Awful Cold Snap
-Last Friday night one oí tne greai cyciuuou u - dal wavea of polar atmospbere sweyt over the country. In this city the thermometer dropped to 20 deg. below zero. At daylight Saturday morning it marked 8 deg. A keen, cutting wind blew froni the southwest, and there wns hurrying in frigid haste by all who were obliged to go on the gtreets. Bushels of frostbitten ears and fingers have been reported to us. Jack Frost stole stoalthily into cellars and through windowcracks to bite the apples and potatoes and f reeze the milk and beer. The coldest place heard from was Cheyenne, where the inercury almost froze solid, at 37 deg. below zero. In Detroit it was 18 deg. below. A inilkman was frozen to death on his wagon, while driving into the city. All through the región whore the grasshopper plague swept away the food, now comes the freezing cold to weaken or wipe out still more of human life. Eailroads all over Iowa, Nebraska, and Minnesota had to stop running
Old News
Michigan Argus