Local Affairs
StTBSCKIBE FOB THE AltOUS - olily $1.50 per teU' - The time for paying taxes will expire on me 2ótb instant. __The ico uow being cut on the mili pDnd is tweDty inches in thickness. - Chas. A. Leiter has been afllcted during he past week with diptheria. - TimothyE. Keating has returned ftom California, where he has been for the last three jxraths. - The Faculty of the University have jnnted Miss Josephiue A. Day, of this city, ,e dcgree of Ph. B. -Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Wallace, of Manchester celebrated their China Wedding at their iesidence, Monday evening. - The steam pipes of the Mineral Springs gouse and Cook's Hotel were frozen up dur02 the extreme cold of Friday night. - Chas. A. Chapin, of this city, has been appointed Assistant Enrolling and Engrossing Clerk of the House. A good appointment. _ We learn that Joseph McMahon, of Manchester, has sold one-half interest in the Goodyear House, of that village, to G. ConkÜll-ll - Cards, Letter-Heads, Bill-Heads, Statements, and all kinds of job priutiug, done at the AEGUS office in the best style and at lowest prices. _ V. M. Hathaway, forraerly of the Abqus office, and receutly connected with the Grand Eapids Post, is now assistant editor of the Port Huron Times. - Judge Walker, of Detroit, will give the discourse at tJuiversity Hall next Siinday ifternoou, Dr. Cocker beiug too unwell to fiU his engagement. - The nrm of Wood, Perrin & Co. has been dissolved, Mr. Perrin retiring from the lirm. The business will hereaf ter be conducted by S. Wood & Sou. - Agnus Duncan, a resident of Whitmore Lake, aud well kuown in this city, died of consumption at his sister's residence in Jackson last Friday evening. - An exaimuation of the Clark boys, charged with thieving from a hotel at Saline, comes up again for a hearing to-raorrow, on an adjourament from last Saturday. The annual meeting of the Congregational Church society was not held on Monday eveniDg, owing to the unfavorable weather, but postpoiied to next Thursday evouing. - Last Saturday was the coldest day of the seasou, the thermometer in some places indicating twenty degrees below zero, and but httle business was transacted in the city. - Last Saturday benig so very cold, the large nuinber of workmeu eniployed in fillinS the different ice-houses on the banks o{ of the mili pond, suspended operations for the day. - Edgar A. Burnett, the newly appointed eipress agent at Jackson, speut lastSabbath in towii, visiting his parents and friends, and received many congratulatious on his promotion. - Hiram G. Brown, of Pittsburgh, Pa., who will be rsmembered by all the old timers that attended the Union School in 1861, was registered at Cook's Hotel, one day last week. - The Senior class of the University have ucceeded in making another choice for class photographer. This time Handall, of Detroit, is the lucky man. Next week it raay be some one else. % -Prof. Harringtou is engaged upon a work whichwill coutain tables for the true'analysis of medicinal plants and preparations for them. It is aaid that there is no similar work in our language. - Quite a valuable cross-cut saw, belonging to inQu who were chopping and sawiug logs in the woods of N. Booth of Pittsfield, was stolen ju Tuesday night. Some axes which were hidden with the saw were left undisturbed. - Prof. Adams new book, " Democracy and Monarchy in France," has been adopted as a test-book at Cornell University for students in French history. It has received, on the whoie, very complimentary notices from the preBS. - David Pickett, while engaged in filling the ice-house of M. Audi us, last Friday, received a serious injury in the right hand, by having it caught between a large cake of ice, and the hook used for drawiug it into the ice-house. - Last Saturday a Mr. Friten, who resides in the Third ward, while on his way to the depot, was so overeóme with the cold, on High Btreet, that he feil down several times, and by great exertion he reached a neighboj's house, where he was cared for. - In the case of Mrs. Colvin vs. Gottleib Lodholz, for selling liquor to a minor, tried befote Justice Clark, and submitted to the court about two weeks since, the court has decreed that the defendant pay $40 damages and coste_ The amounts have beeu paid. - The annual election for Directora of the First National Bank of this city, was held on Tuesday, and the following were elected : P. Bach, C. H. Millen, Hiram Arnold, D. Henning, E. Wells, J. W. Knight, Chas. Tripp, John Henley, and Jas. Clemente. - Next Wednesday eveniug the Caroline Eichings Bernard Musical Union appear aj Univereity Hall. This concert troupe embraces, we believe, about 1 8 mem bers, and they will be dressed in costume. A rare treat is offered to our music-loviug citizens. -Eev. Dr. E. P. Stebbins, of Ithaca, N. Y., will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian Church' for the next four Sundays, morning and eveuing, and alao take charge of the students' class. Dr. 8. is well known as one of the distinguished preachers in the Uuitarian denomination. - Judge Grane again fiuds the time for holding the February term of the Circuit Court iïiterfered with, on account of the appointed öay coming on the 22d of February, a legal toliday. In