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Estáte of Nathan Wooster. MTATE OF MICHIGAN, Couiuy of Washtenaw } j SB. At a session of the Probate Court for the unty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, V n the city of Ann Arbor, on Haturday, the nineo eenth day uf December, in the year one thoutmnd e trlit huudred and seventy-four. 'j Present, Noah W. Cheevnr, Jude of Probate. o !n the minter of the estáte of Nithan "Wooater, i v on rtading and lüing fch petitkra, dnly rerifteé, 1 f Aun Woorttcr, Adniiiiintiiitrix, praylng thut t ■ii rnny be licensed to eeil the real e feafcu whereof 1 aiil deceaeed died spixed. I Thereupon it ia Ofdered, Ihat Tnosday. the i wenty-sixth day of January next, at ten ocloek i ti th(ï fnrenoou, be aütnined for the hearing of 1 aid petition, and ihat the heiis at law of said eoeaaed, and all other ponooa interested in said i state, are n;qnired t appear a seftwioti of sail urt, then to bo holdim it tho protate oHiet?, in he Olty of Ann Arbor, tmd show MOM, if any herebe, why the praypr of the petitioner sliould ïot beruniüd; And it íh further order ordered, hatsatp jetiti'nei 'ive BOiue to the runnH in tereotod in s id titc, of tho pendesoy of (fii'i petition and the hearing thercof. by Cftiuáng ft copy of thid order to be published in the Michigan Arffux, a ntwspaper printed iind ciTOÚlsted in naid oounty four nuccessive weeka previous to said day of hüariuif. (A tnie oopy) NOAH W. CHEEVER, l'ilO Jude of Probate, Estáte of Cyrus Bockwith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Wnshlenaw, as. Ata aession of the l'robate Court for the county of WaBhtenaw, holden at the Prolmte oftic- in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the ninth üuy of It;ceiiibt!r, in the year one thousund eight hundred and scveDly four. ]'recnt, Noah W. ( :hec;ver, Judge ot Probate In the mattor of the eetate of Cyrus I)ikwilh, deceaoed. Amarilla H. Beckwith, Kiemitvix of the bist will and testament of xaid deccased, comes into court and representa that whe is now prepared to render hor final account is micli Kxecutrix. Thereupon it is ordercd, tlmt Wednenday, the thirteonth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assined for exumininR and allowlnïsuch account, and th:it the devisees, legnteer. and heirfe t law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession oí said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county . and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said Executrix give ■nHai tr. tho ,iirsrins int.prpsted in sald estáte, oí IHHjllX? LU Lilti IJCiClWJAD lUH-iH'in-M ■■■ v"- - vï - - th pcndency of said account, and the hearine" theieof , by causing a copy of this order to be publishRdinthe Miditgan Arpa, a newspaper printcd and circuluting in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A trne copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEB, 1508 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DËFATJLT havingbeen made in the conditions of a certain inortgage (whereby the power of sale in haid mortgage has become oporativej executed by Merchant H. Goodrich, of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Elizabeth Smilh, of Plymouth, Wayne county, Michigan, which mortgage isdaled the seventh day of September, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the office of the KegiBter of Deeds, of Washtenaw county, on the seventh daj of September, A. L. 1872, at eleven o'clock a. m. of said day, in liber 46 of mortgnges, on page :!40, which said mortgatfe was duly assigned by said Elizabeth Smith to Leonard Vaughn, by deed of aasignment, dated February twentieth, 1874, which assignment was duly recorded in the otiice ot said Kegiater of Deeds, on the tourth day of January, A. D' 1875, at 8 20 o'clock a. M. of said day, in liber 4 of assignmentn of mortgagea, on page 477, and was by the said Leonard Vauhn duly assigned to Jeruaha 1 Noble, by deed of assignment, dated Febmary twenty-seventh, 1874, which assignment was duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds, on the fourth day of January 1875, atKJo'clock A. M. of said day, in liber 4 of assignments ot moitgaget, on page 478, and there being claimed to be due and unpaid on said mortgage, and the note accompanying the same, at the date of this notice, the sum of six hundred and twenty-three dollars and fiftynine cents ($6-3.59), together with thirty dollars in said mortgftge, stipalated and agreed to be paid, as an attorney'8 or solicitor's fee, in case proceediugs should be taken to toreclose said mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice is therefore, hereby