The Michigan Argus
PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MOHNING, In the third ntory of the brick block corner of Main andlluicm Btreets, AUN AKBOR, - - MICHIGAN. Entrance en Hurón streef, opposite Ilie Gregory House. CARR & &OÜLET EDITORS AND PÜBLISHEBS. Terms, $I.5O a Year in Advance. RATES OF ADVBBTISING. ivelinesor:. i n fquare.] si-Aci-. . 3 v,. 3 ■■■■. fl ■'. 3 iu 6 m. 1 sqvuvreT! $75 ÏTi tl 50 fi 75 $4 00 $0 00 aBqusreB.. IDO 2 00 2 51) 3 50 6 00 8 06 gromre.. 200 1 50 350 5 00 tsowoo l-5c-flluD 3 50 4 00 4 50 f, 00 10 0" 1 ' Cards in Dinviory, r.ot to exceed fonr tiner, ti.00 Local editorial notiees ÜO cents a line. BnslBMB uot'ca 12 cents a HM for the flrst insertion, aud 0 cents for caoh ubfeqm-nt iiwertion. Marriagoand ileath notii es f cc; obituary noticeB Yearly ailve'rtiiiora have the piiyilege of changint; thoiraivertiseniMilsthroe times. AiliUtiuualcbaagin(? will be ehmget for. CAlvert;ai'ment nnaccompauicil l y wrltten or verbal di!cciioii8 wUl be publifhnl three inonths, ml charued acoor1iu(.ly. Legl advertiemputP, Brst i'.iscrtion, illcontB per folio; 85 ceuts per folio lor eacll uubsequejit loeertion. TN'licliapoationouientisafUleiHoun ttdvertisemeut, the jphoje v.ill be cïjür(;p.d tUc iajna I iirsertion. To be poiid for whin iu1ul:iit is n JOB PRIJSTTIÍÍG. P.imphlet Postors, Haudbills. Circulara, Csmb, BallTickelH. ;:;l-IIeails and other varietie of Main aud J'ancy Job L'rintiiif; ( xeented vrith promptnesp, aua iu the best pus.-ib!c Btyle.
Old News
Michigan Argus