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Gov. Bagley's Message

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CMUxAfs And Beprtsantaitot : organio Jaw of the State provides for isunbling of the immodiate ropreeentaof the people, íor general action upon „nblic affaire, but orioa m two years, and it thirefore happens that chauges of great itnooltance, iiffeeling tho iutereets of tbe wholo . m7 occur duriug tho recesa of lege power. Such bas been tbe case híiico Ve hdjouvnment of yonr prodecessors at ïogular meeting." Afimcial crisis of 'r', tha.n ordiDary ueverity has 'been onred by every section of the country, „(I tho boüt'thought of the nation bas boon for nioasure of relief -to a 11 g extónt nnBU0O6Bfully- in faet, to c.ucb. extent Ltoraisethe ii:q"niry whether too much ia . ..eivcd from legislativo remedies, and er toó littla reliance ia not placed trpon the económica and recuporative onorgiea of o people. Hietory bas faiied to emonthat oitber egislave cnnctnients or ejecutivo policieB can provide the caeaus of eI)ers] prospeiity, or iusure tho revival of ries over an extended country, bat it histaaght the practical leeson tbat a people, reljing upon tbuir own Induatry aud oconomy jot adVaucemeut, will most suroly sucoeed, liile thoee who await the aid of government ffill fiud even the mott direct and liberal legtsl&íive Misc'iiiüitd inadequate. Is it not time to eceot and adoit the raaxtm that all solid prospenty must depend upon tke ugality and energy of the peuple ? The nght voad to the bighest pronperity is uroJuctive induetry, with reliance on the govímniout only for general enconragement and sniplo protection. Ibat Buch is the belief, and, to a large extent thepractioe of onr own citizena, the facts devc'loped by the State oensus of 1874 give sbundant proof. Tüe a"gregate prodiicts of tbe sou, mines, aud foreits of Ihe State for the year amount to 8145,000,000, distnbuted among tho different interosts as followe : Agricultural, 84,000 000 coniistiiig of 15,000,000 busbela of heat 21,000,000 bushels of coru, and 13,000,dOO bushela of other graina, 14,000,000 busbels of notatoes, 1.400,000 tons of hay, 7,800,000 DOimds of wool, 48,500.000 pounds of pork, 4 000 000 pounds of cheese, and 28,000,000 nciiuda of butter ; cattle and borses cstimat-7,(100,000, and f ruits estiuiated at $5,000 000 Products of tlie mines, $16,000,000, consistinf; of 880,0(10 tous of iron ore, 80,000 tona of pis irou, 22,000 tons of copper, and 1 10 000 bárrela of Balt. Product of the foresta, $16.000,000. Tu this should be added lie product of tbe mecbanical and manufacíoi'ing labor of the State, the value of wluch can baxdly bo ostimatoil. The eduü'-.tiona!, cliaritable, and penal metitutior.s of tieS:ate reproeent, in buildings, ouüds, au ï peraoB! property, $2,492,900, atc5 as folio It;vurtitv Ï44J.00U , ïsricll ara! Óilïe 231,200 SWl8cbool ,M0 iMime &8ylum 620, i20 irtlumforthi : ■. :i lhirub and Büud i'2S,fi'M Soos-cl 107,500 ! 238,300 State Pripon ■ ■ 361,450 Otir! ij 1,334,111- an mcrease of 149,473 1876. Tüere aro 1Ü8 e; od banks in the State, witu capital oí Í1 1,7 7.!, 918, aud deposita of ili.185.6n. Ihw )artial exhibit of tba productions and wenltk o! tiio Btate. v.bile gratiiying to our nrido, ehould impreas us with the responei:estiiig upn us, to bo guido our affaire :i8 to make us üt potseasors of bo rich an inheritance. Tüe finanses of the State aro m an excellent cnudition. Balance in tbe treauury Nov. 30, 1870. .$ 458,307 97 KaceiDts for tue ftcal jeur tndiBg S-pt.30, IS71 1,510,178 83 $1,968,486 80 DiíbureeiwnlK for fiscal year cnaing Sopt. 3, 1871 1,274,364 14 Balance in trearary Sf-pt. 30, 1871 $ 094,122 66 Kjceii't8 for use. I year endiog Sept. 30, M72 2181,498 22 $2,875;620 88 DiBburstmt-lita for same time 1,898,3% 85 Balance in treasury Sept. 30, 1872 .... $977,224 o:) üreeiuts for fiscal year euditig Sept. 30,1873 2,192,431 C2 $3,169,655 55 llisbursementa íor sanie, period 2,314,942 11 BïlaliCi in treasnry Sept. 30, 1873 .... $854, '.13 44 jfiicei{ls for fiscal yoac tu'li'jy riopt. i, 1874 2,246,199 33 $3,100,1)12 77 JDirtursemeuts for enme Unie 2,lKk),K 4" Jialance in trearary Sept. 30, 1874 f 1,070,274 32 ■Of this balance there belougs to the BliikillR i'nucl $663,862 !)0 To tue canal f uud 85,615 86 To tüe trust luiul, to bo tranferrd July 1. 1875, tosiukingfiu ,rt 9,16372 Agricuitm-al Gollete fund, perpetual under Aot No. 68, Laws oí 1871 107,879 24 Prmiary tíchoot Interest fund 85,177 'ó'J Müilary fuud 6,754 76 $920,413 77 Tliie amcunt liaa bcea roceived and is held Su trust fur the purposes named in accoidance witt law. Tke amount of upeciflo appropriations un'Pid Bept. 80, 1871, was $325,223 94. Under eiistiDg Lave these appropriatioiis are retained in the troaaury to tlie credit of the different institutioiia or pnrpoeee to which they werj appropriated, eubjoot to draft only on actual disbareement. ïhie svstem, makingthe State Treatsurer the aole custodian of the public fuude, Tvhile increasing tlie troasury batanoo, pvotects the S:ate from loss and incroaseo ita iBTeiiuo from interest. TUo bonded debt of tbe State bas been rednced duriug the paBt four years aa follows : In 1871 $ 33,735 71 Inl872 169,000 00 lulf-73 454.157 14 InliJt 144,000 00 '$800,892 85 In additiou to tiie-above $27,000 lias been paid ííecc the close of tlie fiscal year. 0t this amouut 8482,000 00 were purchased before niaturity, the amount of intoresfc uaved thercby being 202,913 85. Tlio funded and f uudftble debt of the State, Sept. 30, 1874, was as follows : INTEREST-IÏEAHING BONDS. canal loau boud, 6h, dne July Int, 1879 ".$ 61,000 00 d loan boBds. 6's, due January lst, 1878 105,000 00 Two-mitlion loan l)onde, 6's, due January lst, 1878 333,000 00 ïwn-niillion loan boiidn, 6V, due January lst, 1883 690,000 00 War tounty loau bonds, 7's, dwe May Int, 1890 366,000 00 Total intorest-heariiiíí bonds $1,555,000 00 NON-INTEBEHT-BEABING BONDS, Adjueted bonda due J;muary lat, 1883 $ 3,'000 00 bounty loau bond due January ]st,18S3 50 01) ;l part paid llvo-millii.u loan buiids, ailjiiHtiible Bt $678.87 per $1,000 00,085 64 33,135 64 Total bonded debt $1,588,135 61 The canli in the Treamiry applicable to its rjinent ia as follows : lifund $ GB3,1Ó ÍI3 l iinds reccíved since July lst, 1X74 9,153 72 Ctaal íund 5,615 86 UJa:i:e.from Hale oí two-iniilioa loan Ijouda to pay adjusttd and five-milli nkaubondB 33,135 64 $ 6J1,8J1 15 Whiek I, avcH tlio total bonded debt of the . lesa Cish net apirt tor its payment, . ÍÍ4.4U. Tiio triiüt debt of tlie Stato is coraposed of the foUowing finrls and arncutitd: Wmarv Scbool iunJ $2,157,179 53 Pivo per c .ut. Priuiary School fund. . . 28U.887 30 ivily funil 3:15, 287 3'J í.ltural OoUeííe fuull 107,87'J 11 lal Bcnool fud 01,1 38 S8 i' iiroai and otiier dt'jiüpit ',W.y) 39 Í2,ÍH3,ÍÍ62 37 RINKINO FOND. ThiB fuud conuiBtH of tlie excess of tpoojfla Ules, afLer tlia payment of thT interes, on "e iublic dobt and (nut funda iu accordance witli H.eciion 1, articlo XIV., of ilio Cüimtitution, which i aH foltowB: '11 spicflc Stato 'xcg, except tlicjse received froin tli3 miniiig coinpaaioa of the upper pauinKula, öball be "pplied in paying the iutoieit and principal "f the Btai.6 debí, ia the order heroiu uciuci. Biitil extingu-iBl.ment c( tlie State deur. o'lur tti.-üi t.if imountH álle to ednotioti1 fuii'is, when Bt-ch ►prciflo taxes stMll ba cdqed '■ f.nd consti ut,-, a part of tho priiaary school interest fuud." Au.l alsu tho Jlrocseda of Ihe g&leg of Primary school, NurtttaJ tc.Uol, md Duivorti y Uncid unJer tlie 1 on 413. of tlie C.impiled Lwa. In adfli'i ui to the roecipts f rom tuose ourcee , ther Ij ih Leen placed to tbc credit of tbia fnnd, Í2G0 828.41 rere, vee] frnn the gcceMl goem■■ t. for n imburaementB ol wir expenpeB.ainl the iurther rnim of #200,000 transferred f rom 'lie general futid by iiulh'jrity of joint teOtationofthe LeRialituie ia 1869, (voile the propriety of the action of tho Leeislatura, or 1 I tic licultj nf dcüartmeiit in ilacig thoso hvo amountsin this fnnd at thé timo lieert rot be questioneë, the condition Dl' tli fnnd, owin(," to the large increaKe i re' ipta from tipecifio taxesi, acd tlie rapid i'iiiuiiiHion of the public debt, shows ver rty ihat tbcre is 110 nece Bity for Jongci fetaininK tbem there. However large thi mouut may be in the einking f und, eo lonf aa it íb derived from sources brovided by the Constitutie, not a penny ef it eau be diverted for any other pmpote ; but the right and powov oí the Lagislaturo by proper enactmant (o trariafer these two items from tliin fund to tli e general furid cannot be doubted. 3o believing. I reoommond tmch leyislatisn. The present balance in the sinking fund ia $5ü;VJ15.93. Sbould the transfer be made, the balance reinaiaing as of Sept. 80, 1871. would be $97.087.93. The following table of estimated receipt and cxpenditnres of this fnud show that after buco transfer, by the year 1882, the vhole bonded debt will havo been provided for. These estimates are made upon the basis of the receipts and expemlitures of the past two years. In tl)i"3 tablo it will be obaerved, that no estímate is made of any receipts from the sale of lande, and tne resulta attained aliow vf-ry conclusively thatthero Is no further neuessity for tb esc icceipts being placed in Una fund. and 1 Ihercfore recommsiid that the law be amended, placirjg the receipta from the sale of lauds in the general fund. 6alooelo' Binking fuiia, Sept.8O,187i. $563,aió 98 Deduct war cxpeDEes reimbui8ea by gentral governmcnt. $2C6,S28 40 And transfer from general tona, J. K. No. 7, 1869. . '200,000 00 ' 466,828 40 Wbich leaves the fund $97,087 53 Reeeiiits for spcciiic taxes in 1875.... 505,000 00 $602,087 63 Prinl.rv School interest.. $173,292 71) Univerrfty interest 30,617 1)7 NoñnaiBcheol tntenst... 3,126 18 A::""I:a!.;!'"" 8,137 65 Interest on bondod debt . . 93,300 00 $308,474 59 SinkiU" fimd, Sept. 30, 1875 $'293,612 94 Kcceipts for speciflc taxeo in 1876 610,000 00 $803,612 94 Payments : Primory Schonl interest.. $182,832 7 University interest 30,897 97 Normal Sciiool interest... 3,206 18 Apricultural College ioterBt 9867 65 Interest on bonded debt . . 3.300 00 , $320,104 59 Sinkiug finid, Sept. 30, 1876 $18:1,508 35 Rereip'.H icr ppecilic taxes ia 1877 615,000 00 $998,608 35 Payments : Primary School intcreet .. $192,372 79 Ilüiveit-ity intereBt 31,177 97 Normal Kcliool interest .. 3,286 18 Agricultural Collage intere H,5'J7 65 Interest on bonded debt.. 93,300 00 ' . $331,734 69 Sinkmg fim3, Sept. S0. 1877 $666,ri73 76 Receipts for specific taxes in 1878.... 620,000 00 $1,186,778 76 Pa ments : Priniary school interest . . $201,912 70 Univereity interest 31,457 97 Normal School interest .. 3,366 18 acricnitural Gollige intere-t 13,327 65 IntereBt ou Loudud debt . . 76,740 OU $32G04 50 $H59,9C9 17 bonds due in January and July, 1878. . 438,0U0 00 binkiug fund, Sept. ,30, 1878 $421,9tl9 17 Roccipts ior speciflc taxes in 1879.... 525,000 00 $94G 9t 17 Payments : Priniary School iuterett. ..$ 211 4Ó2 79 Univareil y interest 31,737 97 N' rmal Sohool interest 3,446 18 Agrieulttural Oolttge Intereet IS.0S7 96 [ntereet on bonded dbL.. 64.210 oo ■- $ 31C Siukiug f uud, 8e]t. 30, 18Ï9 $ 631,064 68 Recepte for speciüc tivxi-s in 1880 630,000 Ü0 fl.161,06 68 Primar vScu'col interest . .