given, that on Honday, the twelfth day of April. A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in tfte cuy or Ann Aroor, irnar heing the place for holding the Circnit Court for said county of WaBhtenawlI shall Bell at ptibliiauction, to the highest bidder, the premises deBeribed in said mortgage. or so much thereof au shall be neccssary to satisfy said amount, with interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, which said premiees are described in said mortgage asi follows, to-wit : All of lots numbered thirteen and fourteen f13 and 14}, in block number three (3i north of Huron street, in range number four f4J of the original plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated January 4, 1875. JKRUHHA P. NOBLF, Teacy W. Root, Assignee of Mortgage. Att'y for Assignee. Estáte of Frederick Ellsworth. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Atasesaionof the ProDate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty eigüth day of December, in the year one thousiinrt eiirht hnndred and seventy-four. l'resent, Noah W. (Jhuever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the efitute of Frederick Ellsworth, deceased. Sarah Ellsworth, Administratrix, with the will annexed of &aid estáte, comes into court nnd represents that she is now prepared to render her flnal account as such Admini.-tratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the tweijty-Üith day of January uext, at ten o'clock m the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such nccount. and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county , and show cause, if any there be. why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered tbat said Admiaistratrix Kive no tice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causino; a copy of this order to be publi&heed in the Michigan Argus, a newspapei printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks urevious to aid day of hearine. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1511 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Caleb Moore. iT ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, o as. At a session oí' the Probate Court tor the iounty of Washtenaw, holden at the í'robate Office, inthe city of Ann Arbor, on Mouduy, the twentyeifrhth day of December, in tbe year one thousand eight hundied aud seventy-four. Present, Noab W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of B. Franklin Gooding, praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to Probate, and that he may be appointt-d sole executor thereof. Thert-upon it is ordeied, that Monday, the twenty-tifth day of January next, at ten o'clock ui theforenoon, be assigned for the hearing of Baid petition, and that the devisees, legatees andbeirs at law of said estáte, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at session of said court, then o be holden at the Pro. bate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peutioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that baid petitioner give notice to the persons intereeted in Baid estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing :i copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, s newspaper pnnted and cinculating in said county, three suecessive weeks pre"TtruepyT f h N'OÏH W. CHEEVER, 151] Judye of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage f whereby thapower of sale in said mortgage has become operative) executed by John Hartman and Calhrin Hartman, of Saline, Wasbtenaw county, Michigan, to Joho Lowry, Jr., of the same place, which mortgage is dated tho twenty-third day of January, A. 13. 1868, and recorded in the office of the Register of I)i edB of Washtenaw county, on the third daj of April, A D. 1868, at 12 o'clock M. of said day, in líber 39 uf mortgages, on page 90, which said mortgage was duly assigned by said John Lowry, Jr. to Mary E. Foster by deed oí assignment, dated March thirteenth, 186!', which assignment ms duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds, on said thirteenlh (13) day of March, at b'A p M of said day, in líber two of assignraents of mortgages on page 134, and there being olaiined to be uue and unpaid on said mortgage and the note accompanying the aame at the date of this uotice the sum of flve thousand seven hundred and fliteen dollars and seventeen cents 15,715.17). and there bcinj.' also claimed as becoming dne hercafter on said mortguge aud note the sum of thirty six hundred dollars 3,600) and interest. also an attorney's iee of ttfty dollars as provided for iu said mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity hfiviüg been iustituted to