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Probate Court

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Following are the transactions of the Probate Court for the.week ending Jan. 13, 1875 : Estáte oí Eozette Valentino, disease ; notice to creditors published ; to be heard on March, 27 and June, 25, by Bobt. Shaw and Loren J. Wheelock, Commissioners. Estáte of Veit Zeeb, deceased ; petition for hearing final iccount ; day of hearing Feb. 10. Bátate of Eichard Flannery, deceaaed ; notice to creditors published ; to be heard April 10 and July 10, by Peter Tuite and Luke Coyle, Commissioners. Estáte of Ephraim Sumnon, deceased ; hearing of petition for probate of will ; postponed till Jan. '27. Estáte of John R. Woodworth, incompetent ; citation for hearing guardian's account; no return of citation made. County Superintendent Wheeler has finished his anuual school report for 1874, from which the following statistics are taken : Number of organized school districtB, 167 Number of children ot school age, 12,053 Estimated value of school property, $402,600 Total ex. for school purposes duriug year, $128,890 There are 176 public school buildings in the couuty, of which two were erected during the past year. There are now in the county 332 licensed teachers. Fifteen hold Michigan State Normal School diplomas. During the year 377 applicants were examined for certificates. Seven applicants received first grade certificates, seventy-six received third grade certificates, and two hundred and flfty third grade certificates


Old News
Michigan Argus