Common Council Proceedings
An aujourned meeting ot the Uommon Couucil was held on Mouday evening. Aid. Cate appointed Chairman, pro tem. Boíl called. Absent, Mayor Beakes and Aldermen Grossman, Deubel, and Seabolt. ïhe committee to whom was referred the petition ot P. Bach and others, relative to signs acroas Bidewalks, was granted more time Aid. Cate, oí Sidewalk Committee, made a verbal report in regard to assessments for building sidewalks. Aid. Rhodes moved that so mach of the report as relates to assessment of John S. Weller, and the offer to pay $40 be adopted. Carried. On motion of Aid. Rhodes, the report, relative to the assessment of E. W. Morgan, and bis offer to pay the amount, was adopted. On motion of Aid. Rhodes, the matter of the Chapin and O'Hara assessment were postponed for further eonsideration. Aid. Rhodes, from Finance Committee, reported two bilis, recoinmending their allowance, and warrants were ordered drawn on general fuud for their amount. Leave being granted, Dr. W. B. Smith, President, submitted the report of the Board of Health, for the year 1874, On motion of Aid. Rhodes, the report was accepted and ordered placed on file. Aid. Mclntyre, from special committee on claim of E. B. Gidley, asked further time. Granted. Aid. Wood, from special committee on petition of S. Pettibone, asked further time. Grauted. Aid. Rhodes addressed the Council relative to the neces8ity of a new registration of the voters of the city, and in regard to the adoption of measures for obtainiug from the Legislature the necessary authority to have the same aceomplished. Actiou postpoued till next meeting. Leave being granted, City Attorney Granger addressed the Council on the question of water-works, and submitted amended resolutions, which we publish in auother CDlumn, and stated the object of the cbange. Af ter a general discussion, the further eonsideration of the matter was postponed till next Monday evening. On motion the Council adjourned to Monday evening uext. The Canada Southken. - We publish elsewhere the time oard of tüe Canada Southern Railroad, giving the departure of trams from Detroit. The company is beuding every energy to make thia new thoroughfare from Chicago to Buffalo an attractive one, both foi freight and travel. Two expresa trains, with palace and sleeping cars, run daily to Toledo aud Buffalo, makiug counections with the New York Central and other roads for the farther east. Thia road, when completed to Chicago, which will be during the coming summer, and better known to the traveling public, will be a popular route. At the meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Company on Wednesday, one of the speakers stated that a great deal of feeling and trouble had grown out ot the large number of loases by the company, and otfered the following resolution : Resolved, That we will not have any more ñres in our company tor the apace of two yeara. The person who offered the above should have added : Andwehereby direct th at President Grant shall send a military iorce to patrol this couuty, and keep the vagauonds and incendiarles from burniug up our property. Shebiff's Appointments.- Sheriff Fleming has made the tollowiug appointments : UNDEK SHEKIFF. Myron Wehb, Saline. DEPUTIES. "Wm. H. Mclntyre, Ann Arbor. Tho. J . Hoskiiia, Ann Arbor. J W. Lawson, Ann Arbor. Jas. M. Forsyth, Ypsilanti. Frank Whiting, Salme. Altred Miller, Saline. J. S. Case, Mauchester. W. W. McLanahan, Milan. Christopher Bilby, Dexter. O. N. Allen, Chelsea. V. W. Suniner, Turukey at jail.
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