$ 220,992 79 Univ.rsUyiiiter.8t.. 32,017 97 Normal School interest.... 3,526 18 Agrlcullural Cotlogei interest 16,787 65 Interent on bonded debt.. 64 210 00 $ 327,534 59 Siuïiili? f'.nxl, Bept, 30, 1880 $ 103,529 99 liooi'ipi for sptciüc taxes iu 1881 635,000 do $1 3BH.fi1.!'.) '.'9 Paymente : Priraary Sciool miereet. ..$ 230.532 79 University interest 32 2!)7 i)7 Normal School interest.... ' 3,606 18 Agricultural College juterest 18 517 65 Interest on bonded debt .. 54,210 00 $ 339,104 59 Sinking fund, Bept. 30, 1881 ïl.02,365 10 Recepta for epecilic Uxcs in 1882 540,000 00 $1,569,3(5 40 Pu y mente : Primary School iuterest... J240,072 79 üuivereity intereat 32.477 97 Normal School interest 3 686 18 Agricultural Colloge interest 20,247 65 lnteroet on bjiided debt. .. 54,210 00 . $ 350,694 59 Sinking fund, Sept. 30,1882 $1,218,670 81 Bonds due Jan. 1, 1883 690,000 00 Bal-.nce.Ian.l, 1883 $ 528,670 81 Tho only demand existing at that dato agaiust thia baUuoo will be the War Loan bjDdí), notdue uutii May 1, 18D0, of 366,C00, leaviog a BUrplns, after payiDg the eatiro State debt, the mm of $162,67') 81. Thia exbibi't is certainly a gratifjlug Olie. Tho wisdom of tbn framers of tbe CjibIUutiou in makiug absolute provieion for thepaymant oí the pubüc debt iu tha organic law, enable us to see arjd to provo the exact time when we uhall be out of debt. We hall not require for Borue time to come, any taxs,tioir for general purposes, ana iirougu eugaged in the construction of the new Oapitol, providin liberally forcharitablo and ' Citioual inttitntions, we need incnr no debt, and can still keep the amount of taxation for . thosfl purposes at an c-xtremely low rate. Faithfnlly fulfilling every requiremeut of ' theorganic law. paying every obligation as it mature, providing in advance for eveiy appropnation, creating do new debt, and renewing no old one, the State furnishes an example to ita citizens in ita fiuancial affairs well worthy of imitation. Constant efforts have been made by the State Treasurer during the past four years to purchase the uumatured bonds of tho State, with only partial success. The law only permits the purchase at. par, and private partieb are conatantiy offering more for them. I therefore ree jmmend thnt the State Treasurer, Governor, and Auditor General be authorized to uee the BÍnking fund in the purchase of any of the bonda of the Stato at auch I ratea ab they may deern for the interest óf the State. "The únking fundoibeing a trust fund, devoted by tho constitiftion to a particular purpoBe, Bhould be taken out of the general balance of the TreaBurer, and kept as an entjrely distinct and separate fund. This would prevent any uae of it for any other purpose ihan that for whieh it ia dedicated, aud would give tüe Btate officers and Logislatnre a thorough knowledge of the exact amount of money subject to use for geseral ptirpoees at all times. The act creaüug the' Agricultural College fund saya it shall remaiu a pervetual fuud, the priiicipal of which Hhall remaiu {orever uuáimininhed, but the State must pay to the college fund 7 per cent interest annualiy tbereon (eee sec. 3,931, O. L.). This is a peculiar provisión of law, andsliouldbechange'1, placing it in the general fuud, on the sanie looting with the olher educational funde. For the faithful nssewment aid collcction of the revonuea of the State, and their carefnl hupervision aiid dirljurnenient, the retirii:g Auditor General, VVm. Humphroy, and the retiring State Treasurer, Víctor P. Collier, deserve hartiest cummeudatioD. BANKS SD 1ÍAKI. Thore are now ii tho S'.i'e twpnty-four baulfB organizad andar t íw. Of these fourteon are bauky of depotut and ditcjunt. They report Sepf. 30, 1874, capital and mirplUB or 91,391,328.57, with deposita of 92,17, 200.66 Th11 nutnber of aaviiu:s banks is ten, with caintwl and surplus of fë8S5,C97.85. and (loi)'jhits of e,ïtO.6&l 22 We have upon the statuten twodifitmot faanking aetR, on'e kn )wn m fue general btnkiug ; lnv, si-o piovii-icim for the organ' ixi-.tiou of eaviugs biuk. the other applies to b, vii. i;s aiBOOiitiooa alona The iatter ;ern;ti 1 rhe iiigauizauon of aanugs bnpkn with , ;., i il CHpiial of only Í5.000 Thcra ís uo t !i'ce?Bity for the two ao's, atid Í! i shonld be 3 repealed. No savinge bmks nhould be allowed ; to traneaot business on o small a capital. I nuot refrainfromrepeatiiif: tLeucommem!ations of my message of Ife73, on Uiia subject : "I would reepectf ulij reoommend a revisión of tiie goeral banking law, wnh d Jitioual egislation, providinp: for thn BttlteheT, u tlie oflice of tho State Tieamirer, of a Burean of Banking; Ihe examiuatiou of bauks :y the head of iho Bureau ; and rtqniring reports to bo made aud published, biniilsr to the broviaioni of the National Banking law. It svery qnestionable whelhtr ordinary bauks of deposit and discount should havo Iho powrs ud privileges cf savings bank; and wh'aher Bttviogs binka should be pflntttterl to lo a general baukiug business. With our fafit ncreasiug pöpuiïflOD, groning vrealth, r, 1 rapid nduttüal development, banks wül r.nliply in a corresponding ratio, and I be.liove it ;obeoneof the most important legislativo duties to en8Ct a stroDg and stringent baukmg law." Thero is not a safeguard coraruended in ;his tliat is not to be found in the " National Banking act." No complaint is made by any national bank of tho striiigoucy of tbeafl provisions. Thcy are of service to the bankc aud the public, givh'g additional secnrily to stockholdeiM and depoBitors, and Blabilily to the Bystem iteelf. STATE LANDS ANT EOABS. Dnring the tivo year ending Sept. 30, 1874, 550,788.55 aerea of State lauda were dispoeed of a foHows : ORIGINAL SALES FOK CA.SII OR TART PAÏMENT. Acwi. Amount. Primary School lana 32,488.12 $129,042 48 Agricultura! Colloge land ,. 10,245.84 GU,ffi7 -i1-! Asylumlnnd 80 320 CO Internat impvovcinentlaud. ' 40 5ii 00 Aeset land ,.. 120 160 00 ' Monroe city lot 300 00 Swamp laud 01,080.33 7(5,343 9i Being 112,860.2'J 206,903 S4 Patonted for roads and ditches 321,J72.25 410.060 5fi Total original Flüea. ...434.H31i.54 S677.864 40 SALES OF FORFEITED I.ANÜ. Aeren. Amount. Primary Scbool land 3,0li8.21 $12,538 15 Agricuitural CoUegc laud.. 80 265 00 Asylum land 120 1,480 do State building land, Lansing cilylots 146 00 Salt Spring laud 40 100 00 Swamp laud 3,535.18 3,707 55 Total Sales f orfdlands. 6,813.39 18,200 70 Totaleales 441,675. 98 ifiüfi.lOlJO Aera. Patented to settlers under Homestead act 14,200.57 Patenterl to Kcttlers under act 168, laws 1 859 5,362.02 Patented to BettlflB uuder act 200, laws 1861 75,5i6.5'j P. tcuted to Fcttlers undor act 239, laws 1863 13,594.50 Patenied to settlers uudor acrBll, laws 1867 400 Total araount of lauds disposed of 550.788.55 The la-ads belonghig to ttio State at the close of the fiscal yoar of 1871 are claaHtüed aa follow ■ : A cieít. Salt Spring 1,315.63 Balt Spring forfeiled Ï8O Asylum f80 Asylum forfeited 8áO Agricültural College 109,153.56 Agricultura! College forfeitea 640 [uterual tmprovement 380.31 ünivereity 200 Asset laadB 4,ia).M Primary School 380,800.01 Fiimary Scliool forfeited 2(1,547.40 gwamp 2,40,860.45 Sv,-aiM)i forfeired 4,117.72 Swaniji indemnity Ï8,K3.93 ïola! 3,i ÍíÍS8.'J7 In ajditiou to the above, 49.239 aerial Jiave been seectcd to fill a deflciücoy ia ttio Primary School grant, but Iho patenta havo not boen receivod trom the general g ment. Selections of nitsmp lands amouutn;g to 1 9,883 ecrea havn been arprovcd, but aro j not vet patentod. Owing to the low priee of swamp land warrant but few contracta for i building swamp laad ro&ds and ditohes havo j been let; etill, the Bvtmp landa ai e beiog slowly twallowed up in this werk. Doring the rast two yeare 2U7J miles of swamp land risada and ditches havo been eonïuiucted at a cost of $114.3')é.83, payable in BWamp lande, nf whicli 127 j milos weve in the toWer, anu 170 milea in tue Upper Penintuli. There remainb unieer contract G8 milea. Biuce the cons'ructiou and tupervieioa of theao roads by the Board of Control, and t; o S'vamp Land ComiDiHionerH ecting undor j them, their chaiacter ha greatly improvtd. and they have beon econoipicaily oonstrncted ïhe constructionof Statn rrada haa aecreaeed to Buch au extent tha.t there ia no longer a necebaity for the tbree CammiSRionorö, and I recommend that the liw bc ciia:iged, redaeing the rjunaber to two or perhipp one. ïhe action of the Laginlature of 1873, increasirg tho ca&h paymentB on school landn, and reqoiring atrirgent afíidavitB aa to timber, hss effeotuilly cut off any frauda ia this direction for tho future. Tho large lii-t of forfeited landb abovo givcn, ahow to hov great au oxtont the State haa been defrauded in the past. TrespaEsera Eeem to mark these landa, andlands bid in l.y the State for laxes, aatheirown. The Commiesioner haa given especial attention to trespaseora during the paat year, tho ageut appointed by liim haviug collected and paid into the Treisury in cash and bonda 84,7C8 96, f ree of expense to the State. The report of tho agnt, accompanying tho Land Office report, contaiua many valuable suggeationa on the apoliation of the public lande, to which your carefnl atlentiou is asked. If by addiüonal legislation the State can be prote'ctod from Ioks by trespasscra, I hope it may b deviaed. All of thé lauda claimed to have been irregularly Kold in 1872, have been reatored to the State, eitber voluutarily by tho purcliasere, or by tl 'er of tho court, with tho exception of SÓO R res purchased by Win. Harria, - this sale, ui ii inveetiRation, having been found 0 be in accordaDce with law. The question f the validity of the aalo of the lands of the Jhicago and Northwestern raiïway has not (■et been decided by the oourts. During the year I have causcd tho Sivamp ind Primary School Iand3 in tho inineril range of the Upper Peninsul, heretofore resorved, to be carefnlly examined and appraised. preparatory to offerieg them for sale. The minimum prico to be placed on them by the State Treasurer and Qovernor bas not yet been fixed. but will be bood, ao that by nother aeaeon they may be placed in market. Now, while the business of tho Land Office ie so sliaht, would be a good time (if it ever is to be done) to cauue an examitiation and appraificment of the lands belonging to the State in the Low r Península. I eanuot sco why the State wlionld not deal with lts latnto as ati individual would, iustearl of holding them at an arbitrar; prico, lixed reare ago. 1 big to repeat the reeommendationo of my first message on thin enbject. Tho Stafo and tho nouoties loso a largs amount unnually by tho non-payraent of taxes on wbat are 'known aa " part-paid 1 lauda. It i esHniated l.v the CommUaionet of tlio Land Ofilfic that tho amount alreadt charged up as uncollectaljle ík nearly ?30,000, and the amount due and unpaid is a bout $40,000. Samo measnre sbould bc devised wheiehy thin loss can be prevented. Unde'r Joit ltesoluiion No. 15, laws of 1873, the Governor wa ftnthorizcd to appoint an agent to prosecute to a final decisión, claims for tho flvo per cent. due the State from tho general government from lauda dispoeed of as Iridian teservations, and by the location of military warrants, and to fix thocompeusation of such agent. I beoaSM atisñed upon investigation of the i ubjeot. that under the Jaw no claim for the fund arisinp lïom military warrant would be alluwed, and that it wauld be á waste of timo and mo:,ey to present it. I appohited Mr Jot-eph K. Cook, of Washington, D. C to prepare and present our clai-n for tbc fund accnimg trom tlie India n rêfcervations, ;ml have. receivcd tDrougb btra from Iho general government é1! 