Throttled Louisiana
The action of President Grant in 1 reaching out hiB long, bony, military 1 Bngers and iixing their grasp upon the i legislativo throat of the aovereign State of Louisiana, without warrant of organic or statute law, is unparalloled in the oxecutive hiatory of this or any other freo country. Precedont-seokors have named " Pride's Purge " and refoired to French exaniplea, but one must go to eruptivo Spain or volcanio Mexico, and even then the laurels will still rest serenely upon the brow of tho President and liis advisers and abcttora. And yet thero is a greater disregard of the proprieties and docencies of official duty, a greater depth of infamy ; and this lower lovel has been reached by Grant's " trusted Lieutenant," the " man af ter his own hoart," sent down to overawe the people of New Orleans and compel from them graceful submission to the local usurper and tyrant That the reader may know and confesa tho justness yet woakness of our lan guage, we copy in full an official dispatch, for the presumption and atrocity of which the State papers of this country inay be searched in vain : Headcmjarters Military División of Mo., ) New Obleans, La., Jan. 5, 1875. $ Hon. W. W. Belknap, Secretary of War : I think the terrorisin now existing in Tiouisiaria. Mississippi and Arkausas 3ould be entirely removed and confilence and fair dealing established by the arrest and trial of the ringleaders of the arraed White League. If Congrs would pass a bilí Ueolaring thein banditti thoy could be tried by a niiliitary oommission. Tho leaders of this banditti, who mustored men hero on the 14th of last September, and also more recently at Vicksburg, Missisaippi, should, in justice to law aud ordor and the peace aud prosperity of this Southern part of the country be punished. It is possible that if the President would issue a prouluniatiou. declaring them banditti that no fttrther action need be takou except that which would devolve upon me. (Signed) P. H. SHERIDAN, Lieut-Gon. United States Army. Would that we could stop here, or that we could break the blow by questioning the approval of this order by the superiors of this blood-tlürsty General. But even this consolation is denied us, in witness of which we also copy the followingdispatchfrom er body servant of the President, one who a8sume8 to speak for the Presidont and for his entire Uabinet : Wae Depabtmknt. ) Washington, D. .D, January (, 1875 $ General P. II. üheridan, New Orleans: The President and all of us have full confidence ia and thoroughly approve your course. (Signed) Wm. W. BELKNAP, Secietary of War. It was not enough to send armed soldiers into the halls of legislation ; it was not enough for theae soldiers to assume to decide who were or who were not metnbers of a legislativo body ; it was not enough to subordínate the oivil to the military ; but all who do not bend their neoks to both civil and military usurper are denoiinced as banditti, are threatened with a drumhead court martial and military oxecution, if but Congress or the President will wink assent. The memory of a Haynatj or even of a Butler, warriug on defenseless women, is sweet-scented in comparison. No sane man, no man not blinded by partisan rage, can read this dispatch of Sheridan, pronouncing the majority of the people of Louisiana, bishops, clergy, professional men, gentlemen and christians, " banditti," coupled with a prayer for their blood, without shanie and indignation mantling cheek and brow. The Conservatives oL Louisiana may have erred, but they are not the lawless " banditti " Gen. Bheridan has branded thera ; there may havo been irregularity in organizing the Legislature on the 4tu inst., but there was no case for the intervention of the President or his military satraps. This action must be rebuked, and in no unmistakable terms. What has been done in Louisiana may be done in Massachusetts, or New York, or Ohio, or in Michigan. The Executive and the military must be taught tp keep " hands off," and the poople of every state must be guaranteed the right to hold eleotions, and to legislate without Executive or military interference, or the days of the Eepublic are numbered ; and in the language of Senator SCHURZ " Every American who truly loves his liberty will not fail to recognize his own cause in the cause of constitutional governmont." - The official report of tien. SïlERIDAN, dated January 8, is siraply a oonfession of judgment. It shows the islature in session, and that Vien. De Trobbiand interfered to ejcict the five meinbers claioiing seats on the application of Governor Kellogo. The Constitution only authorizes the use of the military by the President to repel invasión or put down insurrection, and not as a Capítol pólice. The cali must also be made by the Legislaturo, if in session, and ouly by the Governor when the Legislature cannot be convened. According to Gen. Siieridan the eall for troops was illegally made, and the troops were illegally used. Court-martial and inipeachment should be the fate of civil and military oflicers who thua viólate the laws for partisan purposes. In naming the Seuate Conimittees, Lieut. Gov. Holt was liberal with the Democrats, giving thern several important chairmanships, and their full share on each committee. The Senators of both parties also seem well-placed. "We can't say the saaie for Speaker HoYT of the House. Not an important chairmanship is given to the niinority, and the chairmen generally do not sepm to have beer seleeted with refereuce to special fitness. The recalcitrant Republicans were tickled with good places, at the expense of the iuterests of logislation and the several State iustitutions. TnE newly formed Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Fon du Lac has eleoted Rev. Leighton Coleman, of Toledo, Ohio, as its flrst Bishop. The Rev. gentleman's residence in Toledo has beon brief, but he has won a wide circle of friends, and has shown a marked administrative ability, whioh would be valuable in organizing a new diocese. At THE LATE8T advices from Lansing, ;he Rev. Zack Chandler wa8 ng to " sit on the ragged edge of 1 ety." mii ' Jovellak, who is to be Alfonso's 3ecretary of War, was one of the butch9ring Captnin-Generals that Spain has inflicted upon Cuba, to its own disgrace. Having deolared that life is unsafe in Louisiana, Sheridan, like a man of honor, naturally seeks an opportunity to make his words come true.. Il' is generally believed in Washington that Geo. H. Boker will be promoted to the Bussian Mission, thongh no such tact is officially roported. THE heirs of Davy Crockett are summoned to establish before next Maroh their claim to sundry large tracks of land in Texas, comprising a part of the oity of Austin aud other valuable real property. AN IMMENSE meeting was held at Cooper Institute, New York, on Monday evening to protest against the military usurpation in Louisiana. The venerable W. C. Bryant and Hon. W. M. Evarts were ainong the speakers. Senator Sciitjrz made an eloquent and able speech on the Louisiana question on Wednesday. His words have the ring of the true metal, and ought to convinoe every citizen who wishes the perpetuation of free institutions that military rule in the States is both unlawful and dangerous. The Legislature coinmenced business on the 6th. The message of Qov. Baqley, read in joint convention on the 7th, will be found in to-day's ARGUS. It is a long document, but it will be found a clear statemeut of the financial oondition of the State and its several institutions. lts recommendations as a whole strike us as well-digested and worthy of attention. The Governor forgot to say any words for Grant or Phil. SheriDAN, or to approve State assassination. A good omen. TlIE Lansing Republican, in a brief notice of the Senatorial oaueus, says : " Tuis being a free country, the following gentlemen refusedto join in the publican Senatorial caucus last week. We cali thein untrammeled, prosuming their votes are not pledgod in any way bat they are free to support whoever is the best candidate for tha Republican party and the State. They are Senator John H. Jones, and Bepresentatives Billings, Briggs, Copley, Garfield, Harden, Neff, Parker, Robinson, Taylor, Van Aken, West." It WAS Congressman Hubbell who " consoientiously" left Washington and carne up to Lansing to aid in Míe reelection of Chandler. It was Congressman HüBBELL who set Senator CHANDLER to practicing with tho rifle iuimediately after the caning of SumNER, and who averred that the Southerners of that day neglected to pick a quarrel with Chandler, because they said the " oíd cuss would fight," at which the aforesaid Chandler slapped his hands and laughed heartily. It is too bad to dull a sharp point, but we can't omit saying that Chandler was not elected Senator until about eight months after SüMNER was struck down in the Senate, and did not take his seat until sixteen months after that event. The Supreme Court of Michigan has just affirmed a decisión of the Superior Court, in a case which carne up on a bilí filed by the plaintiff, who gave a mortgage to the Detroit Building and Savings Aasociation to secure money borrowed, for the purpose of having the mortgage set aeide, on the ground that he had already paid to the Association the amount of money he borrowed from it when he gave the roortgage, which he claimed was for several hundred dollars more than he had received. Judge COCHRANE, of the Superior Court, decided, in substance, that the amouut paid each week should be applied to the payment of the som borrowed, and that when the aggregate of these weekly payments equaled the amount borrowed together with the interest at 7 per cent., the debt to the Association was paid in full ; and that if such weekly payments exceeded the sum borrowed with interest at 7 per cent., then the Association was bound to refund the amount overpaid. This is the decisión now sustained by the Supreme Court. QtriCKENED by the crack of the party whip, and voting under the operation of the " prcvious question," the House, on Thursday of last week, paased the Senate bill " to provide for the resumption of specie payments," the vote being: yeas, 136, all Kepublican ; nays, 98. The bill in question has already been published in the columns of the Arous. The scriptural reader will be rominded on analyzing its provisions, of the book eaten by the Revelator, which proved as sweet as honey in the mouth, but exceedingly bitter in the belly. It is resumption only in promise. It provides for so-called " free banking," the new issues, like the present national bank currency, redeemable in greonbacks and the greenbacks redeemable in nothing. It provides for " retiring" gome $82,000,000 of ereenbacks, but not for ling them, leaving them to be re-issued by any hard-up or intermeddling Secretary of the Treasury. It provides for re ti ring the fractional curreuoy and will leave the country without " change" until specie payments are resumed - in 1879 or sonietinie thereafter. It is essentially a bilí of promiaes, and false promises at that. The Demócrata did well to vote against it. Bearino Early Fruit. - One H. W. Brazie, signing himself "United States District Commiesioner," telegraphs from Charleston, West Virginia, to President Grant, on the llth, gaying, " Send troops here at once." They were wanted to assist in the organization of the Legislature. Had not Chandler better cali for a corporal's guard, to assist in subduing those recalcitrant Bepublican inembers who refuse to vote for him ? That would be just as legitímate and legal as the purpose for which troops were uaed in New Orleang. TnE standing committees of the House (rere announced by Speaker Hoyt on tfonday. The members from thia ooun;y are placed as follows : Messrs. Lay md Clark, coniraittee on Agricultura ; Mr. Lay is also a member of the committoo on Local Taxation, and Mr, Clark af the committee on Eeligious and Benevolent Societies. Mr. Suttoii was made a member of tho committoe on the Goologieal Survey and also on Internal Iinprovements. In the Senate, Mr. Corey, of this county, was placed on the oominittee on Claims and Aocouuts and also on that of Fisherios, bemdes being Chairman of tho committee on Mechanical Inteiosts.
Old News
Michigan Argus