recover the same or any part ihereof: Notice is therefore 'heroby given, thnt on Saturday, thetwenty-seventh dav of March, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the for'enoon of said day, at tho south door of the Oourt House in Ihe city ot Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw) I shall sell at public auction, to the hiuhest bidder, the premises desenbed in said mortguge, or so much thereof as shall be necessaxy to satüfy said amount, with interest costs and expenses allowed by law, whioh said premises are described in said mortgoge as Mlowa, towit: Allthose tri ets or pareéis of land situated in the township of Saline, Washtennw county, and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to wit : The southeast quarter of section ïiiueteenasi.andthesouthweBtquarterofthcnorth east quarter of section nineteen (19), and the aoutheuot quarter of the northwest quarter of sec tion nineteen (19), and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section eiehteon ,18), township four H) fouth of range flve (5) enst ; also ten (10) acres of land off the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 'hirteen 13) in town 4, south range four east, bounded as fows: 10 hcres off from the outh side of the southeast quarter ot the southeast quarter of section thirteenfl3), town four soivth range four east, being thirty rods north and south, and eighty rods east and west, all of said description oontain ing two huudred and ninety (200) acres of land more or less. Dated December 31, 18,4. D Chameb, Assignee of Mortgnge. Att'y for Assignee, 1511 Attachment Notice. rpHE CIRCUIT COUHT for the County of L Washtenaw. William W. WinesnndC 'liarles H. Worden ns. Mary R. Btringham. Notioe is hereby given thnt on tho thlnl day of December, A. D. 1874 a writ of attachment was duly usued out of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, at the suit of William W. Wines and Charles II. Worden the nbove named plaintiffs. palm tlielanils, tenements, gool8 and chattels, moneys aud eects of Mary R. Stringham, the derendant above named for tLe sum of one hundred and three dollars and eighty-flve cents, which said writ was raturnnble on the fffth day of January, A. D. 18,5. Dated this6th day of January, A. D. 1875. lau D. CRAMEB, Atfy for Plaintlff Jlortgage Sule. [ITHKREAS James McMahon ana Fan,.!. „ V Mi.hon of the city of Alm Arbor oo„m ' Vashtenaw and State of h ] igti .011 the fiuKtC ' f March, in the year of oiar Lord, one th„, ! ipht hundred and seventy-one. executed age to Samuel Huloluns'.n, f:1 Brooklyn, in thps t New York, to secure the. paim;nt of .ïï irincipal and interest money t.lier'-in menu thich nuartgage was recoidrd in the otütte ata' legiatei "f Dciil in Miiil eounty, un the il eenthduy of Murch, A. D. 7I, at font ana0' wit o'olook i'. m nf nil day, in libet 4?, ," J iages, on page 482, and whereas defatdt hasTÜf made for more than thirty dnys in the Jaymnt at I instnllinent of interest money which becamcii c thecighth dayof September, A.D. I873 v-r!1 wheleof and purnuant to the teims of said mortl10' said mortniigeehereby electa that so much Jt 8" principal as remains unpaid, with all arrearas interentthereon, hall become duu and pnyaw 0! 1 mediatily, and whereaa tliere is claimed to kT i01" I and unjiaid on said niortgiige at the date of thi, "' I tice Uve thoiisand eight hundred and ixty.8i; I inr and flftyeight cent for principal and , ' alao an attorney's fee of thirty tive dollars ' any prooeedinn be taken to foreolose the 8am ' addition to all other roftH; and m suit or prol? I ingt having been inHtituted either in law or eomt ' I recover the name or any part thertof: Kotïil0 therefore hereby given, thiit on the twenty-third ] S of January next, at two o'clock in the afterrlfm said dsy, at thé front door of the Court House ".f1 city of Ann Arofr, fthat betng the place at holt he Circtiit f'ourt for HÜd ronnty), and by Yirha I ;he pwer of Bale coutained in waid moir sell ut public auction, to the hi' hest bidder n prenuafla flutii ibed in safd to sariBtvu amount of principal and interest above clai de, with the'ehiii'Ke ot tticli sale and attomey-t ' of thirty-üve dnll-irs: All those oertain piewt prtieelsof land situated in tbe towriwhip of AnaV1 ■ bor, county of Washtenaw and Htate ato known, bounded, and depcribed as follows, toi Being tbe west fraction of tlie noi tli-west ftactin 1 quartcr of section number seventeen flj] lon,tt, her two (2) eouth of ranre number six ((;, oa8( L' taining sixty-nine acres of lnnd fexcept nitie',„ sold to Jonn T.. Tappan) alo the east luilfoffh I southeast fractional quartpr of section severat I townnhip nv'tmber two eouih of rrap nurnb,. eaat, contaínintí about aeventy acres, exo acres sold to Fralick and ten acres sold to ni I all tht part of the south half of section tï! I seventeen ( 17 ) township ntimber two Booth of rarïï ' number Mix (tij east, lyinc between the raüro river, north of the line, containirjr about Bixty1 acres, containing in all one hundred and sixtZ!? I acres of land. Dated, October 30, 1S74. HAMUEI, nl'TCniKPOK John N. Gott, Mortgagee ' Att'y for Mortgagee. 