2,751 61 on this account, whicn siun was deposited with the State Tre,isi;rer, Nnv. 17, 1874. The agent rijtorts tliat he expectB Rhll moro from tnin eource, as the acconnrs are not yet finally ad.i'.iptod and closed. The compeneation agreed upon víur 10 per cent. on the flrst $5,000 coltectod, 5 per cent. oh üxe eeeond 86,000, and 'y por cent, i batanea. TJio am.mnt paid him to data tor eerviceb is 8818.80 l-DUCATION. The pchoola of tho .-state hsvo kapt in ad - vansB of Um rogreai in otherdiiwotion. ! he primary school, gradad eotaool, normal sch' oi ;u'i :i:i'iverHity uro aliUe the otijects of tho i ._ nont oliuitndo and jsalons caro f a'l the re jp'e. Fouuded by the wiee l'oicn ght of -'Ur falliere, perpetuated and impraved by a mon esperiencoof their benefit, evf ry citizen feels that they ara bis own. The door of every educational inelitution of the State f rom the log echool-beraBe to lbo uiiiversity swiugs v .ilc and frec for nll. The ceuuim of 1874 reporte 438.105 cbildren of achool ago of whom 326,142 ah.teuded Bchco', an ircreaso in two yenrs of 31,000. When wo reflect that nearly one-quartor of onr population aro in echool, v;o canr.ot but De ittipfeïBéd with tho gres duty reHling apon us to hold lip the standard oí i. thorougb, practical, eonsiblo oducation. Thero ara 5,085 Bcbool-housea in tbe State, wiih 4(15.582 ittiugs. The total coat of these housen i 8 889.568, and tho total expondiInro for echool }m poses in 1874 was Í3 408,632; nnruber of teachers, 14,026; ludébtediic-iu of i-c'iooKdistricts, $1,175,130. The Priniary School fund at tüo cloee of the fiscal year was $3,125.!tl8.70, producing an auiiual mcouio of 213, 016. Tiio report of tho Superintendent of Public Inetructiou is i;ot yet printed, raany of thereports froin tho echool ofricers of theStite not havi;;g been received. THE UNIVEKSITY. In t pite of tho deprension of business, and the multiplication of medical and la'.v echools throughout the land, thouniversity etillretains its, not only in the number of ite Btudenm, but in its work and accomplishuients for higber education. Tho numbor of Btuder.ts in 1873 was 1.112; in 1874. 1,183. The gra.diia.thig clasn of 1872 uurabered 329; tliat of 1873. 313. The act of 1873, increaBiug the animal State appropriation to é31,50ü, thoiigh. I of great ai-stance, has yet not placed the Univerfity on a sound iiuancial basin, tho eBtlmatcd deñcit for the year ending June 30, 1875, being $23,800, an amount sufneient to absorb tho reserve fund. In addi'. ion to this, lf 12,000 of intereat-boaring time warranta bavo been iseuod for enlarging tbe laboralory and otber pnrpoos. Tliese improvemeut were of paraniount necetEÏty, and could not longer be delayod. The Board of Itegents rely apon an increaBe in tbe smount. of State aid, by tbe neiv cqualization of 1875, from whioh to pay tho doüoit and warrant. Thore is no certainty, howevor, that the valnation uill be larg.oly iccreaeed, if at all, and I am of tbe opinión that au appropriation of $12,000, to be Ksed in the payment of t!ie warrant, ought to be made. Tho Itegents have not Biiggeetod or asked tbis, but tbis crention of dubt, in the present condition of the State Troasury, ia nol necessary or wiso. The State, througli any of its inatitutiouB, otigbt not to borrow monej. Tbe Eegonis are intniBted by law vitb tho govfiuoient and control cf tho UniverBity ; they aro ohosen by baliot, but tbcy have no power to pay dftbta, uuloeu tho meanH be provided by tho Legislaturo, and thoy ongbt not to créate them, oxcept in great emergencies. This conviction being so ürmly impreseed upou my niind I arn impeHed to aBk your approval of this appropriation. The Umversity íb tbe people's; thoy founded it, bavo maintained it, are proud of it, and will support it. The reaourcoa of tho University are as follows : Trust fnud in tho hands of the Stato, at 7 por cent. interest. $435,287.39. Due from purcliasers of laad, at 7 per ceut. interes!", 8107,480.85. Wbile our system of public education próvidos flemontiiry inslruction for all, IJie Normal School is fitting our youth for teachers, the Agrioultural College offers practical instruci-ion to tillers of the eoil, the University gradaates a Email army of pbysicians and lawyera annually ; but tho great üeld of education in practical mechanica and tecbnical pursuits ík yet unoccupied. Thero is do voal : easoiv.vhy the Stato should fiunish educaiion in any ono spccialty and ! not anothcr. Tbe man whoso cbild deeitöB insiiuction m practical niochauios hH the saüia right o expect it at tbc hands of tho State, rs tbo one wbo wiiês his f-on to be an attorney or pbysician. Tho State fails in its duty hen it ueglects to psovide f or thin do ■ artment of education. Tue natural rebources of the State require tbe servipes of ekilled and caieu lauoi to aeveiop ana mipruve iijcui. Ought we longar to dslay action in thi regard ? A begiunirig inay be made now, and, ; witli email additions trom time to time, by the year 1882, tlie public dobt having been '■ paid, a portion of the rsceipte frotn specific : taxes could be devoted to tliia purpotse, and thue, without, realizing it, from any increased burden oi' taxation, wo tshould have this great want supplied. The severest critátísiB mado ttpou our Bystem of cducatiou ist it aim!euness. This is te:'n in the great number of educated and half-sducated yuunt; inon looking for sonietbir.g to d_o, and yet not knowing liow to do anytl i.ig well. Educated, intelligent, productivo labor takea care of itaeif, and doca not ihIi President or Congresf, Governor or Logislature to mako J nioney plenty, - it makes ita owu money and kuows how to use it. JL SOUJIAt, 8CU0UL. In its particular flold, this inetitution has eteadUy grown and prospered. It is managod with cJra and economv. The attendance for 1871 wás 446; for 1872. 495; for 1873, 486; while ir. now bas 550 pupil. Tho State Board of Eduéation cptimatee ito annual expensoa at $21,400, and üh roceipt from trutfund and tuition, at SG,6üO, leaviug a dofleieucy of $J7,800, for wh!ch aniount they ask au appr ipiiation for each of tho yoarn 1875 and 1876. The cci.dition of tho fund of this institution at the closo of the fiscal ycar was a& followa : Trust fund iii the hands of the State, drawiuf; Inlerfst at 6 rer c ui., iJ.. ..$ 51,308 68 D frem purchasera of lancls, at 7 per cent 18324 88 Total $ 69.363 64 AGinCU.TlTB.Uj COLLÍOr. The reporta of thi testitutjon for 1873 and 1874 aro not yet niitetl. fl aecovmts, inventory, etc , havo been propaved for the printer, and have boon placed iu my hands. They glve evidence of carcfnl tnngement. The ajpropriationB of 1873. for honses for ! the professors, the green-liouee and other I hviilrïinr-a lia1 o a1! been oxnendcd. and I judge economically. The Collex'o Board estímate tho currcut expousc-H for 1875at $31,477, and tbo receipts from interest a-ud other sources at $19 180, leaving the Bom oí í12,297 to be raised by taxatiou. The estímate lor current expenses for 187G is $31,307. and the reueiptu for Uie same timo aro eslimated at $20 180; deficieney Cor 87G, Sil, 127. The board a!so aek appropiïations for buildings, repairs, and furniture, the sum of $19,466. The entile appropriation asked for by the board for two years is $35,890. being 5-30,110 ieSa than the appropriatiopa óf 1873 and 1874. Of tlie estimates submitted by the board for extra appropriations, Y4,750 is for buildings, needed, perhaps, bttt not all absolutely espcntial. I therefore icci-mmend the reduotion of the ainount RSked for buildings from $4,750 to $3,000, thus leaving the ainount requiied for extras for each of t!ie years 1875 and 1870 at $5.358. Tlie college fnnd, Sopt. 30, 1874, was au follows : Trust fund 1D State Trea-ury, 4107,879.14; duc from purcb.iso.-i ui part püid lands. $105,107.02 ; all drawing interest at .7 ;;. gif ing the collegu au incomo of $15,390.31 per aunuia. Unsolcl laiids belongiBg to the college, Sept. 30, 1871, 109,7Ua.5U aerea. Tho Dumber of etudents in 1871 was 1-11 ; in 1872. 131 ; m 1873. lio; iu 1874, 121. The graduating claus of 1873 mimbored 15 ; of 1874, 21. KALAMAZCO ABYI.UM FOll THK INfANE. For tho firet time in its history tbis iimtitution is ready to receivo all recent cases of inBRQity tlint apply for adnnsion, the extensión orniulü departroent Veing completod. Tke whole nuniber of patients treated during tlie past two years is 700. The numbcr novv in attendar.c is 481. The daily average in 1873 was 838; in 1874, 124. ïho trustees ank uppropriations for the enBuing two jrean of tho folie wing sums : For deficit ncy in currfiut expeuse $35,000 00 I'or n w buik r-, cbioiaey, boil:i -bi ü( t-, l.aiiulry, inw n attrcBKi', , etfl 19,ÉAriU 00 For ii-w male doptlmfjut, bei' k wnoi nLed for ütbcr tliaü OOQBtractlo& ;ii-cnuit 6,700 OC For uew Bteatn engirjo, fixturef, etc 1,S('O 0( For pormaueiit ui-vr fuud 4,000 00 tüè.KO ii' Tbe ïectit-i-y oftch item aked for i fn Bet furth in 'J report of tl. e toará. m thibtatiB'ioH of tho i.utnbnr of iusali! ■n the S: t i, t is apparont tiit this-asy'um will to tilled tv in u'tmoel eap&eHy, and the I UQgeDt OXpOIlHC.' Wl'I VOM lnl oompletion r-f the. (x'ciiM'i), a. e mpiete ai-ylum of itsr-Jf, with ro ims for 2G" mtle pitiei)'.-", is a subjael ■ f oougra t ulatiou . Tbo two buildings at fcBanibZ o will now acc:oaiin(ïdiite 550 pers hip. [n sd lition tu tho ordinary oarös apJ mui'i of Bperintei dant of tha asylum, Dr. Vu DeueeirhaA givcn to the extensión hts per i bfUdl attentioa and fciiervieiou. 