order that the term shall not be lost, a Bpecial term has been ordered, to commence on the 23d. - Chas. Bradlaugh, the great English reformer, who lectured before the S. L. A. a short time since, has been invited to deliver another lecture before the association, and has accepted. The date has not yet been definitely fijed, but will probably be Feb. 15th. Sub ;ct : " Repubhcanism." -The Dexter Leader says: Waihtenaw county contributed Norman J. Spear to the Population of Jacksou last mouth, and he was peared without any mconvenience. If he had goiie before he committed that larceny he might have been Spearing around in the Central City at hi8 own sweet will, instead of Spearing for rice in the State Prisou soup. - Mouday evening last, two young me boarding at the Walker House, while at supP hal their over ooats stolen, by two tramps who registered at the house the day before. They represented to the proprietor that they "ere from Canada, and were engaged in selling cassimeres. Tliey went east the same even'g. and were last seeu at Ypnilanti. - The concert given by the Camille Urso Concert Troupe at University Hall last Tuesday evening was a great success, financially and otherwise. The different inembers were fepeatedly encored, and Mr. Budolphsen was called out the secoud time. Camille Urso, tkough laboring under the disadvantage of being quite ill, sustained her well-earned reputation as a great violinist. The audience was the largest of tne eeasou, many comiifg trom "eighboring places. Xt is rumored that E. Schuyler, tor the past 24 years the able and popular agent at the M. C. E. R. depot in this city, has been notifled from headquarters that his resignatiou would be accepted, and that he has compüed with the notice, to take effect the tirst of next month. A few diiys since a petition was circulatod among the business men of the city, and signod by all, aaking that Mr. Sclmylor be rotained in his place. - Non-coramissioucd ofticers were olected by the directora of compauy B on Monday evening as follows : Orderly sergeant, Geo. B. Schwab; First Sergeant, C. S. Fall; Second Sorgeant, C. Weitbrecht ; Third Sergeant, J. J. O'Rourk; Fourth Sorgeaut, W.F. Eeed ; Color Bearer, H. Allmendinger ; First Corporal, H. A. Hutzel; Second Corpora!, O. Tucker; Third Corporal, C. Ludlow ; Fourth Corporal, M. O'Brien; Fifth Corporal, A. L. Worden ; Sixth Corporal, Foster Reeve ; Seventh Corporal, G. Mclntyrc ; Eighth Corporal, W. A. Hatch, Jr. - About three weeks ago there arrived in this city from one of the interior towns of Illinois, Thomas Murray, Jr. Over twenty years ago his father, a well-to-do farmer in Northfield, died leaving a small fortune to his two sons, John and Thomas, Jr. During the absence of the eider Murray, two valuable lots on North Main Street were sold, by the ad ministrator of the estáte supposiug, at the time, that all of the heirs were dead ; but now, after an absence of twenty-two year, Thomas Murray, Jr. comes in and claims over six thousand dollars, principal and interest, from the party who settled up his father's estáte. He has retained counsel to look up his case. - Wm. Deubel, late of the Sinclair Mills, of this city, has finally ellected the purchase of the Follett Mills at Ypsilanti, and took possession of the property on Monday last. This sale has been in progress for several months, and owing to trouble in gettmg possession, was not consummated sooner. Eber B. Ward, the owner of the property, just previous to his death, made the necessary papers for the sale, and au arrangement for possession being provided for, Mr. Deubel was pennitted to enter into irnmediate control. The property purchased includes, in addition to the flouring mili, a piaster mili, saw mili, and several acres of land. The price'paid was $45,000. Mr. D. has had a large mouut of experience in mili business, and is a successful mili manager, and will be a valuable acquisition to the business interests of Ypsilanti. It is understood that he will continue his residence in this city, and intends, as soon as arrangements can be made, to supply his old customers of this city with flour, etc. - A largely-attended meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Companv was held at the Court House on Wednesday to receive the report of the committee appointed to revise the charter. The report was discussed at great length, but the meeting could not adopt it, because the law provides that a notice of a proposed araeudment shall be published at least five weeks before action is taken upon it, and that it shall also receive the signatura of the Attorney-General. The affairs of the company have not moved along of late as smoothly as the members could wish, and the opiuion seems to prevail that there have been too many iucendiary fires. Resolutions were offered to fix the amount insured for at two-thirds of the value of real estáte, and that only two-thirds of the value of personal property destroyed should be paid upon adju3tment, but all were finally laid upon the table. After adopting a resolution offenng a reward of 1500 for the detection of anyone uring property insured by the company, the meeting was adjourned for six weeks. We shall publish the proposed new charter next week.
Old News
Michigan Argus