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We aro indebted to the LanBiEg liepublican for tho following correct list of the members of tho new Legislatura, together Tvith the pi Moftico nddrenü and occupation of each meufber : RF.NATORS. Xwie Couniy. Ocmpation. Adnir, Wm Wiiyne Horlic'it't. Babrock, Cha V Oakland Farmer. Berriol, FnKiola H...Berrien Phyeiciaii. Boice, .Tobu K Lctiawee Merchant. i' il Tiios ö Kalamazoo . . .Merebaiit. Cook.' 'Wm Oalhouu Farmer. Corey, .Tero. D Washtenaw ...Farmer. 1) vid. James I Waytr Imberman rancher, Isaac A Isabella Lawyer. lïfth Gm V( Gcneeec PhyBician. "Garvey, Matt T Chsl Farmer. " ( : ray, Edcar L Newaygo Lawyer. Greusel, John Wayne Hrickmaker. Hnwkms, Lnolaa D. . .Jaokeon Faimer. Ilimtingtou, GeaM. ..Ingbaai Lawyer. Jeuïf, Jert' Huron Lumberman Jones, J"hnH Branch Farmer. 1 1 juliu N Macoml) ijiimoerman ♦Mitchell.Wm II (' G. rraverBe. ..Lumberman Morse, Allca fe lonia Iwyrr. Murray, Lyman Kent Farmer. Sctóon, Cbts D Muskefíon... Lumberman Nortb, Townsend.. . .TubooU Mannfíctu'r Osborn, Johu M Hillsrlale Banker. Kedneld, Hernán J. . . .Monroe Farmer. "Thomas, HonryF.. Allegan Phyiiian. rbonipeoii, Albert Van Buren Phyueian. ■Warrcu, Ana K Eaton Physician. Web'.er, Wm L Sagiu&w Law.ver. "Wt-lls, Fred L Kt. Clair Lumberman white, Poter Marquette Banker. 'Wooí, Cbas M Livingston Farmer. ltEPRESENTATIVKS. Aunatroog, S NewayRo Farmer. Backus, Wm Montcnim Farmer. l'.;iili", i'Yi (1 G ShiawaRKee ...Farmer. Bartow, Mosts Clinton I-awyer. Be-nédiet, Jacob jr.. .lonia Farmer. ;. ,i,inii]!. Wm HI..Saginaw Physician. Berl, JoLn St. Clair Farmer. Bfllinss. Simeón ]i.. .fteneBe.o Farmer. Braclfleld, TbO8 D... Ontonagon Pbyeidan. Urigf-B, E'lword L Kont Farmer. Mirowu. Charlee Lenawee Mercbant. Brown, Ellan A Berrien Farmer. i;n iniiL', rhiinll Oalhonn .Farmer. Campbe 1, Alien , Oakland Farmer. Churcbill, Wortby L. .Alpena Lumberman) Clark, A;bert K Washtenaw . . . Farmer. Clark, Frfd O Delta Lawyer. Colé, Win B Masón Editor. Copicy, Alex B Cjta Farmer. Oraig, Jamea WayBe Merchant. Curiy, Sclo S Marquette Coutractor. Daly, JaincB Wayne Merchant. Dow, Peter Oakland Farmer. ■Eggleston, James AUean Carpenter. "FergusoD, Thos A G. Traverse. . .Lawyer. "Garñeld, Sam'l M Kent Farmer. "Gerrisb Natli'l L O-ceola Lumbermnn Goodyear, II A Barry Mercbaut. Green, Edwarri H Charlovoix. . . .Lawyer. Green. Inaac Sauilac Greiner, Micliael Wayne Mercbant. 'Hale, David B Eaton Farmer. llar den, Wm F Allegan Farmer. Hsrris, Myron Ottawa Farmer. Hart, Henry Midland Lawyer. Hertzier, Chris H Monroe Faru-er. Hewitt, Ales Hillsdale Holloo, Joe A SaKinaw Banker. Honston, Jonn Calboun Farmer. Howard. Henry St. Clair Lnmberman Howland, Simpson Kalamazoo . . . Farmer. Hjyt, John P Tnscola Liwyer. Hubbard, Leónidas ... Hillsdale Farmer. Huííeet.t, Gf-orge Eaton Lawjcr. Hulbert, Edwin J. . . . Horcgbton EngiDeer. Hull, WiUiam St. Josepb. ... Farmer. Hnnt, Cleveland Wayue .Lawyer. Keves. Danforth Lenawee Merchant. Kilboume. Sam L Iu(?ham Lawyer. Klein, Peter Wayne puvsician. Eniffbt, Godfrey E Kalamazoo Merchant. Ly, Ezra D Waehtenaw . . . Farmer. 1 ,.;,. James Ltelauaiv Farmer. "Livingston, Wm Wüjdo Merchant. 'Ludington Jero .Ir Huron Farmer. "McLachlin Dykea Monroe Lumberman Meroer, WMiám Ionia Manufact'r. Mei cal f, Abr'in T Kalamazoo. . . . Dentit. Meyer, Louis Livngston Farmer. "Morse, Charles H... .Gratiot '. . Farmer. Moehior, James B Genesee Merchant. Netl, Cacly Wayne Mechanic. Northrop, DB Wayne Merchant. Norton, John D Oaklánd Lumuermau "Ooobeek, Hornee Monroe Moclianic. Packarct, Ff auk S St. Joseph.. . .Lumberman Parker, Leroy Genefee Lawyer. Potter, Calvin B Berrien Liwyer. Preston, Almon E Calhoun Mechanic. Kanney, Lemuel S Hillsdale Farmer. HauFom, James W Kent Lawyer. Reed, Marshall Lenawee ..... .Farmer. ■RemSr. Lawrenee T...Sto Clair Lawyer. Rich, John T Lapeer Farmer. Robbins, Richard