'tho rt-sul ' is to ba Been in its oomparatively mal opat, and tho excellent character of tbe work. KASTÏ'RN ASALTO FOR TnK INS.V K Iu Rr.y. r.lf.m-o with tlio proviaiona of Act 12:), of the Iiuvb of 1873, J)r. E. II. Van Heneen, of Kalamzoo. Ainot: Kithbun, of Grand Kapide, and Hiuuuli, of South Haven, wcre appointed Oommis-úonora to eelect a site fpr tu additional Aeyïum for tl.e Iiifmib. Thoy rieeiled in June last to lócate it ia the city of I'otitiac. p.ud y urebaaed a tract of land compriHiog 807 18-100 acre, in the city limil, as a sito. Tüo entire coat of the land was $30,265.17, of which amoni.t $19,705 40 ■! paid Iiy tho citizeiiM of Pontiac, and tlie balance by 'the tato. The citizens of l'.müac iiave alsb enterad into bonds to convey au abuudant supply of water to the grounda and to construct a Bewer thorofrom. The ganüght company has agreed te lay the neceasary pipe to fnrnish the buildings with gaa, and tho De'roit and ililwaukee Káilroad Company will construct a eHo track as boou aa it ia requ:rad . Alter tho ueloction of tho sito, in compliance with Sec. 4 of the Act, M. E. Crofoot and W. M. McConnell, of Pontiac, were appomtod an ad'litional CommiHaionern, and S. O. Ivcs, of Livingston county, wnB nppointcd Gommissiouar to fill tho vaeancy oocasioned by the reBignation of A. EathbuB. Tho plaus are beiüg prepaiod nirter the nupervision of the board, material for the foundation ie benig collected, and work will be coinmenced at as early' a day as posfible. The act approjiriatod' $400,000 for the construction of the buildiugs, and directa 100,000 to be lovied in each of the yoara 1873, '74, '75, '70. It was ] found impracticable to snfficiently mature the plans to permit of the orection of tbe shops and boiler-houee labt year, henee a considerable portion of the appropiiation remaiiiH in the State Troasury. Sinco, as shown elsowhere,the number of theinsanenowin tho State is Buflicient to iill both of our asylumB, it is hoped that the erection oí tl.e buildings will bo pressod as rapidly as a proper rogard for atability vfill permit. THE DEil', 11UD, AND BLIND. Tbe bicnnial report of the Trustees of tbis lui titution will be laidbefore you. Tholegislation of 1873, and tho activo effoits of the Trustees and officers have largely increaseil tho attendance. Tho average nnmber in the instiuition in 1671 wan 150; in '72, 165; in '73, 185; in '74, 203. It is to be hopcd that thone efforta will not be relaxed until evory doaf, dunib, and blind child of proper age is gathered nader its roof e, where thoy may be educated and litted to botter compote with their more fortuuato follows, and beeome solf-sustaining jitizsn. Jt should bo theduty ar.d ploasure of BupervisorB, Baperintendents Of tho Foor and county ofiicers generally to eeo that thia unfortunate claaa reoeive the benefits that the State, for "sweot charity'a sake,'' has provided for them in this iustitution. Radical and important changes, tend ing, I believe, to a broáder and better usefuinea of tho institution, have been ioaugurated ■Rithiu the paat two yeare. Tho blind are being tausht basket-makiug ; typo-potting haa bsen added to the industries for the doaf and duiiib, nd aewing and cooking is taught to the girle. Every child In tho inntitution ia instructed not alone in tho ordinary branches of what we cali fidacatioD, but in tbs eqaally, and to them, i perliaps, inore, important edacatiou which will enable tbem to tam their own living. The increaae in tho umnberof iumatos will anginent tbo current expenaes and neceasitato tbe [ pinchase oí additional furuiturs. Tho Board I of Trubtees ask appropriattona for 1875 and 876, aa followa : To pay foreman aüd assibtants in the cabinet.shoc ai il basket ahois, and tlic prtntiiig ollice $10,(100 For grading aml ornamenting srounds. 2,0Xj For building uixty rodB oí tiilewulk at $3 per rod ■oi building one loe-uonse soo For bui iliiifi om1 ham 1,WO i-'or bHildiug purtitlOM in and voulilatlng dormitoriea 2;0oo (rbuiiding two watcr-clo?ct8 for dormitoriea 500 For erecting one DrlCK Dullding lor mue and basket shops, and printiug office 4,000 Por buying and furnislñng fifty additional boas l,5ÜO Por building 200 rods of board fence :t.r0 Por (ligging oue well 500 t'or current expenses for institution for Iwo jears, iuchiding palntinp, repair?, b ilors, euijin??, hcatuig npparatua 90,000 Total , $112,630 The n ccsaity for eaoli item of expeuduure ia f Lilly set forth iu the eport of the trustees. I aiii cf the opinión that vho item of f90,000 lor "curreut qxponsea f or two ycnrts iocludi:-g paintióg, repairs, boiler?, enginea and heatinK apparatus," shou'd be divided, and Ihat .SSO.OOO be appropriated for current expense, raid a Bcpiirato eurn of $5,000 be apppopri&toá for iho otber items. ïho item of 810,000 for freman and asnistants the Tiueteea think may be safely reducea to 83,0:10. I had hoped that we should not ba called npou to construct auy more building for this iiiBtitution, vet the increased attendanco, and the new but wi?e polii-y of teacliing all the pujHls some trade, rnay necessitate the erection of tlie shop acliVfl for by the board. If any ad4ition could be mado to tho shops alrearty built, it would bo ecouomy to do bo, rather thau to buüd anew. Iiccommend the appropriition for thia purpose, however, as I have confidence iu the juilgment of tho board on the subject. The other items asked f or by the Tiuatees are all necssoaiy and should be provided for. Tho tcta,l expenditurea for 1874 were 3H5.303.3G. Of thia sum thore was expended ! for furnit-aro l,áÓÍ; for buildings, $1,327.32; i now coi], Ifl25; ïiflw pump, 584.80, imd a new boiler. $1,825.16, Pereoual propfctty, as per inveutoiy, being in exeesa of the year J873, Y10,531.11. The report of the Board and omcors is verj f all aud complete in it details of the management and worlnugs of this most boneöcont State charity. hTATÜ PUBLIC SCHOOL. This iustitution was opened in May, 1874. and ihere had beeu received at tho close of the fiscal year 159 clmuren. he present nnmber ís 163. Tbe curren t expenses fiom ■ its opeiiiug to Sept. 30 were $7,021 72. I leHeve if the idoa of the law founding tilia State chartty, namely, "that it shall be a ' teínporary lióme for ueglectcd and dependéñt ' children from our poor houses, whore they ; shfcll be cared for andeducated until homes ; can be found for them," is faithfully adiierod to in its managoment, that this mstitution will in ita resalte accotnpl'sh as mueh, il' not more, real good than auy other yet founded bv tlie State, If it succeeds in trom&forminq these cüildren from paupera to producers, from dependent to independent citizens, it yill be not simply a charity, Vut an economy, of which we shall be .iustly proud. I have full faith, from the success attending it so far, thatitwiU proveall that its originators and promoteiH anticipatecl. Nine ctiildren lave aiready beeii placed in good hornea The constriicliui) arc;u!)t, aa bhovn by the eport of the Board, ban e.coclcd tbc kpproiriatioiiB tü.500, for whicn, togcther witb tbo um of S2,000 for laying tho gas main from the worka to the pieiniae3, they askan approiriation. Tlse BcHocl lia been open so eter! j. timo that no very clone estímate can be nudo of lis wants for ihc future, hut the Board thick'$25,000 will be required for general expensen for 1875. Tliis estímate is made for 160 children, tho full capaoity of the present buildings. TbJ also asfc 'for #3,000 in IB75 foi.' the purchate of cows and stock, luniuuie, tiee-plautuig, foncing and grading, .libraiy, bordes, liarnesa, and sleigli. The returns from the Heveral couutios for 1871 report 168 dependei.t children under sixteen je ara of age, most of them in the pooihouses of the State, 331 of whoin aie entitled to admiasion to the school. If these are al] to be adoutted - and tliuv certainly sliould be Ihenuinherot cottages should bo íncioased. It U uot probable that room .vill Deed to be iinivi led for all those entitled to admission, ib It is to be hoped thut tho number going out to bornes will cons'.autly ii'creaoe, so that it (loen not Heem uocossary at pief ent to build fur 330 children. Yet provisión sliould bo made for maLy moro than can be acconimodated at present. Should you doem tbost to direct IhoerectiOTi of two ormorc c. tragos, Hie wings of the main building, contaimng the shois and cbools, will require to be ruised utory, one for school purposes and one for employés' dormitory. The Board of Control tsnlunit in their report estimateb in detail of the eost of oonntruction oí llu'ó.e additioDal buildiDgs, to nhich I cail 'oiir iittiMition. Tbe estímate tor gcneial expeB6S for 187G will depend upon the aambei óf niniates, and ths will depend upn your decisión as to buiklingw. It munt be romembiied that tho nimatee of this infititution have lieretofore been support ed in the poW' bouses of the Stste, ko thar while it increaseB Che appropüati'ivs from Iho S'a'c Treaury, it ie saving tlio Cotioty Treasucies probalny an equal amount. I eommend this instüution, its aima and wants, ita purposes and proppeoftí, to your carnest conFideration. If it c:m be kept and maintained as a sort of haif-way hoium bet ween tho poor-houee and the liaven of a home, and notas a permanent residence lor noglected childro.n, it wil) reluri! au 'nundred fo!d all the time and money expended upon it. THE BEFORM SCHOOT.. The reports of th's inatltntion for the past ! iwo yeara show a markd aiid decidid iraprovément in over part of it minagoniont, whothiT as a school or worVslióp, a horne ór placo of eonnnpmout. in its financial affairw, ard on every tilo thero aio many cvidecces of progress. it bas grown loss prison-iiKë and ie really boconñng a rtform tchool. A qnattion from tlie report of iti ofiicsrs tor 1873 and 1871, regarding the nnaigUtly and , neceseary f&rce snrrounding it, ia indietive of how and why it has thuH improvei Tho LeginUtuve of 1873 dccüuod to , ate anything for the bulldine of tho fonce or j vrall, and tho report for 1873 saya that any j pereoa "must come to tlie conclusión that for a portion of those commi.ted here tvo - íiiu.sí either have impassablo walls or an ' meiiBO iicroaao of overbeerd and watcbmfin, to prevent escapee." The report for 187+ , saya of the wall or fonce: "Admitting its , restraiiiing ueea ia tho past or present, vet , we have a largo number of boye wlio can bo restraiiied as tiffectual'y without it, and with ( moro humaDiziog effect." Of the apiiropriation of .f30,000 for enrront expenBes fnr 187i, only Í22.E00 was oxpor.dofl, . and the balance w&a returned to the 8i.ate j Trcasury, wliile the inventory of propprty on , hand show a gain for 1874 of .Í8, 335. 92. The , average nurabo.r in Uih school for 1873 wís , 211 ; for '74, 222. The average timo of dotentio;i in '73 was two ycara and Hoven months ; ia '7t, two years and iivo monthe. Tho average age of bcyn recsiyed iu '73 was 13 ypara 2raonth8; in '74,13 years montbs. TkC receipta for boya' labor for 1874 wcvo $11,826.06. The Board of Control cali attention to soteral cbanges in the law regarding commitmonta to the echoo!, which they doem of importanco, namely, tlmt Ui1) ao at wlrch boyj may be reccived ho changod from ten to eiglit years ; that tho limit of detention be changed from twen'y-one to eighteon : and tbat pover may bo givèu them, nnder proper rpgulotionp, to idmit boys without tho stain of convicción, and a record of the same to annoy thom iu their snbatquent life. I am convincad that the limit of ilctentiou uhonldbe changed. If a boy entering thia school at ton or tjvelve can not be fitted to go out into the world by the time he is eighteon, it wonld seem that he ought not to bo the companion of ono or two huudred yonng lm. Then, too. it seems to me that a boy al oighteon sliould have a chance for himsclf to eee ?ha,t he is made of. Law and cutom have regarded childrea of o:gbt as not being responible for crime ; yot in our larger citios many boys of tbis age do commit eeriou criraeö and very many aro well kuowu to pólice ofiicars, as surely growiog u.o to be paupers and crimináis. If the law of 1873, permittinp; the Goyernor to appoint agents of tho State Bjard of Charitics and Correction in each connty could be oirricdout, itwouldinagroat deqreeeolvethis queslion. But the lack of any compensation to the ogont has mado tho law a failure, a? I I )ave bever letiu ablo to flnd any one (o serve except in f.tu-30 CDUnticí. With tiiose agenta to inveiitigiito