At a meeting of the Alpha Nu Literary Society Friday evening, the following officera were choaen : Presidenta-David A. Bixby. Vice-President - 0. A. Marshal. Secretary - L. S. Smith. Troasurer- J. B. Johnson. Senior Critic- B. C. Koeler. Junior Critic- J. H. McDonald. Librarían- J. H. Stevens. Assi.stant Librarían- G. W. Browning. 1VOTICE. An adjourned Annual Meeting of the mem hors of Waihtenaw Mutual Kire 1 usurante Company, will be held at the Court House, in tlii&iity, on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1875, at 10 o'clocx a. m. N. 8HELD0N, Secn'tary. Aun Arbor, Jan. 6, 1875. 'l At Home Aguln. Dr. North having conluded to sell or rent his country seat, has again taken up the practice of Dentistry, aud opencd rooms over Johnson'e Hat store, whore he will bt pleased to meet hisold frionds who may need his professional skill. Heia prepared to insert teeth on rubber base, celluloid, gold or silver, as may be desired. Teeth nlled with pure gold, and by other approved principies. DU. EO. W. NOETH. Ann Arbor, December, 1 874. 1510m3 Notice. Tendering our thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on us, aud reppectfully soliciting a continuftnce of the same, we hereby announce thatwehave concluded to adopt Ihe Cash eystem with the new year, and that af ter Jan. lst, 1875, all i'lour and i'eed retailed by us will be sold lor Cash only. SWATHEL, AILES & KEYER. January 1, 1876. lillml Centaur Liniinents JHave cured more wonderrul Caes of rheumatism, aches, pains, swellings, frost-bites, caked breasts, w burns, scalds, salt-rheum, &c, upon the human frame, and strnhm, "spavin, galls, &c, uopn animáis, in (ffilffiOÏ One year, than all other pretended remedies have since the world began. Certificates of remarkable cures accompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis to any one. The is no pain which these Liniments will not relieve, no swelling they will not subdue orlameness they will not cure. This is strong language, but it is true. No f amily or stock-owner can afford to be without Centaur Liniments. White Wrapper for family use ; the Yellow Wrapper for animáis. Trice, 60 ets. ; large bottles, $1.00. J. B. Rose & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Cttstoria is more than a substitute for Castor OU. It is the only safe article in existence which is oertain to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-colie and produce natural sleep. It is pleasant to take. No more sleepleas mothera or crying babies. Price 35 ets. per bottle. 1481 yl
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