at formar quotaüone- 83;! to 37c per Ib for good to prime new and 25o to 30o for fair. Hides were in moderate demand and steady at 7f o to 8c for green frozon, 8}o for heavy greeu aalteil, and 15c to 16c for calf. Hiiy wa dull and weak, the aupp!y being in exsees of the demnnd. Prime timothy, $18.50 to $19; No. 1, $17 L0 to Í18; prime prairie, $12 to #12.50. Na1 were oteady at $2.60 per ba fer Bhellbark hickory, p.nd $1 for large. Butternuta and walnuts a'.ow at 4)1. 50 per brl. Potatoes were quiet and dull at 85c to 90c for sm&ll Íets peacnblowa ; 75o to 85c for mixed. Turkeya wero firmer, although ohickens wore dull, and other deecriptions of poultry were c ffared quite freely ; we quoto turkeye at Ge to 10c per Ib for pior to cUoioe ; chickons 5o to 8c per Ib and $1.50 to $3 per doz;ducks $2 50 to $3.50. TaHow Blow at 7fo to 8c. Veal firra at 6c to 9c. Vegetables dall at #2.50 to $2 7,5 for red ooiona ; $3 to $3.50 for yeilow ; 30o to 45c for turnipa ; and 50o to 65c per doa íor celt-ry. Wool ateady and very fiíiu. Telegraphic Market Keiorts. NEW I'OltK. Beevis 11 Sf H HoQS-Cressed 9 @ 9 Cotton- 14 @ 14f Flouh- Superfine Weatem 4 00 @ 4 50 Wheat- No. 2 Chicago 1 111 1 14J No. 1 Spring 1 23 @ 1 28 Oojuí 97 @ 98 Oats 69 @ 72 Iíye 94 @ 95 roEK- Now Meas 20 L0 @ Labd- Steam 13@ .. 8T. LODIB. Wheat- No. 2 Bed 1 06 i 1 07 Cokn- No. 2 New 63 @ 64 Oats- No. 2 CG @ 58 Bye- No. 2 1 00 1 02 rORK- SÍOHB . .19 50 @ Lard .. . 13 .. Hoaa 0 75 @ 7 75 Cattle 4 50 $ Ö 00 JÜILWAÜKEE. Wheat- No. 1 95 @ 95} No. 2 93 g 91 Oqbn- No. 2 65 @ 68 -No. i 51 fís 52 Rïl 94 O 9 Üai:i-eï- -"o. 2 1 25 @ 1 27 CINCINNAT1. Wheat -Red 1 05 @ 1 08 ÜOEK-New 1 68 @ 70 Oatf. . 60 O 62 IUe 1 08 @ 1 10 Pork- Mess 19 25 @ Labd 13 141 TOLEDO. Wheat- No. 1 Ked 1 11 @ 1 12 Amber Michigan 1 09 1 10 Ooek- Now t9 ( 70 Oa9 57 @ 59 DEXKOXT. WHEAT--Extra 1 14 @ 1 15 Aruher 1 09 @ 1 10 Corn , 68 O 70 Oats 53 @ 57 OLEVELAND. VfBJÚi- íio. 1 Red 1 10 @ i 11 No. 2 Red 1 03 ffl 1 07 iToiui 72 fe 73 I 67 59


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