Report Of The Board Of Health Of The City Of Ann Arbor, For The Year 1874
OraOI OF THK BOA.KD OF HEALTH, Ann Aibor, Mich., Jan. lst, i Hotí. H. J. Bkakes, Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor. Sik : For the secoml time in the history of this city. the Board of Health of the city oí Aun Arbor respoctfully transmit the t'ollowing report. We are happy to say that, for the year 1874, there has been uo case of small pox in the city. There has been an unusual amount of typhoid lever in the city during the months of August, September, and Outocber. By the most careful investigation, we have been uuable to trace out its origin, for the disease has been no respector of persous, occuriug in all classes of society, the better classes sumiring the most. There has been forty-seveu (47) cases of typhoid lever, niue of which proved fatal. There has been twenty-three cases of scarlet fever reported, most of them being of the mild form, only two being tatal ; those were attended with the malignant torm of sore throat. Whoopiug cough has been very prevalent. As near as we can learn, there has been nintyseven (97) cases, one proving fatal m the case of a child three mouths of age. There has only been two cases of measeis reported, and these were very mild. There have beeu seven cases of diphtheria reported to this office, one of which proved fatal. There were sixty-seven (67) deaths in the city during the year 1874, it being thirty-three (33) less than for the year 1873. Of these there died during the month of No. Male. Female. January, 4 2 2 Febuary, 6 4 March, 7 4 3 April, 8 3 5 May, 4 8 1 June, 3 1 2 July, 7 3 4 August, 6 2 3 September, 8 5 3 October, 6 2 4 November, 5 2 3 December, 4 3 1 Total, 67 34 33 There died of Whooping Cough, 1 Inflamation of the Brain, 4 Comsumption, 14 Diphtheria, 1 Oíd age, 5 Still Born, 4 Scarlet Fever, 2 Inflamation of Bowels, Cholera Infantum, 6 Heart Disease, 5 Typhoid Pneumonía, 1 Inflamation of Luugs, 2 White Swelling, 1 General Debility, 1 Rheumatism, 2 Inflamation of Bladder, 1 Typhoid Fever, 9 Child Birth, 2 Cáncer of Stomach, 2 Accidental Death, ■ 1 Cholera, 1 Total, 67 The census of 1870 gave our population at 7,363. That would make our death rate at about .09 3-223 of one per cent. Or in other words, one person dies to every 109 60-67 persons living in the city. Births, owing to the law requiring the Supervisors to report the births, and as they do not report them tor 1874 until next spring, we are unable to give them in this report. There have been one hundred and five (105) complaints made and attended to by the Board. The people generally have willingly complied with our orders, and in no case have we been obliged to prosecute for the non-compliance with them. I am sorry to say that those who have been the most reluctant to comply with the same have been the physicians and undertakers. But we have good reason tö believe that they will do better for the coming year. We have granted twelve,(12) permits for the removal of corpses from the city during the year. All of which we respectfully submit, W. B. Smith, M. D., lst Ward. J. Kapp, M. D., 2d Ward. H. Paul, 3d Ward. A. DeFobst, 4th Ward. Tho. Wilkenson, M. D., 5th Ward. E. B. Gidley, 6th Ward. W. B, SMITH, M. D. President of Board of Health. E. B. Gidley, Secretary.
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