Dexter Items
-We oopy the following írom the Dexter Leader : On Wednesday afteruoon, as Mr. Henry Ide was preparing to put a vicious stalhon into proper shacklea for ahoeing with safety, the savage animal suddeuly seized his right hand in its mouth and bit it severely. One of Mr. Ide's fiugers was broken in several places, and he will be laid up íor some time in consequence. The oíd Catholic Church, having served its day and geueration is now to be turned oñ like a worn-out horse, to make room for the better aocommodation ot its succeasor. It will be offered íor sale on the 23d inst., to be removed. Mr. John J. Pratt, of Lima, is preparing to buikl a very stylish-lookiug frame houso on his farm, in the spring, lt will be of wood and cost some $2,500. The young men are endeavoring to revive the Dexter Cornet Band, and will probably succeed.
Old News
Michigan Argus