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A material reduction of ratea has reoently been macle by the Sherman House, Chicago. Its proprietors are determined that it shall continue to be the most popular hotel in Chicago with business meu and the traveling public in general, and. tliey are acconiplishing their purpose. In the time oL Pope Pelagius II. a plague raged at lióme of so fatal a nature that peopleseized with itdiedsneezing and gapmg, vrhenoe carne the custom of saying " God blesa you !" when a person sneazss, and of Roman Catholics making the sign of the croas upon the mouth when any one gapes. Apply the Bbmedy. - It appears that we need o longov be torro euted with Liver, Kidney, Bladder, and Glandular Diseases, Mental and Physicai Debility, Partial Paralasis, Iuflammatory and Ohronic Rheumatiani, Dyspepsia and Morbio Hutnors of the Blood. Da. Walker's Vegetable Vitteoar Bitters conquers the causes of all of the above itregularities by seouring perfect digeat 'ion, a proper flow of hile, and a ree discharge of all waxte matter. It ia not a vile, doctored whisky, gotten up to deceive the public and tickle the palate. It ia a medicine to tlie sick stoiuach, the relaxed nervous system, the weak circulating blood, aud the overworked, prostrated brain. An infant may take it, and to children afflicted with worms, and even adulta who suffer froin this canse, ignorant of the fact - and their nnmbers are iniilions - it is the greatest remedy of the ago. ïake one bottle and you will be satisfled that this is no catch -penny nostrum. 17 The Road to Health. Cleanse the stomaoh, bowela and blood from all tbe acrid, corrnpt and offensive ccnmulations wbioh produce funotional derangement, and you remove the cauae of moat diseaeCB whiêh aflliot the human family, aud tbus ave large doctolu' bilis. The moot effeotual and reliable remedy for tbia purpoao is found in Dr. Pieroe's Pleaaant Purgativo Pellets. No cheap wood or paper boxee, but kept freeb and rehablein vials. High livers. thoso indulging in eaae aud pleaeure, and those of sedentary habita, can prevent Boila, Oarbunolee, Gout, Red Skin, Eruptions, Pimples, Conetipation, Pilee, UrowsinefB, BiliouenoBS, and other oonditiona iudnoed by eueli habits, by taking from four to eix of Dr. Pieroe's Pleasant Purgativa Pellets once a week, or, better etil), one or two fcach night. Tliey are sold by dealers In medicines. ' Most people like to hcar of a good tliinp. We will teil them in ooufidenco 'liat, if they want to be dressed well. theyehould wear the Warwiok (dollar. An oll adage sayn thaj with a niee collar and olean baots a man always looks well dressed. liemember the Warniok. Worthy of Note. - An 4S;change says thero U ecaroely a day pa-jaes that we do not hfar, either from persons coming nto our office or in Home otlier wny, of the euccoss of Johnson's Anodyve Linimcnt in tlie cure of caugha and colds, b prAvalent abont town juat now. ' '_ Ir we can benefit the readers of this paper any by r#commendiiiG; Parsons' í'irgative Filis' tobe tbo best a-uti-biliuua medicine in the couutry, wo aro willing to do so. We have had about as good a chance to know aa any one. _____ __ The Northwestern Horsb-Nail Co. 's " Finished " Nail ia the bet in the worid. MnUCV made rnpidly with Stencil A Key-Chock ITIUilC! Outfl 9. Catalogue samples full particularree S.M. Spencer, 117 Hnvor-t., Boston. AOKÏSTS Man or Womra, S4 a week or $100 forfoitod. The tecretfrte. Wrlto at once to COWEN 4 CO., Sth St., Now Yorli. iti,t S fJs'.ll JJAÏ Commisaion or $30 ft weok WJ' Balary, anaexpeine. Wooifer it and will paylt. Apply now. O. Webber t Co. .Marión, O SUJHK'I'HINU FOK Send stamp and getit. Free to all. AddreBB UURST t CO., 75 Nassau Street, New York. 1 fT K.i P day made by or agent aellinfr L i iOII staple artlolea nsed tn everT family. Aildmss II. II. Mi Uur A Co., 104 Raodolph-st.,Onicago $1,OUU PKK WKWt CAN BE MADE fcy any smart man who can keep nis business to himself Artdress D. F. HERMANN, Uoboken, New Jeriey. Tbe falti or Dr N. S. Doi;e'i Gïmuiy Utbb Pdwpim je iid to mora thtin rquil ihiit of nj othrr famiW mpttichif. Tor sale hy 11 Drucpiit. rtic, perdoion. öOcts. ; ncr groas.'M.fty. Orders mj ba pent to ïtfè ikmih Htlitcd at.. ChieKio, 111. Tbls rrr.ieTj eurea Uver TompUiut, Rwelled ÜTer, Dvspapsio, llea-Uoho. Lu, :ior ad bcbllitj. All ciiiliuiiu uiiitiz htm l'ernëHd UVr V raicTfld kt once by thi. Qtrmu reaicdy. A ROITWDTHKTKATABi.K,"anewsubA. icriptiou book, by Rev T. DeWitt T Image, auttior of '-rutubs Stvept Up," Ac. Agents wauted. JOHN E. MILLER A CO., Publishers, Chicago, UI. ADVKBTISERS I Sond 25 cents to S6P. ROWECL CO., U Park Row, New York, for thcir Pamplüct si 100 pafgs, containing Usts of 8000 newlpapei s and eatimites showing coit of advertising.


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