Aun Arbor Market. Ann Aubob, Thubsday, Jan..lS, 1874. Apfleb- 40@50c. Beans-$1.25. per. bu. BüTTEB- 2Ï0. Cobn- 5Xg60c. per bu. Chiokens- Dressed 8@S)c. Eggs- Command 18tó20c Hat- $1O@1C per ton, aceording to quality. Honey- Ín cap, 22c. Lar - The murket atañas at 14c. ÜN1ONS- $1.00. OaT8-45@48c. POTATOEB- 5O@6Oo. TüBNIPS- 2530c. Wheat- White, $95@1.0S; Amber $.86@1.00 TUBKEYS- 10@12c. Detroit Produce Market. Latest quotations for leading articles ot country produce- Jan. 15, áreas follows : Wheat- white, tl.00@l 09 ; amber l.C0@l .07 Babley- $2.OO@2.7O per cental. Rye- 70@85c. per bu. Cobk- 67@70c. Oats- 66@68o. Potatoeb- 55@70c. Hay-$12@21. BOTTEB- 21@28c. Egqs- 20@24o. Labd- 14@15O. HotlEY- 18@20o - DriedApples 6@7c. TURKEYS - 13@14c.
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Michigan Argus