1502 SherifTs Sle BY VIRTUE of oue execution iesued out of j under the sealof the Circuit Court for the anatt of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me dirwJ wheroin John Olancy is plaintin and Patrick & and Sliza Kelly are defend;ints, and for the aiu goods and ehattels, I have this day seized andlerw upon all the right, title and interest of Patriek' Kliza Kelly uforesaid, in and to the follnwiniHi acribed. property, la wit : Tlie eaat half of thesont east quarter of section thirty ; ala the oorthf quarter of the southeast quarter of section tmnb, nine, all in township number one south ofn six east, Wiishtenaw county, Htate of Michj which above descríbed propprty I ahalï expo [: sale at public auotion, as the law directa, to tfc hihest bidder, at the south duor of the Coar Houkc in the city ot' Ann Arbor, on 1 tiftecnth day of February next, A. D. 1 874, &t la o'clock a. m. of naid day. Dated, Jannary 1, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Uil By WK. H. MoIntïre, Dep'yShwil j Mortgage Sale. DEFAU iT having been made in the conditioMod f certain mortgafie (whereby the power of Mie: ' said mortgage ha bi;come operative] oxtcuttiib)!evan E. Doanc and Fannie L. Doane, oí the city f Ann Arbor, county of WaBhteníLW and íjtnj ■ Michigan, to Sarah (i. Winner of Penniagton, g! eer county, New Jersey which mortguge is di the twentieth day of Ajril, A. D. 1871, and record in the oiüce of the Register of Deeda for ftudtgm of "Washtenaw, on the twenty-fourth day of Apt i A. D. 1871. at 4:45 p. m., -in liber 46 of mortgegei,;page 90, and there being claimed to bedm on said mortgage and tho note accumpanyiEg;:. same at the date of thia notice the sum of one Ek sand eight hundred and nineteeu dollars audfij-r cents Cfl.Sli) 50), also an attomey's fee of tTfi:?. flve dollars as provided for in Baid mortgHge,fin: proceedings at law or in equity having bten Dé tuted to recover the same or any pnrt thcreof: h tice is therefore hereby given, that on baturdiy;. sixteenth day of January, A. D. 1875, o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at door of tha I ourt House . in the city of .'. fthat being the plnce for holding the f for saiu county of Wnshtenaw), 1 sliall edl at p: - lic auction to the highest bidder, the I wcribed in said mortgage, or bo muph Ihereof ajsh 1 be necesaary to satisfy said amouut, v.: costs, and expenses allowed by law, whu: iaes are decribed in said mortgnge as follows: U 9 of the fnllowing desoribed piece of land : Coontt I ine nt a poinl in the south line of Hun i twelve rods wet of the east line of section thirt I in town number two south, and range numte a east, in the eounty of Waahtenaw and Bta igan, running thence west on Huron rods, thence south eiuht rods, thencc e art Mini, thence north eight rods to the place of begiraiit. Dated, October 15, 1874. SARAH G. WINNER, D. CllAMEB, Mortgagit Att'y for Mortgagee. 1500 Mortgage öale. WHEHEAS default has been made in ti tioH.s of a certain indenture ol mortgage .' ing date the seventh day of .lanuary. il 1871, made by Mary Gore, of the city ol Valitcnaw "county aud of Michigan, to Jo i I T. Hallock, of the same place, and recoided II I office of the Kcgister of Deeds of said Washtenaw, on the day last meutioned,ft1 p. M., in Liber 43 of Mortgages, on pa M& kin said mortnge was dulv assignea by said .Iota T.lir lock to William Hulbert, on the 24th day of tauirt. a. D. 1872, and the instrument of the assignaat thereof recorded in said liegister's olfici'. tj-feurth day of August, a. d. 1874, at ti i M., In Líber 4 of assigniucnts ul 370; and was again duly assiii'il bv ;üd Hulben Christian Eberbach andEmanuel Mann. of Ann Arlior, on the twenty-second of ! 1874 and the instrument of assignmen corded in said Register' office, on the tweiitj-lmr: day of August, A. o. 1874, at 4% o'clock p. M.,inliM 50 of mortgages, on page 520 ; and there is dum unpaid on said mortuace ai the date oí the sum of flve hundred and ninety-four dollanit thirty cents, togethi-r witli thirty dolían HM mortgage stipulated and agreed to be paid as ia torney's or solicitor's or collec-tiMii tre, in ' ceedings should be taken to foreclose said mortae amouiitinK in all to the sum of six hunoM"1 twenty-lour dollars anu imrry w un.