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The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry

The Great Remedy Of Wild Wistar's Balsam Cherry image
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Ml roiT.MS, cbí.DS, êONSÜ5TPTION ühHNT 'iW A LI. TMObi: AKtl-ICThD V. TiK 1KÍ.KASHSOÍ TUK 1-LNi.S A.NÜ Hl.. .,,,,-,■, ,-r, ."!.,.' Mdiei.vt;Uiupoj , ....,„■' fïchfth HatbPiniêi élrttroflr! ( l' IJ i l juni Di. V.-.ilsOi. Hiir,:,íuitl. V.Oil, Cö. Ky.] 11 .1 i Ky-; Sl5y II, R43. Smlonl .V l':rk: - (;,n 1 [;.'.( ia o'iuriui.ity of infonriiii! , i ,,; ti intfsi rfcirfnfkMile curé p'éríu'rined uyoñ .■ !.y the üse ui r. Wátur'j lUiUum -' f 7 II 'Cherry'lJl) Uit! ye. ir IC-1" I ns ;;iiru ni,n in ir umilo il iÍjc Uuwi Is v. l.i'li I lüborH under lor m. '. .vhcii I :M.r..;iy rco-v.ertii. In il'V ("H - V41 1 w:is ::-. (i wfith n i(v( ■:■■ eIQ, wliicli . :;iiol H&clt upo my lunjzs. i:d foí the -i in il in-e y i I ■■ eynlincd 10 nij bed. 1 tiied all 1 i.i, lii-.ius ui'! cvery 'vnrh ij' b'f incd il :m.l wunoiit Item ü : ;ui'! lililí 1 wcuricl r.!onc svLní) J fé 4 . whi ii I hcard oj' -SibIVÜ H ■!vnn l Wil.l 'lidry." Al y fn:ls pcMluideij mi tfl give it a trial, ïou'li I h. ni givcá u nll hopes ai. n recoverv. . ;i-i li-..l ;i'Oar il niysi-il' fvr Cl tf ■ iiti iMilJ, T!iiuii;:h ii:cir s'iücHcHhh) 1 vvns idiicL-il iu liipke hm; oí ilic Genuine Vuil t . :,Imim..I Wil,! Clifny." cíli-í-i w;is ti t su):iioiiii)g. Aft e;" five y;;iiü p[ iifiliciion. p.iin ', ml suHi'iin: nrid :Ju-r hnvjng ppen yo;r o? litmdrcd dollars io no pn'iposp, drf8 ttó lxrsi !■. I i:i.-.s[ ; ici-ullr liivíui'ii s bod pMvfil . ■. licds'fq ñ retUrtlló entire litath ly ■ ■, Cfifíl :;nl the )Ss of Dr. . i.r'.i Vmhuin f W.Üd ChiiTT.y. 1 n tu tlów úi:jiyíiíg Si)l hcnlili, nul .sucii 8 nvli:recl nppcariinci.' ihnt I om no lon'gcr know J' . i: ii I it,' i -i iiiy l,ini';r iiccju;iini-iri-, .,. 1 liave [Miiiicd rapidly in Woight, nnu n)y ilcsh ' - !lr:n antlsjlid. 1 c;m now eai ns mucli iteniiy ura nnndmy food eeemsio :iicc wiili s !rivr éntfen umie '!i iiiu' !ñsi six ttíoiitns '.lian -. [ lnd c:i(on tor tive yenrs beloro. Consijering my t-:isc nlmosi u niimclc. I deen) : ñVc S8n'ry (m iho göbu of iHo nfllioYed and ' !;liy 1 owc o I lic propi ictors rmrl my iilloW uien. [whn sfaonld kuuw where riiof itvny be liad) " lo iiüikc tliisstntcnicnt inililic. May tha blowing óf l'i w'i upqn ilic iropiici.jis of" 6O vaiunl)l( a medicine v.b Wistur's UalKiiu of VvildClicny. 'WILI.IA.MÏl. BAKÍER; ' - lic faUiicJng bas jvsl been rece vd f roiii I-h. l Edward StraUan, ." Lerington, hijo., wbkh ! s'n'ii s flut (i s nnptivn nis vin ; t f o nu J mu lc lurctl lj "Wisiar's liuUfltn of W I ■ CI'Cir'J' I.vx.noton. Mo.f Jan.G!,18-15. Idijnmin riielps- Ooar ÍSir: 1 ukc ■r.t ■;,; gleqsur r. coiiiiViiinic.Tting 10 you -lyit'i 'co'nsidcr n qxtrqordmnry cuic, cfibcted i tnv ilniirlucr. nhont ! 1 ycirsof figc. b'y Wis ir's Hals uu of V M Ch' ny. liic yi ol epteniber l:i. my doughier was lakon wok. nnd ' ns ntii ndrd Liv scveral jijysci;i3. wlivsc pie:riiions pro ved neflccitial. r.r sce.i;ed to du no aotl. Slic wiisimciitlod whli aconstrini cóuft. ! ui Kiin ui ihc bienst. Hor jjlijÍCn0S iükI all ho s:iw lur, tQ tUc couclueJQU t ïi ■' t sil" ,1S in :i iMiilii in ! stage ol ('mü unption. ] iiidü no oiIh t c.-.KmiIuüoh than lor hor to !;o. - ui as rioou os the onimeneed (.ilunfr tiio ]nliin sh:: líegíjii lo intpiovc. and connnurd so to ' ;) uiiiU Hér litnl'li tvos irsroiod. nnd is n'cfw i urtly vc:ll. Wnli ■ aicw oi" Ikmh tiiiinr' iliosc lio u:iiy beètmilarly ofüicted. I tal:e plcasuru in iconiinending '.lus rcintüy lo ilic ence of la puLliu. Yours, roppect. KP.WA.RU S'i'ÜATTON. riSTAR'S r.[.$A.V Of WÍLD CHERllY int mn (inly n-licvcs buf cures! [pPcfl Ñ! pi1! IiduIc, ur iix lioitk-s for y5. Foi solí ijl CinQÏnnati only ly SANFORp&, 'ARK, amliii Ann Aibor' by Mnynartïs. s-olo tgenis for tliis C'oiniiy. _