each case, nd the Btato Public School acting ooucuirently with tho lieforrn j School, we oiight to be ablo to care for every clans of neglectea, depemlent, or criminal j children, arjd wth theso, thoie wonld be no law as asked for by thu Boaid. Wiiluut tbii or eome bitter provirion, I doul.t very much tho propritty of loting pareüts w UBgirtnttefe to commit cliUdran of fciylif, orthosa wliuhuvecouomitted no orima, to lbo Hifoi-m S'hool. Iu thi connection I beg to cx!l your attention to the law aboye mentioned, aujl to oxpross the hopo that it may lo ho amendod oh to malie it operativo.. ' We owo it to the army ei chilu'-en alrased by pajepts, neglectel by conininnity, arreeted 'by policenioi), homeles's, houseless vandcrers, thal tbey have a show of fair play and justice and intelligent watclJiulueBS, ucfore we ''aênfl tlicm up," and this act if put in suecessful operatiou will accomphsh thia resulc. The Board of Control in thcir rep: rt aslt that tho eivm of $30,000 be apnroprtated lor each of the years 187ö and 187G i'or current expenses and O500 for eaoh year for library, periodieala and papers ; also 810.000 for the erection of a third f&müy house. SiDce the report of the Board was prepared ' no of the boilers has giren out, and a new ono has been orderod. Au appropriation of $1.000 will be , reqnired for this pulpóse, Although it ia j quite certain that the receipta for tho boys' 1 labor will be loss than they were in 187é, I am of tho opinión that 825.000 per anniun will be fuffieient for eurrent expenses, and 1 lieve the board now think üiat thia sum may . prove sufticient, The appropriation for library. etc, is none too large. Eaoh family house that haa been erected haa 1-ad a hning up effect upon the school. It 13 to bo regretted that this plan bad not been adopted in the beginniug, bofore so larsie ui amouut was invested in the main buildings. It mav bo that Komc plan conld be devised to convert a portion of the main building mto a family house. If tilia can be done, it tihould be. If not, I , iiopo. you may be ablo to grant the ] tiop asked for by the board. The report of the board and officers ia a model in comploteness of detail, and well ] worthy your eareful atlention. STATE PRIS -■!). Tha year j nat btosed has been, in rnany refrardï, "an evontful one t-, tiiia iuatitution. The panic of 1873 affeetcd it aa Bfiriously, perhapë, aa did any of the general industries of the (jtata. ïwo of tbe oontnete expired in tho miilst of the panic. one of wUioh waa not renewed, and tho other was renowed up on the basis of 50 iuatead of 125 men. Every j fffoit han b:!On madfl by tho anthoritios to ftüd Home cmplovment for tho da-ly increaeing popnlation of the prieon, hut, - with the ekceptton of a email unmber placel upan a cpoperage contract, - vithont necese. The nnmber of o mviota in the prison Sept. 30, 1871, was (27 ; Hpt 30. '72, 539 ; Pept. 30, 78, C55 ; and Sept. 30, 74, 703 ; tïio number nt work on contracta in 1871, w! 460; in '72, 440; in '73, f01 ; and in '74, 445; hoing uiteen lees in '74, witn 753 convicta, than ín '71, with onlyf27 couvinta. Yot with Uil disC'iuragiijg oqccbUpn of ita productivo labor, the net earninga of tho priaon for 1874 were iilO. 255.14. Had the same ratio of pris; ners boon at work on contract as in the tliree prevtons yoar.-, tbo earnings wonld have boeu at leur. L10,000 moro. The convicta not on contract, liivú bjen liepí. employod so far as was poeaibie, ia mpróyipg the prison yard and State lot. The averago price per day of conviet labor for 1871, waa 56J cent-.; in '72, 57 rnntsj '78, 58f penis ; and in '74, C4 cents. The exporiouco of tbe past six years ia, tomy miii(i, abuudn,rit proof that a well coriduotod ÏJrtóou cju and tliould always pay ts current i os aiki aid in the support of thoae tvho aro dopoüdont upou couvicte, that are now of ten BUpportod by the pttbllo. In thia connecli in, wonld it not be wíhp to autborize tbo authorities to eetablieh ono er to indiiütrioB in tho prigon, to bo conducted by the !oarl of IüKï'oetO'ft, authorizing tliemto bny material and (Jiepeso of tho product, for the parpóse of kce i.i;; tbo convicts onpktyod uhon bo contrMta can be let? I would lile to een the experiment teatod iii a small tray Á first and under prttpét limitatioi)8. If anocossful (and I can tee no rcason why it ahould not be), it wculd increase the artiiuga of the p-ison in time of depression and tond to keep up tho price of convict labor. Onothingia certaiu, prisonera must ork, not alone for tho sake of the earmblf, hut fcrhealtli, for diaciplino, for hfo. Tiio man igeuient of the prison mail ita aapecta ha bceu uatisfactory. The completion of a porlion of the improvemiiits uow in proproas haa been of great asaisiance n maintaimng d-.foipüne, and in the econonnes of the priüon. The increaso in the number of pi iaonera gives the uianageDient much tronóte and anxioty. There are 10(1 muro convicta th&n theefe iro ■■ells), atd no puitable accommcdatn cao be ir'ivided (or tkem. Koiwi bettfr piovision ahonld be made for the ivHune cjiivict. Tiio present building, ihough comparitively uow, i entirely unlit for the pmpoee. It ia tlie univeraal testiaiony of priaon official , and probably thR unanimous opinión of all tho?c wlio hivc ever given any tbotíghl to Ihc tubiect, thiit tin: aUowauce of good tirno to onvipts, who, by their conduct merit it, haa aeconipHshed more reform in thn i'ouvici, more refuna in pi-ih .n (Banagepifnt, i ml haa done moro lo make prieonera ol dier.t and BMinageaMe, ti'an ;ill the wMpa and punishmi'iHH ever deviised. lucreaBe of the allowanco cf this good time to longiorm convict jé earnetly niged by the afient iu hia report. TUare i'nast bt;, however, a limit to itb operations. Where it ahoulJ be placedis a quos'ion t'iit deservea earnest ooDsideratioa u tho interen of oommonit;, both inside and outsido the priton walls. The refoorta of the Uoard of Inspectora, agent, and othcr ofticers aro interestinjr and suggestivo, coutainiug much information ou prison ïiffe and prUn mioagpmeDt. Thero ia 1:0 executivc dnty that ao imprcsyes mo with it le.sponBibility as the exerczse of tho pardoning power, aa thoro ia njoc so constant iti'itfs demanda and o annovinp; in ita pcrsixtuncy. The effect of pordons u]M)n communiiy and upon c 'nvicts caunot be rightly ertlimateJ. Eich case ha a foundation of i!H oivn, and, taken by itaelf , v.ould pi'i -clianco nó't be objecled to by auy one ; but whon v,e :-oo in the pulilic presx that a convict has been pardoned, or read in the Governoi'a message that ten or twenty coDvicts hare been pardoned during the year, we are apt to moralice ovor the effect of pardons, and to enticisfi iho exerciso of the power at all. Mauy pardons in one sonso can hardly be valled pardon. For instance. ono man was pardoned by me two daya before hia time expired, as a reward for hls cxposure of a conspiracy to escape. Several have been pardoned wïiile upon dying beds. I have always pardoned eveiy one that the Piison I'tiysician informeel me wab past re covery. Two have been pardoned upou the statement of tho Prosecuting Attorney who conducted the case and the Judge who sentenced thoin, that circumstancss had como to their knowledgo which convincod them of the entiro innocence of the men. Deainng to knpw aomethinp; of the effect of pardon upon the prlaoner that might be a guide for the future and perhsps be of service to the public, I addreaaed inquiriea to partios cognizant of the facts, asking a hiatory of the man since hia pardon. The replies received aceompany the report of the pardons granted. BTATE nOL'BE OF COUTlECrTON. Tho Commiasioners appo inted under act No 170 of the laws of 1873 to select a eite and prepare plans for the State House of Correction have decided upon ita location at Ionia. Tho site, comprising üfty acres of ground, with water supply and right of way for rowcrago, was donated by the reuidents of tbat city. The Gommisaioners have adoptod a thêory of cocstrnction, ao far aa expense is concerned, that ia entiiely new in prison architecture, unless the Dotroit House of Correetion can be an exception, namely, to omit altogother massive stone masonry' and heavy iron work, beiieving that tbe intornal discipline and government should bo of such a charaoter as to prevent escapes. The walls and all the building are intendcd to be of fericb, and of a plain subotantial charactor, the-cstimated cost being $270,000, witb capacity for 500 priaoners. The plans, BpeeifibatióDB, and map of the grounds will be submitted to you for conaiuoration. Tho total expense incurred by the Board was $1.033. To recommend entering upon the construetion of a ue'.y piisoD .t this time, is not a pleasant dnty, yet it is a duty. We have to-day in the State l'riaon and Detroit House of Correetion 250 prisoners more than there aro eells to keep them in. The State 1'riHon can not be enlarged, and if it could, it Bhculd not be, as (WO pneoners i8 the maximum number that should ever be confined in one institutiou. To employ, clothe. feed, restrain, and novern 600 convicta is a task too great for any man. The Detroit House of Correetion, tboitfrh used for the confinement of many State prisoners, belongs to the city of Detroit, ai;d bef 01 e a new prison can be completed will be needed for the use of that city and the couuty of Wane. It, too, is as large aa a priiioii t-hould be, and the authoritios of the city will not increase its caj acity. The question ia not one of choice, but of neresity. Prisoners come to us from the courts and must bo onfiued, fod, clothed and employed. The appropriation need not be for the whole amount estimated by the Board, as ncither the wholo number oí cells nor all tho shops require to bo coropletod at once. Aft er the wall and main buildings, with one block of celia are built, the remamder could be constructed as they are needod, and by convict labor. I am of the opinión that an appropriation of 475,000 for each of the years 1875 and 1870 wduld so far corstruct the prison an co make it tenantablc for two hundrrd convicte, and I recommenu sneu appropiiauon. SLATE INSTI1ÜTION8. The annuallyrecurrJng, reporte of our charitabie inalituuons, witli their ttatements of expcntlituics and wants, of tbe constnntly incrííBing demandé upon them, wlule they briivg us in closer and closer connection witïi the unfortiinate and diseased side of humanity, are apt at the samo time to excito our criticUms upon the eysteni, especially bo as regañís tho seeniingly largo public expenditure necessary to conduot them. The aggregate of curront expenses for the year surprises ns. We am told at each eucceecling session of the Legislature that this or that institutioii is full to oveiflonnig, and that additiuns must be made. or the cpnstructfon of a new one must bo begun, and thus are led to inquire it exponditures in tlcse directions are never to coase. These aro thn reflections that challotige ray attention on every personal examination, and when the yearlj budgotsare presentcd. A deeper ináight, howover. into the system and ita practical resnlts show that tho State uianages thf.m better than any other power, that they aie really a saviug to the public iustead of a wastefu) oxpenditure, and