C. H. Millen & Son
During the ÜVIonth of January will continue to offer their Attractive Stock of Dry Goods at tlie same EXTHEMELY LOW PHICES as during the past month. We have just received Two Cases of -Choice Style Prints. A fine stock of Housekeoping Goods, consisting of Bleaehed and Brown Cottona, 5-4 6-4 8-4 9-4 and 10-4, Sheetings, Flannels, Blankets, Eed Quilts, Napkins, Towels and Craslies, Tal)le Damask, and every variety of Domes tic Goods at extremely Attractive Prices forÖASH. We huve just opened another lot of the "Collingwood" Black Alpacas, which are so popular. They are, without doubt, the best alpacas importcd. CALL AND EXAMINE. C. H. ntlLLEIM Sc SON'S
Old News
Michigan Argus