-u ■ clilmed to be duo thereon, and no suit or proceda? at law or in equity has been Instituted to recom; debt secured Sj said mortgage or any a Notice is therefore beri'ly glven, 1 1 ; :i t brlt the power of sale in said mortgage cootalne,.' foreclose said mortgage by sak' at publl the highest bidder, on Monday, the twi of January, in the year 1875, at ten oí H the foreiioon of said day, at the soutli Court House in said city of Ann Arh House being the place of holding the ('ireui. within said county of W'ashtenaw, of the pf n aaid mortgage described, nainrly: All ol lolt bered seven (7) in block number one (1) in Unn Page's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, agtW' to the recorded plat thcreof. Dated, Ann Arbor, October 27th, I74. CHRISTIAN KBERBACh. EMANUEL MAMH, A. Fklch, Attorney Af? for Assignees. LMortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the KÍ"_, h certain mortgage (whereby the poeI",T, became operativo in said mortgage), ewn v Hamnel Bortle and Marión Bortle his wife, o! tenaw county, State of Michigan, to AUMSjJ don, of the county and State aforesaid, &_' . theeighthdayof August. A D 1870, and re in the Kegisters office, of the county of on the tenth day of August, 18Í0, at V, o'"; m liber 44 and page 831, and duly M'PyVU. Allen H. Risdon to Norman B. Covert, of tM Bhip ot Ann Arbor, the second day of Janua'f' JJ which assignment was recorded July "J_ 1873, in liber 4 of assignment of mortgage!. m i. 73, and there being claimed to be due on ""1 gage and the note accompanying the ame torn..;, dollars and sixty-eight cents, and also M"1"":.. and ten dollars, with interest at the rale ot-. cent. per annum, from the date of August eig1;,, ; which has become due by reason of Bald det aui u electionlof aid mortgagee making the wbole m on said mortgage and note iour hunijr. nine dollars and twenty-one cents at the obk notice, also an attorney fee of thirty doll''_1JL: vided for in said mortgage, and no P"f M;l i luw or in ohancery huving been instituted tt" the same or any part thereof : Notiee . herebygiven, that on Monday, the eig of January, 1 876, at eleven o'clock in the WL of said day; at the south door of the _"& theoity of Ann Arbor (that being the ptaM inir the Circuit Court for sid county of ! J_f Sji 1 will sell at public auotion to the 1gheM_";t: the premiBes described ie said mortfrage. " " :; thereof as hall be necessary toiattafy i___5 with interest, cost and expeniws, whien F ,. are described as follows. to wit : All of lol" sixteen, in section number flve, in Ulon 1" ,. addition to the villnge of Saline, county ot " naw, and State of Michigan, accordmg to tbe rw plat thereof. .ted, Ann Arbor, OctobjrH. 'rT 1Í00 . Assignee of MortPIS, Estáte of Kader, Minors. ( OTATK OF MICHIGAN, county of WasM0';ï !5 At a ession of the l'robate Court lur tlie ■., Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Uftceini y of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtietb d! ,: vember, in the year one thousand eight Inmon "TresentNoah W. Cheever, Judge of Frob. In the matter of the estáte of Anna BW k,, Catherine Kader, Caroline Kader, train der, and Godirey H Kader, minors „riflei'1 On rending and flling the petition, duly ver' s Juhn O. GroM, guardián, prayinK ._. tt é licensed to sell certain acal estáte beloning minors. _ veTiintli Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, "'„,, D of lebruary nexl, at ten o'clock in the lor e b assigned for the hearing of said petitwn, M „,, next of kin of said minors, and all. o'"",,,;: iuterested in said estáte, are reqmred n JJj, at a session of said Court, then to " Aim at the Probate Office, in the l ïty ƒ „;, and show cause, if any there be, whywt of the petit'oner houM "ot ?_ gl_HHmer f it is further ordered, that said .petit ■ o fS„, uotice to the persons interested in ■ hear;, of the pendency of suid petitwn, """ ltobe r: thereof, by causing a copy of this order t _„,, lished in the Michigan Argus, a nS"' and circulated in suid County, fourucce" previous to said day of hearing. ___eyiB, (A true copy.) NOAH ggN FWELLING HOUSES iuB SAl' Alareeandvery well built brick h"1196,,! ormor?lots. Two larje framed h... ,„, ii.ed briek house and frumed houae dj „af frame house on a good lot, intended for a11 for sale on fair torms and a reasonable mea Alsoother buildings, lots, and propertj. , nOXKY WANTED-So ""L'ïïobW orrow money applv to me that I can reaoi , p toTUruUn good atisfactory invostments cent. ntere . E w_ MOBÖAJI' Ann Arbor, April 2S, 1873.


Old News
Michigan Argus