B. . .Lcnawee Lawyer. lobinsón, George 1'. . .B anch Farmer. Schaltler, C.isper F ... Maccmb Mercbaut. Kmith, Wm H Jackson Farmer. S eiihens. Win C Iugham Farmer. Slow, Isasc Livingston... Farmer. Btruble, John Cass Farmsr. Button, Georee Washtenaw.... Farmer. Sweetland, John B Case PhjBician. Taylor, Lorison J Rhiawassee.. . .Fatmer. "Towno, Amos O Barry Farmer. Towneend, Uriel Lapeer Van Aken, Geo W Branch Farmer. Van Kaalte, D D K... Ottawa Merchant. Walker, Samuel S C.ioton Bankt-v. Walton, Audrew Bay Lumbermau Watkius, Erwin C Kent West, Thomas J Bei rieu iVhctler, AmosR... Oecana Lumberman WSeeler, Inane P Jackson Farmer. Whitney, ííathan. .. Muskegon ... .Farmer. WSley, D.ivid W Alleman Fruit Gr'r. ÍVíIe'od. Thomas M Berrku Me rebant. Wood, James 0 Jackson Lawyer. YWtlejr, Gcors;e B Allegan 'Kepubiicans : 18 Senators, 53 Representativi n. L.EGÏSL.ATIVE KKCORB. Lansixo, Jan. 6.- Senate. - The Sánate met f romptly at 11:30 a. m., and orgaijized by the elcotion of the following officers: Secretary, James H. Btcme, of the Port Huron Times; S&rgcant-at-Arms, Wm. H. Khodee, of Lenaweo COTJnty ; Apeistant Serireant-at-ArmB, Juünn M. Seward, of Van Baren county; ileeording and Eurolliog Olerk, Charles T. Dicky. of Oalhoun county The npvial resoiutions for Kt&tiouery, minor officere, etc, wereadopted, ofer wbieh an adjournment was voted. Ih.use.- The House mot at 11:30, and elected John P. Hoyt, of Ttucala cotinty, Speaker by 51 out cf OS votes, three merubers beiug absent. The Democratie voto vt-as not concentrated on any one. D. L. Crossman, of Ing!un conuty, was elected C!e:k by 63 votes. IÍ. lï. Huibert, of Kent coxnty, was elected Eogrossms and Ecrolliug Clerk by 59 votes. K. at. Fitoh, of Allegan county, was elected Sergeant-at-Arms by 55 votes. All are líe pnblicans. The usual resolutiona weroadopiec for assijtauts and ïules of order. A com municitioa was roceireil Trom Gov. Bafile annonucing tliat ho would read bis mes'sag at 10:30 Thurtday morning in joint seBeiorj. Thürsday, Jau. 7. - Both hoasee assemblee ia joint soseion at 10 o'clock, trith Gov. Big ley, the Jndges of the Suprema Court, th othor Stato ollicers and a great crowd of speo tators in iitteudance. Almost every inch o spaco in RtpreBer.tative Hall was occupiet TbeGovc-rarrcommenced reading hisme86ag ai abouc 11 o'clook, and ocupied 100 minutes Tüe Hsra'B adjourned without trnnsactin any bnsiiiess. Tho House held an after noou eesRion, aud elected K. C Wall ius, of Kent, Speaker pro+tem. B. ] Biker. of Latitsing, was appointed l'cstmas ter. The usual routine busiuess was trans acted, providiLg for stationery suppliex, a] nointtne minor attaches of the House, an for printiug copies of the Govornor'e message, which was erderad ia tbo Englieh, French, Gorman and Holland languagee - 3,000 copie?. The Rapubiiean Senatoria caucrs aesembled in the evening. W. A O Mitchel!, of Grand Yraverse, was made Ciiai man. The roll boing eallert, tlio fifty-nir Iiepublioans who signed tbe caucna oall we ; preseat. The narao prenented to tl convcntion wae iclmriah Chandler. Tli result of the iirot bsüot waa: Chandler, 5Í ChildH, 3 ; Bagley, 1 ; and K. V. Campbell, A itotion to mako tiiis roentt unariaicm wa carried, no or.e ïiaing in oppoeitiou. FrtiDAY, Jan. 8.- But Httle bueinees wa (raneacted by either braiich of tli9 Legisl ture to-dar, Bave t'ie mual proiion for prin ing ihe Governoi'd mcusage a:.d ihe allo ancf of frta't jnerr to.tbe membore and com mittees. Au unaenally largo number o copic-e cf tbo mexi-age a's ordered priotei partiy to indnuo imraiRr! tion to Micúigai In the agpreg&te '0,000 copiesin tlu-Engliel Qnna , l '.- a ib, Polinh, Hwedloh and Holiand .'angmigeB woie ordered printed BèBjiujin B Baker, of Liusi g, hh appoiite:1 Pottxattsr. Both i jinei voted a receba uutjl' Mcndsy eveuing mx-.


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