abovo all, tliafc they are au absolute necessitv. The Dumber (if uufortunato in tho State, doaf, dumb, Wind, ineane, and idiotie, is noarly, if not quite three thoueand. They mnst be cared for, either by frienda or by the public. .Proper caro by friends, whether rioh or poor, is impracticable ; euoh care, therefore, devolvpa upon the State. Toe framers of the Constitutiou racognized thia duty by declanng in that isstrument '.' that iustilutions for the doaf, dumb, blind, and insano shall alwaya be fostered and supported. ' Tho atmual eaving to the State by the withdrawal of an insane 'person from tho eonauming, and ad ding him to the prodneing cíateos, camot be f''.lly estimated, but there is no doubt that the mouoy valuo to tbe State, of the (--atienta roatored to health by the Asylum at Ka,lamazoo. aggrpgates more than the entire cost oí construction and raaintainance of that iriötitutiun. Th8 eoonomy of hospitala for the insano, ín another diroction, iasuown by the porcentage of euros of thoso plicea ui:dor imtnediate trontmont. The ratio restored to health and reaaon tliat are treated within two months of the attack a 7Ü per cent.; of thoso ireated ivitbin uve months, 47 por cont.; witliin twolvo moiitli?, H9 per cent., and of thoso not treated within two yoarB only 17 per cent. The r ducuion of flie deaf, dumb aud blind ia alöO a pocuniavy gain to the cotnmunity, n bo far as it enablos thom to aupport thenisolves. The - education and care of criminal, neglected and depondent childre.n ia an investínout tliat yiálda a Urger proflt tban perhapa auy other mado by the State. Tho a!m8t al soluto certainty that eif;httisiüliH of theee classes, if left to drift alone, wiU beconw in jme way pevmaueut depondenta úpori tho couiraonwoalth, is implo proof of the'cí'irBoíiioi'a of tliis statement. Tüe auuual coat to thü State for Iho hhport of a confie, and the lom to the pnblre uf tlio saine of !s labor, mako reformatory prisons a ral ecououiy. If we cura crimiuala wá ave money. Our treatmenl of pauperisin In the eouuty poor-liouHeH. as a íule, i of tbe most expsntivo nature, in to f ar as nwilts are cencormd Tüey inerease inetead of enring it. TUe recomraén Itttious of (he State Board of Charitjbiolusiituiions on thia hubjeet are ia the line of practica! statesmanBbip, aud deseiveeireful eonsideration. 'J'he rroportion of Insana person, onTlciB in priBM, and eoufirmed paiioers, is one of eac'.ic'atst) everv tlü mand pori-ons. If wo gvow ia population, thse alao grew, ho that wo Bha!l always have "thene poor with u'." The reporta of tlie Snperintiíndenta of tbo Poor for 1373 show tliat the poor-bonson aud h;d la íhat year 512 inaanp, 190 idioüc, 54 biuKi, aud 16 mnto perspns aa inamtoí. The cf.tal oost of mainlalni'jg tho prerítat rii ;! tiible i'iv.l ieul iuatitutioua of th íMa'.o ia Uhi thiin sixreea couta per capita for ecb inlnil);í Tiie inevitable conclusión froai tho counkl -ration of thi-l HUt'jact, puttiug asido the vciin'iommitHof the Cousticutior., tliedemanda of a oommon humauiíy, the teachngs of a niher e vi zition, and'iho obliga'-ion of du'.y, riu-t be that wo should foster and Bopport ibtsb iuntituti ms a measimm of public ec iiiouiy. sr,w capítol. Tho vorl( upon tho new Capítol has proi-itf.oil rtpidlj aofl tg the onúre Balisfctction of the B'ail cf O immiHuiouors. Tho is pendituros fr-.ra the binnuip; of th? work to the rióse of tlie lineal ear hav,) bi cu Í378, 3lG 81, anl Míe balance iu tho tremuy to tm oreditof tbe buiding fnnd w $181,653 l'i Tu CoonmiïsiODörs, iu thiir report, biíkí1 "; eeveral ebauee in the material and ooiiswrao tioi f : yira? ouHÍderatiou. Ib' ebar.gc aki for"in the roof ia, in my opiu -o.i. a' to lutely necetairy. The investigation made uj lbo Commissiouers relativo to the durability of iron as & euitable material for the roof of a building of this charaoter show conclnñveljr lts unfHnoae, and I reconimend ench action by ycu as will enable thcm to eubstitnte tiu r copper lai'l on brick arene in ite placo. The chango will oost not to exoeea ten thousand dollars, ai:d Irecoroniend au appropiutiou of that aniount. In tho original plans ancl specitijitiona no rafcrence wsj mado to heaiing and ventila lion: u thia ivoik will reqitiro to be begun beforo anothor moeting of the Lnsialutarc, au appropriatioii wiil bo nec?sary fr it. The CommieBtouerd have not yet deeided upon the exact plan tti bo anopteii, bnt Ihey estilaate that Lt wU coRt frora Kxty-üve to sevtnty thousaud dollars The appropriation wh8n mnde can be divi.lod, oim-lia!f in the tx of 1875, anl tlio halauc in 1876. The suggestiona of tho board relativo to tho changa in main Mitrare are comuienrfed to your consideration. aud yonr deoijjox dci-ii-cd thereon. EAILItOADS. Tho report of tho Cummissioner of Ka.ilroads for tho year e ft ding Dec. 31, 1873, is before vou. At, tliat dato Michigan lvad :1,719 ïiiilea of riiiij'oadss oí whieu 3,2.r3 ïaileB wore niain track. The cost of construcción and rquipment is $l4i;B%%,4&0, reiirssented by capita) stock of $lÜ.S3l.-t!)li, and bondad aad Qónting (ebt of $90.111,817. The net earnings for 1873 wero 5.00 per cent. on the total cost. Tho raming oi' ciyhtoen couipaniea were S,(;'J3,2G1 lesa tlirvn thoir operating expciiBCa and interest, account. This 'n certainty a veiy unati-r,ioiurv Khuvin;, aud canbot fail to dicit inquiry as to tho cause. With utiequaleil facilitieti for coiiKinictin;; and running roída cheapiy. v.'iJh ïio reetrictiona in our statuten as to raten of freihf, and comparaiively nono au to paRr-entror raten, the reaaone for this condition of affaira muat bo eutircly insido the business itselT. Railroada nre Romethinp; moro than mere private enterpiises. They aro not onlv a public CDrivemence but a public necosaity. Ttiey have, in a large measure, taken the placo of the highway Unowa to tho common tan-, and so far occupy tho sxrae relations to the public. By tho law of noeessity they muyt bo mado subserviont to the public onda. The public are dircctly interested to seo to it that these road are coiístructcd and oporaed honestly , that the capital invested in them representa the actual coat of their construction and equ'rimont, and that they aro raanagcd and oporated aliko for the benofit of thoir owners, creditors, and the public, and with a view to the public conveniencc and interest. Tho compaaies organized under our laws, invoeting their money within our borders, cxpect and are entitled to juat and libara] treatment from uu, and thoy Certainly huve no roaaon to complain of the Stntoin this regard. Yot, wo aoe this largo interest makiog little, if anr, return to its ownors, and are tempted to ask if tho Stato in its leginlatioii eau do nothing to give it value. Stockholdra aod bondholders will oro loi;g, if they are not alroady doing so, malie the oame inquiry. It must bü evident to a caroful obaerver, and the roports mado to the Commiseioner go to provo, that tho syatem of corporationa or-, ganized wirliin and isklo tho rsi'road corporationx. ki om ?.' 'Transportation Lines,' " Dispatch !;mpa.nies," " Car-Loaning Compatiiec," " Fast Freight Linea," ''S'.eeping and Palace Car Gompaniee," aro sapping the life-blood of the railroad eoropauioa. They are earnmg huadreds of thonaivnds; if not millionB of dollars, on tbo trnck cf our railroadí, not a dollar of wiiich fiuds ita way into the treasury of the road. These oorporations pay gaod dividends, but the railroad stockholdur get none, and the bondholder receives no interest. Patties wiiÓBé money is iuves'ed in our romlH nhould reap somo benefit from it : we want low freighta and f are for ourowocitizeus : butwecannct oxppctthcm. if the roads aro to be ueed for the benent of outeide corporations Do ivo int owe it to people aud to theholdera of $150,000.000 of proporty in this State, toprotect them from this lose, if pofbible ? When wo reinember that the railroad bondod debt issned undcr the laws of tho hitato is $90,000,000. au amouut far in excess of all the State, city. town, county and echool debt, ought wo not, as a State, to aid in 6very jnst way iu suataining their credit ? In the present necessary system of running through traite, with fio niány competing linos in other States. Boeking for buwinesá, tha diflicultiCB in the way of logislation eeem ula-o&t insurmouütablo, without theco-cperation of surrounding Ktates ; but tho subject seeme to me to demand your thoughtful conaideration. The public domand nloeping and palaco car accammodatioi;, and our roads must bo enabled to nieet it. Por them to do so it will le neeessïrv to amond tho railroad c'.iartei's aud tho general railroad law, permittingj them to i ui such bars Ui to charge proper rates for (heir use. The Commiüsioner suggests several nooled anierulments to the rátfrrtad laws, all of whieh he deerns important, tad to which your attention is directod. MAHQÜETTB ASD MACKTNAC BAILBOAD. Act No. 136 of 1873, amended in 1874 gnmting ten seetions to t!ie mué oí swamp land in the Upper Península to aidin the conRtruction oí' a railroad from the Straits of Alackiiiae te Marquette. has nol accomplisbed the hoped-fqr rwult. Tho panic of 1878, and the depression in business since, with other causes, have proventod any new railroad euterprisep. I do not know that any action can be taken by you, that wil! llantén thiR work ; bal i f any rea'sonable and proper idilition to tho grant would do it. I wonld móet earoesuy reeoinraciul it. Whon it 13 remembered thit wo havo in the Upper Península a population of (1,8)0 pen-ons, who export everything thev produce nd import evorythmg thoy consume, it would secm that thia great commercii of our owu citizens ought not to bs clivrrted from us to other Staten, a it now ia. Tho constnictiOM of thiB road would eive our farmers, manufacturera, and trader a market for the:r product?, from whi'.-h tliey are now praeticallj excíuded. So, too, it would pive our minefs a winter market for theirprociucts. The Bwamp lauds of tho Peninnul i, ainnuntïng to 1,780,612 51-100 acres were given to tho 8stó bv tlie general government for the purposo óf building ro;idB and duches and reclaniation. Wagon loada aro being built by grimt of ibe lands, and they are gradually shpping away. year by year, yet doiugbu't httle for tho real development of the country. I tirmly beliare, if a graut of the wliole of thoin would couetruet a railroad from Mackinac to Marqnette, and another from 1Aoce to Houghton and tüence up the Mineral Bange, it would bu wise pnlicy to mako it. It must bo borne in mind that tïiis in not a quoation of "land grants" iu tho ;rdinary acceptation of the term. It is a quCBtiou of whetherthe lands already graotel uhall bo "ivcn for wagon rods or a railroad. The State has 2Í0.358 30-100 acres of other than swamp lands in the Upper Península that would be largely inereased in valuo by the construction of these roade. ST. MABY'S FALLS SHIP CA5AI. The business of this canal for the past two ■uBürs has been aa followa : Tam. Tonnine paiwins through f or 1873 V-"Í'Í',?, Tonuago i assii g throngh for 1874 1,28', sou Uross recefpts for 187:) ,9M 18 QlOM r,Cf(pt t-r O8J4 45,387 74 Copper cnrricd throiiRhl8i3 Í ' ., Pig rou .