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Real Estate Sales

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The followiug transfers of real estáte have been recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County during the past week : Eber B. Ward to William Deubel, the mili property, near M. C B. E. depot, Ypsilanti, including the flouring mili, saw mili, piaster mili, and adjoiniug lands. $45,000. Aarou L. Feldkamp to Paul Reyer, 20 acres of land on section 18, in Bridgewater. $675. Franci8 Ely to Harvey Butler, 4 acres of land on aection 13, in Augusta. $60. William H. Colhns to Benjamin C. Boyce, 40 acres of land on seotion 8, also the se. qu. of nw. qu. of same section, in Lyndon. $1,350. James Laughlin to Henry B. Smith (quit claim) the w. hf. of sw. qu. of section 23, in Northfield, $50. Rebecca J. McAllister to John J. McAllister, (quit claim) the w. hf. of sw. qu. oi seotion 18, in Lodi. Í200. Margaret McNamara to Frank McNamara, (quit claim) piece of land on section 12, in Sylvan. $500. Mannda L. White to Samuel L. House (quit claim), a piece of land on Dixboro road, 5th ward, Ann Arbor. $1. State of Michigan to H. H. Brinkerhoff, 26 1-5 acres of land on section 12 in York, benig certifícate No. 11 of Normal School land. $196 50. Michael J. Noyes to James Hamilton, lot 9, block 2, Jas M. Congdon's first addition to Tillage of Chelsea. $475.. George Newton, by attorney, to Lucy Newton, (quit claim) all his interest in the w. hf. of se. qu. of section 20, in York. $500. Lucy Newton to Alfred Davenport, (quit claim) all the interest conveyed to her by Alfred Davenport, in w. hf. of se. qu. of section 20, in York. $600. Ammon Lee to William W. Riggs, 21 acres of land one secttion 31, in Sylvan. $800. Benjamin Bailey to George W. Bailey, piece of land on Hibbard Road, village of Manchester. $300. Elizabeth Banks to' George W. Bailey, (quit claim) her interest in a piece of land on Hibbard Road, village of Manchester. $160.