-triol thrmiRU 1873 3J.849 Iron carried throngh 1873 504 .,121 Copper carriwl thrüngU 1874 J,M8. riS il oh carried througb 1874 41 .. 1)4 Irou ore fiirriod thrdWh 1K74 BO5,.!H4 ïoll wereTeduced hy tUo liJard of (, mtrol Ju1 y 1, 1873, from i oonts to Z ceiita per The amount of State bond iaaned for the canal utstandiDg Bept! 30, 1874 ws ü.,00. while the balance to the credit of the ca.ial at tho same cíate waa 8,G15.86. 'lho btate havini' thus boen folly reimbureed for ita expeuaituros, it was docided to expelía the surplus esuT.ings of tUo caual in iutting it m couip'.etv rc,-air, and oidora to that effect bavo boeri given the Hnporintendout. The mouth of the canal wats ordored dredefl . Mcw gatos ■n-ero ordèreS tor the lówor look. The piefi ■ at both pndi woiü orderrrl rcpaired, and ttiMa at tho lower end extended. It ia eatimatcd bv tho board tint tlio net earnings for 1875 will enable thein tliem to acwnn-hali ttjeno toprovemc-ntB, and that, by 187G thy U enabled to roducè tho tolla to au an.ount Wftcientto pay rHimuig xpeuea ud a mili Bitrpiaa for coutiugencio. The repaira and improvements aro absoIutely ïiecei-iary, a the (ün, gatos and timber work are veiy baüly (iecayed. POBTAO8 I-AKE AND LAKE BOPEEIOB CANAI.. Tho work upon tliin oanal haa boen coaiyilnted eoordingtb fie plana and ep' c lloatiint L'pjuin' compiftiMi t'ie cowwany reiKwtcd me to iBue my cevtilicato to ihat ffect tlmt they might tljeiesi'h aoqaúra titUi to tho'.ai.d gran!, made hy Cougn s to the St&té for ihe pWpbi e of ciin:rinti: Mi cana!. As tho t'.tto to te laii.lx up-w w.eft [he ciii 1 was cons'ruotod was veítedin - dlvidiíal bahíla, [heli that tho wnrk ,.- ■;- eompú ted i acvordanco with (4 aoi of O J"gread or tl o as of tho Blftte, o o . n the conipany nor Btatfl Diree 1 tfce b,.ttom and k4 of tho canal. AV .,, -.cMom mal l'Y ü o oanal oompai.y to the 8upr me Oomtfor a mandam-i to rompe mo t „ , ,h„h Ml iV.o cuia! iUeif. w.lh the rttfht o, v v ■ r„v-r'l W M K;iltc,(ir ■b'(„cdti do, claimi.fe ■at ti e ct li 188B ."v-HMumthoowmrHhi,. a, d o n-n.l of lho. caual 1 iav: claimcd, on tho central y, Iha the act of Coniresa conferrlugtlifl gVut doe no ineh thim;. In thn meant;ni' tho raiul orapiinv baabJOH ptod iu bai)klUï tey the United StatiB conit hiB Bppoicted anc-inf overit ; !imfxt-dtherttot toll. and pive i '' ■ " (See Fourth Page.) (Con Inned trom First PaRe.) 1 rcceiver absolute control oí ita mana.gem?nt. [p. its presont conditio' if tho company wers lo aocept th con truction of the act e'aimcd by the SUte, they hava no power to couvty the oansl. ■■Cite nnl canal company are eo wiclely apart in t):eir construcción of tl e law that tho decisión of a competent tribunal ña to owr.eri'hip ja tho only v.ay the qm'Stion eau be Bcttlcd. Uuder exiEtina te iho btulo caí i', t trillé tho capo uto cour'., ai.d I ro8p iu.fv.liy urge tha prompt paseago of an aot euabUng it to do fo, that the queetion may bo . ■ t'etüed. Until tlie canal igaceapted, t;vto lias 1:0 control over it, to fis the tolla or Reeplt iu rojmir: tho oanal company and itu boi;dholdorí! oannot gct posKBbBioii of tlic land ; tho countieB iu which the lauda lie ai-e !oirg the taxea that ehoald he paid ou them, and the whole intereüt ia iu a state of perplexing uncertaiuty. I oannot tUiiilc it poseib'o tbat CongrcsH, in oonferring the grant, or tlie State in givtog the compmy t(e contract, ever intendeil H'.at tho canal, when constracted, bh:uld beconafc the property of any individual Or oorporation. TAXATÍON Cr KAII.KOAD LANDS. The Legialature of 1873 passed an act providiDg for the .aaüosement and taxation of landi Hnoisn R8 railroad lauda. The Füut and Tere Marquclto Railroad Compauy, acting, I présame, for themeelve and all l'he land-grait roads. cnramc-nced suit in the Circuí!; Oourt of tho United títates for the Western District, in chancery, to test the eonetitutionality and itttditp of the act. Deeininp; the case of great hnportaoca to the Buit, iuvolving a large amonnt (f raoney. and knowing that ab!e counsel w mld present the caae on tho part of tho complainantp, J advised and directed tco .uiplnynieut of Maseru. Charles A.' Kent., E. W. Meddangh, Alfred Iiusesll. and Oh&rlee üpaon, asconueei to assist the General. The caso was argued in Detroit, before Jndgea Kmmons and Longyear. Judge Eoimons dülivered un elabórate opinión, wbioh waa concnrml in by Judge Longyeav, eustainlag the validity of the act BUbJeeting bucU land to taxation. The complaioanta have appoalml the case (o the Huprcme C'oirt 01 the United Stiltes, vlere it is now pending, and the qneaiion ia of such moment f o the Ktate, and to the counties in srllioh these hmda are Bituated, that I have deemed it my duty to napfoj co.inst] to éeíaud tho snit khere also. Tho State has joincd with the railroad compaoiee in requesting the conrt to aclvance it on the docliet, so that it saay bo heaid dui ing tho present sepsion of thu court. ATTOEXf.Y-fiENEBAL's DEPAETMEMT. í deeire to cali your attcution to the ver able and full report of the late Attorney-Gsi eral. It Rives a clear stalcmeat of tlie bus ness of that oflics, and of the eondition of a the logai matter in whicn the State is a part The recommendationB of the report regarding needed ameiulments to the Btatutes denerve your caieful attention, enpecially thoae regarding "the misappropriation of pnblio moneys," "imprisoning " witnessea in criminal cifcs, and the ' 'ingu ranee laws." The Johr claim is finally closed. The Ion g-stai' ding unsettled accounts of tho Supieme Court reporters baya been satisfactorily adjusted. PISH CULTünEThc Fish Commission, established by the Legislature in 1873, was organized in May of that year by the appointment of George Clark', of Waine, and George H. Jerome, of lierrion, aa Commi-sioners. Mr. Jerome reaignéd in 1874. A. J. Kellogg,of Allegan, was selected to fill the vacancy, and Mr. Jerome was appoiuted Superintendent oL Fisheries. The expenditures of the board from its organization to Dec. 1, 1872, have been $3,313.05, of which aum ê(). 687.91 ia investcd in butlditigs and tisturerf at the Staie Hatchery in Pokagon, leaving .s the real eipenditure in hatehing and distributing 4,900,000 fry the aam of $6,625.14. The succesB attending thia worl; tlius far is Bufficient proof that fiah culture in Michigan is no jonger au experiment, jv cuniii.uiinuu Dl ' t':io appropriation of $7,500.00 per annum is suggested -by the 'tioard as necesi-ary to carry on tlie work. Thcre can be no doubt that in a vcry-fcw yeara the returus frora this expenditure will prove it a wise and prudent investment. The report ot Board of ComnnasioiieTB is very fall ancl complete, giving in detail an account of thoir labors, and I ask for it your rhoughtful attention. MILITAET. The Military law 01 1362 was, at the last regular session of the Legiölatnre, carefully amended vith tho mtention of placwg the military of the Srate upon a more substantial footing, On the 30th of September, 1872, the entire railitia of the State consiste-l of faine companies of State troops, with a strength of about 360 men. Sinc? that time Beven companies have been added, úicreasing the number to 1,020. Under the law, theCommanderin-Chief was authorized to iucroaeo the numl)er to twblve dnring the year 1873, and to add four each year till the number should reach twenty-four. On the 6th of July last, sixtecn companies had been accepted and nmstered into the State service, and were on dan; fonuod nto two reghnentK. desigaated the lst and 2d. Headqnartere of che forroer at. Jackson ; the lattor at Grand Rápida. Under authority of the law, the Military Board have pre; ared ruleB and regulationa to aid in making it cffective, a syetem of compauy and regimeutal accountability has been adupted. and enlietmeuts, muaters, inspections and uniform ditcipline have been provided tot. and wil! be rigidly enforeed. On the 6th of September, 1873, the "Grand Rápida Guard" was ordtred to Maskegon, upan tliñ requisition of the Sheriff o tbat county, to prevent a threatened release and lynching of a prisoru r. March 26ih last, tbo "Grand Eapids Guard," upon a cali of tho Sheriff, was ordered to Go wan, Montcalm county, to assist in quelling an exnscted riot at tbat point. Ou the 25d of last July a battalion, coneistiugof companiea " A" ailil "C," lstrogiment, wai ordered to Ishpeming, ia llarquette county, to aid in eiippreBsing an expecled distnrbanc-3 ameng tbo minera iu tfaftt viciiuty. As the expeimj of sendiug troops euuh a ■diatanca would be neceeearily largo, the ntmoet precant'.on was taken to aeceitain tbe exRct cot;dition of affairs, and the ordor was not given nnltl repeated inquirías were made of prominent oitizens of the county, and telegrams received urging that troop be sent at once, as the deatruction of Jife and propsrtj seemed imminent, and a second peremptory cali for aid had been reccived froni the Siierilfrif the oiuiity. Ti;e statutea leave no discretion with the Commander-in-Chief to withhold troopa wheu called upon by the propei offleers for theni. Hection 875 of Compiled Lav;a próvidos that tbe componeion of troop! ou snch occaeions shail be paid by tho county where such aervice ïh rendored. Accordingly bilis weio sen' by the cföcer commanding tho troopa to the Board of Superviaors of Marquet'.e eounty hut they have refused to audit or pay them Under the present law the State authorities seom powerleaa to compel the payment. '. respectfuily ank that this defect bn remeciied Act No. Ót of 1873 provided for the tramfei of ineane inmatea of the Soldiers' Home a Detroit, or of county jailá iu tbe Stata, wbo had been eoldiers or marinera and credited to the State, and all such soldier or mariner who migh'. thereafter Lecome insane, to the aalum at Kalamazoo. Fifteen have been or derod admittod, one has escapad, one dl beforo reaching thtre, leaving tbirteen in th aaylum at the expense of tlie Stato. Effor haa been made to ;;ivo publicity to the act and it is believed that all entitled to ils beue flts have been cared for. Disbnrementa made by tho Quartermaeter General for the two yaars eneüng Sept. 30 1874, have been aa followa : Adjiitaut-GenerarK oíftce $ 2,0-lí 2 Quartcrmaster-Generars office '2,358 f Qnartcrmaster-General sxindry ucconata. . 14,606 9 u 'ircior-Geiierarsoflice 91 ', State Military Board 266 1 Insaue soldiere 629 '. Regimental headquarters Military museum 225 3 State uniforma 29,512 0 1511,085 88 The last itera waa for 1,200 buüh of unifonn complete. As thora wüi only bo eigiit cota pañíes to uniform and equip ín tho emuin two years, the military expenses will be largr ly diminuhed for tho future. The Boldieis' Homo at Hurper Hospita atill continúes a necesaity for the temporalrelief oí dloablod soldiere, and it ia also in diapeneablo as an intermedíate plací of ahel ler for many while waifmg (o obtain admi sion to a national asylum. The mmber o poldiers cared for at the Homo duriug th two yeain ending Séjjt. 30, 1S71, waB llá immber admitted d uring same timo, tdS number of nmates Sept. 30, 1872. 11 ; íium berSept. 30, 1871, 7 Expenditurea for tbe tw yoara for their care, $5,935.20; amouñl out in same time for transporta tion and relief to indigeut soldiere, $247.85. STATE LIBBARY. It givea me much pleaaure to cali your attention to the excellent eoitdition and good management of the State TV.braty. The appropriation of 1873 has enabled tho Iiibrarian to make many valaable additiouH to it, in the past two year. It non' coutaitj 45,745 books, pamphlet, ai?d r.iaps.valucd by the Librarían at 895,000. An appropnitic.u of $1,500 jor annum for tach of tüo yeais of 1875 and 1876 is asled for, and ] fully ornear with the Librarían ín recommciiding it. Túe appropriation for 1873 and 1874 was $2,500 aunually. STATE BOARD OF HEALTU. The first animal report of the State Board of Health has been placed before you. It gives evidenco of earnest labor in mattere pertainiug to tlie lite and health of the peopie. Direct and immediate resulta of tlie ■work of the board are not to be expec'cd, bnt I ím of the opinión thal the pviblic good will be materially and aurely euhance.l tlioreby. CTAIK I'HINTIHQ TbeJegislation of 1873, reparding tli9 aumber, etyle, etc., of otir public docutner.t.p, Tcry largely ieduced tte cost of paper and printing, whlle it alse {irovided tor a more general and careful distribntion thtn over before. I believo that 110 Btate in tho Union gives to t citlzens so full and complete reporta of lts infrtitutionB and business ae does ours. Sir.oo the distribution and eale of Dia Supreme Conrt reporta liaa been placed under control of the State Librarían, tlia receipt. from thia sonree hos iargcly increasert. The rce.eipts in 1871 and '72 wero $1,414.43 againat $3,893.55 in 1878 and '74. I nm of the opmn that tho Uw ïcquinng 8,000 copies oach Í the Agricultural ar.dJPomological reporta ;o bo printed ftnnually should bo amonded, so ïat they i&ould be printed and bonnd to;ether. 'The eaving in printirg uapM, bindig and dietributioa would bo fully $5,000 per nnura. Tho Agricaltural reporta aro not printed ntil tlie factB they contain oud the infcirmaion they aeok to convey havo passed into Iüh;oiy. Ou piominonco in agricuUuro in al' ite iffereui. branohfs de?erves aomething better. fc would seem that this ropoit Bhould e.rarace every branch of agriculturs and be a ondensed, coccentrated hiet.ory of the prog ess of tho Stato frnm year to year in this iraut interest. Tho Agiicultural report f or ,S7I! ie not yet pilnted, a port ion only of ths copy haviug been furnished to the Btate Tnuter. INSURANCE ON STATE pnOPERTV. The. Trustees of tho dirfereiu State inatitivtion desire your instructions on tbe subject Of flre insuranco of the State property unclcr their charge. There ia not at present noy unii'orarity of action, a portion oniy beinf; ineureil. Tho expenso of insuring all the State iroperty ia very large. i uuireve l mo resent ttao tliat. onlv the University, Normal School, aud Agricultural Collego aro iiihii e. l . IMMTGHAT1N. The marked decline of foreign immigration to the United States, and the present condition of the labor marlet, induced me to direct tbe closing of Llie office and to resalí the Commbsioner, which I did iu November last. The agoncy In New York City was closed by my order Nov. 1, 1878. The report of tho Coniniissioner tor 1873 and 1874, givDg in detail nn account of tlie operations of the ofliee, will be laid bef ore yon. IN'COKPORATIOK OF CIT1ES AND VILLAGES. Tlie general act lor the incoiporation of villageS paBBed in 1873 has been daclaied unconstitutional, m some of itn provisión, DJ tho Supreme Conrt. Tbi.-i and tho general act for the mcorporation of cities are of eo great iniportanee, and eavo so ranch of tho time of a legislativo eession. that it is to bn hoped thoy will be ] erfecfed by tou. NPPEOTION OF SALT. The careful supervisión of the manufacturo of salt, and the rigid inspeelion required by our laws, with the improved niethod of niauufacture adopted, i giving to Michigan salt a iToatly improved reputation. The product for the two years endiug Dec. 1. 1871, was 1,850,325 barrels, an increase over tlio two precedmg years of 379,334 barrels. The largely aicveased product will allowof a reduction of the nspection f ees f rom one and a half cents per barrel to one cent, aml I reeomraend tho amendment of the inspection law to that eiïeet. (1EOLOOICAL SURVEY. The geological survey, under the supervisión of 'j)r. Charles Roeminger, State Geologist, has been steadily pursucd. The investigatious of the past two years havo been mostly contined to the salt, coal, and gypsum deposits of the State, but are not 80 fir completed as to inake their publication advisable. THE LIQUOn TBA5TI0. We legislate oontinually in behalf of the iusane, the poor, the deaf, dumb, and the blind, deeming these large claeees es decerving our care. But we havo in or.r nrdst a clans largor by far than all these conibined, whom we ueglect entirely. I mean the victima of intemperance. If there ia an evi! that threatens our life, above ooft beyond all elee, it is intemperance. Itieiches its boóy hand into almost every famüy. lts army. though losing its Jmndreds weokly, is recruited daily by hundreds more. Pauperism, crime, insanity, dieease wil death are ita eet roaults, and untold private prieta ana miseries, want and wretchedness spring from ta myriad of planted seeds. The United Statea Keveuue Department report 6,444 places in thia State ngftgad in the business of selling üqaors. The reoeipts mast average $20 per day each, or over $33,000,000 per anmim - a sum thiee time greater tnan all .the tases of eveiy nature aanually levied in tho State. Puur ye.a'B' receiots woulil build every railroad in the yute. On the statute-books of the State stands a law, the consiitutionality of whicli has been aflirmed and reafllrmed by the Supreme Court, which declarea thia wholo buainess illegal, and each one of tho principáis hable to iine and imprisonment. Not leeg than 5,000 persons are daily violating this law. If 5,000 or 1,000 persons were daily violatiug the law ay to petty larceny, there would be arresta without number. What makes the difference? Is it not the fact that public sentiment tustains the one and not the other ? Every good citizen abhors drunkenness, and shudders at tho countlesa evils that follow in its train. But is it not evident that the largo mojority are not in sympathy with our preseut legislation, which attompta to prohibit it aud BO utterly faila in ita object ? Ia there no better way? Can there not be scine plm devised thát will receive the asBent and support of a'l the people to dry af) tho Boaroes of this evil ? There will always bc diiuking and drunkei:-neas. We cannot hope by any agoncy to stop it entirely. But witli thu moral eupport oí the great teachers of home, school, and pres, can we not have the aid of intelligent legislation tbat will diminish the intemperate use of liquor ? The Constitution will not allow license, and if it did, ia thero aoy reaaon why we should license hquor-selhng that would' not apply to any other huaineas ? Tho theory of licenso is not permissive only but for revenue also, and if revenue were rt-quired, any business could be liconsed. License l"ft to municipalitiea would in many of them simply be a farce. LlcsDüé would be a constant eouroe of turuioü and debate in every localily. Eveiy electiou would bring forth ira license and nqlicense, high-license, and loT-license candidatea. Why not recognize the fact that there is a djfferbnee betwecn drinking and drunkennesa ; and put on the statuie-book stringent lavra regulating the aale of liquor, prohibí', its sale to minors and apprentict's, to thosfl who are knovn to bo common drutkards, rompel the (doeing of liquor shops on uoly dayH, and at a reaeonable hourat nigbt, retain the present liability law for damageg, reqnire ampie bonddfortbe observance of tucli laws, and then levy a State tax oa the business, to be collecte:i by State authority, making a broad distinctionin theamotint of the tax bt-tween the sale of distlled liquora and malt beverages ? Put the tax bevond the conti ol of any one exeepting the State. Could we not reduce the six tïiousand liqnor blieps fullv one half by such a law, and would not this reduction in nnmt er reclnce the conaumi)tion of alcoholio stimulauts in almost as great a propertion? In behalf of tomperance and sobriety, of good moráis and manly living, in behalf of tho State wliose laws are homly violated witb. impunity, I urge all men of diffürcnt viewe and opinions to get together en gomo common giound, and mako the experiment. If made, let it be done honestly. If the prohibitorv law is to be rcpenled, let the enuctment of ono reguliting the traftic take lts lilaeo. Aftcr two yearu' trial we o in then juJge which has be?n productive of tho most good. llowever well a law may be framed aud execivteü, it mtltt not be relied upon to regúlate habits and taates. Education, selfculture, self-control, example and piecept, are mueb.more cfiicient helps to temperanoí tLpn statutea. NOT.IIÏIHB PUBLIC. Of the commissions ismied to notaviea public diiring tho se'seiou of the Legislatura of 1871 over 1,000 were rotmncrl to the Sccntary of State uot talten, and of those iabued during tlie Bession of 187.'), 881 v.eio rrtunie-l. The State fee fixed by law to be paid by notaries ia $1, and I earuestly nrge the paeeago of alaw reqniring the payment of thig fee into the Stato Treaniry beforo the commisüioa íb iasued. TJje labor of keeping accounts vith the County Clérlts, sigmng, tsealing, indexing, and mailing these couimisions, cobtft the SI ato ;ih rauh as tiia fee. KELIFF FUND. Tue Füe lielief fund Gommittefi placed in ray hands July 30, 183. the balancé oí tlie Relief Fiind, being ■fl,3l2.7ö. I liave diubuvted the followiug amounts to the partiea oanied ■ Aug. 1, 1S73. Sent for tlie relief of the lababitatits of the vill-jge of Ificbljanin:, burnul out .' $JIK) 00 Oot.3C,'lBT3. Donated to hecottmfttoo fur Ibe, reiii f 'f y low ff ver fuffe erñ of MCeixlpMs. "!('.':'j., Mayor t!. M Halt, Ciiairnmu Ï00 00 I)ec. 1. 1873. PiH HSrper Hospital, Detroit, fdr care (-Ï F. Luccy, KulTci-tr by flr i Surou oottüty 32 00 Jan. 2!, 1874. Hii-t für the relief of tho familie', df aix njen of Matester, wb list their llvi-8 m au ( if .rt to trt'n men afloat on the jee ju Ssg&aw Bay i00 M Jan. 23, 1874. Hent lo tüe Supervisor df L-ik' county f ir the reüt-f of the poor Beit'ers cf that connty 200 00 Au. 7, 1H7Í. Sent to Mu-liPRon for the relief ei tufferers by flru $1,022 00 Balacee iu iriy hands 310 75 $l,ö? 7.' I hold vouchers for a,H of above dieburseïnentB. In tho Buramer of 1R7!J the peoplo OÍ IVniirylvania and the city oí Fbil&delphia are to celébrale the one iiundredrh annivcraary of tho birth of the nation, by nppropriatc ceremonies. An invitation has bee:i extended to our pooplo to taKe part thtíiein. I beg lo refer the subject lo you for your coiiaidoiation. Senatcre and BepreBentatives, the variety and impoitance of tho Bubjet:t8 lo which your attention bas been calied are evidenóes oí the intellectual progrese of the poople' aul the developmont oí the mate-ial uteresta of the State. The immcdiate caro nf thcaa intoreBts has been intrusted to your lianda. In the discharge of thia trust you havo the assurs.noe of my eainogt eo-oporakion. Eaob duty havhig been faithfully perforraed, tke eailier we return to our homcb the heartier will be our rrception by an pveeiative people.


Old News
Michigan Argus